1,569 research outputs found

    Magnetic properties of Yb2Mo2O7 and Gd2Mo2O7 from rare earth Mossbauer measurements

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    Using 170-Yb and 155-Gd Mossbauer measurements down to 0.03K, we have examined the semiconducting pyrochlore Yb2Mo2O7 where the Mo intra-sublattice interaction is anti-ferromagnetic and the metallic pyrochlore Gd2Mo2O7 where this interaction is ferromagnetic. Additional information was obtained from susceptibility, magnetisation and 172-Yb perturbed angular correlation measurements. The microscopic measurements evidence lattice disorder which is important in Yb2Mo2O7 and modest in Gd2Mo2O7. Magnetic irreversibilities occur at 17K in Yb2Mo2O7 and at 75K in Gd2Mo2O7 and below these temperatures the rare earths carry magnetic moments which are induced through couplings with the Mo sublattice. In Gd2Mo2O7, we observe the steady state Gd hyperfine populations at 0.027K are out of thermal equilibrium, indicating that Gd and Mo spin fluctuations persist at very low temperatures. Frustration is thus operative in this essentially isotropic pyrochlore where the dominant Mo intra-sublattice interaction is ferromagnetic.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Spin Dynamics in Cuprates: Optical Conductivity of HgBa2CuO4

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    The electron-boson spectral density function I^2ChiOmega responsible for carrier scattering of the high temperature superconductor HgBa2CuO4 (Tc = 90 K) is calculated from new data on the optical scattering rate. A maximum entropy technique is used. Published data on HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8 (Tc = 130 K) are also inverted and these new results are put in the context of other known cases. All spectra (with two notable exceptions) show a peak at an energy (Omega_r) proportional to the superconducting transition temperature Omega_r ~= 6.3 kB.Tc. This charge channel relationship follows closely the magnetic resonance seen by polarized neutron scattering, Omega_r^{neutron} ~= 5.4 kB.Tc. The amplitudes of both peaks decrease strongly with increasing temperature. In some cases, the peak at Omega_r is weak and the spectrum can have additional maxima and a background extending up to several hundred meV

    Incommensurate spin density wave in Co-doped BaFe2As2

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    57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy measurements are presented in the underdoped Ba(Fe{1-x}Cox)2As2 series for x=0.014 (T_c < 1.4K) and x=0.03 and 0.045 (T_c ~ 2 and 12K respectively). The spectral shapes in the so-called spin-density wave (SDW) phase are interpreted in terms of incommensurate modulation of the magnetic structure, and allow the shape of the modulation to be determined. In undoped BaFe2As2, the magnetic structure is commensurate, and we find that incommensurability is present at the lowest doping level (x=0.014). As Co doping increases, the low temperature modulation progressively loses its "squaredness" and tends to a sine-wave. The same trend occurs for a given doping level, as temperature increases. We find that a magnetic hyperfine component persists far above the SDW transition, its intensity being progressively tranferred to a paramagnetic component on heating.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, published in EP

    Three energy scales in the superconducting state of hole-doped cuprates detected by electronic Raman scattering

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    We explored by electronic Raman scattering the superconducting state of Bi-2212 single crystal by performing a fine tuned doping study. We found three distinct energy scales in A1g, B1g and B2g symmetries which show three distinct doping dependencies. Above p=0.22 the three energies merge, below p=0.12, the A1g scale is no more detectable while the B1g and B2g scales become constant in energy. In between, the A1g and B1g scales increase monotonically with under-doping while the B2g one exhibits a maximum at p=0.16. The three superconducting energy scales appear to be an universal feature of hole-doped cuprates. We propose that the non trivial doping dependence of the three scales originates from Fermi surface topology changes and reveals competing orders inside the superconducting dome.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Gain properties of dye-doped polymer thin films

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    Hybrid pumping appears as a promising compromise in order to reach the much coveted goal of an electrically pumped organic laser. In such configuration the organic material is optically pumped by an electrically pumped inorganic device on chip. This engineering solution requires therefore an optimization of the organic gain medium under optical pumping. Here, we report a detailed study of the gain features of dye-doped polymer thin films. In particular we introduce the gain efficiency KK, in order to facilitate comparison between different materials and experimental conditions. The gain efficiency was measured with various setups (pump-probe amplification, variable stripe length method, laser thresholds) in order to study several factors which modify the actual gain of a layer, namely the confinement factor, the pump polarization, the molecular anisotropy, and the re-absorption. For instance, for a 600 nm thick 5 wt\% DCM doped PMMA layer, the different experimental approaches give a consistent value KK\simeq 80 cm.MW1^{-1}. On the contrary, the usual model predicting the gain from the characteristics of the material leads to an overestimation by two orders of magnitude, which raises a serious problem in the design of actual devices. In this context, we demonstrate the feasibility to infer the gain efficiency from the laser threshold of well-calibrated devices. Besides, temporal measurements at the picosecond scale were carried out to support the analysis.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figure

    Programming Languages For Hard Real-Time Embedded Systems

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    International audienceHard real-time embedded systems have traditionally been implemented using low level programming languages (such as ADA or C) at a level very close to the underlying operating system. However, for several years now the industry has started using higher level modelling languages, at least for early simulation and verification steps. The objective of this paper is to study existing formal languages including high level real-time primitives. Our review is built on the case study of an aerospace automated transfer vehicle, the particularity of which is to be composed of several multi-periodic communicating processes. In this paper, we emphasize the strengths and weaknesses of existing programming approaches when implementing this kind of system. As a result, the choice of the base rate of the program appears to have a major influence, not only on the difficulty to program the system correctly but also on the execution platform required to execute the program (operating system, scheduler, ...)

    A heuristic to minimize the cardinality of a real-time task set by automated task clustering

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    International audienceWe propose in this paper a method to automatically map functionalities (blocks of code corresponding to high-level features) with real-time constraints to tasks (or threads). We aim at reducing the number of tasks functions are mapped to, while preserving the schedulability of the initial system. We consider independent tasks running on a single processor. Our approach has been applied with fixed-task or fixed-job priorities assigned in a Deadline Monotonic (DM) or a Earliest Deadline First (EDF) manner