6 research outputs found

    Bucephalidae (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) of Plectropomus (Serranidae: Epinephelinae) in the tropical Pacific

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    We examined four species of Plectropomus Oken, 1817 (Serranidae: Epinephelinae), Plectropomus areolatus (Rüppell), Plectropomus laevis (Lacepède), Plectropomus leopardus (Lacepède) and Plectropomus maculatus (Bloch) from sites off Heron Island and Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (GBR), and the Gambier Islands, French Polynesia. Three new species of Neidhartia Nagaty, 1937, five new species of Prosorhynchus Odhner, 1905, and one previously described species, Prosorhynchus freitasi Nagaty, 1937, are characterised. The three species of Neidhartia, Neidhartia haywardi n. sp., Neidhartia plectropomi n. sp. and Neidhartia tyleri n. sp. are readily distinguishable morphologically. Two of the six species of Prosorhynchus (Prosorhynchus lesteri n. sp. and Prosorhynchus wrightae n. sp.) are easily distinguished from their other congeners by morphology but the other four species (P. freitasi, Prosorhynchus heronensis n. sp., Prosorhynchus munozae n. sp. and Prosorhynchus plectropomi n. sp.) are generally similar in morphology and were only distinguished initially by comparing their ITS2 rRNA sequences. Three additional taxa, one from the GBR and two from French Polynesia, were recognised as distinct on the basis that their ITS2 rRNA sequences differed from those of the new taxa described here; these species remain unnamed for the present. Inter-specific divergence observed within these genera in the ITS2 rRNA ranged from 10 to 42 base pairs (4-16\ua0%) for species of Neidhartia and 2-57 base pairs (3-21\ua0%) for species of Prosorhynchus. Inter-generic divergences were 42-55 base pairs (17-21\ua0%). No intraspecific variation in the ITS2 rRNA region was observed for any of the six species for which multiple sequence replicates were obtained. Phylogenetic analysis of 12 operational taxa from Plectropomus together with sequences of three other species from epinepheline serranids demonstrated that Neidhartia and Prosorhynchus were reciprocally monophyletic with the exception that P. wrightae n. sp. fell either within or basal to the Neidhartia species. The richness of bucephalids in species of Plectropomus appears to be exceptional within the Serranidae relative to that observed in other serranid genera in the tropical Indo-West Pacific

    Colourful niches of phototrophic microorganisms shaped by vibrations of the water molecule

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    The photosynthetic pigments of phototrophic microorganisms cover different regions of the solar light spectrum. Utilization of the light spectrum can be interpreted in terms of classical niche theory, as the light spectrum offers opportunities for niche differentiation and allows coexistence of species absorbing different colors of light. However, which spectral niches are available for phototrophic microorganisms? Here, we show that the answer is hidden in the vibrations of the water molecule. Water molecules absorb light at specific wavebands that match the energy required for their stretching and bending vibrations. Although light absorption at these specific wavelengths appears only as subtle shoulders in the absorption spectrum of pure water, these subtle shoulders create large gaps in the underwater light spectrum due to the exponential nature of light attenuation. Model calculations show that the wavebands between these gaps define a series of distinct niches in the underwater light spectrum. Strikingly, these distinct spectral niches match the light absorption spectra of the major photosynthetic pigments. This suggests that vibrations of the water molecule have played