531 research outputs found

    Nonlinear MPC for Offset-Free Tracking of systems learned by GRU Neural Networks

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    The use of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for system identification has recently gathered increasing attention, thanks to their black-box modeling capabilities.Albeit RNNs have been fruitfully adopted in many applications, only few works are devoted to provide rigorous theoretical foundations that justify their use for control purposes. The aim of this paper is to describe how stable Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs), a particular RNN architecture, can be trained and employed in a Nonlinear MPC framework to perform offset-free tracking of constant references with guaranteed closed-loop stability. The proposed approach is tested on a pH neutralization process benchmark, showing remarkable performances.Comment: This work is the extended version of the article accepted at the Third IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems (MICNON 2021) for publication under a Creative Commons Licence CC-BY-NC-N

    Functional response and preference of Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Ceratitis capitata and Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    Diachasmimorpha longicaudata is the most used braconid in biological control programs for Tephritidae fruit fl ies worldwide. The aim of this work was to assess the functional response and preference of this parasitoid to larvae of Ceratitis capitata and Anastrepha fraterculus, in different densities of hosts. The functional response of females of D. longicaudata was assessed, independently, in two hosts (third instar larvae of C. capitata or A. fraterculus), in seven densities 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 35 or 55 larvae of fruit fl ies per one female of parasitoid exposed in unit of artifi cial parasitism, for three hours, in at least 20 repetitions. The species showed a Type III functional response regardless of the density of host larvae, in both species, indicating that they are feasible hosts for multiplication of the parasitoid, under the conditions tested. The number of individuals parasitized and the percentage of female emergence were superior in A. fraterculus, when compared to C. capitata. Parasitism in fi eld and progeny of female parasitoids can be incremented using larvae of A. fraterculus in the rearing of D. longicaudata

    Osteoporosis in Celiac Disease: An Update

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    Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten ingestion in genetically predisposed individuals. In addition to the typical gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, or chronic abdominal pain, CD may also present a wide spectrum of manifestations, including low bone mineral density (BMD) and osteoporosis. This review aims to describe the role of CD in the development of skeletal alterations, underlying important clinical aspects and therapeutic implications. The etiopathology of bone lesions in CD is multifactorial and their management is challenging. Here, we provide gastroenterologists and orthopedics with an up-to-date overview on the link between CD and osteoporosis to improve the management of the CD condition

    Tratamento e reaproveitamento de água residual doméstica

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    Tratamento e reaproveitamento de água residual doméstica

    O raciocínio algébrico no ensino fundamental: o debate a partir da visão de quatro estudos

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo promover uma discussão sobre a introdução da álgebra nos anos iniciais, a partir da visão de estudantes e professores que atuam nesse nível de escolarização. Os conceitos aqui tratados são: sequência de padrão, interpretação de símbolos, equivalência em equação e relação funcional, cada um deles discutido a partir de situações-problema propostas tanto a estudantes, quanto a professoras dos anos iniciais. Os resultados parciais obtidos nas situações, em especial no que tange às estratégias utilizadas, enriquecem as discussões do artigo, as quais, sempre que possível, são comparadas com resultados de estudos correlatos. O artigo conclui que é possível introduzir conceitos algébricos já nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental, a depender da forma como for trabalhado. Conclui ainda que a representação pictórica é uma ferramenta poderosa que precisa ser levada em consideração pelo professor quando da introdução desses conceitos. Por fim, o estudo faz uma ponderação que não basta propor a introdução de conceitos algébricos nos anos iniciais, tampouco mudar o currículo, é preciso principalmente preparar os professores, responsáveis por implantar efetivamente tal currículo, sobretudo dos anos iniciais

    New Developments in Behavioral Pharmacology

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    Behavioral pharmacology research has been a cornerstone in the understanding of the processes that underlie the behavior of living organisms as well as the biological basis of the behavioral, emotional, and cognitive disorders that affect humans. The findings in this area have helped to explore the potential therapeutic effects of several substances for the treatment of the mentioned disorders. The present chapter brings an extremely brief introduction to this vast area. First, we try to put in context behavioral pharmacology and its relevance and then show some brief examples of how this discipline has developed over the years. Second, we review the concept of a “research model” in preclinical behavioral pharmacology, given the importance of animal models and tests in this area, followed by a brief review of the recent advances using zebra fish as a valuable tool of research. Third, more specific examples are aborded, such as the findings on sleep disorders and those related to sexual hormones and menopause

    Cardiology referral during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    OBJECTIVES: This study presents the cardiology referral model adopted at the University of Sa˜o Paulo-Hospital das Clı´nicas complex during the initial period of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, main reasons for requesting a cardiologic evaluation, and clinical profile of and prognostic predictors in patients with COVID-19. METHODS: In this observational study, data of all cardiology referral requests between March 30, 2020 and July 6, 2020 were collected prospectively. A descriptive analysis of the reasons for cardiologic evaluation requests and the most common cardiologic diagnoses was performed. A multivariable model was used to identify independent predictors of in-hospital mortality among patients with COVID-19. RESULTS: Cardiologic evaluation was requested for 206 patients admitted to the ICHC-COVID. A diagnosis of COVID-19 was confirmed for 180 patients. Cardiologic complications occurred in 77.7% of the patients. Among these, decompensated heart failure was the most common complication (38.8%), followed by myocardial injury (35%), and arrhythmias, especially high ventricular response atrial fibrillation (17.7%). Advanced age, greater need of ventilatory support on admission, and pre-existing heart failure were independently associated with inhospital mortality. CONCLUSIONS: A hybrid model combining in-person referral with remote discussion and teaching is a viable alternative to overcome COVID-19 limitations. Cardiologic evaluation remains important during the pandemic, as patients with COVID-19 frequently develop cardiovascular complications or decompensation of the underlying heart disease

    Oviposition behavior of Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead, 1905) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) at diffe-rent densities of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    O comportamento de oviposição de Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead, 1905) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) frente a diferentes densidades de larvas de Ceratitis capitata, (Wiedemann, 1824) (Diptera, Tephritidae) foi descrito e quantificado. Os insetos utilizados foram oriundos de criações de laboratório (25 ± 2 oC, 65 ± 10% UR, fotofase de 14 h). Os tratamentos foram diferentes densidades de larvas de C. capitata por unidade artificial de parasitismo (1, 5, 10, 25, 35 e 55 larvas), que foram expostas à fêmeas experientes do parasitoide, realizando-se de dez a doze repetições por tratamento. O aumento na densidade teve um efeito direto sobre o tempo total de busca e ação do parasitoide, comparado ao tempo sem atividade aparente (p 0,05). Apesar de ter sido observado um padrão aleatório no comportamento de oviposição de D. longicaudata, conclui-se que o aumento da densidade de hospedeiros exerce um efeito direto proporcional sobre o tempo de atividade das fêmeas de D. longicaudata.The oviposition behavior of Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead, 1905) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) at different larval densities of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) (Diptera, Tephritidae) was described and quantified. The insects of the bioassays came from laboratory rearing (25 ± 2 oC, 65 ± 10% RH, photophase 14 h). Ten to twelve repetitions per treatment (densities of 1, 5, 10, 25, 35 and 55 larvae of C. capitata per artificial oviposition unit) were exposed to parasitoid females with previous experience. The increase in density of hosts had a direct effect on the search and action time, compared to the time with no evident activity (p 0.05). Although a random pattern was observed in the oviposition behavior of D. longicaudata, it was concluded that the increase in host density results in a direct proportional effect on the activity time of the females of D. longicaudata

    Brazilian Amazon Plants: An Overview of Chemical Composition and Biological Activity

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    Currently, the number of diseases has been increasing and reaching the population directly, and the deliberate use of drugs is creating resistance of pathogens in several drugs, a fact evidenced by the increased ineffectiveness of drugs and the persistence of infections in the body. Given this, it is necessary to search for new alternative drugs that can effectively promote effective therapy. It is possible to highlight, in Brazil, the diversity of the Amazonian flora, which has several species with considerable potential as a source of new molecules with identified biological activity. Thus, a literature review was conducted in order to describe the applications of some Amazonian extracts and their chemical characteristics and biological activity. The Amazon rain forest has considerable diversity of plant species with biological properties that may be useful to public health. Further research is needed to identify new compounds with health benefits

    A multidisciplinary approach for the management of hypodontia: case report

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    Hypodontia is the congenital absence of one or more teeth and may affect permanent teeth. Several options are indicated to treat hypodontia, including the maintenance of primary teeth or space redistribution for restorative treatment with partial adhesive bridges, tooth transplantation, and implants. However, a multidisciplinary approach is the most important requirement for the ideal treatment of hypodontia. This paper describes a multidisciplinary treatment plan for congenitally missing permanent mandibular second premolars involving orthodontics, implantology and prosthodontic specialties