34 research outputs found

    Retinal atrophy, inflammation, phagocytic and metabolic disruptions develop in the MerTK-cleavage-resistant mouse model

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    In the eye, cells from the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) facing the neurosensory retina exert several functions that are all crucial for long-term survival of photoreceptors (PRs) and vision. Among those, RPE cells phagocytose under a circadian rhythm photoreceptor outer segment (POS) tips that are constantly subjected to light rays and oxidative attacks. The MerTK tyrosine kinase receptor is a key element of this phagocytic machinery required for POS internalization. Recently, we showed that MerTK is subjected to the cleavage of its extracellular domain to finely control its function. In addition, monocytes in retinal blood vessels can migrate inside the inner retina and differentiate into macrophages expressing MerTK, but their role in this context has not been studied yet. We thus investigated the ocular phenotype of MerTK cleavage-resistant (MerTKCR) mice to understand the relevance of this characteristic on retinal homeostasis at the RPE and macrophage levels. MerTKCR retinae appear to develop and function normally, as observed in retinal sections, by electroretinogram recordings and optokinetic behavioral tests. Monitoring of MerTKCR and control mice between the ages of 3 and 18  months showed the development of large degenerative areas in the central retina as early as 4 months when followed monthly by optical coherence tomography (OCT) plus fundus photography (FP)/autofluorescence (AF) detection but not by OCT alone. The degenerative areas were associated with AF, which seems to be due to infiltrated macrophages, as observed by OCT and histology. MerTKCR RPE primary cultures phagocytosed less POS in vitro, while in vivo, the circadian rhythm of POS phagocytosis was deregulated. Mitochondrial function and energy production were reduced in freshly dissected RPE/choroid tissues at all ages, thus showing a metabolic impairment not present in macrophages. RPE anomalies were detected by electron microscopy, including phagosomes retained in the apical area and vacuoles. Altogether, this new mouse model displays a novel phenotype that could prove useful to understanding the interplay between RPE and PRs in inflammatory retinal degenerations and highlights new roles for MerTK in the regulation of the energetic metabolism and the maintenance of the immune privilege in the retina

    AFM Imaging of SWI/SNF action: mapping the nucleosome remodeling and sliding

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    We propose a combined experimental (Atomic Force Microscopy) and theoretical study of the structural and dynamical properties of nucleosomes. In contrast to biochemical approaches, this method allows to determine simultaneously the DNA complexed length distribution and nucleosome position in various contexts. First, we show that differences in the nucleo-proteic structure observed between conventional H2A and H2A.Bbd variant nucleosomes induce quantitative changes in the in the length distribution of DNA complexed with histones. Then, the sliding action of remodeling complex SWI/SNF is characterized through the evolution of the nucleosome position and wrapped DNA length mapping. Using a linear energetic model for the distribution of DNA complexed length, we extract the net wrapping energy of DNA onto the histone octamer, and compare it to previous studies.Comment: 25 pages,5 figures, to appear in Biophysical Journa

    Application de la thérapie cellulaire au traitement des grands brulés

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    BORDEAUX2-BU Santé (330632101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Probing persistence in DNA curvature properties with atomic force microscopy.

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    Human histone pre-mRNA assembles histone or canonical mRNA-processing complexes by overlapping 3′-end sequence elements

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    Abstract Human pre-mRNA processing relies on multi-subunit macromolecular complexes, which recognize specific RNA sequence elements essential for assembly and activity. Canonical pre-mRNA processing proceeds via the recognition of a polyadenylation signal (PAS) and a downstream sequence element (DSE), and produces polyadenylated mature mRNAs, while replication-dependent (RD) histone pre-mRNA processing requires association with a stem–loop (SL) motif and a histone downstream element (HDE), and produces cleaved but non-polyadenylated mature mRNAs. H2AC18 mRNA, a specific H2A RD histone pre-mRNA, can be processed to give either a non-polyadenylated mRNA, ending at the histone SL, or a polyadenylated mRNA. Here, we reveal how H2AC18 captures the two human pre-mRNA processing complexes in a mutually exclusive mode by overlapping a canonical PAS (AAUAAA) sequence element with a HDE. Disruption of the PAS sequence on H2AC18 pre-mRNA prevents recruitment of the canonical complex in vitro, without affecting the histone machinery. This shows how the relative position of cis-acting elements in histone pre-mRNAs allows the selective recruitment of distinct human pre-mRNA complexes, thereby expanding the capability to regulate 3′ processing and polyadenylation

    Étude de faisabilité « Educ’Art-Ped » : Évaluation de l’impact de l’art-thérapie sur la qualité de vie des aidants d’enfants diabétiques

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    Introduction : Le diagnostic du diabète chez l’enfant impacte la qualité de vie (Qvie) des parents. Pour accompagner l’enfant et son entourage, les programmes d’éducation thérapeutique du patient (ETP) peuvent mobiliser plusieurs disciplines, dont l’art-thérapie. Objectif : Déterminer l’impact de l’art-thérapie sur la Qvie des aidants d’enfants diabétiques. Méthodes : Un essai contrôlé randomisé multicentrique, avec séances d’art-thérapie en binôme (animateur et observateur), a été réalisé avec une analyse mixte, quantitative sur l’évolution du score de Qvie « PedsQL Family Impact Module », et qualitative sur l’analyse des commentaires rapportés par un observateur. Résultats : In fine, 15 aidants non exposés et 17 exposés ont participé. Nous n’avons pas retrouvé de différence significative entre l’évolution moyenne des scores de Qvie des deux groupes (p = 0,2). Toutefois, les art-thérapeutes ont rapporté l’amélioration progressive des compétences de communication des aidants, l’acquisition du lâcher-prise et l’occultation ponctuelle du diabète. Discussion : Cette étude a permis d’identifier quatre leviers méthodologiques portant sur : (a) l’inclusion ; (b) la gestion des données ; (c) le choix des outils et des délais d’évaluation ; (d) le cadre thérapeutique. Conclusion : L’organisation des séances d’art-thérapie dans la nouvelle plateforme salutogénique de promotion de la santé Vie La Santé facilitera l’implémentation de l’étude Educ’Art-Ped2

    Detection of secondary biomarker of met-eGH as a strategy to screen for somatotropin misuse in horseracing

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    International audienceSince the Australian commercialisation of the recombinant equine growth hormone (reGH) in 1998 (EquiGen-5), Bresagen), this reGH, which differs only from eGH by an additional methionine at the N-terminal end (met-eGH), is worldwide suspected to be administered to racehorses as a doping agent. Indeed, the use of this biological drug is considered as a threat to horseracing since it acts both on growth, development or reproductive functions, and on the improvement of performances. In this work, we describe two reliable techniques based on surface plasmon resonance biosensor immunoassay (SPR-BIA) and solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as new, rapid and efficient long-term screening methods applicable to horseracing antidoping analysis. The ELISA and SPR-BIA tests were applied to octanoic acid purified IgGs from serum/plasma samples collected on two thoroughbreds treated with recombinant equine growth hormone for a period of two weeks. The first kinetic study of serum/plasma antibodies raised as a consequence of recombinant equine growth hormone administrations, which allows the detection from eight days up to 200 days after the beginning of the treatment, was performed. In order to trace the occurrence of anti-reGH antibodies in routine analysis and to monitor the animal level exposure to this forbidden molecule, a random population study was conducted on 233 post-race horses

    Proteomic response of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 adhering to solid surfaces

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a pathogenic micro-organism responsible for many hospital-acquired infections. It is able to adhere to solid surfaces and develop an immobilized community or so-called biofilm. Many studies have been focusing on the use of specific materials to prevent the formation of these biofilms, but the reactivity of the bacteria in contact to surfaces remains unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the abiotic surface on the physiology of adherent bacteria. Three different materials, stainless steel (SS), glass (G), and polystyrene (PS) that were relevant to industrial or medical environments were characterized at the physicochemical level in terms of their hydrophobicity and roughness. We showed that SS was moderately hydrophilic and rough, potentially containing crevices, G was hydrophilic and smooth while PS was hydrophobic and smooth. We further showed that P. aeruginosa cells were more likely able to adhere to SS and G rather than PS surfaces under our experimental conditions. The physiological response of P. aeruginosa when adhering to each of these materials was then evaluated by global proteomic analysis. The abundance of 70 proteins was shown to differ between the materials suggesting that their abundance was modified as a function of the material to which bacteria adhered. Our data lead to enabling the identification of abundance patterns that appeared to be specific to a given surface. Taken together, our data showed that P. aeruginosa is capable of sensing and responding to a surface probably via specific programmes to adapt its physiological response accordingly