1,576 research outputs found

    Structural and electronic properties of the metal-metal intramolecular junctions of single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    Several intramolecular junctions (IMJs) connecting two metallic (11, 8) and (9, 6) carbon nanotubes along their common axis have been realized by using a layer-divided technique to the nanotubes and introducing the topological defects. Atomic structure of each IMJ configuration is optimized with a combination of density-functional theory (DFT) and the universal force field (UFF) method, based upon which a four-orbital tight-binding calculation is made on its electronic properties. Different topological defect structures and their distributions on the IMJ interfaces have been found, showing decisive effects on the localized density of states, while the sigma-pi coupling effect is negligible near Fermi energy (EF). Finally, a new IMJ model has been proposed, which probably reflects a real atomic structure of the M-M IMJ observed in the experiment [Science 291, 97 (2001)].Comment: 11 pages and 3 figure

    Improving cattle disease reporting and surveillance in Ethiopia using smartphone-based application

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    This study explores the use of a smartphone-based application to increase the accuracy and completeness of cattle disease reporting and surveillance in three regions of Ethiopia. We compared the performance of a smartphone-based application with traditional (paper-based) cattle diagnosis and reporting, in terms of demographics and disease information, level of detail and delay in time to transmit information to higher levels. A total of 547 and 678 clinical cattle cases were diagnosed in veterinary clinics visited by two groups of final-year veterinary students using the VetAfrica-Ethiopia (VAE) smartphone app and manual approach respectively. The group using the VAE application diagnosed over 90% cases as diseases of a specific name, while in reports from the manual system almost 50% of cases were diagnosed as non-specific diseases or ‘syndromes’. Furthermore, the mean duration of time required for smartphone data to be received by zonal- and federal- level veterinary services through a Cloud-based server were estimated to be two days (95% CI: 1.6–2.3), five days (95% CI: 3.8–5.4), and 13 days (95% CI: 12–14.9) in the Central, Eastern and Southern regions. The traditional reporting system adopted a batch reporting approach and only around two thirds of all cases reach the federal veterinary service by the end of a month. Despite the fact that such smartphone technology-assisted reporting and surveillance involves considerable start-up challenges and may be affected by intermittent mobile internet network coverage, they offer significant benefits in terms of improving data integrity, timeliness and reduced costs in the long run

    Proteomics of synapse

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    Large-scale phosphoproteome analysis on synaptosome and preparation of post-synaptic density (PSD) were investigated. It was found that protein phosphor is a common event in the synapse, which is consistent with the presence of diverse classes of kinases and phosphatases in the synapse. Synaptic proteomics analysis required the purification of subcellular organelles from the brain regions of interest. Multiple steps of discontinuous density gradient ultra-centrifugation were employed to enrich the distinct organelles. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to separate and quantify proteins, including post-translational modified forms, from synaptic structures. It was observed that proteomic analysis of the synaptic vesicle identified 36 proteins, including seven integral membrane proteins and vesicle regulatory proteins

    Space-like (vs. time-like) collinear limits in QCD: is factorization violated?

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    We consider the singular behaviour of QCD scattering amplitudes in kinematical configurations where two or more momenta of the external partons become collinear. At the tree level, this behaviour is known to be controlled by factorization formulae in which the singular collinear factor is universal (process independent). We show that this strict (process-independent) factorization is not valid at one-loop and higher-loop orders in the case of the collinear limit in space-like regions (e.g., collinear radiation from initial-state partons). We introduce a generalized version of all-order collinear factorization, in which the space-like singular factors retain some dependence on the momentum and colour charge of the non-collinear partons. We present explicit results on one-loop and two-loop amplitudes for both the two-parton and multiparton collinear limits. At the level of square amplitudes and, more generally, cross sections in hadron--hadron collisions, the violation of strict collinear factorization has implications on the non-abelian structure of logarithmically-enhanced terms in perturbative calculations (starting from the next-to-next-to-leading order) and on various factorization issues of mass singularities (starting from the next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order).Comment: 81 pages, 5 figures, typos corrected in the text, few comments added and inclusion of NOTE ADDED on recent development

    COVID-19 mortality among people with diagnosed HIV compared to those without during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in England

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    Objectives: We describe COVID-19 mortality among people with and without HIV during the first wave of the pandemic in England. / Methods: National surveillance data on adults (aged ≥ 15 years) with diagnosed HIV resident in England were linked to national COVID-19 mortality surveillance data (2 March 2020–16 June 2020); HIV clinicians verified linked cases and provided information on the circumstances of death. We present COVID-19 mortality rates by HIV status, using negative binomial regression to assess the association between HIV and mortality, adjusting for gender, age and ethnicity. / Results: Overall, 99 people with HIV, including 61 of black ethnicity, died of/with COVID-19 (107/100 000) compared with 49 483 people without HIV (109/100 000). Compared to people without HIV, higher COVID-19 mortality rates were observed in people with HIV of black (188 vs. 122/100 000) and Asian (131 vs. 77.0/100 000) ethnicity, and in both younger (15–59 years: 58.3 vs. 10.2/100 000) and older (≥ 60 years: 434 vs. 355/100 000) people. After adjustment for demographic factors, people with HIV had a higher COVID-19 mortality risk than those without (2.18; 95% CI: 1.76–2.70). Most people with HIV who died of/with COVID-19 had suppressed HIV viraemia (91%) and at least one comorbidity reported to be associated with poor COVID-19 outcomes (87%). / Conclusions: In the first wave of the pandemic in England, COVID-19 mortality among people with HIV was low, but was higher than in those without HIV, after controlling for demographic factors. This supports the strategy of prioritizing COVID-19 vaccination for people with HIV and strongly encouraging its uptake, especially in those of black and Asian ethnicity

    Syntaxin 16 is a master recruitment factor for cytokinesis

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    Recently it was shown that both recycling endosome and endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) components are required for cytokinesis, in which they are believed to act in a sequential manner to bring about secondary ingression and abscission, respectively. However, it is not clear how either of these complexes is targeted to the midbody and whether their delivery is coordinated. The trafficking of membrane vesicles between different intracellular organelles involves the formation of soluble N-ethylmalei­mide–sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) complexes. Although membrane traffic is known to play an important role in cytokinesis, the contribution and identity of intracellular SNAREs to cytokinesis remain unclear. Here we demonstrate that syntaxin 16 is a key regulator of cytokinesis, as it is required for recruitment of both recycling endosome–associated Exocyst and ESCRT machinery during late telophase, and therefore that these two distinct facets of cytokinesis are inextricably linked

    Control of Mycobacterium bovis infection in two sika deer herds in Ireland

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    In a number of countries, tuberculosis (due to infection with Mycobacterium bovis) is a significant health problem of captive deer. This paper describes outbreaks of bovine tuberculosis in sika deer (Cervus nippon) on two farms in Ireland and the methods used to control the disease. On Farm A, infection was first detected during 1993. The infection was eradicated using a programme of test and removal, in association with segregation of young animals. A second outbreak (also due to infection with M. bovis, but a different RFLP profile) was detected in 2002. In the latter outbreak, infection was particularly prevalent in two groups of young deer. M. bovis with the same RFLP profile was also isolated in a badger found dead on the farm. Control was achieved by test and removal in association with herd management changes. In Herd B, infection was first detected in 1995, and subsequently eradicated using test and removal alone. In Herd A, re-infection remains an ongoing risk. Control rather than eradication of infection may more realistic in the short-to medium-term

    Mortality and AIDS-defining events among young people following transition from paediatric to adult HIV care in the UK

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate risk of AIDS and mortality after transition from paediatric to adult care in a UK cohort of young people with perinatally acquired HIV. METHODS: Records of people aged ≥ 13 years on 31 December 2015 in the UK paediatric HIV cohort (Collaborative HIV Paediatric Study) were linked to those of adults in the UK Collaborative HIV Cohort (CHIC) cohort. We calculated time from transition to a new AIDS event/death, with follow-up censored at the last visit or 31 December 2015, whichever was the earliest. Cumulative incidence of and risk factors for AIDS/mortality were assessed using Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression. RESULTS: At the final paediatric visit, the 474 participants [51% female, 80% black, 60% born outside the UK, median (interquartile range) age at antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation = 9 (5-13) years] had a median age of 18 (17-19) years and CD4 count of 471 (280-663) cell/μL; 89% were prescribed ART and 60% overall had a viral load ≤ 400 copies/mL. Over median follow-up in adult care of 3 (2-6) years, 35 (8%) experienced a new AIDS event (n = 25) or death (n = 14) (incidence = 1.8/100 person-years). In multivariable analyses, lower CD4 count at the last paediatric visit [adjusted hazard ratio = 0.8 (95% confidence interval: 0.7-1.0)/100 cells/μL increment] and AIDS diagnosis in paediatric care [2.7 (1.4-5.5)] were associated with a new AIDS event/mortality in adult care. CONCLUSIONS: Young people with perinatally acquired HIV transitioning to adult care with markers of disease progression in paediatric care experienced poorer outcomes in adult care. Increased investment in multidisciplinary specialized services is required to support this population at high risk of morbidity and mortality

    Imaging-guided chest biopsies: techniques and clinical results

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    Background This article aims to comprehensively describe indications, contraindications, technical aspects, diagnostic accuracy and complications of percutaneous lung biopsy. Methods Imaging-guided biopsy currently represents one of the predominant methods for obtaining tissue specimens in patients with lung nodules; in many cases treatment protocols are based on histological information; thus, biopsy is frequently performed, when technically feasible, or in case other techniques (such as bronchoscopy with lavage) are inconclusive. Results Although a coaxial system is suitable in any case, two categories of needles can be used: fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) and core-needle biopsy (CNB), with the latter demonstrated to have a slightly higher overall sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. Conclusion Percutaneous lung biopsy is a safe procedure even though a few complications are possible: pneumothorax, pulmonary haemorrhage and haemoptysis are common complications, while air embolism and seeding are rare, but potentially fatal complications

    From counting to construction of BPS states in N=4 SYM

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    We describe a universal element in the group algebra of symmetric groups, whose characters provides the counting of quarter and eighth BPS states at weak coupling in N=4 SYM, refined according to representations of the global symmetry group. A related projector acting on the Hilbert space of the free theory is used to construct the matrix of two-point functions of the states annihilated by the one-loop dilatation operator, at finite N or in the large N limit. The matrix is given simply in terms of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of symmetric groups and dimensions of U(N) representations. It is expected, by non-renormalization theorems, to contain observables at strong coupling. Using the stringy exclusion principle, we interpret a class of its eigenvalues and eigenvectors in terms of giant gravitons. We also give a formula for the action of the one-loop dilatation operator on the orthogonal basis of the free theory, which is manifestly covariant under the global symmetry.Comment: 41 pages + Appendices, 4 figures; v2 - refs and acknowledgments adde