605 research outputs found

    Book Review: The Judicial Record of Justice William O. Douglas

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    A Neuro-Psychological Model of Emotion

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    A standard approach in physiological and neurological psychology is to try to find “neural correlates” to various folk-psychological and scientific-psychological phenomena. For instance, we believe we have some understanding of “consciousness” or “working memory” or “components of emotion”. Then we look to see what “centers” and “circuits” and “neurotransmitters” underlie those processes. This traditional approach is to move from the psychological to the neurological. This approach has been quite successful

    Lifting As We Climb: Giving Voice to Black Female Mentorship Stories and Exploring Factors that Lead to Successful Mentoring Outcomes

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    As researcher-practitioners, we noted that the literature on mentorship has increased dramatically in recent years. However, the literature lacks attention to female paired mentoring relationships, especially relationships between women of color. Although we did not initially set out to fill this gap, our research does bring attention to the power of mentorship relationships between women of color. We explore three critical factors of an effective, female mentor-mentee relationship: social capital development (i.e., expand networks, build relationships), social and emotional learning (i.e., strengthen emotional resilience, increase self-awareness), and awareness of intersectionality (i.e., interact with role models, draw upon one’s unique identities). The purpose of this generic qualitative study is to explore how social capital development, social-emotional learning (SEL), and sensitivity to female intersectionality influence successful outcomes for adult (18 years old and older) female mentors and mentees in the St. Louis region. In our research, we center mentorship stories of female mentors that help illustrate the complexity and interconnectedness of these three critical factors of effective mentorship. We identify six themes that address these critical factors, and within each theme, we also address the pitfalls and challenges noted by participants. Overall, we found that mentoring relationships that address each of these critical factors foster successful mentoring outcomes. The weakest factor we identified in the mentoring relationship was the need for formal mentoring organizations and informal mentors to address all aspects of intersectionality, particularly a mentee’s LGBTQ+ identity. By addressing each of these critical factors equally, mentors and their mentees will be best positioned for a successful future. As most mentoring research features participants that fit White, male, heterosexual norms, we chose to address a gap in the mentoring research by centering black female mentorship stories and amplifying their lived experiences


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    Tutorial Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) merupakan kegiatan kokurikuler yang menekankan pada pendalaman dan penguasaan keterampilan praktek ibadah dan baca tulis Al-Qur'an yang diwajibkan kepada mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Pendidikan Agama Islam.Artinya kegiatan tutorial PAI melekat pada mata kuliah ini. Sedangkan pelaksanaannya dilakukan oleh para tutor PAI. Tutor PAI adalah mahasiswa yang telah memenuhi syarat khusus melalui seleksi, pelatihan dan mendapatkan mandat dari dosen PAI. Pada perkembangan selanjutnya tutorial PAI merupakan sarana menyebarkan nilai-nilai Islam yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pendalaman dan penguasaan tambahan keislaman bagi mahasiswa di luar materi perkuliahan pendidikan Agama Islam. Dengan tutorial PAI diharapkan terbentuk sosok pribadi muslim yang utuh, tangguh, menjadi suri tauladan dan sanggup menyebarkan Dakwah Islam (Agent of Change and Inovation) kepada warga kampus maupun masyarakat umum

    Investigating the ability to use the CT scan projection radiograph to monitor adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Introduction: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a spinal deformity that causes the spine to bend laterally. Patients with AIS undergo frequent X-ray examinations to monitor the progression of the deformity through the measurement of the Cobb angle, increasing the risk of developing radiation-induced cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of scan projection radiograph (SPR) in computed tomography (CT) to assess AIS by quantifying radiation dose from the SPR acquisitions and comparing it to those of digital radiography (DR) and a dedicated scoliosis imaging system (EOS) and by evaluating the accuracy of Cobb angle measurements on SPR images using a bespoke validated phantom. Methods: A dosimetry phantom representing a 10-year-old child and thermoluminescent dosimeters were used for measuring organ dose to calculate effective dose (ED) and effective risk (ER). Twenty-seven CT SPR protocols were used. A comparison was made to doses from imaging protocols using DR and the EOS system. The effectiveness of a scoliosis shawl for selected projections was also tested. To test the accuracy of Cobb angle measurements on SPR images, a scoliotic phantom was constructed and validated. Poly-methyl methacrylate (PMMA) and plaster of Paris (PoP) were used to represent human soft tissue and bone tissue, respectively, to construct a phantom exhibiting a 15° lateral curve of the spine. The phantom was validated by comparing the Hounsfield unit (HU) of its vertebrae with those of a human and an animal. Additionally, comparisons of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to those from a commercially available phantom were made. The angle of the curve in the phantom was measured directly to confirm that it was 15°. The constructed phantom was scanned in CT SPR mode, and the resulting images were visually evaluated against set criteria to determine their suitability for Cobb angle measurements. Those deemed of insufficient quality were excluded. Cobb angle measurements were then performed on the remaining images (n = 10) by 13 observers.Results: EOS had the lowest ED and ER when it was used to irradiate the phantom in AP positions. Five SPR AP imaging protocols and seven PA imaging protocols delivered significantly lower radiation dose and risk than their corresponding imaging positions in DR (p < 0.05). The scoliosis shawl significantly lowered the ED and ER of SPR and DR AP imaging protocols (p < 0.05). The validation of the PoP phantom revealed that the HU of the PoP vertebrae was 628 (SD= 56), human vertebrae was 598 (SD= 79) and sheep vertebra was 605 (SD= 83). The SNR values of the two phantoms correlated strongly (r = 0.93 [(p < 0.05]). The measured scoliosis angle was 14 degrees. When the phantom was imaged using SPR, the difference between the measured Cobb angle and the known angle was, on average, –2.75° (SD = 1.46°). The agreement among the observers was good (p = 0.861, 95% CI [0.70–0.95]) and comparable to similar studies on other imaging modalities which are used for Cobb angle estimation.Conclusion: EOS had the lowest dose. Where this technology is not available, there is a potential for organ dose (OD) reduction in AIS imaging using CT SPR compared with DR. The PoP phantom has physical characteristics (in terms of spinal deformity) and radiological characteristics (in terms of HU and SNR values) of the spine of a 10-year-old child with AIS. CT SPR images can be used for AIS assessment with the 5° margin of error that is clinically acceptable. A few SPR imaging protocols (CT4, 8 and 11) had the lower radiation risk compared with the DR and provided the most accurate Cobb angle measurements.Implications for practice: The bespoke phantom can be used to investigate new X-ray imaging techniques and technology in the assessment of scoliosis and has utility for the optimisation of X-ray imaging techniques in 10-year-old children. Overall, the outcome is promising for patients and health providers because it provides an opportunity to reduce patient dose and achieve clinically acceptable Cobb angle measurements whilst using existing CT technology


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan rumusan model integrasi character values dalam upaya menyiapkan guru kejuruan profesional berkarakter yang teruji secara teoritik Penelitian dilakukan dengan dengan tahap-tahap: (1) identifikasi character values dalam upaya menyiapkan guru kejuruan profesional berkarakter melalui literature review, dan survey di lapangan; (2) perencanaan model integrasi; (3) Focused Group Discussion untuk menentukan bentuk dan model integrasi character values; (4) validasi; dan (5) penyempurnaan model teoritis. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini meliputi kalangan stakeholders, perumus kebijakan, kepala sekolah, guru, siswa, dan ahli pendidikan. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa (1) telah teridentifikasi 68 dimensi karakter yang diperlukan bagi upaya mewujudkan calon guru kejuruan yang profesional berkarakter. dari enam puluh delapan dimensi tersebut berdasarkan urgensinya menurut guru/pengelola PPL di SMK maupun dosen dalam lingkup Fakultas Teknik, terdapat lima dimensi utama meliputi: Sikap kompetitif dan sportif, Kemampuan mendengarkan, Sikap positif/mencintai profesi, Berpikir sistem, dan Kesopanan.(2) Profil calon guru kejuruan yang tampak dalam diri mahasiswa peserta PPL di SMK. Keunggulan calon guru tampak dalam berbagai aspek diantaranya: kepercayaan diri, materi pembelajaran yang up to date, pemanfaatan IT, dan ketrampilan mengajar. Sedangkan beberapa aspek kelemahan tampak dalam hal komunikasi interaktif dengan siswa, kurangnya disiplin, tanggungjawab, komunikasi dan inovasi. (3)Pola penanaman karakter dalam upaya menghasilkan calon guru kejuruan yang profesional berkarakter dapat dilakukan paling tidak melalui enam cara yaitu: (1) kurikulum, (2) pembelajaran, (3) iklim akademik, (4) kegiatan kemahasiswaan, (5) kepemimpinan dan manajemen, dan (6) hubungan sinergis dengan stakeholders maupun dunia usaha/industri
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