1,150 research outputs found

    Testing Intra-Industry Trade Between Portugal and Spain [1990-1996]

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    This paper shows how, in the period 1990-1996, economic integration between the two Iberian economies has deepened through intra-industry trade. The enquiry was led at the level of the main forty traded products. In this context, several tests have been made. Our analysis combines first the application of the Grubel and Lloyd index of the main forty products and the marginal intra-industry trade of Brulhart, and Brulhart and Elliot. On the basis of these indexes we defined our criterion for the selection of the competitive cluster of Portugal throughout the period. We have also considered the global intra-industry trade, in nominal and real terms, according to the method of Greenaway et al. In econometric terms we have tried to know which is the relation between the intra-industry trade index and the marginal intra-industry trade at the level of the main forty products, the results however were not unequivocal. The same is true as far as concerns the relation between the intra-industry trade index and the net export position at the level of the same products. Despite the fact that some attempts have been inconclusive, knowledge about Iberian trade has developed in a field essential to its upgrading, and the way is open for further research.intra-industry trade; marginal intra-industry trade; competitive cluster; net export position.

    Summer Vacations not Only a Memory for Life, but Also a Rare Infection

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    Introduction: Rhinoscleroma is a rare, chronic, granulomatous disease that most frequently affects the upper respiratory tract, especially the nasal cavity and sometimes extends through the lower respiratory tract. Is associated with Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis, which is endemic in certain geographic regions namely Central America. The pathogenesis and risk factors remain unclear. Clinical case: We report a five years Old Portuguese boy, previously healthy, brought to the Emergency Department with epistaxis, without other accompanying signs or symptoms. The Otorhinolaryngologist (ORL) performed rhinoscopy and identified an intranasal bleeding mass. The MRI revealed an intranasal mass with extension to the ethmoid bone sinus, and performed biopsy. The histopathology was vital, making the diagnosis of Rhinoscleroma. The child had traveled abroad for the first time on vacations a year before to Dominican Republic. The bacteriologic exam identified a Klebsiella spp. sensible to the association of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Blood test performed excluded association of immunodeficiency. Since it’s a rare disease genetic study are under course. Monthly evaluation by ORL and pediatrician was performed which documented progressive reduction until total disappearing of the macro and microscopic lesion, and negative bacteriologic exam. Six months of antibiotic therapy were completed without any known secondary effects. The child remained asymptomatic up to the last visit, 3 months following treatment and has shown no evidence of recurrence. Conclusion: Globalization and free transit of people to areas far from origin countries here some rare diseases are endemic brings a new challenge to modern medicine. Sometimes vacations bring more than memories

    Peces de la cuenca del río Chira, Piura, Perú

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    Chira River is located on the north coast of Peru. The lack of knowledge of the ichthyofauna from coastal drainages from Peru is noteworthy. The aim of this study is to characterize the ichthyofauna along the Chira River basin in terms of diversity and altitudinal range distribution. The material examined belongs to the Ichthyological collection of the Natural History Museum (MUSM). The diversity of fishes is composed of 27 species belonging to 19 families and ten orders. Siluriformes and Characiformes were the most diverse, consisting of 22% (six species) for each one. Five species are new records for the Chira River (three natives and two non-natives). Six marine species and seven exotic species were recorded as well. The altitudinal distribution patterns for all species were registered. This study increases the known diversity of freshwater fishes from Pacific Drainage Rivers in Peru, and it could be used for management and conservation plans.El río Chira está ubicado en la costa norte del Perú. La ausencia de conocimiento de la ictiofauna de las cuencas costeras del Perú es notable. El objetivo de este estudio es caracterizar la ictiofauna en la cuenca del río Chira en términos de diversidad y rango de distribución altitudinal. El material examinado pertenece a la colección ictiológica del Museo de Historia Natural (MUSM). La diversidad de peces está compuesta por 27 especies pertenecientes a 19 familias y 10 órdenes. Cinco especies son nuevos registros para el río Chira (tres nativas y dos no nativas). Fueron registradas seis especies marinas y siete especies exóticas. Este estudio incrementa el conocimiento de la diversidad de peces de las cuencas costeras en Perú, y puede ser usado para planes de manejo y conservación

    Knowledge Registration Module Design for Enterprise Resilience Enhancement

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    [EN] The present situation characterized by the coronavirus pandemic has made businesses to be aware about the importance of being resilient to face undesirable impacts like the one caused by this pandemic. One of the constituent capacities of enterprise resilience is the recovery ability to bounce back and restore the operations after disruptions¿ occurrence. This paper is focused on the recovery perspective of enterprise resilience and its enhancement through knowledge registration. This research proposes the design of the Knowledge Registration Module addressed to the register of valuable information at different knowledge level with the main aim to reuse this piece of information to facilitate the recovery process when the same or an unexpected similar disruptive event occurs. Future research lines will be based on applying the knowledge approach to real cases to study the influence of knowledge management in the enhancement of enterprise resilience.This research was supported by the Programme to support the academic career of the faculty of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia 2019/2020 as part of Project 'Enterprise and Supply Chain Resilience Enhancement' granted to Dr. Raquel Sanchis, who wishes to thank Universita Politecnica delle Marche, particularly the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Science, for its support, during her stay, to conduct the present research.Sanchis, R.; Marcucci, G.; Alarcón Valero, F.; Poler, R. (2021). Knowledge Registration Module Design for Enterprise Resilience Enhancement. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 54(1):1029-1034. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.1221029103454

    Rhinoscleroma in a 5-year-old Portuguese Child

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    Rhinoscleroma is a chronic granulomatous infectious disease that is rare in Western Europe. We report the case of a 5-year-old Portuguese boy diagnosed with rhinoscleroma in the context of recurrent epistaxis. He had a 6-month course of antibiotic (amoxicillin plus clavulanate) therapy with full recovery

    Técnicas de separação biomimética em microfluídica

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    A separação e a identificação de células são essenciais em várias aplicações biomédicas, incluindo a biologia celular e os métodos de diagnóstico e terapêuticos. O sangue é um fluido não-Newtoniano contendo inúmeras informações preciosas sobre o estado fisiológico e patológico do corpo humano. No entanto, devido à sua complexidade, existem actualmente poucos métodos de análise precisos. A maioria das técnicas convencionais usadas na separação e contagem de células são dispendiosas e normalmente é necessário usar agentes externos adicionais para identificar as células. As técnicas biomiméticas de separação em microfluídica usam fenómenos microfluídicos, que ocorrem à microescala, para realizar a separação de determinadas células sanguíneas. Estes fenómenos incluem a separação do plasma, a camada livre de células (CLC), a migração dos glóbulos brancos (GBs), também designados por leucócitos, e a lei da bifurcação. Recentemente, vários investigadores têm replicado estes efeitos, que acontecem em ambientes in vivo, em sistemas microfluídicos, ou seja, em ambientes in vitro. Nos microcanais, os glóbulos vermelhos (GVs), devido à sua deformabilidade e ao gradiente de velocidades (às forças de sustentação), tendem a concentrar-se na zona central dos microcanais, enquanto os GBs e os GVs rígidos (tal como, os GVs infectados com malária) tendem a migrar para a CLC que se forma nas zonas próximas das paredes. A lei da bifurcação estabelece, relativamente ao comportamento dos GVs, que em microcanais com bifurcações eles tendem a escolher o microcanal de secção maior.Os autores agradecem à FCT, COMPETE, QREN e União Europeia (FEDER) pelo financiamento através dos seguintes projetos: PTDC/SAU-BEB/105650/2008, PTDC/SAU-BEB/108728/2008, PTDC/EME-MFE/099109/2008 ePTDC/SAU-ENB/116929/2010

    Entropy in network community as an indicator of language structure in emoji usage: A twitter study across various thematic datasets

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordEmojis are emerging as an alternative way to interact and communicate online, and their large-scale adoption has the potential to reveal distinct patterns of human communication and social interactions. In this work, we investigate the hypothesis that emojis are a kind of language. By building networks of emoji co-occurrence, we examine the diversity of the community structure of such networks with regards to predefined categories of emojis. Using four different techniques of community detection, we validate our hypothesis on six Twitter datasets: five from specific topics and one random dataset. Our results demonstrate that the community structure of emojis is more diverse when they are used in non-random topics such as politics and sports, and that Stochastic Block Models appears to extract communities with higher diversity.National Science Foundatio

    DevSecOps metrics

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    DevSecOps is an emerging paradigm that breaks the Security Team Silo into the DevOps Methodology and adds security practices to the Software Development Cycle (SDL). Security practices in SDL are important to avoid data breaches, guarantee compliance with the law and is an obligation to protect customers data. This study aims to identify metrics teams can use to measure the effectiveness of DevSecOps methodology implementation inside organizations. To that end, we performed a Multivocal Literature Review (MLR), where we reviewed a selection of grey literature. Several metrics purposed by professionals to monitor DevSecOps were identified and listed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Vitamin D supplementation after the menopause

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    The purpose of this review was to assess recent evidence regarding the effects of low vitamin D levels on some highly prevalent clinical conditions of postmenopausal women. We reviewed and selected recent literature regarding menopause-related conditions associated with vitamin D deficiency and interventions to manage them. Low circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels related to menopause are linked to diet, lifestyle, changes in body composition, insulin sensitivity, and reduced physical activity. Vitamin D supplementation increases serum 25(OH)D levels while normalizing parathyroid hormone and bone markers, and in women with serum 25(OH)D levels below 10 ng/ml supplementation may improve bone mineral density. Low vitamin D status has been associated with the metabolic syndrome, high triglyceride levels, and low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. When compared with placebo, vitamin D supplementation may lower the risk of the metabolic syndrome, hypertriglyceridemia, and hyperglycemia. There is an inverse relationship between fat mass and serum 25(OH)D levels and, therefore, the dosage of supplementation should be adjusted according to the body mass index. Although vitamin D supplementation may improve glucose metabolism in prediabetic subjects, data regarding muscle strength are conflictive. There is evidence that vitamin D over-treatment, to reach extremely high circulating 25(OH)D levels, does not result in better clinical outcomes. The identification and treatment of vitamin D deficiency in postmenopausal women may improve their general health and health outcomes. Vitamin D supplementation should preferably be based on the use of either cholecalciferol or calcifediol