1,241 research outputs found

    The effect of long term exploitation by the gill net fishery on the multispecies fish stocks in Kainji Lake, Nigeria, 1969-1997

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    The findings are presented of an assessment made of the gillnet fishery in Kainji Lake, Nigeria from 1969 to the present, on the basis of data sets from commercial and experimental gillnet fishing, with the purpose to detect trends in some key fishery monitoring indicators. During this period, there has been an increase in the number of small meshed nets in the fishery resulting in a shift in the mode to lower mesh sizes; consequently, the average mesh size declined gradually in the fishery. This trend is found to be directly correlated with the decline in the CPUE and mean weight of the fish species. It is argued that the observed trend in CPUE and mean weight is forcing the fishermen to switch effort to gears such as traps which have very small meshes and can indescriminately take all sizes of the fish. It is shown that the catch composition by weight of Citharinus citharus, Lates niloticus and tilapias declined in the gillnet fishery in the late 70's and early 80's. Recent data, from 1994 to 1996, however indicates that C. citharus is recovering, but with declining mean weight. This suggests that the exploitation pattern is shifting to the smaller fish through the use of small meshed nets. In general, however, there has not been drastic changes in species bio-diversity in the Lake as a result of predatory effect and ecosystem overfishing as has happened in other great African Lakes. The species composition since lake formation continued to be dominated by fewer that 20 species. The potential yield for the lake has been estimated to be 32,166 tonnes (excluding clupeids) and the required optimum fishing effort to be 1,814 fishing canoes. In view of the relative stability of the species diversity in the lake and the current fish production level, it is proposed here that this MSY be adopted for all species. This would be achieved with the current effort level in the lake assuming that the efficiency of the fishermen and their gears do not improve. It should be reviewed after 10 or more years of catch and effort data collection. (PDF contains 65 pages

    Frame survey of Kainji Lake, northern Nigeria, 1996

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    Since 1993, annual frame surveys have been conducted by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project to determine the distribution and number of fishing localities, fishing canoes and fishing gears around Kainji Lake, Nigeria. The total number of fishing localities has increased from 221 in 1993 to 286 in 1996. The fishing localities included 245 permanent fishing villages, 29 permanent fishing camps, 8 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from Kainji Lake) and 4 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from outside Kainji Lake area). There was an increase in the total number of fishing entrepreneurs, fishing assistants and fishing canoes over the years. A total number of 5,499 fishing entrepreneurs, 12,449 fishing assistants and 9,278 fishing canoes were recorded during the 1996 frame survey. From 1995 there was a decrease in the number of shoreline fisherfolk and a decrease in the number of transport canoes, the number of engines remained the same. During the 1996 survey, a total number of 18,655 gill nets, 1,560 drift nets, 753 beach seines, 5,548 cast nets, 7,400 longlines and 36,979 traps were recorded. The concentration of the gears (number per km shoreline) was highest in substrata 06 and 08. The total number of gill nets increased from 17,680 in 1995 to 18,655 in 1996. For the remaining 5 gear types a decrease in number was observed. Despite increasing numbers of gears on the lake, of concern is the decline recorded in all the fishing methods of the number of gears owned by individual entrepreneurs. This was most notable in the gill net and longline fisheries. These two fisheries have the lowest daily catch values and coupled with the problem of gear theft on the lake, ownership in future, may be expected to fall further. The number of larger fishing units also declined as did the number of gears new entrants enter the fishery with. The decline is particularly worrying for the beach seine fishery where diversification into other fishing methods would be beneficial in light of the present ban on seines. The group of not active fishing entrepreneurs (those who do not themselves participate in fishing activities) had the highest ownership of gears whilst the new entrants into the fishery had the lowest. There was evidence that these new entrants into the fishery were using cast nets which is worrying given the trend of using smaller mesh size of this gearSince 1993, annual frame surveys have been conducted by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project to determine the distribution and number of fishing localities, fishing canoes and fishing gears around Kainji Lake, Nigeria. The total number of fishing localities has increased from 221 in 1993 to 286 in 1996. The fishing localities included 245 permanent fishing villages, 29 permanent fishing camps, 8 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from Kainji Lake) and 4 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from outside Kainji Lake area). There was an increase in the total number of fishing entrepreneurs, fishing assistants and fishing canoes over the years. A total number of 5,499 fishing entrepreneurs, 12,449 fishing assistants and 9,278 fishing canoes were recorded during the 1996 frame survey. From 1995 there was a decrease in the number of shoreline fisherfolk and a decrease in the number of transport canoes, the number of engines remained the same. During the 1996 survey, a total number of 18,655 gill nets, 1,560 drift nets, 753 beach seines, 5,548 cast nets, 7,400 longlines and 36,979 traps were recorded. The concentration of the gears (number per km shoreline) was highest in substrata 06 and 08. The total number of gill nets increased from 17,680 in 1995 to 18,655 in 1996. For the remaining 5 gear types a decrease in number was observed. Despite increasing numbers of gears on the lake, of concern is the decline recorded in all the fishing methods of the number of gears owned by individual entrepreneurs. This was most notable in the gill net and longline fisheries. These two fisheries have the lowest daily catch values and coupled with the problem of gear theft on the lake, ownership in future, may be expected to fall further. The number of larger fishing units also declined as did the number of gears new entrants enter the fishery with. The decline is particularly worrying for the beach seine fishery where diversification into other fishing methods would be beneficial in light of the present ban on seines. The group of not active fishing entrepreneurs (those who do not themselves participate in fishing activities) had the highest ownership of gears whilst the new entrants into the fishery had the lowest. There was evidence that these new entrants into the fishery were using cast nets which is worrying given the trend of using smaller mesh size of this gear. (PDF contains 44 pages

    Fisheries statistics of Kainji Lake, northern Nigeria, Nov. 1994 - Dec. 1998

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    Results are presented for the first 4 years data (1994-1998) of the Kainji Lake catch assessment survey, collected and analysed by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project. The following areas are covered: Methodology and alterations of the original sampling concept; Frame survey results - factors relating to the CAS; Catch assessment survey results - general; Gill net fishery; Drift net fishery; Beach seine fishery; Cast net fishery; Longline fishery; Trap fishery; and, Catch statistics from fisherwomen. (PDF contains 143 pages

    Predictions of fish yields and the status of the Kainji Lake fishery, 1998

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    Length frequency data was collected for the 6 main species from the Kainji Lake fishery for up to 16 months. Growth parameters were estimated and used for virtual - population and length based cohort analysis. The results from cohort analysis suggest that before the ban on beach seines the maximum economic yield from the fishery was overshot by 70%. Yield per recruit analysis showed that the fish are caught far below their optimum size. Fishing gears and the timing responsible for this early mortality have been identified. After the eradication of seines from the lake a 10% increase in total catch revenue can be expected from the fishery. This is equivalent to an increase in income of Naira 18,300 per annum for each fishing entrepreneur using other methods. A scenario for the regulation of cast net mesh size together with the ban of beach seines has been presented. A further increase of Naira 142 million (N25,500 per entrepreneur) can be anticipated if this is implemented by the Kainji Lake Fisheries Management and Conservation Unit. It is expected that the annual increase in fishing effort presently experienced will cause future yields to decline. The rate of the decline has been reduced by the eradication of the beach seine fishery and will further fall if the minimum mesh size for cast nets is implemented. A recommendation is made to the Kainji Lake Fisheries Management and Conservation Unit to first consolidate the beach seine ban and then to implement a ban of undersized cast nets. (PDF contains 70 pages

    Measurement of brood patch temperature of British passerines using an infrared thermometer

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    Capsule An infrared ear thermometer can be easily used to measure brood patch temperature in passerines caught on the nest or in mist-nets

    Fishing gear survey of Kainji Lake, northern Nigeria, 1996

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    A survey was carried out in September 1996 alongside the annual frame survey of Kainji Lake, Nigeria. As in the previous surveys, there were 6 main fishing gear types in use on the lake, which included gill nets, drift nets, beach seines, cast nets, longlines (baited and foul hooking) acid fishing traps. A total of 813 canoes were sampled. The canoe lengths were similar to the previous gear surveys. Altogether 466 gill nets were measured. They had an average length of 149 m, and were mostly bottom set. Of the gill nets measured 68% had a mesh size below 3 inches the minimum mesh size allowable according to the Niger and Kebbi State Fisheries Edict, 1996. Of concern was the large increase in the number of 1 inch meshed nets recorded on the lake. Drift nets had a mean length of 74 m. A total of 88% of all drift nets measured had a mesh size below 2.5 inches, the minimum mesh size stipulated in the State Edict. A total number of 102 beach seines were sampled with a mean length of 110 m, the mesh size in use on the lake remained as 0.1 inches under the Edict beach seines are banned from fishing in Kainji Lake. The decline in the lengths of the beach seines (and therefore catch rates) recorded since l995 was encouraging in the light of the destructive nature of these nets. A total of 30 cast nets were sampled, they had a mean diameter of 9.8 and a mean mesh size of 1.9 inches. All the nets had a hanging ratio of 0.5. Of the cast nets measured 40% had a mesh size below the minimum size of 2 inches recommended by the State Fisheries Edicts. Of concern was the continued rise in the number of gill nets with mesh sizes less than 2 inches. There were 2 types of longlines in operation on the lake. The baited and the foul hooking longlines. They were mostly bottom set and the hook size nos. 12-14 (Kirby sea hook) were predominant. Two types of fishing traps were identified, one was covered with a mesh of thin cane, one with netting material. The fishing traps had a mean height of 0.8 m and a mean width at the vase of 0.53 m. The mean mesh size used was 0.86 inches. Citharinus was reported as the most targeted of all fish species on the lake. Synodontis membranaceous was also targeted by most gears especially the smaller meshed nets. Labeo and Tilapia were low on the list of targeted species but their incidence remains high in the catches. (PDF contains 27 pages

    The resource appraisal survey of clupeids in Kainji Lake, Nigeria

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    This study includes an analysis of the trawl survey that was carried out by the Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project in May, 1997. The objective of the survey was to assess the biomass and the potential yield of clupeids and the carrying capacity of the beach seine fishery in the entire Kainji Lake (Nigeria). The biomass of the beach seine by-catch was also estimated. The density (kg /km super(3)) of the clupeids was higher in the Bussa and Foge than in the other stations. The lowest density of clupeids was in the Anfani station followed by Jetty, both in the southern basin. These stations were the deepest parts of all the areas trawled, measuring between 37-120 m of depth. There was an inverse correlation between depth trawled and the catch rates of clupeids, though the correlation was poor. The average annual biomass of the clupeids was estimated at 36,769.85 Mt in the entire Lake with an MSY of 11,705.95 Mt. The smaller species, Sierrathrissa leonensis, made up about 97% of the total clupeid population in the lake and occurred at a shallower depth than the larger species Pellonula afzeliusi. From the clupeid production statistics in 1996, it is estimated that the MSY is already overshot by 34%. Therefore, about 698 beach seines instead of the present 810 would be sufficient for sustainable exploitation of the clupeid stocks. Because of the substantial by-catch in the beach seines, this fishing method was banned from Kainji Lake in 1997. An offshore open water seine net is recommended to replace the beach seines on the lake. The number of these nets should not exceed 500. The current ban on beach seine is supported by this study. Nevertheless, and since the ban may not be 100% effective, effort should concentrate on maintaining that the number of beach seines must be kept at most at the present level. Recommendation is made against the introduction of the pair trawling not only from an economic point of view but also for resource conservation, legal and social reasons. The development of this fishery could pose a serious danger to continuity of stocks. It is proposed that priority be given to the development of an open water seine which is at the same level of exploitation as the beach seine and requires similar cost to acquire. (PDF contains 39 pages

    Opportunistic use of a wool-like artificial material as lining of Tit (Paridae) nests

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    The lining material is a key element of bird nests primarily serving as insulation for the adult, eggs and/or chicks but collection of such material will have an energetic cost. This study investigated the nest building effort of four species of tit (Paridae) in an English wood by determining the use of colored, wool-like artificial nest lining material over the period 2000-2010. The distances that birds carried the material from source to nest was recorded for each nest as an indirect measure of the energetic cost of collection of nest material by individual birds. Birds did not always use nest material from the nearest source to their nest and some birds collected material from 2, 3 or 4 well-separated sources. There was no detectable color preference in choice of material and few birds would travel more than 200 m to gather the material. Use of the material appeared to depend on the species. Within defined areas around material dispensers not all individual Great Tits (Parus major) used the artificial material and, for all species examined, the proportion of birds using the material declined with increasing distance between source and nest. Use of artificial material suggested that selection of nest materials was probably opportunistic but also reflected the preference of these species for a wool-like nest-lining

    In Memorian: Manuel Álvarez Hurtado

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    E-balonmano.com fue un sueño que se gestó a principios del año 2005 a partir de la necesidad de buscar nuevas alternativas de formación permanente para los entrenadores y aunque personalmente me encargaron el desarrollo de la idea, siempre encontré en mi compañero y Secretario de la revista, el apoyo en cuantas iniciativas le presente, era una esponja de ideas que las aprovechaba para generar nuevas iniciativas.E-Balonmano.com was a dream that was at the beginning of the year 2005 out of the need to look for new alternatives for the ongoing formation of coaches and although I personally commissioned the development of the idea, I always found in my companion and secretary of the Journal, the support in many initiatives will present, it was a sponge of ideas that the leveraged to generate new initiatives.peerReviewe

    Alternative Games: a possible way to aid coeducation in Physical Education classes?

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    Los juegos y deportes alternativos son utilizados en las clases de Educación Física por su carácter motivador, su capacidad de adaptación y por las facilidades para adecuarlos a las capacidades del alumnado; permitiendo adecuar la actividad para fomentar la igualdad entre géneros. En el estudio participaron 26 chicos y 28 chicas de 3º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria involucrándose en el diseño de actividades deportivas alternativas y valorando su grado de implicación, diversión y la dificultad y nivel de competencia percibidos en comparación con los deportes tradicionales. Los resultados muestran que los juegos y deportes alternativos por sí mismo no son una actividad coeducativa aunque potencialmente podrían llegar a serlo.Games and alternative sports are being used in PE classes for their motivational nature and their ability to adapt to children's capabilities and may be used to promote equality between the sexes. 26 boys and 28 girls from the third year of Secondary School took part in this study involving the participation in alternative games. Their degree of involvement, enjoyment and the difficulty and level of ability compared to traditional games were evaluated. The results show that alternative games in themselves are not a coeducational activity although, potentially, they could be so.peerReviewe