232 research outputs found

    Sensillary patterns in Vergatopus with description of a new European species (Collembola, Isotomidae)

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    School Social Workers and P.L. 94-142: What are We Doing?

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    The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history.Presenter: Annalee Fjellbert, Ph.D., School Social Worker, District #98, Berwyn, Illinois - "School Social Workers and P.L. 94-142: What are We Doing?".The Ohio State University College of Social Wor

    Spretthaler - jordas små kaniner

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    Spretthaler er en gruppe med små dyr som lever i vegetasjonen, i strølaget og nedover i selve jorda til ca 15 cm dyp. De er viktige omdannere og nedbrytere av dødt plantemateriale og bidrar vesentlig til sirkulering av næringsstoffer

    The role of glacier mice in the invertebrate colonisation of glacial surfaces: the moss balls of the Falljökull, Iceland

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    Glacier surfaces have a surprisingly complex ecology. Cryoconite holes contain diverse invertebrate communities while other invertebrates, such as Collembola often graze on algae and windblown dead organic on the glacier surface. Glacier mice (ovoid unattached moss balls) occur on some glaciers worldwide. Studies of these glacier mice have concentrated on their occurrence and mode of formation. There are no reports of the invertebrate communities. But, such glacier mice may provide a suitable favourable habitat and refuge for a variety of invertebrate groups to colonise the glacier surface. Here we describe the invertebrate fauna of the glacier mice (moss balls) of the Falljökull, Iceland. The glacier mice were composed of Racomitrium sp. and varied in size from 8.0 to 10.0 cm in length. All glacier mice studied contained invertebrates. Two species of Collembola were present. Pseudisotoma sensibilis (Tullberg, 1876) was numerically dominant with between 12 and 73 individuals per glacier mouse while Desoria olivacea (Tullberg, 1871) occurred but in far lower numbers. Tardigrada and Nematoda had mean densities of approximately 200 and 1,000 respectively. No Acari, Arachnida or Enchytraeidae were observed which may be related to the difficulty these groups have in colonizing the glacier mice. We suggest that glacier mice provide an unusual environmentally ameliorated microhabitat for an invertebrate community dwelling on a glacial surface. The glacier mice thereby enable an invertebrate fauna to colonise an otherwise largely inhospitable location with implications for carbon flow in the system

    How do union-representatives experience a merger process when they are in the middle of it?

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    Bacheloroppgave i ledelse og organisasjonsutvikling 2017Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg en fusjonsprosess mellom to høgskoler. Vår problemstilling er: «Hvordan opplever fagforeningsrepresentanter en fusjonsprosess når de er midt i den?» Dette har vi undersøkt gjennom to dimensjoner; tempo og motstand. For å besvare vår problemstilling har vi benyttet Lewin’s teori om endringsprosesser, tre spørsmål om grunnlaget for fusjoner, teorier om dimensjonene, i tillegg har vi trukket inn erfaringer fra tidligere fusjonsprosesser i samme sektor, og vi har gjennomført en empirisk studie av en fusjonsprosess. Omstilling i universitets- og høgskolesektoren er initiert av Kunnskapsdepartementet. Hensikten med dette initiativet er at det skal bygges sterkere og mer solide fag- og forskningsmiljøer. Dagens organisasjoner er i stadig endring, skal man overleve må man tilpasse seg kontinuerlige endringer i samfunnet, hevdes det. Vi har brukt kvalitativ forskningsmetode for å gjennomføre vår undersøkelse. I vår undersøkelse har vi valgt å intervjue fem fagforeningsrepresentanter fra de to tidligere høgskolene. Våre funn viser at fagforeningsrepresentantene ser på fusjonsprosessens tempo som en kritisk faktor, og de hevdet at tempoet har vært alt for høyt. Etter fremskynding av administrativ organisering ble fagforeningsrepresentantene ytterligere bekymret for tempoet. På bakgrunn av det høye tempoet viste det seg at fagforeningsrepresentantene er bekymret for om den reelle medbestemmelsen er sikret. Våre funn viser også at fagforeningsrepresentantene ikke har opplevd noen tydelig motstand til nå. Behovet for å bli universitet var det delte meninger om, men i stor grad var det støtte om dette behovet. Hedmark sin campusmodell skapte usikkerhet med tanke på mulighet for å skape en felles kultur, og det var en bekymring for den geografiske avstanden mellom institusjonene. Selv om representantene til nå ikke hadde opplevd særlig grad av motstand ble det hevdet at motstand vil komme til uttrykk når den administrative organiseringen skal på plass.Abstract This thesis aims to examine a merging process of two university colleges. This present study aimed to investigate: "How do union-representatives experience a merger process when they are in the middle of it?” We will examine this through two different dimensions: pace and resistance. To answer this issue we utilized theories regarding organizational changes, three questions about the basis of mergers, theories about the dimensions, in addition, we have extracted experiences from previous merger processes in the same sector, and we have conducted an empirical study of a merger process. The current political leaders of the state initiate the restructuring in the sector of university and university colleges. The purpose is to build stronger and more compact study- and research-communities. The current organizations are ever-changing and if one wishes to ensure successful development, one must adapt to the continual changes of the society. We have used a qualitative research-method to execute the examination in which we have interviewed five union-representatives represented by the former university colleges. Our findings show that union representatives regard the pace of the merger process as a critical factor, and they claimed that the pace has been fare to high. After the acceleration of the administrative organization, union representatives became further concerned about the pace. Due to the high pace, it became apparent that union representatives were worried about whether the real participation was secured. Our findings also show that union representatives have not experienced any clear resistance so far. There was divided opinions about the need of being a university, but there was largely support of this need. Hedmark`s campus model created and uncertainty in view of the opportunity to create a common culture, and there was concern about the geographical distance between the institutions. Although the representatives so far had not experienced any particular resistance, it was argued that resistance would be expressed when the administrative organisation is in place

    Controller eller endringsagent?

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    I dagens samfunn er det en økende etterspørsel etter bærekraftig forretningsdrift, og norske bedrifter følger denne trenden. Som svar på denne etterspørselen har mange bedrifter etablert stillinger som bærekraftsansvarlig for å lede bedriftens arbeid mot bærekraftige praksiser og mål. Det har vært begrenset forskning på rollen som bærekraftsansvarlige i norske bedrifter. Så formålet med masteroppgaven vår er å bidra til en mer helhetlig forståelse av rollen som bærekraftsansvarlige, gjennom å undersøke deres arbeidsoppgaver, bedriftenes forventninger til rollen og hvilke utfordringer de møter ved utøvelsen av rollen. Derfor har vi formulert følgende problemstilling: Hvordan utøves rollen som bærekraftsansvarlig i større norske selskaper? Vi har benyttet en kvalitativ metode for å besvare problemstillingen, hvor vi har utført intervjuer og analysert stillingsannonser. Vi har valgt å besvare problemstillingen ved først å undersøke arbeidsoppgavene til bærekraftsansvarlige og deretter sammenligne disse med bedriftenes oppfatning av de nødvendige arbeidsoppgavene som fremgår i stillingsannonsene. Videre har vi undersøkt ulike utfordringer knyttet til rollen som bærekraftsansvarlig og hvordan disse utfordringene står i kontrast til bedriftens ønsker og behov. Våre funn indikerer at det eksisterer en rekke forskjellige roller knyttet til bærekraftsansvarlige. Imidlertid blir disse rollene ofte prioritert forskjellig mellom organisasjonene, avhengig av deres utviklingsnivå innen bærekraftig forretningsdrift. Bærekraftsansvarlige vil kanskje ha et sterkere fokus på strategi, veiledning og kompetanseheving, mens bedrifter vil prioritere arbeidsoppgaver som er mer operasjonelle, som imøtekommer eksterne krav

    The invertebrate fauna of anthropogenic soils in the High-Arctic settlement of Barentsburg, Svalbard

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    The terrestrial environment of the High Arctic consists of a mosaic of habitat types. In addition to the natural habitat diversity, various human-influenced types may occur. For the resident invertebrate fauna, these anthropogenic habitats may be either unusually favourable or detrimental. In the town of Barentsburg, Svalbard, soils were imported for the greenhouses from southern Russia. These soils were subsequently discarded outside the greenhouses and have become augmented with manure from the cowsheds. Both the greenhouse and the cowsheds are now derelict. This site represents an unusually nutrient-rich location with considerable development of organic soils, in stark contrast to the naturally forming organic soils in Svalbard, which are typically thin and nutrient poor. Few previous studies have examined the soil invertebrate communities of human-disturbed or -created habitats in the Arctic. In an often nutrient-poor terrestrial environment, it is unclear how the invertebrate fauna will react to such nutrient enhancement. In these soils, 46 species of invertebrates were determined. Eleven species have not been recorded from other habitats in Svalbard and are hence likely to have been introduced. The native species assemblage in the anthropogenic soils was not atypical for many natural sites in Svalbard. Despite the enriched organic soils and highly ameliorated winter temperature conditions, the soil invertebrate fauna biodiversity does not appear to be enhanced beyond the presence of certain probably introduced species

    Biodiversity of the Collembola Fauna of Wetland Kerkini (N. Greece), with description of the sexual dimorphism of Entomobrya atrocincta Schött 1896 (Collembola: Entomobryomorpha)

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    A report on the results of a research into some aspects of the collembolan fauna of the Greek Nature Reserve associated with Lake Kerkini, known as Wetland Kerkini, is presented. The nature reserve is large and includes a wide variety of habitats, many of which were not included in this preliminary survey. From the areas sampled we recorded 44 species, of which 39 were previously described, two (Folsomia potapovi Jordana & Baquero n. sp., Entomobrya naziridisi Jordana & Baquero n. sp.), are new to science, while three are identifi ed to generic level; a further 21 are new records for Greece, and an additional 11 species are new records to the Greek Mainland. Sampling with Berlese- Tullgren funnels and Malaise traps allowed us to capture species typical of soil and species present over vegetation. This summary is based on the records held in the online database of the Fauna Europaea Project