1,177 research outputs found
Biolixivia??o de sulfetos secund?rios de cobre por micro?organismos mes?filos em diferentes reatores agitados.
Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Engenharia de Materiais. Departamento de Engenharia Metal?rgica, Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.A biolixivia??o de cobre a partir de sulfetos secund?rios, tais como a calcocita e a
bornita, ? amplamente aplicada industrialmente em v?rios pa?ses do mundo. Isso ocorre
porque esses sulfetos s?o facilmente oxidados pelo ?on Fe3+ produzido por microorganismos
de biolixivia??o. No entanto, a biolixivia??o pode ser severamente
impactada se o min?rio portar impurezas sol?veis que podem afetar o crescimento
bacteriano. Este ? o caso do fluoreto, que existe como HF nas condi??es ?cidas aplicadas
na biolixivia??o de metais b?sicos. Este ?ltimo pode atravessar membranas celulares e
dissociar dentro da c?lula (por causa de seu pH neutro), reduzindo o crescimento
bacteriano. Nesta disserta??o foi investigada a influ?ncia da concentra??o de fl?or sobre
o crescimento de Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans e revelou que 20 mg.L?1 F?total inibiram a
biooxida??o do ?on Fe2+. Tal inibi??o foi superada por adi??o de sulfato de alum?nio ao
meio de crescimento. Em seguida, foi estudada a biolixivia??o de um min?rio de cobre
secund?rio portador de fl?or (contendo calcocita e bornita) pela cultura mes?fila. Os
efeitos do pH bem como as concentra??es de Fe2+, Al3+ e Mg2+ na extra??o de cobre
foram determinados, os experimentos foram realizados em frascos Erlenmeyer (250 mL)
contendo 100 mL de solu??o e porcentagem de s?lidos a 5% (p/v) agitada a 150 min?1.
A cin?tica de lixivia??o da amostra foi ligeiramente afetada pelo pH e concentra??es do
?on Fe2+, sendo que as maiores extra??es de cobre foram observadas para pH 1,6?1,8 e
5?10 g.L?1 Fe2+. As concentra??es de alum?nio (at? 5 g.L?1) melhoraram a cin?tica de
extra??o do cobre ? medida que os ?ons fluoreto foram complexados pelo elemento e a
extra??o final de cobre atingiu 75%. Al?m disso, propondo uma adapta??o ao programa
de ensaios metal?rgicos visando uma futura aplica??o industrial de lixivia??o em pilhas,
especificamente em sistemas agitados, a segunda parte da disserta??o buscou comparar
o perfil de lixivia??o de tr?s diferentes reatores (frascos Erlenmeyer, garrafas rotativas
e um biorreator agitado mecanicamente) durante a biolixivia??o de duas amostras de
sulfetos secund?rios com diferentes teores de cobre e fl?or. Na aus?ncia de uma fonte
externa de alum?nio, os ensaios em Erlenmeyer n?o mostraram qualquer aumento no
potencial da solu??o, independentemente da amostra de min?rio estudada.
Concentra??es de fl?or e alum?nio em torno de 300 mg.L?1 foram registradas neste
reator e a raz?o Al/F em torno de 1 explicou o baixo potencial registrado. Por outro lado,
nos ensaios em garrafa e biorreator, a amostra de min?rio com menor teor de cobre
produziu alum?nio (530 mg.L?1) acima das concentra??es de fl?or (380 mg.L?1), de modo
que esse maior ?ndice Al/F estimulou o crescimento bacteriano. Isto se justificou, pelo
fato do potencial da solu??o ter atingido valores acima de 600 mV ao final do
experimento, o que indicou o crescimento bacteriano nesses reatores. Quando o
alum?nio foi adicionado ao meio de crescimento, o potencial da solu??o aumentou
exponencialmente, indicando boa atividade de biolixivia??o e at? 97% de extra??o de
cobre foi observada nos tr?s reatores, mas as garrafas rotativas apresentaram uma
cin?tica de lixivia??o mais r?pida devido a altas popula??es bacterianas (> 108 c?lulas.
mL?1) proporcionada por uma melhor aera??o da solu??o (6 mg.L?1 como a concentra??o
de oxig?nio dissolvido).Copper bioleaching from secondary sulphides such as chalcocite and bornite is widely
applied industrially in several countries worldwide. This is because these sulphides are
easily oxidized by the ferric iron produced by bioleaching microorganisms.
Notwithstanding, bioleaching can be severely hampered if the ore contains soluble
impurities which can affect bacterial growth. This is the case of fluoride, which exists as
HF in the acid conditions applied in the bioleaching of base metals. The latter can cross
cell membranes and dissociate inside the cell (because of its neutral pH) reducing the
bacterial growth. The current dissertation investigated initially the fluoride
concentration which impaired the growth of At. ferrooxidans and revealed that 20 mg.L?
1 Ftot inhibited ferrous iron bio?oxidation. Such inhibition was overcome by aluminium
sulphate supplementation to the growth medium. Subsequently the bioleaching of a
fluoride?bearing secondary copper ore (containing chalcocite and bornite) by the
mesophile culture was studied. The effects of pH as well as the concentrations of Fe2+,
Al3+ and Mg2+ on copper extraction were determined in experiments were performed in
Erlenmeyer flasks (250 mL) containing 100 mL of a 5% (w/v) pulp stirred at 150 min?1.
The leaching kinetics of the sample was slightly affected by both pH and ferrous iron
concentrations and the largest copper extractions were observed for pH 1.6?1.8 and 5?
10 g.L?1 Fe2+. Aluminium concentrations (up to 5 g.L?1) improved the copper extraction
kinetics as fluoride ions were complexed by the element and the final copper extraction
reached 75%. In addition, the metallurgical testwork proposed in feasibility studies for
leaching projects comprise different type of reactor experiments such as rolling bottles
whereas shaking flasks tests are of widespread use in academic research. Therefore the
second part of the current dissertation sought to compare the leaching profile of three
different reactors (Erlenmeyer flasks, rolling bottles and a mechanically stirred
bioreactor) during bioleaching of two samples of the secondary sulphide ore with
different copper and fluoride content. In the absence of an external aluminium source,
the shaking flask experiments did not show any increase in the solution potential,
regardless of the ore sample studied. Fluoride and aluminium concentrations around
300 mg.L?1 were recorded in this reactor and the Al/F ratio around 1 explained the low
potential recorded. Conversely, the ore sample with the lower fluoride content
produced aluminium (530 mg.L?1) above fluoride (380 mg.L?1) concentrations so that
such higher Al/F ratio fostered bacterial growth. This justified the solution potential
attaining values above 600 mV by the end of the experiment, which indicated bacterial
growth in that reactor. When aluminium was added to the growth medium the solution
potential increases exponentially indicating good bioleaching activity and up to 97%
copper extraction was observed in the three reactors, but the rolling bottles depicted a
faster leaching kinetics due to high bacterial populations (>108 cells.mL?1) provided by a
better aeration of the solution (6 mg.L?1 as the dissolved oxygen concentration)
Metallic brackets bonded with resin-reinforced glass lonomer cements under different enamel conditions
Objective: To assess the shear bond strength of metallic orthodontic brackets bonded with either Fuji Ortho or Ortho Glass LC resin-reinforced glass ionomer cements to enamel surfaces under different conditions, namely, enamel without etching, enamel conditioned with 37% phosphoric acid and enamel conditioned with Transbond Plus Self Etching Primer (TPSEP). Materials and Methods: One hundred and five bovine inferior incisors were divided into seven groups (n = 15). In group 1 (control) Transbond XT was used according to the manufacturer's recommendations. In groups 2, 3, and 4 all using Fuji Ortho LC, the brackets were bonded, respectively, to enamel nonetched, enamel etched with 37% phosphoric acid, and enamel etched with TPSEP. In groups 5, 6, and 7, the bonding was performed using Ortho Glass LC under the same enamel conditions observed in the other experimental groups. After 24 hours, shear bond strength tests were performed for all samples at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Results: The results (MPa) showed no statistically significant difference between groups 1, 3, and 4 (P >.05). However, such groups were statistically superior to the others (P .05). Group 5 showed the lowest shear strength value, which was also statistically inferior to the other groups (P <.05). Conclusions: Regardless of the enamel treatment, Fuji Ortho LC yielded shear strength values superior to those from Ortho Glass LC.76470070
Natural selection in common bean microsatellite alleles and identification of QTLs for grain yield
Natural selection acts to select better adapted individuals or alleles
in segregating population and help plant breeding. The objective of
this work was to verify the effect of natural selection on
microsatellite alleles as indicators of better adaptation and
identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for grain yield. This
study evaluated 107 progenies from the F8 and 107 from the F24
generation derived from crossing Carioca MG and ESAL 686 lines, carried
out by the bulk method, and evaluated in three different seasons:
winter 2001; rainy 2001 and dry 2002. It was utilized 22 polymorphic
markers and the natural selection acted in all of them. The frequency
of the alleles of the parent Carioca MG, the most adapted, was
increased in all of the 22 loci in F8 and 19 loci in F24. Selection
affected each locus with different intensities in different
generations. All of the selected alleles can be important for breeding
program. QTLs were identified in generation F8 and F24 at varied
magnitudes. The best marker PVttc002 explained 11.76% of variation in
grain yield. However, an elevated interaction between QTLs and the
environments was observed, showing the great difficulty in assisted
Cost-effective external interference for promoting the evolution of cooperation.
The problem of promoting the evolution of cooperative behaviour within populations of self-regarding individuals has been intensively investigated across diverse fields of behavioural, social and computational sciences. In most studies, cooperation is assumed to emerge from the combined actions of participating individuals within the populations, without taking into account the possibility of external interference and how it can be performed in a cost-efficient way. Here, we bridge this gap by studying a cost-efficient interference model based on evolutionary game theory, where an exogenous decision-maker aims to ensure high levels of cooperation from a population of individuals playing the one-shot Prisoner's Dilemma, at a minimal cost. We derive analytical conditions for which an interference scheme or strategy can guarantee a given level of cooperation while at the same time minimising the total cost of investment (for rewarding cooperative behaviours), and show that the results are highly sensitive to the intensity of selection by interference. Interestingly, we show that a simple class of interference that makes investment decisions based on the population composition can lead to significantly more cost-efficient outcomes than standard institutional incentive strategies, especially in the case of weak selection.</p
The objective was to evaluate the energy potential of woods of species
under forest management plan from Serid\uf3 region in the Rio Grande
do Norte state. It was used the wood species Jurema Preta, Pereiro,
Marmeleiro, Catingueira, Moror\uf3, Imburana, Jurema Branca and
Mofumbo, at 20 years old, originated from the Dominga's farm in the
Caic\uf3/RN municipality. The density, the content of volatiles, the
ash and fixed carbon, calorific value, elemental composition and
carbon/nitrogen (C/N) and carbon/ hydrogen (C/H) analysis were carried
out in the wood. Additionally, the amount of energy produced in
kW.h.m-3 and kW.h.ha-1 for all species was estimated. The experiment
was conducted in a completely randomized design with eight treatments
(species), four replicates (sample trees), adding up to 32 sampling
units. There were significant differences, at 5 % significance between
treatments for all variables, except for hydrogen percentage and C/H
ratio. It was concluded that Moror\uf3's wood shows high energy
potential, and along with Jurema Preta, presents higher energy
generation per m3, and provides greater economy for the same
productivity. The energy potential Jurema Preta wood's stands out among
the species. Pereiro's wood stands for energy production per hectare.
Marmeleiro and Jurema Branca's woods are indicated as direct burning
potential and Imburana's wood is not recommended for power generation.O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o potencial energ\ue9tico das
madeiras de esp\ue9cies sob plano de manejo florestal provenientes da
regi\ue3o do Serid\uf3, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte.
Utilizou-se na pesquisa, madeiras das esp\ue9cies Jurema-preta,
Pereiro, Marmeleiro, Catingueira, Moror\uf3, Imburana, Jurema-branca
e Mofumbo, aos 20 anos de idade, originadas da fazenda Dominga no
munic\uedpio de Caic\uf3/RN. Foram realizadas na madeira, as
an\ue1lises da densidade b\ue1sica, teores de materiais
vol\ue1teis, cinzas e carbono fixo, poder calor\uedfico superior,
composi\ue7\ue3o qu\uedmica elementar e rela\ue7\uf5es
carbono/nitrog\ueanio (C/N) e carbono/ hidrog\ueanio (C/H).
Adicionalmente, estimou-se a quantidade de energia produzida em
kW.h.m-3 e em kW.h.ha-1 para todas as esp\ue9cies. O experimento foi
realizado segundo um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com oito
tratamentos (esp\ue9cies), quatro repeti\ue7\uf5es
(\ue1rvores\u2013amostra), totalizando 32 unidades amostrais. Houve
diferen\ue7a significativa, a 5 % de signific\ue2ncia, entre os
tratamentos para todas as vari\ue1veis analisadas, exceto para a
porcentagem de hidrog\ueanio e rela\ue7\ue3o C/H. Conclui-se que
a madeira de Moror\uf3 apresenta alto potencial energ\ue9tico, e
juntamente com a Jurema-preta, maior gera\ue7\ue3o de energia por
m3, al\ue9m de proporcionar maior economia para uma mesma
produtividade. O potencial energ\ue9tico da madeira de Jurema-preta
se destaca entre as esp\ue9cies estudadas. A madeira de Pereiro se
destaca na produ\ue7\ue3o de energia por hectare. As madeiras de
Jurema-branca e Marmeleiro s\ue3o indicadas como potenciais para
queima direta. A madeira de Imburana n\ue3o \ue9 recomendada para a
gera\ue7\ue3o de energia
O trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a influ\ueancia das
propriedades qu\uedmicas (composi\ue7\ue3o elementar, teores de
extrativos totais, lignina total e holocelulose) e rela\ue7\ue3o
siringil/guaiacil, da madeira de diferentes materiais gen\ue9ticos de
eucalipto na produ\ue7\ue3o de carv\ue3o vegetal. Utilizaram-se
na pesquisa quatro clones h\uedbridos de Eucalyptus , aos 7 anos de
idade, sendo 6 \ue1rvores por clone, totalizando 24 unidades
amostrais. Houve diferen\ue7a significativa, a 5% de
signific\ue2ncia, entre os tratamentos para a composi\ue7\ue3o
elementar, teores de extrativos totais, lignina total e holocelulose e
rela\ue7\ue3o siringil/guaiacil da madeira, como tamb\ue9m, para
os rendimentos gravim\ue9tricos em carv\ue3o vegetal, em gases
condens\ue1veis e em gases n\ue3o condens\ue1veis, teores de
carbono fixo e de materiais vol\ue1teis e para o poder
calor\uedfico superior do carv\ue3o vegetal. Para o teor de cinzas
e densidade relativa aparente do carv\ue3o n\ue3o foram observadas
diferen\ue7as significativas ao mesmo n\uedvel de
signific\ue2ncia. Concluiu-se que existe variabilidade na qualidade
da madeira dos quatro materiais gen\ue9ticos avaliados, tendo, os
mesmos, correla\ue7\uf5es distintas, tanto no rendimento quanto na
qualidade do carv\ue3o vegetal. Todos os materiais gen\ue9ticos
apresentaram, de modo satisfat\uf3rio, rendimento gravim\ue9trico
em carv\ue3o vegetal e qualidade. As madeiras dos clones com baixa
rela\ue7\ue3o siringil/guaiacil apresentaram aumento no rendimento
em carv\ue3o vegetal. A composi\ue7\ue3o qu\uedmica das
madeiras dos quatro clones, de modo geral, n\ue3o apresentou
correla\ue7\uf5es significativas, a 5% de signific\ue2ncia, no
rendimento e qualidade do carv\ue3o.The objective of this study was to determine the influence of the
chemical properties (elemental composition, levels of extractives,
lignin total and holocellulose) and the syringyl/guaiacyl, wood of
different Eucalyptus genetic materials in the production of charcoal.
It was used in the study four hybrid clones, at age of 7 years, 6 trees
per clone, totaling 24 sampling units. There was significant
difference, at 5% significance, between treatments for elemental
composition, levels of extractives, lignin total and holocellulose and
the wood syringyl/guaiacyl, as well as for gravimetric yields in
charcoal, condensable gases and non-condensable gases, levels of fixed
carbon and volatiles, and for the higher calorific value of charcoal.
For the ash content and relative apparent density of charcoal were not
observed significant differences at the same level of significance.
Concluded that there is variability in the wood quality of four
evaluated genetic materials, having the same, distinct correlations,
thus the yield and the quality of charcoal. All genetic material
presented satisfactorily gravimetric yield in charcoal and quality. The
woods of clones with low syringyl/guaiacyl ratio showed an increase in
yield in charcoal. The chemical composition of woods from the four
clones, in general, showed no significant correlations, the 5%
significance level, at the yield and quality of charcoal
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