505 research outputs found

    Avaliação de cultivares de canola em Dourados, MS.

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    Probabilidade de ocorrencia da evapotranspiracao de referencia na regiao de Dourados, MS.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a distribuicao de frequencia da evapotranspiracao de referencia (ETo) visando o dimensionamento de sistemas de irrigacao implantados na regiao de Dourados Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. A ETo, estimada pelo metodo de Penman, com base em elementos meteorologicos de um periodo de 16 anos, foi acumulada em periodos consecutivos de 5, 10, 15, 20 e 30 dias. Os valores maximos anuais formaram series que foram ajustadas as distribuicoes normal, log-normal e beta. Houve diminuicao da ETo diaria com o aumento do periodo acumulado. As tres distribuicoes apresentaram ajuste para todos os periodos acumulados atraves da distribuicao acumulada normal foram gerados valores de ETo para periodos de retorno de 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12 e 14 anos. Esses valores de ETo, multiplicados pelos respectivos coeficientes de cultura, poderao ser utilizados como parametros de dimensionamento de sistemas de irrigacao implantados na regiao de Dourados

    Fast-ion redistribution and loss due to edge perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR tokamaks

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    The impact of edge localized modes (ELMs) and externally applied resonant and non-resonant magnetic perturbations (MPs) on fast-ion confinement/transport have been investigated in the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG), DIII-D and KSTAR tokamaks. Two phases with respect to the ELM cycle can be clearly distinguished in ELM-induced fast-ion losses. Inter-ELM losses are characterized by a coherent modulation of the plasma density around the separatrix while intra-ELM losses appear as well-defined bursts. In high collisionality plasmas with mitigated ELMs, externally applied MPs have little effect on kinetic profiles, including fast-ions, while a strong impact on kinetic profiles is observed in low-collisionality, low q 95 plasmas with resonant and non-resonant MPs. In low-collisionality H-mode plasmas, the large fast-ion filaments observed during ELMs are replaced by a loss of fast-ions with a broad-band frequency and an amplitude of up to an order of magnitude higher than the neutral beam injection prompt loss signal without MPs. A clear synergy in the overall fast-ion transport is observed between MPs and neoclassical tearing modes. Measured fast-ion losses are typically on banana orbits that explore the entire pedestal/scrape-off layer. The fast-ion response to externally applied MPs presented here may be of general interest for the community to better understand the MP field penetration and overall plasma response.Ministerio de Economía y Empresa ((RYC-2011-09152 y ENE2012-31087)Marie Curie (Grant PCIG11-GA-2012-321455)US Department of Energy (DE-FC02-04ER54698, SC-G903402, DE-FG02-04ER54761, DE-AC02-09CH11466 and DE-FG02- 08ER54984)NRF Korea contract 2009-0082012MEST under the KSTAR projec

    Relaxation Effects in the Transition Temperature of Superconducting HgBa2CuO4+delta

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    In previous studies on a number of under- and overdoped high temperature superconductors, including YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7-y} and Tl_{2}Ba_{2}CuO_{6+\delta}, the transition temperature T_c has been found to change with time in a manner which depends on the sample's detailed temperature and pressure history. This relaxation behavior in T_c is believed to originate from rearrangements within the oxygen sublattice. In the present high-pressure studies on HgBa_{2}CuO_{4+\delta} to 0.8 GPa we find clear evidence for weak relaxation effects in strongly under- and overdoped samples (Tc4050KT_c\simeq 40 - 50 K) with an activation energy EA(1bar)0.80.9eVE_{A}(1 bar) \simeq 0.8 - 0.9 eV. For overdoped HgBa_{2}CuO_{4+\delta} E_{A} increases under pressure more rapidly than previously observed for YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6.41}, yielding an activation volume of +11 \pm 5 cm^{3}; the dependence of T_c on pressure is markedly nonlinear, an anomalous result for high-T_c superconductors in the present pressure range, giving evidence for a change in the electronic and/or structural properties near 0.4 GPa

    Desenvolvimento de um aplicativo móvel, versão IOS, para integração com o site Guia Clima da Embrapa.

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    Very high upper critical fields in MgB2 produced by selective tuning of impurity scattering

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    We report a significant enhancement of the upper critical field Hc2H_{c2} of different MgB2MgB_2 samples alloyed with nonmagnetic impurities. By studying films and bulk polycrystals with different resistivities ρ\rho, we show a clear trend of Hc2H_{c2} increase as ρ\rho increases. One particular high resistivity film had zero-temperature Hc2(0)H_{c2}(0) well above the Hc2H_{c2} values of competing non-cuprate superconductors such as Nb3SnNb_3Sn and Nb-Ti. Our high-field transport measurements give record values Hc2(0)34TH_{c2}^\perp (0) \approx 34T and Hc2(0)49TH_{c2}\|(0) \approx 49 T for high resistivity films and Hc2(0)29TH_{c2}(0)\approx 29 T for untextured bulk polycrystals. The highest Hc2H_{c2} film also exhibits a significant upward curvature of Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T), and temperature dependence of the anisotropy parameter γ(T)=Hc2/Hc2\gamma(T) = H_{c2}\|/ H_{c2}^\perp opposite to that of single crystals: γ(T)\gamma(T) decreases as the temperature decreases, from γ(Tc)2\gamma(T_c) \approx 2 to γ(0)1.5\gamma(0) \approx 1.5. This remarkable Hc2H_{c2} enhancement and its anomalous temperature dependence are a consequence of the two-gap superconductivity in MgB2MgB_2, which offers special opportunities for further Hc2H_{c2} increase by tuning of the impurity scattering by selective alloying on Mg and B sites. Our experimental results can be explained by a theory of two-gap superconductivity in the dirty limit. The very high values of Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) observed suggest that MgB2MgB_2 can be made into a versatile, competitive high-field superconductor.Comment: An updated version of the paper (12/12/2002)that was placed on cond-mat on May 7 200

    Stable and Metastable vortex states and the first order transition across the peak effect region in weakly pinned 2H-NbSe_2

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    The peak effect in weakly pinned superconductors is accompanied by metastable vortex states. Each metastable vortex configuration is characterized by a different critical current density J_c, which mainly depends on the past thermomagnetic history of the superconductor. A recent model [G. Ravikumar, et al, Phys. Rev. B 61, R6479 (2000)] proposed to explain the history dependent J_c postulates a stable state of vortex lattice with a critical current density J_c^{st}, determined uniquely by the field and temperature. In this paper, we present evidence for the existence of the stable state of the vortex lattice in the peak effect region of 2H-NbSe_2. It is shown that this stable state can be reached from any metastable vortex state by cycling the applied field by a small amplitude. The minor magnetization loops obtained by repeated field cycling allow us to determine the pinning and "equilibrium" properties of the stable state of the vortex lattice at a given field and temperature unambiguously. The data imply the occurence of a first order phase transition from an ordered phase to a disordered vortex phase across the peak effect.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Corresponding author: S. Ramakrishna

    The DEMO magnet system – Status and future challenges

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    We present the pre-concept design of the European DEMO Magnet System, which has successfully passed the DEMO plant-level gate review in 2020. The main design input parameters originate from the so-called DEMO 2018 baseline, which was produced using the PROCESS systems code. It defines a major and minor radius of 9.1 m and 2.9 m, respectively, an on-axis magnetic field of 5.3 T resulting in a peak field on the toroidal field (TF) conductor of 12.0 T. Four variants, all based on low-temperature superconductors (LTS), have been designed for the 16 TF coils. Two of these concepts were selected to be further pursued during the Concept Design Phase (CDP): the first having many similarities to the ITER TF coil concept and the second being the most innovative one, based on react-and-wind (RW) Nb3Sn technology and winding the coils in layers. Two variants for the five Central Solenoid (CS) modules have been investigated: an LTS-only concept resembling to the ITER CS and a hybrid configuration, in which the innermost layers are made of high-temperature superconductors (HTS), which allows either to increase the magnetic flux or to reduce the outer radius of the CS coil. Issues related to fatigue lifetime which emerged in mechanical analyses will be addressed further in the CDP. Both variants proposed for the six poloidal field coils present a lower level of risk for future development. All magnet and conductor design studies included thermal-hydraulic and mechanical analyses, and were accompanied by experimental tests on both LTS and HTS prototype samples (i.e. DC and AC measurements, stability tests, quench evolution etc.). In addition, magnet structures and auxiliary systems, e.g. cryogenics and feeders, were designed at pre-concept level. Important lessons learnt during this first phase of the project were fed into the planning of the CDP. Key aspects to be addressed concern the demonstration and validation of critical technologies (e.g. industrial manufacturing of RW Nb3Sn and HTS long conductors, insulation of penetrations and joints), as well as the detailed design of the overall Magnet System and mechanical structures