757 research outputs found

    Nearly isotropic upper critical fields in a SrFe1.85_{1.85}Co0.15_{0.15}As2_{2} single crystal

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    We study temperature dependent upper critical field Hc2H_{\rm c2} of a SrFe1.85_{1.85}Co0.15_{0.15}As2_{2} single crystal (\textit{Tc_c}=20.2 K) along \textit{ab}-plane and \textit{c}-axis through resistivity measurements up to 50 T. For the both crystalline directions, Hc2H_{\rm c2} becomes nearly isotropic at zero temperature limit, reaching \sim 48 T. The temperature dependence of the Hc2H_{\rm c2} curves is explained by interplay between orbital and Pauli limiting behaviors combined with the two band effects.Comment: Proceedings of M2S-IX, Tokyo 200

    Thermodynamics of the half-filled Kondo lattice model around the atomic limit

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    We present a perturbation theory for studying thermodynamic properties of the Kondo spin liquid phase of the half-filled Kondo lattice model. The grand partition function is derived to calculate chemical potential, spin and charge susceptibilities and specific heat. The treatment is applicable to the model with strong couplings in any dimensions (one, two and three dimensions). The chemical potential equals zero at any temperatures, satisfying the requirement of the particle-hole symmetry. Thermally activated behaviors of the spin(charge) susceptibility due to the spin(quasiparticle) gap can be seen and the two-peak structure of the specific heat is obtained. The same treatment to the periodic Anderson model around atomic limit is also briefly discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Hartree-Fock Theory of Skyrmions in Quantum Hall Ferromagnets

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    We report on a study of the charged-skyrmion or spin-texture excitations which occur in quantum Hall ferromagnets near odd Landau level filling factors. Particle-hole symmetry is used to relate the spin-quantum numbers of charged particle and hole excitations and neutral particle-hole pair excitations. Hartree-Fock theory is used to provide quantitative estimates of the energies of these excitations and their dependence on Zeeman coupling strength, Landau level quantum numbers, and the thicknesses of the two-dimensional electron layers. For the case of ν\nu near three we suggest the possibility of first order phase transitions with increasing Zeeman coupling strength from a many skyrmion state to one with many maximally spin-polarized quasiparticles.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Localized states in 2D semiconductors doped with magnetic impurities in quantizing magnetic field

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    A theory of magnetic impurities in a 2D electron gas quantized by a strong magnetic field is formulated in terms of Friedel-Anderson theory of resonance impurity scattering. It is shown that this scattering results in an appearance of bound Landau states with zero angular moment between the Landau subbands. The resonance scattering is spin selective, and it results in a strong spin polarization of Landau states, as well as in a noticeable magnetic field dependence of the gg factor and the crystal field splitting of the impurity dd levels.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures Submitted to Physical Review B This version is edited and updated in accordance with recent experimental dat

    Estimating cut points: A simple method for new wearables

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    Wearable technology is readily available for continuous assessment due to a growing number of commercial devices with increased data capture capabilities. However, many commercial devices fail to support suitable parameters (cut points) derived from the literature to help quantify physical activity (PA) due to differences in manufacturing. A simple metric to estimate cut points for new wearables is needed to aid data analysis. Objective: The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate a simple methodology to determine cut points based on ratios between sedentary behaviour (SB) and PA intensities for a new wrist worn device (PRO-Diary™) by comparing its output to a validated and well characterised ‘gold standard’ (ActiGraph™). Study design: Twelve participants completed a semi-structured (four-phase) treadmill protocol encompassing SB and three PA intensity levels (light, moderate, vigorous). The outputs of the devices were compared accounting for relative intensity. Results: Count ratios (6.31, 7.68, 4.63, 3.96) were calculated to successfully determine cut-points for the new wrist worn wearable technology during SB (0–426) as well as light (427–803), moderate (804–2085) and vigorous (≥2086) activities, respectively. Conclusion: Our findings should be utilised as a primary reference for investigations seeking to use new (wrist worn) wearable technology similar to that used here (i.e., PRO-Diary™) for the purposes of quantifying SB and PA intensities. The utility of count ratios may be useful in comparing devices or SB/PA values estimated across different studies. However, a more robust examination is required for different devices, attachment locations and on larger/diverse cohorts

    Hamiltonian Theory of the FQHE: Conserving Approximation for Incompressible Fractions

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    A microscopic Hamiltonian theory of the FQHE developed by Shankar and the present author based on the fermionic Chern-Simons approach has recently been quite successful in calculating gaps and finite tempertature properties in Fractional Quantum Hall states. Initially proposed as a small-qq theory, it was subsequently extended by Shankar to form an algebraically consistent theory for all qq in the lowest Landau level. Such a theory is amenable to a conserving approximation in which the constraints have vanishing correlators and decouple from physical response functions. Properties of the incompressible fractions are explored in this conserving approximation, including the magnetoexciton dispersions and the evolution of the small-qq structure factor as \nu\to\half. Finally, a formalism capable of dealing with a nonuniform ground state charge density is developed and used to show how the correct fractional value of the quasiparticle charge emerges from the theory.Comment: 15 pages, 2 eps figure

    Hamiltonian theory of gaps, masses and polarization in quantum Hall states: full disclosure

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    I furnish details of the hamiltonian theory of the FQHE developed with Murthy for the infrared, which I subsequently extended to all distances and apply it to Jain fractions \nu = p/(2ps + 1). The explicit operator description in terms of the CF allows one to answer quantitative and qualitative issues, some of which cannot even be posed otherwise. I compute activation gaps for several potentials, exhibit their particle hole symmetry, the profiles of charge density in states with a quasiparticles or hole, (all in closed form) and compare to results from trial wavefunctions and exact diagonalization. The Hartree-Fock approximation is used since much of the nonperturbative physics is built in at tree level. I compare the gaps to experiment and comment on the rough equality of normalized masses near half and quarter filling. I compute the critical fields at which the Hall system will jump from one quantized value of polarization to another, and the polarization and relaxation rates for half filling as a function of temperature and propose a Korringa like law. After providing some plausibility arguments, I explore the possibility of describing several magnetic phenomena in dirty systems with an effective potential, by extracting a free parameter describing the potential from one data point and then using it to predict all the others from that sample. This works to the accuracy typical of this theory (10 -20 percent). I explain why the CF behaves like free particle in some magnetic experiments when it is not, what exactly the CF is made of, what one means by its dipole moment, and how the comparison of theory to experiment must be modified to fit the peculiarities of the quantized Hall problem

    Exclusion limits on the WIMP-nucleon cross-section from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search

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    The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) employs low-temperature Ge and Si detectors to search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) via their elastic-scattering interactions with nuclei while discriminating against interactions of background particles. For recoil energies above 10 keV, events due to background photons are rejected with >99.9% efficiency, and surface events are rejected with >95% efficiency. The estimate of the background due to neutrons is based primarily on the observation of multiple-scatter events that should all be neutrons. Data selection is determined primarily by examining calibration data and vetoed events. Resulting efficiencies should be accurate to about 10%. Results of CDMS data from 1998 and 1999 with a relaxed fiducial-volume cut (resulting in 15.8 kg-days exposure on Ge) are consistent with an earlier analysis with a more restrictive fiducial-volume cut. Twenty-three WIMP candidate events are observed, but these events are consistent with a background from neutrons in all ways tested. Resulting limits on the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon elastic-scattering cross-section exclude unexplored parameter space for WIMPs with masses between 10-70 GeV c^{-2}. These limits border, but do not exclude, parameter space allowed by supersymmetry models and accelerator constraints. Results are compatible with some regions reported as allowed at 3-sigma by the annual-modulation measurement of the DAMA collaboration. However, under the assumptions of standard WIMP interactions and a standard halo, the results are incompatible with the DAMA most likely value at >99.9% CL, and are incompatible with the model-independent annual-modulation signal of DAMA at 99.99% CL in the asymptotic limit.Comment: 40 pages, 49 figures (4 in color), submitted to Phys. Rev. D; v.2:clarified conclusions, added content and references based on referee's and readers' comments; v.3: clarified introductory sections, added figure based on referee's comment

    Nonlinear ion-acoustic (IA) waves driven in a cylindrically symmetric flow

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    By employing a self-similar, two-fluid MHD model in a cylindrical geometry, we study the features of nonlinear ion-acoustic (IA) waves which propagate in the direction of external magnetic field lines in space plasmas. Numerical calculations not only expose the well-known three shapes of nonlinear structures (sinusoidal, sawtooth, and spiky or bipolar) which are observed by numerous satellites and simulated by models in a Cartesian geometry, but also illustrate new results, such as, two reversely propagating nonlinear waves, density dips and humps, diverging and converging electric shocks, etc. A case study on Cluster satellite data is also introduced.Comment: accepted by AS