8,725 research outputs found

    Terrorism Is the World’s Problem

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    Twin Barge-Spar Hydrodynamic Interaction on Floatover Deck Installation

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    Jurnal ini berisi tentang instalasi floatover sebuah heavy weight topside deck pada fasilitas terapung minyak dan gas. Dalam penelitian ini bangunan apung yang ditinjau adalah SPAR dengan diameter 25m x tinggi 100 m dan 5m sarat air yang akan ditempatkan pada lokasi tertentu dengan tinggi gelombang signifikan (Hs) mencapai 3 meter, periode gelombang (Tp) bervariasi antara 6s sampai 10s, kecepatan arus 0.4 m/s, dan kecepatan angin 26 knots. Dengan pendekatan teknis secara benar maka konsep instalasi floatover dapat dilakukan daripada menggunakan metode instalasi heavy lift. Analisa floatover telah dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak MOSES dan hasilnya menunjukkan jenis instalasi ini dapat dikerjakan sebagai alternatif yang bagus untuk instalasi topside pada fasilitas terapung lepas pantai. Hasil untuk kondisi ekstrem saat instalasi menunjukkan nilai maksimum RMS roll, pitch, dan heave adalah 1.11 degree, 1.13 degree, dan 0.057g secara berurutan. Nilai maksimum tersubut terjadi saat tahap instalasi docking stage

    A Holistic View of Legal Documentation from Shari'ah Perspective

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    The legal documentation having several features tends to make legal writing formal. This formality can take the form of long sentences, complex constructions, archaic and hyper-formal vocabulary, and a focus on content to the exclusion of reader needs. Some of this formality in legal writing is necessary and desirable, given the importance of some legal documents and the seriousness of the circumstances in which some legal documents are used. Yet not all formality in legal writing is justified in the Shariah point of view. It may sometimes to the extent that formality hinders reader comprehension, and do not reflect clear communication. This paper will explore some clauses of the legal documentation and analyze it check and balance from the Shariah perspective. In the second part of this paper, we will investigate some of controversial clauses that are deemed as prohibition elements. This paper conclude by proposing some suggestion in Islamizing the currently practice legal documentation in order to incorporate with the Shariah requirement.Legal documentation, rights and liabilities, Shariah requirement, prohibitions in legal documentation.

    A Machine Learning Approach For Opinion Holder Extraction In Arabic Language

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    Opinion mining aims at extracting useful subjective information from reliable amounts of text. Opinion mining holder recognition is a task that has not been considered yet in Arabic Language. This task essentially requires deep understanding of clauses structures. Unfortunately, the lack of a robust, publicly available, Arabic parser further complicates the research. This paper presents a leading research for the opinion holder extraction in Arabic news independent from any lexical parsers. We investigate constructing a comprehensive feature set to compensate the lack of parsing structural outcomes. The proposed feature set is tuned from English previous works coupled with our proposed semantic field and named entities features. Our feature analysis is based on Conditional Random Fields (CRF) and semi-supervised pattern recognition techniques. Different research models are evaluated via cross-validation experiments achieving 54.03 F-measure. We publicly release our own research outcome corpus and lexicon for opinion mining community to encourage further research

    Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea) approach In efficiency transport manufacturing industry in Malaysia

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    The objective of this study was to measure of technical efficiency, transport manufacturing industry in Malaysia score using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) from 2005 to 2010. The efficiency score analysis used only two inputs, i.e., capital and labor and one output i.e., total of sales. The results shown that the average efficiency score of the Banker, Charnes, Cooper - Variable Returns to Scale (BCC-VRS) model is higher than the Charnes, Cooper, Rhodes - Constant Return to Scale (CCR-CRS) model. Based on the BCC-VRS model, the average efficiency score was at a moderate level and only four sub-industry that recorded an average efficiency score more than 0.50 percent during the period study. The implication of this result suggests that the transport manufacturing industry needs to increase investment, especially in human capital such as employee training, increase communication expenses such as ICT and carry out joint ventures as well as research and development activities to enhance industry efficiency

    Are Islamic banks in Malaysia really ‘Islamic’?

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    Understanding the underlying wisdom of the origin of Muamalat could clear some misconceptions towards Islamic banks in Malaysia. These misconceptions arise when we talk about transformation from conventional bank to Islamic bank. The development process of Islamic banking and the services offered by Islamic banks may be similar to those of conventional banks with some exception that include general banking principles. Therefore this term paper combine both practitioners and academicians thoughts and ideas regarding the Islamic banking and finance operating mechanisms and its possible impacts to clear some common misgivings.Islamic banks, Malaysia, Islamic financial institutions, Misconceptions, Common misgivings

    Square-rich fixed point polynomial evaluation on FPGAs

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    Polynomial evaluation is important across a wide range of application domains, so significant work has been done on accelerating its computation. The conventional algorithm, referred to as Horner's rule, involves the least number of steps but can lead to increased latency due to serial computation. Parallel evaluation algorithms such as Estrin's method have shorter latency than Horner's rule, but achieve this at the expense of large hardware overhead. This paper presents an efficient polynomial evaluation algorithm, which reforms the evaluation process to include an increased number of squaring steps. By using a squarer design that is more efficient than general multiplication, this can result in polynomial evaluation with a 57.9% latency reduction over Horner's rule and 14.6% over Estrin's method, while consuming less area than Horner's rule, when implemented on a Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA. When applied in fixed point function evaluation, where precision requirements limit the rounding of operands, it still achieves a 52.4% performance gain compared to Horner's rule with only a 4% area overhead in evaluating 5th degree polynomials

    High throughput spatial convolution filters on FPGAs

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    Digital signal processing (DSP) on field- programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) has long been appealing because of the inherent parallelism in these computations that can be easily exploited to accelerate such algorithms. FPGAs have evolved significantly to further enhance the mapping of these algorithms, included additional hard blocks, such as the DSP blocks found in modern FPGAs. Although these DSP blocks can offer more efficient mapping of DSP computations, they are primarily designed for 1-D filter structures. We present a study on spatial convolutional filter implementations on FPGAs, optimizing around the structure of the DSP blocks to offer high throughput while maintaining the coefficient flexibility that other published architectures usually sacrifice. We show that it is possible to implement large filters for large 4K resolution image frames at frame rates of 30–60 FPS, while maintaining functional flexibility

    Investigation of thermal fatigue in fiber composite materials

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    Graphite-epoxy laminates were thermally cycled to determine the effects of thermal cycles on tensile properties and thermal expansion coefficients of the laminates. Three 12-ply laminate configurations were subjected to up to 5,000 thermal cycles. The cumulative effect of the thermal cycles was determined by destructive inspection (electron micrographs and tensile tests) of samples after progressively larger numbers of cycles. After thermal cycling, the materials' tensile strengths, moduli, and thermal expansion coefficients were significantly lower than for the materials as fabricated. Most of the degradation of properties occurred after only a few cycles. The property degradation was attributed primarily to the progressive development of matrix cracks whose locations depended upon the layup orientation of the laminate