442 research outputs found

    The medieval Ass : re-evaluating the reception of Apuleius in the High Middle Ages

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    What do we know for certain about the medieval transmission and reception of The Golden Ass or Metamorphoses of Apuleius? Our firmest evidence is codicological. The traditional stemma (fig. 1) shows some key moments, beginning, in the 1050s–80s, with the creation, at Monte Cassino, of F (Florence, Biblioteca Laurenziana 68.2), a manuscript containing the Metamorphoses, the Apologia, and the Florida

    Power law creep and delayed failure of gels and fibrous materials under stress

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    Motivated by recent experiments studying the creep and breakup of a protein gel under stress, we introduce a simple mesoscopic model for the irreversible failure of gels and fibrous materials, and demonstrate it to capture much of the phenomenology seen experimentally. This includes a primary creep regime in which the shear rate decreases as a power law over several decades of time, a secondary crossover regime in which the shear rate attains a minimum, and a tertiary regime in which the shear rate increases dramatically up to a finite time singularity, signifying irreversible material failure. The model also captures a linear Monkman–Grant scaling of the failure time with the earlier time at which the shear rate attained its minimum, and a Basquin-like power law scaling of the failure time with imposed stress, as seen experimentally. The model furthermore predicts a slow accumulation of low levels of material damage during primary creep, followed by the growth of fractures leading to sudden material failure, as seen experimentally

    Power law creep and delayed failure of gels and fibrous materials under stress

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    Motivated by recent experiments studying the creep and breakup of a protein gel under stress, we introduce a simple mesoscopic model for the irreversible failure of gels and fibrous materials, and demonstrate it to capture much of the phenomenology seen experimentally. This includes a primary creep regime in which the shear rate decreases as a power law over several decades of time, a secondary crossover regime in which the shear rate attains a minimum, and a tertiary regime in which the shear rate increases dramatically up to a finite time singularity, signifying irreversible material failure. The model also captures a linear Monkman-Grant scaling of the failure time with the earlier time at which the shear rate attained its minimum, and a Basquin-like power law scaling of the failure time with imposed stress, as seen experimentally. The model furthermore predicts a slow accumulation of low levels of material damage during primary creep, followed by the growth of fractures leading to sudden material failure, as seen experimentally.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication, Soft Matte

    The author's farce; with a puppet-show, call'd The pleasures of the town. As acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. Written by Henry Fielding, esq

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    68, [4] p. ; 20 cm. Third edition. "This piece was originally acted at the Hay-market, and revived some years after at Drury-Lane when it was revised, and greatly alter'd by the author as now printed.

    History of Tom Jones

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    547 p. Transcribed from the ERIS Project ASCII etext

    Correlation between transient ischemic dilatation (TID) and coronary artery disease in Saudi male patients

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    AbstractObjectiveA high transient ischemic dilatation ratio (TID) for the left ventricle (LV) from a gated myocardial perfusion imaging (G-MPI) study is widely believed to be associated with significant coronary artery disease (CAD). We have investigated the relationship between TID and CAD for our male Saudi Arabian patient population.MethodsIn this retrospective study, all male Saudi Arabian patients who underwent a two-day G-MPI study using Tc99m MIBI during the year 2011 having a TID⩾1.20 were included. Quantitative perfusion and gated parameters were obtained using Cedar Sinai’s AutoQuant software version 3.0, 2003, Means of summed stress scores, summed rest scores and summed difference scores (SSS, SRS, SDS, respectively), stress and rest ejection fraction (EF) were calculated. Visual interpretation was performed to classify the perfusion as normal, fixed, mixed (fixed and reversible defects), single reversible or multiple reversible defects. Coronary angiograms were assessed as normal with no CAD, single vessel, two-vessel or three-vessel disease. Correlations between the TID and other parameters were studied using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with IBM-SPSS version 20.ResultsA total of 52 male patients had a high TID of ⩾1.20 (mean 1.30±0.13). Ten patients had a SSS of 0–3 and 16 were classified as normal by visual assessment. Stress EF (mean 50.4±12%) was lower than the rest EF (mean 56.6±12.8%) with the difference being statistically significant (Students paired t-test, p=0.001).Angiography results were available in 44 patients, 3 having a normal angiogram, 24 having three vessel disease, 7 having two vessel disease and 10 having one vessel disease. Five patients with normal perfusion and SSS=0–3 had CAD as seen on a coronary angiography. CAD on coronary angiography showed a significant correlation with perfusion abnormalities as assessed by visual interpretation (p=0.002). TID showed a significantly correlation with both perfusion abnormalities (p=0.009), as assessed by visual interpretation, and with Summed difference scores, SDS (p=0.000).ConclusionA high TID on G-MPI was a very sensitive indicator of significant CAD. In patients with normal perfusion and high TID further workup is warranted

    Stratigraphic signature of the late Palaeozoic Ice Age in the Parmeener Supergroup of Tasmania, SE Australia, and inter-regional comparisons

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    Recent research in eastern Australia has established that rather than being a single, long-lived epoch, the late Palaeozoic Ice Age comprised a series of glacial intervals each 1–8 million years in duration, separated by non-glacial intervals of comparable duration. In order to test whether the glacial events recognized in New South Wales and Queensland have broader extent, we conducted a reappraisal of the Parmeener Supergroup of Tasmania, southeast Australia. A facies analysis of the Pennsylvanian to Permian section was carried out, allowing rationalization of the succession into four recurrent facies associations: a) glacigenic facies association, restricted to the basal Pennsylvanian/earliest Permian Wynyard Formation and correlatives, b) glacially/cold climate-influenced to open marine shelf facies association, which accounts for large parts of the Permian succession, c) deltaic facies association, which specifically describes the Lower Permian “Lower Freshwater Sequence” interval, and d) fluvial to estuarine facies association, which specifically addresses the Upper Permian Cygnet Coal Measures and correlatives. Indicators of sediment accumulation under glacial influence and cold climate are restricted to four discrete stratigraphic intervals, all of which indicate that glaciation was temperate in nature. The lowermost of these, incorporating the basal Wynyard Formation and its correlatives, and overlying Woody Island Formation, shows evidence of proximal glacial influence (subglacial, grounding-line fan and ?fjordal facies), and is likely a composite of one or more Pennsylvanian glacial event(s) and an earliest Permian (Asselian) glacial. The second, of late Sakmarian to early Artinskian age, comprises an initial more proximal ice-influenced section and an overlying more distal ice-influenced interval. The third (Kungurian to Roadian) and fourth (Capitanian) intervals are both distal glacimarine records. The four intervals are of comparable age to glacials P1–P4, respectively, recognized in New South Wales and Queensland (notwithstanding apparent discrepancies of \u3c 2 million years in age), and display similar facies characteristics and vertical contrasts to those intervals. Accordingly, it is concluded that the late Palaeozoic stratigraphy of Tasmania preserves a glacial/cold climate record correlatable to that of mainland eastern Australia, lending support to the hypothesis that these events were widespread across this portion of Gondwana

    Report of the Advisory Committee in Seismology

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    The Advisory Committee in Seismology has pleasure in reporting the continued progress of its study of California earth movements during the year 1924-1925 without essential change of plan. A considerable amount of geologic work in the study of fault zones has been done during the year in the Mojave Desert and in Death Valley, the system of primary triangulation for the detection and measurement of horizontal displacements has progressed rapidly and effectively, and the development of suitable instruments for determining the two horizontal components of local earth movements has progressed to completion. Ground for a new laboratory has been purchased by the California Institute of Technology and the construction of the central station laboratory building upon it has been begun. The laboratory is expected to be occupied by Mr. H. O. Wood, Research Associate in Seismology, and his associates, about January 1, 1926. It is hoped that additional stations will also be occupied before the close of the present calendar year (1925), and that actual work in what has been happily termed the seismologic triangulation of California will be successfully inaugurated
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