790 research outputs found

    The international Internet site of the geoviticulture MCC system.

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    The ?Geoviticulture Multicriteria Climatic Classification (MCC) System? was developed to characterize the climate of the wine producing regions of the world. It is a method which determines three climatic indexes and uses them to classify a location. A worldwide database of these indexes in wine producing regions was created using this methodology and the System was made available as a web site (http://www.cnpuv.embrapa.br/ccm). The site presents general information about the Geoviticulture MCC System, describes the methodology, allows searches in the database and the calculation of climatic indexes. Searches may be worldwide or limited to a specific country, and search criteria allow limiting the class for each of the three indexes. Search results are presented as a table specifying location, index values, index classes and the source of the data used. In order to make it easier to visually identify locations with similar climate, an orthogonal color scheme was used for the three indexes. In tropical regions, where grapes may be harvested year-round, a separate index was included for each month of potential harvest. The site includes a reference list and, in some cases, PDF files with the complete papers. The site will be constantly updated as new data becomes available for insertion in the database. The web site is currently available in Portuguese, French and English, and its intention is to make the data available for whichever purpose users may need it

    Uso da temperatura para cálculo do índice de seca de regiões produtoras de uva.

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    O Sistema de Classificação Climática Multicritérios Geovitícola (CCM), empregado na caracterização climática de regiões produtoras de uvas, é composto pelos índices Heliotérmico (IH), de Frio Noturno (IF) e de Seca (IS) sendo que este se baseia no balanço hídrico potencial do solo. Para se calcular os valores de IS, são necessários dados da precipitação pluvial e da evapotranspiração potencial (ETP), estimados pelo método-padrão de Penman-Monteith. Nem todas as regiões vitícolas, no entanto, apresentam as variáveis meteorológicas necessárias para o uso desse método. Daí a importância de métodos que permitem estimar a ETP com base apenas em dados da temperatura do ar, como o de Hargreaves. No presente trabalho, foram comparados os Índices de Seca calculados com base nos valores de ETP estimados, empregando-se os métodos de Penman-Monteith e Hargreaves, para diferentes regiões vitícolas do mundo. Foram utilizados dados climáticos de 83 estações meteorológicas, representativas de regiões vitícolas localizadas em 18 países. A equação de Hargreaves obteve um desempenho classificado como muito bom, podendo ser adotada no sistema CCM, quando não se dispõe de dados para o uso do método de Penman-Monteith

    Consorciação da seringueira.

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    A consorciação de cultivos é uma prática agrícola que objetiva, entre outros fatores, a melhor utilização da terra, além de reduzir os custos de implantação de cultivos que entram em fase de produção mais tardiamente.bitstream/item/198266/1/Id-14366.pdf3º Curso Intensivo de Heveicultura para Técnicos Agrícolas

    Consorciação da seringueira.

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    A consorciação de cultivos é uma prática agrícola que objetiva, entre outros fatores, a melhor utilização da terra, além de reduzir os custos de implantação de cultivos que entram em fase de produção mais tardiamente.bitstream/item/198266/1/Id-14366.pdf3º Curso Intensivo de Heveicultura para Técnicos Agrícolas

    Extreme compass and Dynamic Multi-Armed Bandits for Adaptive Operator Selection

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    The goal of adaptive operator selection is the on-line control of the choice of variation operators within evolutionary algorithms. The control process is based on two main components, the credit assignment, that defines the reward that will be used to evaluate the quality of an operator after it has been applied, and the operator selection mechanism, that selects one operator based on some operators qualities. Two previously developed adaptive operator selection methods are combined here: Compass evaluates the performance of operators by considering not only the fitness improvements from parent to offspring, but also the way they modify the diversity of the population, and their execution time; dynamic multi-armed bandit proposes a selection strategy based on the well-known UCB algorithm, achieving a compromise between exploitation and exploration, while nevertheless quickly adapting to changes. Tests with the proposed method, called ExCoDyMAB, are carried out using several hard instances of the satisfiability problem (SAT). Results show the good synergetic effect of combining both approaches

    Cobertura de solo.

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    Benefícios da cobertura de leguminosas. Pueraria phaseoloides. Centrosema pubescens. Calopogonio mucunoides. Calopogonio coeruleum.bitstream/item/210446/1/Cobertura-de-solo.pdfTrabalho apresentado no 3º Curso Intensivo de Heveicultura para Técnicos Agrícolas

    Quando usar cama de aviário para suínos.

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    The Geoviticulture MCC System and its international Internet site.

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    El texto presenta el Sistema de Clasificación Climática Multicritério Geovitícola. Incluye los conceptos, metodologías y indices climáticos vitícolas, la página web internacional del Sistema CCM y aun bibliografías con diferenciados usos en el ámbito mundial. El Sistema ha sido utilizado para los estudios de los climas de las regiones vitícolas de los países iberoamericanos. En la pagina web del sistema http://www.cnpuv.embrapa.br/tecnologias/c cm/ se puede encontrar la información de referencia del Sistema

    Shelf life of minimally processed cassava roots submitted to different conservation methods.

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    The useful life of minimally processed cassava roots submitted to different conservation methods was evalu­ated. Cassava roots in natura were physically characterized, minimally processed and stored after submission to treatments in different packaging types. During storage period, the product was submitted to physicochemi­cal, sensorial and microbiological analyzes. Storage time and treatment influenced on minimally processed cassava roots quality. When only the sensorial analysis is considered, the useful life of minimally processed cassava roots was of 28 days for all treatments, except for the roots submitted to the CONTROL and CA treat­ments, which had a 24-day shelf life. However, at 14 days of storage, CONTROL, VAC, CA, and H2O treat­ments showed high psychotrophic count. Mold and yeast counts were also high for CONTROL and VAC treat­ments at 14 days of storage. At 28 days of storage, psychrotrophs, molds and yeasts count was high for all treatments. In general, the most recommended treatments, due to having a longer shelf life, were CA and H2O reaching a maximum period of 14 days of storage. Considering the cooking time and the other physicochemical analyzes, the 2.5% H2O+CA treatment is not recommended for the commercialization of minimally processed cassava roots

    Farinha de carne e ossos bovina e suína como fonte de proteína para suínos.

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