8,191 research outputs found

    Thematic Review Series: The Immune System and Atherogenesis. Cytokines affecting endothelial and smooth muscle cells in vascular disease

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    The cellular and extracellular matrix accumulations that comprise the lesions of atherosclerosis are driven by local release of cytokines at sites of predilection for lesion formation, and by the specific attraction and activation of cells expressing receptors for these cytokines. Although cytokines were originally characterized for their potent effects on immune and inflammatory cells, they also promote endothelial cell dysfunction and alter smooth muscle cell (SMC) phenotype and function, which can contribute to or retard vascular pathologies. This review summarizes in vivo studies that have characterized endothelial- and smooth muscle-specific effects of altering cytokine signaling in vascular disease. Although multiple reports have identified cytokines as pivotal players in endothelial and SMC responses in vascular disease, they also have highlighted the need to delineate the critical genes and specific cellular functions regulated by individual cytokine signaling pathways

    Experimental evidence of high-resolution ghost imaging and ghost diffraction with classical thermal light

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    High-resolution ghost image and ghost diffraction experiments are performed by using a single source of thermal-like speckle light divided by a beam splitter. Passing from the image to the diffraction result solely relies on changing the optical setup in the reference arm, while leaving untouched the object arm. The product of spatial resolutions of the ghost image and ghost diffraction experiments is shown to overcome a limit which was formerly thought to be achievable only with entangled photons.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Active cooling of hypersonic airplanes

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    Turbine-compressor system for active cooling of hypersonic aircraf

    EURECA mission control experience and messages for the future

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    EURECA is a retrievable space platform which can perform multi-disciplinary scientific and technological experiments in a Low Earth Orbit for a typical mission duration of six to twelve months. It is deployed and retrieved by the NASA Space Shuttle and is designed to support up to five flights. The first mission started at the end of July 1992 and was successfully completed with the retrieval in June 1993. The operations concept and the ground segment for the first EURECA mission are briefly introduced. The experiences in the preparation and the conduction of the mission from the flight control team point of view are described

    Insulin secretory granules labelled with phogrin-fluorescent proteins show alterations in size, mobility and responsiveness to glucose stimulation in living β-cells

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    The intracellular life of insulin secretory granules (ISGs) from biogenesis to secretion depends on their structural (e.g. size) and dynamic (e.g. diffusivity, mode of motion) properties. Thus, it would be useful to have rapid and robust measurements of such parameters in living β-cells. To provide such measurements, we have developed a fast spatiotemporal fluctuation spectroscopy. We calculate an imaging-derived Mean Squared Displacement (iMSD), which simultaneously provides the size, average diffusivity, and anomalous coefficient of ISGs, without the need to extract individual trajectories. Clustering of structural and dynamic quantities in a multidimensional parametric space defines the ISGs’ properties for different conditions. First, we create a reference using INS-1E cells expressing proinsulin fused to a fluorescent protein (FP) under basal culture conditions and validate our analysis by testing well-established stimuli, such as glucose intake, cytoskeleton disruption, or cholesterol overload. After, we investigate the effect of FP-tagged ISG protein markers on the structural and dynamic properties of the granule. While iMSD analysis produces similar results for most of the lumenal markers, the transmembrane marker phogrin-FP shows a clearly altered result. Phogrin overexpression induces a substantial granule enlargement and higher mobility, together with a partial de-polymerization of the actin cytoskeleton, and reduced cell responsiveness to glucose stimulation. Our data suggest a more careful interpretation of many previous ISG-based reports in living β-cells. The presented data pave the way to high-throughput cell-based screening of ISG structure and dynamics under various physiological and pathological conditions

    Digital Interventions for Problematic Cannabis Users in Non-Clinical Settings: Findings from a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Existing cannabis treatment programs reach only a very limited proportion of people with cannabis-related problems. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the effectiveness of digital interventions applied outside the health care system in reducing problematic cannabis use. Methods: We systematically searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (2015), PubMed (2009-2015), Medline (2009-2015), Google Scholar (2015) and article reference lists for potentially eligible studies. Randomized controlled trials examining the effects of internet-or computer-based interventions were assessed. Study effects were estimated by calculating effect sizes (ESs) using Cohen's d and Hedges' g bias-corrected ES. The primary outcome assessed was self-reported cannabis use, measured by a questionnaire. Results: Fifty-two studies were identified. Four studies (including 1,928 participants) met inclusion criteria. They combined brief motivational interventions and cognitive behavioral therapy delivered on-line. All studies were of good quality. The pooled mean difference (Delta = 4.07) and overall ES (0.11) give evidence of small effects at 3-month follow-up in favor of digital interventions. Conclusions: Digital interventions can help to successfully reduce problematic cannabis use outside clinical settings. They have some potential to overcome treatment barriers and increase accessibility for at-risk cannabis users. (C) 2016 S. Karger AG, Base

    Slow and fast micro-field components in warm and dense hydrogen plasmas

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    The aim of this work is the investigation of the statistical properties of local electric fields in an ion-electron two component plasmas for coupled conditions. The stochastic fields at a charged or at a neutral point in plasmas involve both slow and fast fluctuation characteristics. The statistical study of these local fields based on a direct time average is done for the first time. For warm and dense plasma conditions, typically Ne≈1018cm−3N_{e}\approx 10^{18}cm^{-3}, % T_{e}\approx 1eV, well controlled molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of neutral hydrogen, protons and electrons have been carried out. Relying on these \textit{ab initio} MD calculations this work focuses on an analysis of the concepts of statistically independent slow and fast local field components, based on the consideration of a time averaged electric field. Large differences are found between the results of these MD simulations and corresponding standard results based on static screened fields. The effects discussed are of importance for physical phenomena connected with stochastic electric field fluctuations, e.g., for spectral line broadening in dense plasmas.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let


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    Latar Belakang :Prematuritas menyebabkan mortalitas dan morbiditas neonatus. Hampir separuh dari neonatus yang berhasil hidup akan mengalami kecacatan neurologis kongenital termasuk Cerebral Palsy (CP). Kejadian CP dan gangguan kognitif berhubungan dengan kerusakan periventrikuler white matter,dimana hal ini sering ditemui pada bayi yang dilahirkan sebelum usia kehamilan 32mgg atau didapatkan kelainan corticosubcortical pada bayi yang baru dilahirkan cukup bulan.Sitokin pro inflamasi TNF α dan IL-1β diduga secara signifikan meningkat pada cairan amnion dan otak neonatus dengan infeksi, termasuk respon inflamasi lokal yang menyebabkan kerusakan otak janin.Magnesium sulfat dapat membalikkan efek berbahaya dari hypoxic/ischaemic brain injury dengan cara memblok reseptor NMDA, berlaku sebagai antagonis kalsium dan menurunkan masuknya kalsium ke dalam sel yang berimplikasi melindungi jaringan terhadap aktivitas radikal bebas, sebagai vasodilator, mengurangi instabilitas pembuluh darah, preventif terhadap kerusakan yang ditimbulkan dari proses hipoksia, melemahkan sitokin atau excitatory amino acid yang menyebabkan kerusakan sel dan mempunyai kerja sebagai anti-apoptosis

    Coherent imaging of a pure phase object with classical incoherent light

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    By using the ghost imaging technique, we experimentally demonstrate the reconstruction of the diffraction pattern of a {\em pure phase} object by using the classical correlation of incoherent thermal light split on a beam splitter. The results once again underline that entanglement is not a necessary feature of ghost imaging. The light we use is spatially highly incoherent with respect to the object (≈2μ\approx 2 \mum speckle size) and is produced by a pseudo-thermal source relying on the principle of near-field scattering. We show that in these conditions no information on the phase object can be retrieved by only measuring the light that passed through it, neither in a direct measurement nor in a Hanbury Brown-Twiss (HBT) scheme. In general, we show a remarkable complementarity between ghost imaging and the HBT scheme when dealing with a phase object.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures. Published in Physical Review A. Replaced version fixes some problems with Figs. 1, 4 and 1
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