429 research outputs found

    On the degrees of freedom of lattice electrodynamics

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    Using Euler's formula for a network of polygons for 2D case (or polyhedra for 3D case), we show that the number of dynamic\textit{\}degrees of freedom of the electric field equals the number of dynamic degrees of freedom of the magnetic field for electrodynamics formulated on a lattice. Instrumental to this identity is the use (at least implicitly) of a dual lattice and of a (spatial) geometric discretization scheme based on discrete differential forms. As a by-product, this analysis also unveils a physical interpretation for Euler's formula and a geometric interpretation for the Hodge decomposition.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Geometric Finite Element Discretization of Maxwell Equations in Primal and Dual Spaces

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    Based on a geometric discretization scheme for Maxwell equations, we unveil a mathematical\textit{\}transformation between the electric field intensity EE and the magnetic field intensity HH, denoted as Galerkin duality. Using Galerkin duality and discrete Hodge operators, we construct two system matrices, [XE][ X_{E}] (primal formulation) and [XH[ X_{H} % ] (dual formulation) respectively, that discretize the second-order vector wave equations. We show that the primal formulation recovers the conventional (edge-element) finite element method (FEM) and suggests a geometric foundation for it. On the other hand, the dual formulation suggests a new (dual) type of FEM. Although both formulations give identical dynamical physical solutions, the dimensions of the null spaces are different.Comment: 22 pages and 4 figure

    On causality and dynamic stability of perfectly matched layers for FDTD simulations

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    Nonlinear force-free magnetic field extrapolations: comparison of the Grad-Rubin and Wheatland-Sturrock-Roumeliotis algorithm

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    We compare the performance of two alternative algorithms which aim to construct a force-free magnetic field given suitable boundary conditions. For this comparison, we have implemented both algorithms on the same finite element grid which uses Whitney forms to describe the fields within the grid cells. The additional use of conjugate gradient and multigrid iterations result in quite effective codes. The Grad-Rubin and Wheatland-Sturrock-Roumeliotis algorithms both perform well for the reconstruction of a known analytic force-free field. For more arbitrary boundary conditions the Wheatland-Sturrock-Roumeliotis approach has some difficulties because it requires overdetermined boundary information which may include inconsistencies. The Grad-Rubin code on the other hand loses convergence for strong current densities. For the example we have investigated, however, the maximum possible current density seems to be not far from the limit beyond which a force free field cannot exist anymore for a given normal magnetic field intensity on the boundary.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Utilização da equação de Hargreaves Samani para o cálculo da ETo em estufas

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    PosterA equação de Hargreaves Samani, HS, tem sido utilizada com sucesso para o cálculo da Evapotranspiração, Eto, ao ar livre. Os resultados indicam uma boa correlação entre a Eto obtida por este método e a obtida pelo método de Penman-Monteith, PM, que exige um conjunto maior de parâmetros. Até a data pouco se sabe sobre a aplicabilidade da equação de HS em agricultura protegida. Neste ensaio foram instalados minilisimetros numa estufa na Herdade de Mitra, Évora. A cultura utilizada foi a relva, por forma a eliminar a necessidade de determinação exacta do coeficiente cultural. Foram medidos em intervalos de 15 minutos a Temperatura do ar, radiação, Humidade Relativa e o vento no interior e exterior da estufa. A equação de HS foi calibrada com base nos valores dos lisimetros e com base na equação de PM. Os resultados indicam que no interior da estufa há uma diminuição da radiação em 44%, e o aumento da temperatura máxima em 2,4ºC e da temperatura mínima em 3,7ºC. A utilização da estufa permitiu uma poupança de água de 42% A equação de HS resulta em boas estimativas de Eto, desde que seja devidamente calibrada para a radiação no interior da estufa. A inclusão da radiação no cálculo da Eto pela equação de HS não melhora os resultados--------------------------ABSTRACT----The Hargreaves Samani equation, HS, has been used successfully for calculating Evapotranspiration, Eto, in open air. The results indicate a good correlation between Eto obtained with this method and that obtained through the Penman- Monteith, PM, method, which requires a larger number of parameters. Until now, little is known about the use of the HS equation in greenhouses. In this work, mini-lysimeters were installed in a greenhouse at the Mitra Experimental Farm, in Évora. Lawn was used as the crop, in order to eliminate the need for the exact determination of the crop coefficient. Air temperature, radiation, relative humidity and wind were measured at 15 minute intervals inside and outside of the greenhouse. The HS equation was calibrated based on the values from the lysimeters and the PM equation. The results indicate that inside the greenhouse the radiation decreases by 44%, maximum temperature increases by 2.4ºC and the minimum temperature by 3,7ºC. The use of greenhouse resulted in a water saving of 42%. The HS equation results in good estimates of Eto once it has been calibrated for the radiation intensity inside the greenhouse. The inclusion of the radiation in the calculation of Eto by the HS equation did not improve the results

    Metastatic deaths in retinoblastoma patients treated with intraarterial chemotherapy (ophthalmic artery chemosurgery) worldwide.

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    Ophthalmic artery chemosurgery [OAC, intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC)] was introduced in 2006 as treatment modality for intraocular retinoblastoma. The purpose of this commentary is to retrospectively review the incidence of metastatic deaths in retinoblastoma patients treated with OAC worldwide over a 10 year period. Retrospective data regarding metastatic deaths was collected from six international retinoblastoma centers (New York City USA, Philadelphia USA, Sao Paulo Brazil, Siena Italy, Lausanne Switzerland and Buenos Aires Argentina). All retinoblastoma patients from these centers (naive and recurrent, unilateral and bilateral) treated with OAC/IAC since 2006 have been included in this study. Data regarding number of patients, number of OAC/IAC infusions, number unilateral and bilateral, number treated for naive disease or salvage and number of metastatic deaths have been assessed. Over a 10-year period of time 1139 patients received OAC/IAC for 4396 infusions. At last follow-up there were only three metastatic deaths (all treated in Buenos Aires). The current survey assessed the recorded risk of metastatic deaths in six retinoblastoma centers worldwide in children with retinoblastoma (unilateral or bilateral) treated with OAC/IAC as primary or secondary therapy. Overall, the observed risk for metastatic deaths from retinoblastoma was <1% in OAC/IAC treated children

    Deep Sea Sedimentation

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    This article offers an overview of the main sedimentary systems defining the geomorphology of deep sea environments from low to high latitudes. Mass-transport deposits, turbidite systems, contourites, volcaniclastic aprons, glacial trough mouth systems, carbonate mounds and other bathyal systems, such as pelagites, hemipelagites, mid-ocean channels and polymetallic mineral deposits, are presented with special attention to their morphology, sediments, processes and controlling factors. The integration of the main systems on the continental margins and adjacent abyssal plains in the North Atlantic and westernmost Mediterranean allows to characterize different sedimentation models.En prens

    Post-COVID exercise intolerance is associated with capillary alterations and immune dysregulations in skeletal muscles

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic not only resulted in millions of acute infections worldwide, but also in many cases of post-infectious syndromes, colloquially referred to as "long COVID". Due to the heterogeneous nature of symptoms and scarcity of available tissue samples, little is known about the underlying mechanisms. We present an in-depth analysis of skeletal muscle biopsies obtained from eleven patients suffering from enduring fatigue and post-exertional malaise after an infection with SARS-CoV-2. Compared to two independent historical control cohorts, patients with post-COVID exertion intolerance had fewer capillaries, thicker capillary basement membranes and increased numbers of CD169(+) macrophages. SARS-CoV-2 RNA could not be detected in the muscle tissues. In addition, complement system related proteins were more abundant in the serum of patients with PCS, matching observations on the transcriptomic level in the muscle tissue. We hypothesize that the initial viral infection may have caused immune-mediated structural changes of the microvasculature, potentially explaining the exercise-dependent fatigue and muscle pain

    Estudo eletrocardiográfico de éguas da raça Crioula

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    A eletrocardiografia constitui ferramenta indispensável no diagnóstico de arritmias e distúrbios de condução elétrica do coração de equinos, bem como na determinação do prognóstico de cardiopatias, do desempenho atlético, da eficiência do treinamento, além de sugerir distúrbios eletrolíticos. No entanto, as variáveis eletrocardiográficas em equinos podem sofrer influência de diversos fatores como a idade, sexo, raça e constituição morfofuncional, dentre outas, tornando-se necessário conhecer as características de normalidade para as diferentes raças e fases do desenvolvimento. Descendentes dos cavalos da Península Ibérica, a raça Crioula foi trazida ao continente americano há mais de quatro séculos, resultando em características físicas e de resistência únicas, dada por sua seleção natural. Desta forma, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar e comparar os aspectos eletrocardiográficos de fêmeas da raça Crioula, em diferentes idades, bem como avaliar possíveis alterações eletrocardiográficas secundárias a prenhes. Para tanto, 84 éguas hígidas (34 prenhes e 50 não prenhes) da raça Crioula foram submetidas à avaliação eletrocardiográfica digital na derivação ápice-base, e os registros eletrocardiográficos subdivididos quanto à idade em G1 (até 4 anos), G2 (5 a 9 anos), G3 (acima de 10 anos). Não foram observadas arritmias cardíacas fisiológicas ou patológicas e distúrbios de condução elétrica do coração nas 84 éguas. Houve predomino de taquicardia sinusal, ondas P bífidas, complexos QRS do tipo rS e ondas T bifásicas em todos os grupos. Apenas a duração média do complexo QRS foi superior no grupo G1 (110,65±8,49) quando comparadas aos grupos G2 (101,98±10,02) e G3 (100,92±10,72). As variáveis autonômicas mensuradas (ITV, NNmédio e SDNN) foram inferiores nas éguas prenhes em relação às não prenhes, sugerindo maior participação do sistema nervoso autônomo simpático e ou menor participação parassimpática. Conclui-se, portanto, que a idade influenciou apenas na duração do complexo QRS , e que a prenhes foi capaz de diminuir as variáveis de variabilidade da frequência cardíaca no domínio do tempo e, possivelmente, influenciar na avaliação eletrocardiográfica das éguas Crioulas aqui testadas