2,200 research outputs found

    Principais características do sistema de produção de hortaliças no Município de Camocim de São Félix, Pernambuco.

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    Descriptive analysis of copy number variation regions in a population of dairy Gyr cattle.

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    The aim of this work was to investigate, based on a high density BovineHD SNP array, the abundance and distributions of CNVs and CNVR in a Gyr cattle population from Brazil. Genotype data of representative bulls were recorded, totaling 476 Gyr animals. For CNV identification was used the PennCNV software and the CNVRs were determined by the CNVRuler software. A total of 26,672 CNVs were found, beingon average 62 CNV per animal. Also, 1,898 CNVRs were detected on the autosomal chromosomes. Also, 1,898 CNVRs were detected on the autosomal chromosomes with 96% of these between 1.1 Kb to 100 Kb. The Ensembl's VEP tool, using the CNVRs information as input, found 913 coding regions, suggesting that exon regions were duplicated. In summary, the results help to better understand the Gyr genome and suggest that CNVRs might have some relationship with production traits.WCGALP 2014

    Capacidade de retenção de água em amostras de diferentes horizontes de solo na Bacia do Rio Urucu - Amazonas.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a retenção de água em sete potenciais, estimar a água disponível e avaliar a densidade do solo nos horizontes de cinco perfis em áreas de floresta primária na Base de Operações Geólogo Pedro de Moura - Urucu - AM

    Descriptive analysis of copy number variation regions in a population of dairy Gyr cattle.

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    The aim of this work was to investigate, based on a high density BovineHD SNP array, the abundance and distributions of CNVs and CNVR in a Gyr cattle population from Brazil. Genotype data of representative bulls were recorded, totaling 476 Gyr animals. For CNV identification was used the PennCNV software and the CNVRs were determined by the CNVRuler software. A total of 26,672 CNVs were found, beingon average 62 CNV per animal. Also, 1,898 CNVRs were detected on the autosomal chromosomes. Also, 1,898 CNVRs were detected on the autosomal chromosomes with 96% of these between 1.1 Kb to 100 Kb. The Ensembl's VEP tool, using the CNVRs information as input, found 913 coding regions, suggesting that exon regions were duplicated. In summary, the results help to better understand the Gyr genome and suggest that CNVRs might have some relationship with production traits

    Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. eucalyptorum pv. nov. causing bacterial leaf blight on eucalypt in Brazil.

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    Bacterial leaf blight is a major disease of eucalypt, especially under nursery conditions. Different bacterial species have been associated with the disease in several countries, and despite its importance worldwide, it is not clear to date whether similar disease symptoms are caused by the same or by different etiological agents. In this study, 43 bacterial strains were isolated from blighted eucalypt leaves collected in different geographic areas of Brazil and inoculated onto a susceptible eucalypt clone. Polyphasic taxonomy, including morphological, physiological, biochemical, molecular, and pathogenicity tests showed that only certain strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis caused symptoms of the disease. Strains varied in their aggressiveness, but no correlation with geographic origin was observed. MLSA-based phylogenetic analysis using concatenated dnaK, fyuA, gyrB and rpoD gene sequences allocated the strains in a well-defined clade, corresponding to Rademarker?s group RG 9.6. Inoculation of nineteen plant species belonging to seven botanical families with representative strain LPF 602 showed it to be pathogenic only on Eucalyptus spp, and Corymbia spp. Based on distinct biochemical and pathogenic characteristics that differentiate the eucalypt strains from other pathovars of the X. axonopodis species, here we propose their allocation into the new pathovar X. axonopodis pv. eucalyptorum pv. nov

    Interaction of genotype, environment and processing in the chemical composition expression and sensorial quality of Arabica coffee.

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    The present study was carried out to analyze chemical descriptors present in the raw coffee bean and to establish an association of these descriptors with the sensorial quality of the coffee beverage, based on expressions resulting from the interactions of coffee genotype, environment, and processing. The chemical descriptors caffeine, trigonelline, sucrose, and isomers of chlorogenic acid (3-CQA, 4-CQA, and 5-CQA), were analyzed through the use of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Trained and qualified cuppers, certified as judges of specialty coffees, carried out the sensorial analysis using the methodology proposed by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). Based on the cultivation environment, altitude and the genotype, it was possible to associate the chemical composition of the raw coffee bean with the coffee beverage sensorial quality. Yellow Bourbon cultivated above 1,200 m of altitude present higher contents of trigonelline and 3-CQA in the raw beans as well as high sensorial quality in the beverage

    Associação genética, fenotípica e de ambiente entre medidas de eficiência reprodutiva e produção de leite na raça Holandesa.

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    Utilizando-se o método da Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita e o algoritmo Livre de Derivadas sob modelos animais, foram estimados parâmetros genéticos para as características idade ao primeiro parto, primeiro intervalo de partos e produção de leite em até 305 dias na primeira e na segunda lactações, e avaliadas as associações genéticas entre estas características. O arquivo original, extraído do Arquivo Zootécnico Nacional - Gado de Leite, continha 118.894 informações de produção de leite e eficiência reprodutiva de vacas da raça Holandesa, paridas entre 1980 e 1992 e provenientes de seis Estados brasileiros (ES, MG, PR, SC, SP e RS). Foi requerido que cada subclasse rebanhoano-estação contivesse, no mínimo, quatro observações e que os touros fossem pais de, pelo menos, quatro vacas distribuídas em três rebanhos. Além do efeito fixo de rebanho-ano-estação, os modelos estatísticos usados ajustaram para o efeito de idade do animal. Em análises conjuntas de produção de leite com cada uma das duas características reprodutivas, as estimativas de herdabilidade ± EP foram para produção de leite na primeira lactação e idade ao primeiro parto, respectivamente, 0,35 ± 0,01 e 0,05 ± 0,01, e para produção de leite na primeira lactação e primeiro intervalo de partos 0,20 ± 0,02 e 0,12 ± 0,02, respectivamente. Na análise com característica única, utilizando-se período seco como covariável, a herdabilidade para produção de leite na segunda lactação foi 0,23 ± 0,02. A despeito de serem baixas, as estimativas de herdabilidade para as medidas de eficiência reprodutiva não foram nulas, indicando que estas características poderiam ser consideradas nos programas de seleção. As correlações genéticas, fenotípicas e de ambiente entre produção de leite na primeira lactação e idade ao primeiro parto foram, respectivamente, -0,65; 0,09; e 0,22. Entre produção de leite na primeira lactação e primeiro intervalo de partos, estimativas destas mesmas correlações foram, respectivamente, 0,75; 0,21; e 0,11. A seleção para produção de leite na primeira lactação pode reduzir a idade ao primeiro parto e aumentar o primeiro intervalo de partos