13,126 research outputs found

    Study to minimize hydrogen embrittlement of ultrahigh-strength steels

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    Hydrogen-stress cracking in high-strength steels is influenced by hydrogen content of the material and its hydrogen absorption tendency. Non-embrittling cleaning, pickling, and electroplating processes are being studied. Protection from this hydrogen embrittlement is important to the aerospace and aircraft industries

    Literature review on pickling inhibitors and cadmium electroplating processes

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    Because introduction of hydrogen during bright-cadmium electroplating of high strength steels causes hydrogen-stress cracking, a program was undertaken to evaluate various processes and materials. Report describes effectiveness of inhibitors for reducing hydrogen absorption by steels

    A review of the literature on pickling inhibitors and cadmium electroplating processes to minimize hydrogen absorption by ultrahigh-strength steels

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    Literature review on pickling inhibitors and cadmium electroplating processes to minimize hydrogen absorption by ultrahigh strength steel

    Review of literature on hydrogen embrittlement

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    Hydrogen embrittlement in high strength iron-base and nickel-base alloys and titaniu

    A study of hydrogen embrittlement of various alloys Annual summary report, 24 Jun. 1965 - 23 Jun. 1966

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    Hydrogen embrittlement of alloy cathodically charged and notched tensile metal

    ‘Are fans in the stands an afterthought?’ Sports events, decision-aid technologies and the Television Match Official in rugby union

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    The intense commodification, commercialisation, mediatisation, globalisation and digitalisation of sport in the past three decades has resulted in sporting organisations and governing bodies becoming inextricably tied to the global media industry and corporate economy. A result of this mediatisation, coupled with technological advancement, has been the introduction of decision-aid technologies in sport. Existing literature on decision-aid technologies has generally focused on the technologies themselves. Here, we focus on decision-aid technology use and its impact on event experience. This paper examines fan attitudes towards the use of the Television Match Official (TMO) in rugby union in relation to the event experience. We present data from a global online questionnaire (n = 194) and 11 semi-structured interviews with fans, representatives from rugby’s governing bodies, two TMOs and a television producer. Data show an inconsistency in how TMO decisions are relayed to match crowds, which had an impact on events experience. The data also reveal how heavily reliant the TMO system is on broadcasters. Fans were generally in favour of TMO use, but they did want to be better informed when it came to TMO referrals and decisions. Indeed, fans said improvements to TMO decision delivery in stadia, specifically having audio of referee/TMO discussions/decisions relayed over the stadium PA system and/or captions providing explanations and decisions on TMO referrals, would most improve their event experience

    Trajectories in the Context of the Quantum Newton's Law

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    In this paper, we apply the one dimensional quantum law of motion, that we recently formulated in the context of the trajectory representation of quantum mechanics, to the constant potential, the linear potential and the harmonic oscillator. In the classically allowed regions, we show that to each classical trajectory there is a family of quantum trajectories which all pass through some points constituting nodes and belonging to the classical trajectory. We also discuss the generalization to any potential and give a new definition for de Broglie's wavelength in such a way as to link it with the length separating adjacent nodes. In particular, we show how quantum trajectories have as a limit when 0\hbar \to 0 the classical ones. In the classically forbidden regions, the nodal structure of the trajectories is lost and the particle velocity rapidly diverges.Comment: 17 pages, LateX, 6 eps figures, minor modifications, Title changed, to appear in Physica Script

    Nestling diet, secondary sexual traits and fitness in the zebra finch

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    We examined the effect of nestling diet quality on a suite of physiological, morphological and life-history traits in adult male zebra finches,Taeniopygia guttata. Compared with birds reared on a supplemented diet, nestlings reared on a seed-only diet showed a reduced rate of growth and reduced cell-mediated immune function as measured by an in vivo response to aT lymphocyte-dependent mitogen. There were no differences between birds reared on the two diets in any of the following adult traits: body size, primary sexual traits (testes mass, numbers of stored sperm, sperm function, velocity and morphology), secondary sexual traits (beak colour and song rate), serological traits or immunological traits. The only differences we detected were a lower body mass and a greater proportion of individuals with plumage abnormalities among those reared on a seed-only diet (this latter effect was transient). The fact that male zebra finches reared on a seed-only diet were, as adults, virtually indistinguishable from those reared on a supple- mented diet, despite having reduced growth and immune function as nestlings, demonstrates that they subsequently compensated through the di¡erential allocation of resources. Our results indicate that differ- ential allocation is costly in terms of fitness since birds reared on a seed-only diet experienced a significantly greater mortality rate than those reared on a supplemented diet. This in turn suggests the existence of a trade-of between the development of traits important for reproduction, such as primary and secondary sexual traits and longevity