37 research outputs found

    Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of gold mining tailings and their potential to generate acid mine drainage (Minas Gerais, Brazil)

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    For more than 30 years, sulfide gold ores were treated in metallurgic plants located in Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and accumulated in the Cocoruto tailings dam. Both flotation and leaching tailings from a deactivated circuit, as well as roasted and leaching tailings from an ongoing plant, were studied for their acid mine drainage potential and elements’ mobility. Detailed characterization of both tailings types indicates the presence of fine-grain size material hosting substantial amounts of sulfides that exhibit distinct geochemical and mineralogical characteristics. The samples from the ongoing plant show high grades of Fe in the form of oxides, cyanide, and sulfates. Differently, samples from the old circuit shave higher average concentrations of Al (0.88%), Ca (2.4%), Mg (0.96%), and Mn (0.17%), present as silicates and carbonates. These samples also show relics of preserved sulfides, such as pyrite and pyrrhotite. Concentrations of Zn, Cu, Au, and As are higher in the tailings of the ongoing circuit, while Cr and Hg stand out in the tailings of the deactivated circuit. Although the obtained results show that the sulfide wastes do not tend to generate acid mine drainage, leaching tests indicate the possibility of mobilization of toxic elements, namely As and Mn in the old circuit, and Sb, As, Fe, Ni, and Se in the tailings of the plant that still works. This work highlights the need for proper management and control of tailing dams even in alkaline drainage environments such as the one of the Cocoruto dam. Furthermore, strong knowledge of the tailings’ dynamics in terms of geochemistry and mineralogy would be pivotal to support long-term decisions on wastes management and disposal.This work was funded by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through projects UIDB/04683/2020 e UIDP/04683/2020 and Nano-MINENV 029259 (PTDC/CTA-AMB/29259/2017, and by AngloGold Ashanti Brazil

    Characterization of Arsenical Mud from Effluent Treatment of Au Concentration Plants, Minas Gerais – Brazil.

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    The determination of the general properties of arsenical mud was carried out in effluent treatment plant of an Au metallurgical facility, located in Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil. This effluent, which comes from the calcination stage, is treated via Fe-coprecipitation / lime-neutralization and thus mud with high As concentration is generated. Instrumental methods were applied to investigate physical-chemical characteristics, such as pH, in addition to the forms of occurrence of As and its associations. The results indicated that the mud has an alkaline pH (≈ 8.5), particles with grain size below 20 µm, and As, Fe, S and Al concentrations above 5%. The element As is essentially associated with Fe, Ca, S, and Al, forming phases with wide compositional variation as major and minor constituents generically classified as “complex sulfates” and “compounds with S”. The obtained results could assist optimization of the treatment routes in the plant and even to consider the potential reuse of this arsenic mud as a potential valuable produc

    Transmural remission improves clinical outcomes up to 5 years in Crohn's disease

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    © 2022 The Authors. United European Gastroenterology Journal published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of United European Gastroenterology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non‐commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.Introduction: Evidence supporting transmural remission (TR) as a long-term treatment target in Crohn's disease (CD) is still unavailable. Less stringent but more reachable targets such as isolated endoscopic (IER) or radiologic remission (IRR) may also be acceptable options in the long-term. Methods: Multicenter retrospective study including 404 CD patients evaluated by magnetic resonance enterography and colonoscopy. Five-year rates of hospitalization, surgery, use of steroids, and treatment escalation were compared between patients with TR, IER, IRR, and no remission (NR). Results: 20.8% of CD patients presented TR, 23.3% IER, 13.6% IRR and 42.3% NR. TR was associated with lower risk of hospitalization (odds-ratio [OR] 0.244 [0.111-0.538], p < 0.001), surgery (OR 0.132 [0.030-0.585], p = 0.008), steroid use (OR 0.283 [0.159-0.505], p < 0.001), and treatment escalation (OR 0.088 [0.044-0.176], p < 0.001) compared to no NR. IRR resulted in lower risk of hospitalization (OR 0.333 [0.143-0.777], p = 0.011) and treatment escalation (OR 0.260 [0.125-0.540], p < 0.001), while IER reduced the risk of steroid use (OR 0.442 [0.262-0.745], p = 0.002) and treatment escalation (OR 0.490 [0.259-0.925], p = 0.028) compared to NR. Conclusions: TR improved clinical outcomes over 5 years of follow-up in CD patients. Distinct but significant benefits were seen with IER and IRR. This suggests that both endoscopic and radiologic remission should be part of the treatment targets of CD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transmural remission improves clinical outcomes up to 5 years in Crohn's disease

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    IntroductionEvidence supporting transmural remission (TR) as a long-term treatment target in Crohn's disease (CD) is still unavailable. Less stringent but more reachable targets such as isolated endoscopic (IER) or radiologic remission (IRR) may also be acceptable options in the long-term. MethodsMulticenter retrospective study including 404 CD patients evaluated by magnetic resonance enterography and colonoscopy. Five-year rates of hospitalization, surgery, use of steroids, and treatment escalation were compared between patients with TR, IER, IRR, and no remission (NR). Results20.8% of CD patients presented TR, 23.3% IER, 13.6% IRR and 42.3% NR. TR was associated with lower risk of hospitalization (odds-ratio [OR] 0.244 [0.111-0.538], p < 0.001), surgery (OR 0.132 [0.030-0.585], p = 0.008), steroid use (OR 0.283 [0.159-0.505], p < 0.001), and treatment escalation (OR 0.088 [0.044-0.176], p < 0.001) compared to no NR. IRR resulted in lower risk of hospitalization (OR 0.333 [0.143-0.777], p = 0.011) and treatment escalation (OR 0.260 [0.125-0.540], p < 0.001), while IER reduced the risk of steroid use (OR 0.442 [0.262-0.745], p = 0.002) and treatment escalation (OR 0.490 [0.259-0.925], p = 0.028) compared to NR. ConclusionsTR improved clinical outcomes over 5 years of follow-up in CD patients. Distinct but significant benefits were seen with IER and IRR. This suggests that both endoscopic and radiologic remission should be part of the treatment targets of CD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Profile of paediatric rheumatology specialists and services in the state of São Paulo

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    INTRODUCTION: Paediatric rheumatology (PR) is an emerging specialty, practised by a limited number of specialists. Currently, there is neither a record of the profile of rheumatology patients being treated in Brazil nor data on the training of qualified rheumatology professionals in the country. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the profile of PR specialists and services, as well as the characteristics of paediatric patients with rheumatic diseases, for estimating the current state of rheumatology in the state of São Paulo. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In 2010, the scientific department of PR of the Paediatric Society of São Paulo administered a questionnaire that was answered by 24/31 accredited specialists in PR practising in state of São Paulo and by 8/21 institutions that provide PR care. RESULTS: Most (91%) of the surveyed professionals practise in public institutions. Private clinics (28.6%) and public institutions (37.5%) reported not having access to nailfold capillaroscopy, and 50% of the private clinics reported not having access to acupuncture. The average duration of professional practise in PR was 9.4 years, and 67% of the physicians had attended postgraduate programmes. Seven (87.5%) public institutions perform teaching activities, in which new paediatric rheumatologists are trained, and five (62.5%) offer postgraduate programmes. Two-thirds of the surveyed specialists use immunosuppressants and biological agents classified as restricted use by the Health Secretariat. The disease most frequently reported was juvenile idiopathic arthritis (29.1-34.5%), followed by juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) (11.6-12.3%) and rheumatic fever (9.1-15.9%). The incidence of vasculitis (including Henoch-Schönlein purpura, Wegener's granulomatosis, and Takayasu's arteritis) and autoinflammatory syndromes was higher in public institutions compared to other institutions (P = 0.03, P = 0.04, P = 0.002, and P < 0.0001, respectively). Patients with JSLE had the highest mortality rate (68% of deaths), mainly due to infection. CONCLUSION: The field of PR in the state of São Paulo has a significant number of specialists with postgraduate degrees who mostly practise at teaching institutions with infrastructures appropriate for the care of high-complexity patients.INTRODUÇÃO: A reumatologia pediátrica (RP) é uma especialidade emergente, com número restrito de especialistas, e ainda não conta com uma casuística brasileira sobre o perfil dos pacientes atendidos e as informações sobre a formação de profissionais capacitados. OBJETIVO: Estudar o perfil dos especialistas e dos serviços em RP e as características dos pacientes com doenças reumáticas nessa faixa etária a fim de estimar a situação atual no estado de São Paulo (ESP). PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: No ano de 2010 o departamento científico de RP da Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo encaminhou um questionário respondido por 24/31 especialistas com título de especialização em RP que atuam no ESP e por 8/12 instituições com atendimento nesta especialidade. RESULTADOS: A maioria (91%) dos profissionais exerce suas atividades em instituições públicas. Clínicas privadas (28,6%) e instituições (37,5%) relataram não ter acesso ao exame de capilaroscopia e 50% das clínicas privadas não tem acesso à acupuntura. A média de tempo de prática profissional na especialidade foi de 9,4 anos, sendo 67% deles pós-graduados. Sete (87,5%) instituições públicas atuam na área de ensino, formando novos reumatologistas pediátricos. Cinco (62,5%) delas têm pós-graduação. Dois terços dos especialistas utilizam imunossupressores e agentes biológicos de uso restrito pela Secretaria da Saúde. A doença mais atendida foi artrite idiopática juvenil (29,1%-34,5%), seguida de lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil (LESJ) (11,6%-12,3%) e febre reumática (9,1%-15,9%). Vasculites (púrpura de Henoch Schönlein, Wegener, Takayasu) e síndromes autoinflamatórias foram mais incidentes nas instituições públicas (P = 0,03; P = 0,04; P = 0,002 e P < 0,0001, respectivamente). O LESJ foi a doença com maior mortalidade (68% dos óbitos), principalmente por infecção. CONCLUSÃO: A RP no ESP conta com um número expressivo de especialistas pós-graduados, que atuam especialmente em instituições de ensino, com infraestrutura adequada ao atendimento de pacientes de alta complexidade.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Pediatria Setor de Reumatologia PediátricaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Hospital das ClínicasSanta Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Departamento de Pediatria Setor de ReumatologiaUniversidade Estadual de Campinas Unidade de Reumatologia PediátricaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Departamento de Puericultura e PediatriaSanta Casa de Misericórdia de Santos Setor de Reumatologia PediátricaFaculdade de Medicina de Botucatu Hospital Estadual de Bauru Serviço de Reumatologia PediátricaFaculdade de Medicina de BotucatuUNIFESP, Depto. de Pediatria Setor de Reumatologia PediátricaSciEL

    Three-Year Clinical Follow-Up of Children Intrauterine Exposed to Zika Virus

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    Congenital Zika virus (ZIKV) infection may present with a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations. Some sequelae, particularly neurodevelopmental problems, may have a later onset. We conducted a prospective cohort study of 799 high-risk pregnant women who were followed up until delivery. Eighty-three women and/or newborns were considered ZIKV exposed and/or infected. Laboratory diagnosis was made by polymerase chain reaction in the pregnant mothers and their respective newborns, as well as Dengue virus, Chikungunya virus, and ZIKV serology. Serology for toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, and syphilis infections were also performed in microcephalic newborns. The newborns included in the study were followed up until their third birthday. Developmental delay was observed in nine patients (13.2%): mild cognitive delay in three patients, speech delay in three patients, autism spectrum disorder in two patients, and severe neurological abnormalities in one microcephalic patient; sensorineural hearing loss, three patients and dysphagia, six patients. Microcephaly due to ZIKV occurred in three patients (3.6%). Clinical manifestations can appear after the first year of life in children infected/exposed to ZIKV, emphasizing the need for long-term follow-up

    Profile of paediatric rheumatology specialists and services in the state of São Paulo

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    INTRODUCTION: Paediatric rheumatology (PR) is an emerging specialty, practised by a limited number of specialists. Currently, there is neither a record of the profile of rheumatology patients being treated in Brazil nor data on the training of qualified rheumatology professionals in the country. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the profile of PR specialists and services, as well as the characteristics of paediatric patients with rheumatic diseases, for estimating the current state of rheumatology in the state of São Paulo. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In 2010, the scientific department of PR of the Paediatric Society of São Paulo administered a questionnaire that was answered by 24/31 accredited specialists in PR practising in state of São Paulo and by 8/21 institutions that provide PR care. RESULTS: Most (91%) of the surveyed professionals practise in public institutions. Private clinics (28.6%) and public institutions (37.5%) reported not having access to nailfold capillaroscopy, and 50% of the private clinics reported not having access to acupuncture. The average duration of professional practise in PR was 9.4 years, and 67% of the physicians had attended postgraduate programmes. Seven (87.5%) public institutions perform teaching activities, in which new paediatric rheumatologists are trained, and five (62.5%) offer postgraduate programmes. Two-thirds of the surveyed specialists use immunosuppressants and biological agents classified as restricted use by the Health Secretariat. The disease most frequently reported was juvenile idiopathic arthritis (29.1-34.5%), followed by juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) (11.6-12.3%) and rheumatic fever (9.1-15.9%). The incidence of vasculitis (including Henoch-Schönlein purpura, Wegener's granulomatosis, and Takayasu's arteritis) and autoinflammatory syndromes was higher in public institutions compared to other institutions (P = 0.03, P = 0.04, P = 0.002, and P < 0.0001, respectively). Patients with JSLE had the highest mortality rate (68% of deaths), mainly due to infection. CONCLUSION: The field of PR in the state of São Paulo has a significant number of specialists with postgraduate degrees who mostly practise at teaching institutions with infrastructures appropriate for the care of high-complexity patients.INTRODUÇÃO: A reumatologia pediátrica (RP) é uma especialidade emergente, com número restrito de especialistas, e ainda não conta com uma casuística brasileira sobre o perfil dos pacientes atendidos e as informações sobre a formação de profissionais capacitados. OBJETIVO: Estudar o perfil dos especialistas e dos serviços em RP e as características dos pacientes com doenças reumáticas nessa faixa etária a fim de estimar a situação atual no estado de São Paulo (ESP). PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: No ano de 2010 o departamento científico de RP da Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo encaminhou um questionário respondido por 24/31 especialistas com título de especialização em RP que atuam no ESP e por 8/12 instituições com atendimento nesta especialidade. RESULTADOS: A maioria (91%) dos profissionais exerce suas atividades em instituições públicas. Clínicas privadas (28,6%) e instituições (37,5%) relataram não ter acesso ao exame de capilaroscopia e 50% das clínicas privadas não tem acesso à acupuntura. A média de tempo de prática profissional na especialidade foi de 9,4 anos, sendo 67% deles pós-graduados. Sete (87,5%) instituições públicas atuam na área de ensino, formando novos reumatologistas pediátricos. Cinco (62,5%) delas têm pós-graduação. Dois terços dos especialistas utilizam imunossupressores e agentes biológicos de uso restrito pela Secretaria da Saúde. A doença mais atendida foi artrite idiopática juvenil (29,1%-34,5%), seguida de lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil (LESJ) (11,6%-12,3%) e febre reumática (9,1%-15,9%). Vasculites (púrpura de Henoch Schönlein, Wegener, Takayasu) e síndromes autoinflamatórias foram mais incidentes nas instituições públicas (P = 0,03; P = 0,04; P = 0,002 e P < 0,0001, respectivamente). O LESJ foi a doença com maior mortalidade (68% dos óbitos), principalmente por infecção. CONCLUSÃO: A RP no ESP conta com um número expressivo de especialistas pós-graduados, que atuam especialmente em instituições de ensino, com infraestrutura adequada ao atendimento de pacientes de alta complexidade.34635

    Representações do feminino no cinema e na memória da resistência armada à ditadura militar brasileira

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    The article aims to analyze the documentary Em busca de Iara (2014), directed by Flávio Frederico. The film aims to reconstruct the trajectory of political activist Iara Iavelberg, whose narrative is led by Mariana Pamplona, niece of Iara and responsible for the script, production and co-direction of this work. However, the focus of the documentary is the dismantling of the official version of the dictatorship, which attributed suicide to Iara’s death in 1971. Thus, in the investigative urge to prove that Iara Iavelberg was murdered by repression, the documentary relegates a secondary plan his political militancy during the dictatorship. The central argument is that in the documentary the guerrilla Iara remains recognized for her beauty and for being the lover of former army captain Carlos Lamarca and not for her political activities, which contributes little to the discussion of the role of women militancy in organizations the left

    Representações do feminino no cinema e na memória da resistência armada à ditadura militar brasileira

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    The article aims to analyze the documentary Em busca de Iara (2014), directed by Flávio Frederico. The film aims to reconstruct the trajectory of political activist Iara Iavelberg, whose narrative is led by Mariana Pamplona, niece of Iara and responsible for the script, production and co-direction of this work. However, the focus of the documentary is the dismantling of the official version of the dictatorship, which attributed suicide to Iara’s death in 1971. Thus, in the investigative urge to prove that Iara Iavelberg was murdered by repression, the documentary relegates a secondary plan his political militancy during the dictatorship. The central argument is that in the documentary the guerrilla Iara remains recognized for her beauty and for being the lover of former army captain Carlos Lamarca and not for her political activities, which contributes little to the discussion of the role of women militancy in organizations the left