46 research outputs found

    Detection of large molecular weight cytokeratin 8 as carrier protein of CA19–9 in non-small-cell lung cancer cell lines

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    It has been reported that cytokeratin 8 (CK8) is expressed in all non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLC). We hypothesized that antigenic changes of CK8 may occur in some NSCLC cell lines. To prove this, Western immunoblot analysis using anti-human CK8 monoclonal antibodies as well as immunohistological staining of CK8 were performed in NSCLC cell lines. As a result, CK8 which had a higher molecular weight than recombinant CK8 was demonstrated in two of eight NSCLC cell lines. In addition, this CK8 contained antigenic epitopes of CA19–9. This CK8 with higher molecular weight, may have played a role in the process of invasion or metastasis of NSCLC. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Evidence-based guidelines in the evaluation of work disability: an international survey and a comparison of quality of development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In social insurance, the evaluation of work disability is becoming stricter as priority is given to the resumption of work, which calls for a guarantee of quality for these evaluations. Evidence-based guidelines have become a major instrument in the quality control of health care, and the quality of these guidelines' development can be assessed using the AGREE instrument. In social insurance medicine, such guidelines are relatively new. We were interested to know what guidelines have been developed to support the medical evaluation of work disability and the quality of these guidelines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Five European countries that were reported to use guidelines were approached, using a recent inventory of evaluations of work disability in Europe. We focused on guidelines that are disease-oriented and formally prescribed in social insurance medicine. Using the AGREE instrument, these guidelines were appraised by two researchers. We asked two experts involved in guideline development to indicate if they agreed with our results and to provide explanations for insufficient scores.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found six German and sixteen Dutch sets of disease-oriented guidelines in official use. The AGREE instrument was applicable, requiring minor adaptations. The appraisers reached consensus on all items. Each guideline scored well on 'scope and purpose' and 'clarity and presentation'. The guidelines scored moderately on 'stakeholder involvement' in the Netherlands, but insufficiently in Germany, due mainly to the limited involvement of patients' representatives in this country. All guidelines had low scores on 'rigour of development', which was due partly to a lack of documentation and of existing evidence. 'Editorial independence' and 'applicability' had low scores in both countries as a result of how the production was organised.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Disease-oriented guidelines in social insurance medicine for the evaluation of work disability are a recent phenomenon, so far restricted to Germany and the Netherlands. The AGREE instrument is suitably applicable to assess the quality of guideline development in social insurance medicine, but some of the scoring rules need to be adapted to the context of social insurance. Existing guidelines do not meet the AGREE criteria to a sufficient level. The way patients' representatives can be involved needs further discussion. The guidelines would profit from more specific recommendations and, for providing evidence, more research is needed on the functional capacity of people with disabilities.</p

    "I know that you know that I know": neural substrates associated with social cognition deficits in DM1 patients

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    Myotonic dystrophy type-1 (DM1) is a genetic multi-systemic disorder involving several organs including the brain. Despite the heterogeneity of this condition, some patients with non-congenital DM1 can present with minimal cognitive impairment on formal testing but with severe difficulties in daily-living activities including social interactions. One explanation for this paradoxical mismatch can be found in patients' dysfunctional social cognition, which can be assessed in the framework of the Theory of Mind (ToM). We hypothesize here that specific disease driven abnormalities in DM1 brains may result in ToM impairments. We recruited 20 DM1 patients who underwent the "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" and the ToM-story tests. These patients, together with 18 healthy controls, also underwent resting-state functional MRI. A composite Theory of Mind score was computed for all recruited patients and correlated with their brain functional connectivity. This analysis provided the patients' "Theory of Mind-network", which was compared, for its topological properties, with that of healthy controls. We found that DM1 patients showed deficits in both tests assessing ToM. These deficits were associated with specific patterns of abnormal connectivity between the left inferior temporal and fronto-cerebellar nodes in DM1 brains. The results confirm the previous suggestions of ToM dysfunctions in patients with DM1 and support the hypothesis that difficulties in social interactions and personal relationships are a direct consequence of brain abnormalities, and not a reaction symptom. This is relevant not only for a better pathophysiological comprehension of DM1, but also for non-pharmacological interventions to improve clinical aspects and impact on patients' success in life

    Working with pain : sustainable work participation of workers with chronic nonspecific musculoskeletal pain

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    Dit proefschrift is een van de eerste studies specifiek gericht op mensen die blijven werken met chronische pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat. Unieke kennis over duurzame arbeidsparticipatie van werknemers met chronische pijn werd vergaard. Doel van dit promotieonderzoek was meer inzicht te krijgen in de groep mensen die werkt met pijn en te achterhalen hoe zij in staat zijn ondanks hun klachten te blijven werken. In het proefschrift staan kenmerken en determinanten beschreven van werknemers die doorwerken met chronische pijn, waardoor een completer beeld is ontstaan van arbeidsparticipatie bij mensen met chronische pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat. Uit de vergelijking van mensen die doorwerken ondanks chronische pijn en mensen met arbeidsverzuim die in revalidatiebehandeling komen met chronische pijn blijkt dat deze groepen op diverse factoren significant verschillen. In het onderzoek werd onder andere aangetoond dat de motivatie voor werk, zelfmanagementvaardigheden en het belang dat wordt toegekend aan pijn, belangrijke factoren zijn die werken met chronische pijn faciliteren. Chronische pijn op zichzelf is vaak niet de reden voor arbeidsverzuim, maar meestal spelen persoonlijke- en omgevingsfactoren daarin een beslissende rol. Deze factoren kunnen dienen als aangrijpingspunt voor het verhogen van duurzame inzetbaarheid en preventie van arbeidsverzuim van mensen met chronische pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat. De effectieve manier waarop deelnemende werknemers in het onderzoek met hun pijn omgingen en productief bleven, kan anderen inspireren aan het werk te blijven. Daarnaast biedt het onderzoek een nieuw referentiekader voor de bedrijfs-, verzekerings-, en revalidatiegeneeskunde. This thesis was one of the first studies that focused specifically on people who continued work with chronic nonspecific musculoskeletal pain (CMP), and collected (identified) unique data concerning sustainable work participation of workers with CMP. It provides a large range of characteristics of workers with CMP who continued work despite pain, which has added to our understanding of sustainable work participation in people suffering from CMP. Comparison of workers who continued work with CMP with sick listed workers with CMP admitted for rehabilitation revealed that these groups differ significantly on several factors. In this thesis, evidence was found that the workers’ motivation to work, self-management skills, and the attributed importance of pain on their (working) lives are important factors to manage staying at work with CMP. It is recommended to be aware of the fact that CMP standing on itself is often not the reason for sick leave and disability, but regularly personal and environmental factors play an additional decisive role. Because these factors can be influenced, they offer opportunity to promote staying at work. In the process of guiding workers back to work, the results of the project ‘Working with pain’ may be used. The findings of this thesis potentially contribute to promotion of sustained work participation and prevention of sick-leave in workers with CMP. The effective way workers in this project coped with CMP and remained productive, may inspire others in their efforts to stay work. Finally, this thesis offers a new reference for rehabilitation-, occupational-,and insurance medicine.

    An update of the Worldwide Integrated Assessment (WIA) on systemic insecticides. Part 2: impacts on organisms and ecosystems

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    New information on the lethal and sublethal effects of neonicotinoids and fipronil on organisms is presented in this review, complementing the previous WIA in 2015. The high toxicity of these systemic insecticides to invertebrates has been confirmed and expanded to include more species and compounds. Most of the recent research has focused on bees and the sublethal and ecological impacts these insecticides have on pollinators. Toxic effects on other invertebrate taxa also covered predatory and parasitoid natural enemies and aquatic arthropods. Little, while not much new information has been gathered on soil organisms. The impact on marine coastal ecosystems is still largely uncharted. The chronic lethality of neonicotinoids to insects and crustaceans, and the strengthened evidence that these chemicals also impair the immune system and reproduction, highlights the dangers of this particular insecticidal classneonicotinoids and fipronil. , withContinued large scale – mostly prophylactic – use of these persistent organochlorine pesticides has the potential to greatly decreasecompletely eliminate populations of arthropods in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. Sublethal effects on fish, reptiles, frogs, birds and mammals are also reported, showing a better understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity of these insecticides in vertebrates, and their deleterious impacts on growth, reproduction and neurobehaviour of most of the species tested. This review concludes with a summary of impacts on the ecosystem services and functioning, particularly on pollination, soil biota and aquatic invertebrate communities, thus reinforcing the previous WIA conclusions (van der Sluijs et al. 2015)

    Racism as a determinant of health: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Despite a growing body of epidemiological evidence in recent years documenting the health impacts of racism, the cumulative evidence base has yet to be synthesized in a comprehensive meta-analysis focused specifically on racism as a determinant of health. This meta-analysis reviewed the literature focusing on the relationship between reported racism and mental and physical health outcomes. Data from 293 studies reported in 333 articles published between 1983 and 2013, and conducted predominately in the U.S., were analysed using random effects models and mean weighted effect sizes. Racism was associated with poorer mental health (negative mental health: r = -.23, 95% CI [-.24,-.21], k = 227; positive mental health: r = -.13, 95% CI [-.16,-.10], k = 113), including depression, anxiety, psychological stress and various other outcomes. Racism was also associated with poorer general health (r = -.13 (95% CI [-.18,-.09], k = 30), and poorer physical health (r = -.09, 95% CI [-.12,-.06], k = 50). Moderation effects were found for some outcomes with regard to study and exposure characteristics. Effect sizes of racism on mental health were stronger in cross-sectional compared with longitudinal data and in non-representative samples compared with representative samples. Age, sex, birthplace and education level did not moderate the effects of racism on health. Ethnicity significantly moderated the effect of racism on negative mental health and physical health: the association between racism and negative mental health was significantly stronger for Asian American and Latino(a) American participants compared with African American participants, and the association between racism and physical health was significantly stronger for Latino(a) American participants compared with African American participants.<br /