424 research outputs found

    Antiferromagnetic O(N) models in four dimensions

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    We study the antiferromagnetic O(N) model in the F_4 lattice. Monte Carlo simulations are applied for investigating the behavior of the transition for N=2,3. The numerical results show a first order nature but with a large correlation length. The NN \to \infty limit is also considered with analytical methods.Comment: 14 pages, 3 postscript figure

    Surface magnetism in ZnO/Co3O4 mixtures

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    We recently reported the observation of room temperature ferromagnetism in mixtures of ZnO and Co3O4 despite the diamagnetic and antiferromagnetic character of these oxides respectively. Here we present a detailed study on the electronic structure of this material in order to account for this unexpected ferromagnetism. Electrostatic interactions between both oxides lead to a dispersion of Co3O4 particles over the surface of ZnO larger ones. As a consequence, the reduction of Co+3 to Co2+ at the particle surface takes place as evidenced by XAS measurements and optical spectrocopy. This reduction allows to xplain the observed ferromagnetic signal within the well established theories of magnetism.Comment: Accepted in Journal of Applied Physic

    CMOS-3D smart imager architectures for feature detection

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    This paper reports a multi-layered smart image sensor architecture for feature extraction based on detection of interest points. The architecture is conceived for 3-D integrated circuit technologies consisting of two layers (tiers) plus memory. The top tier includes sensing and processing circuitry aimed to perform Gaussian filtering and generate Gaussian pyramids in fully concurrent way. The circuitry in this tier operates in mixed-signal domain. It embeds in-pixel correlated double sampling, a switched-capacitor network for Gaussian pyramid generation, analog memories and a comparator for in-pixel analog-to-digital conversion. This tier can be further split into two for improved resolution; one containing the sensors and another containing a capacitor per sensor plus the mixed-signal processing circuitry. Regarding the bottom tier, it embeds digital circuitry entitled for the calculation of Harris, Hessian, and difference-of-Gaussian detectors. The overall system can hence be configured by the user to detect interest points by using the algorithm out of these three better suited to practical applications. The paper describes the different kind of algorithms featured and the circuitry employed at top and bottom tiers. The Gaussian pyramid is implemented with a switched-capacitor network in less than 50 μs, outperforming more conventional solutions.Xunta de Galicia 10PXIB206037PRMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-12686, IPT-2011-1625-430000Office of Naval Research N00014111031

    Systemic Risk and Default Clustering for Large Financial Systems

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    As it is known in the finance risk and macroeconomics literature, risk-sharing in large portfolios may increase the probability of creation of default clusters and of systemic risk. We review recent developments on mathematical and computational tools for the quantification of such phenomena. Limiting analysis such as law of large numbers and central limit theorems allow to approximate the distribution in large systems and study quantities such as the loss distribution in large portfolios. Large deviations analysis allow us to study the tail of the loss distribution and to identify pathways to default clustering. Sensitivity analysis allows to understand the most likely ways in which different effects, such as contagion and systematic risks, combine to lead to large default rates. Such results could give useful insights into how to optimally safeguard against such events.Comment: in Large Deviations and Asymptotic Methods in Finance, (Editors: P. Friz, J. Gatheral, A. Gulisashvili, A. Jacqier, J. Teichmann) , Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 110 2015

    A molecular genetic perspective of reproductive development in grapevine

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    The grapevine reproductive cycle has a number of unique features. Inflorescences develop from lateral meristems (anlagen) in latent buds during spring and summer and enter a dormant state at a very immature stage before completing development and producing flowers and berries the following spring. Lateral meristems are unique structures derived from the shoot apical meristem and can either develop into an inflorescence or a tendril. How the grapevine plant controls these processes at the molecular level is not understood, but some progress has been made by isolating and studying the expression of flowering genes in wild-type and mutant grapevine plants. Interestingly, a number of flowering genes are also expressed during berry development. This paper reviews the current understanding of the genetic control of grapevine flowering and the impact of viticulture management treatments and environmental variables on yield. While the availability of the draft genome sequence of grapevine will greatly assist future molecular genetic studies, a number of issues are identified that need to be addressed—particularly rapid methods for confirming gene function and linking genes to biological processes and traits. Understanding the key interactions between environmental factors and genetic mechanisms controlling the induction and development of inflorescences, flowers, and berries is also an important area that requires increased emphasis, especially given the large seasonal fluctuations in yield experienced by the crop and the increasing concern about the effect of climate change on existing wine-producing regions

    Progress in creating a joint research agenda that allows networked long-term socio-ecological research in southern South America : addressing crucial technological and human capacity gaps limiting its application in Chile and Argentina

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    Since 1980, more than 40 countries have implemented long-term ecological research (LTER) programs, which have shown their power to affect advances in basic science to understand the natural world at meaningful temporal and spatial scales and also help link research with socially relevant outcomes. Recently, a disciplinary paradigmatic shift has integrated the human dimensions of ecosystems, leading to a long-term socio-ecological research (LTSER) framework to address the world's current environmental challenges. A global gap in LTER/LTSER only exists in the latitudinal range of 40–60°S, corresponding to Argentina and Chile's temperate/sub-Antarctic biome. A team of Chilean, Argentine and US researchers has participated in an ongoing dialogue to define not only conceptual, but also practical barriers limiting LTER/LTSER in southern South America. We have found a number of existing long-term research sites and platforms throughout the region, but at the same time it has been concluded an agenda is needed to create and implement further training courses for students, postdoctoral fellows and young scientists, particularly in the areas of data and information management systems. Since LTER/LTSER efforts in Chile and Argentina are incipient, instituting such courses now will enhance human and technical capacity of the natural science and resource community to improve the collection, storage, analysis and dissemination of information in emerging LTER/LTSER platforms. In turn, having this capacity, as well as the ongoing formalization of LTER/LTSER programs at national levels, will allow the enhancement of crucial collaborations and comparisons between long-term research programs within the region and between hemispheres and continents. For Spanish version of the entire article, see Online Supporting Information (Appendix S1).Desde 1980, más de cuarenta países han implementado programas de Investigación Ecológica a Largo Plazo (LTER por sus siglas en inglés), los cuales han mostrado su capacidad para influir sobre los avances en las ciencias básicas que permiten entender el mundo natural en escalas temporales y espaciales significativas, y también ayudar a enfocar la investigación hacia estudios socialmente relevantes. Recientemente, gracias a un cambio de paradigma en la disciplina, se integró también la dimensión humana de los ecosistemas, llevándola a un marco conceptual de Investigación Socio-Ecológica a Largo Plazo (LTSER por sus siglas en inglés) para enfrentar los desafíos medio-ambientales del mundo actual. Existe un vacío global en LTER/LTSER en el rango latitudinal de 40–60°S, correspondiente a los biomas templados/subantárticos de Argentina y Chile. Un equipo de investigadores chilenos, argentinos y estadounidenses ha trabajado por varios años para definir cuáles son la barreras que actualmente limitan la creación de una Red de LTER/LTSER en el sur de Sudamérica, no solamente en términos conceptuales, sino también a nivel práctico. Existe un buen número de sitios de investigación a largo plazo en la región, pero también concluimos que es necesario crear e implementar más cursos de capacitación para estudiantes, investigadores post-doctorales y jóvenes científicos, particularmente en las áreas de sistemas de manejo de datos e información. Considerando que los esfuerzos LTER/LTSER en Chile y Argentina son incipientes, este tipo de cursos podría mejorar la capacidad humana y técnica en la comunidad de las ciencias y los recursos naturales, así como mejorar los procesos de recolección, almacenamiento, análisis y difusión de la información. A su vez, la formalización de cursos de programas LTER/LTSER a nivel nacional para adquirir dicha capacidad de manejo de la información, permitirá un fortalecimiento crucial de las colaboraciones y comparaciones entre programas de investigación a largo plazo dentro de la región, y entre hemisferios y continentes. La versión en castellano del artículo se encuentra disponible en forma digital como Online Supporting Information S1.Fil: Anderson, Chistopher B. University of North Texas. Department of Biological Sciences; Estados UnidosFil: Celis-Diez, Juan Luis. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Escuela de Agronomía; ChileFil: Bond, Barbara J.H.G. Oregon State University. Andrews Forest Long-Term Ecological Research Site. Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society; Estados UnidosFil: Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Cientificas; ArgentinaFil: Little, Christian. Universidad Austral de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Evolución; Chile. Fundación Centro de los Bosques Nativos FORECOS; ChileFil: Armesto, Juan J. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Escuela de Agronomía; ChileFil: Ghersa, Claudio Marco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Austin, Amy Theresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Schlichter, Tomas Miguel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Grupo de Ecología Forestal; ArgentinaFil: Lara, Antonio. Fundación Centro de los Bosques Nativos FORECOS; Chile. Universidad Austral de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales. Instituto de Silvicultura; ChileFil: Carmona, Martin. Universidad de Chile. Instituto de Ecologıa y Biodiversidad; ChileFil: Chaneton, Enrique Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomia. Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente; ArgentinaFil: Gutierrez, Julio R. Universidad de La Serena. Departamento de Biología. Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad. Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Aridas; ChileFil: Rozzi, Ricardo. Universidad de La Serena. Departamento de Biología. Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad; ChileFil: Vanderbilt, Kristin University of New Mexico. Department of Biology. Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research Site; Estados UnidosFil: Oyarce, Guillermo University of North Texas. Library and Information Sciences; Estados UnidosFil: Fernandez, Roberto J. University of North Texas, Department of Biological Sciences; Estados Unido

    First bounds on the very high energy gamma-ray emission from Arp 220

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    Using the Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov Telescope (MAGIC), we have observed the nearest ultra-luminous infrared galaxy Arp 220 for about 15 hours. No significant signal was detected within the dedicated amount of observation time. The first upper limits to the very high energy γ\gamma-ray flux of Arp 220 are herein reported and compared with theoretical expectations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Transcriptome profiling of grapevine seedless segregants during berry development reveals candidate genes associated with berry weight

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    Indexación: Web of Science; PubMedBackground Berry size is considered as one of the main selection criteria in table grape breeding programs. However, this is a quantitative and polygenic trait, and its genetic determination is still poorly understood. Considering its economic importance, it is relevant to determine its genetic architecture and elucidate the mechanisms involved in its expression. To approach this issue, an RNA-Seq experiment based on Illumina platform was performed (14 libraries), including seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight at fruit setting (FST) and 6–8 mm berries (B68) phenological stages. Results A group of 526 differentially expressed (DE) genes were identified, by comparing seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight: 101 genes from the FST stage and 463 from the B68 stage. Also, we integrated differential expression, principal components analysis (PCA), correlations and network co-expression analyses to characterize the transcriptome profiling observed in segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight. After this, 68 DE genes were selected as candidate genes, and seven candidate genes were validated by real time-PCR, confirming their expression profiles. Conclusions We have carried out the first transcriptome analysis focused on table grape seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight. Our findings contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in berry weight determination. Also, this comparative transcriptome profiling revealed candidate genes for berry weight which could be evaluated as selection tools in table grape breeding programs.http://bmcplantbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12870-016-0789-

    Constraints on the steady and pulsed very high energy gamma-ray emission from observations of PSR B1951+32/CTB 80 with the MAGIC Telescope

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    We report on very high energy gamma-observations with the MAGIC Telescope of the pulsar PSR B1951+32 and its associated nebula, CTB 80. Our data constrain the cutoff energy of the pulsar to be less than 32 GeV, assuming the pulsed gamma-ray emission to be exponentially cut off. The upper limit on the flux of pulsed gamma-ray emission above 75 GeV is 4.3*10^-11 photons cm^-2 sec^-1, and the upper limit on the flux of steady emission above 140 GeV is 1.5*10^-11 photons cm^-2 sec^-1. We discuss our results in the framework of recent model predictions and other studies.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, replaced with published versio