553 research outputs found

    A note on acoustic black holes in neo-Newtonian theory

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    Newtonian fluid dynamics allows the construction of acoustic metrics from which black hole configurations can be studied. However, relativistic pressure effects are neglected within Newtonian theory. We study acoustic black holes in the framework of neo-Newtonian hydrodynamics, which is designed to take into account relativistic inertial effects of the pressure pp. Within this new hydrodynamical context we show how pp can influence the formation of the acoustic horizons.Comment: Latex file, 10 pages. Some discussions extended. Accepted for publication in MPL

    Viscous Cosmology

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    We discuss the possibility to implement a viscous cosmological model, attributing to the dark matter component a behaviour described by bulk viscosity. Since bulk viscosity implies negative pressure, this rises the possibility to unify the dark sector. At the same time, the presence of dissipative effects may alleviate the so called small scale problems in the Λ\LambdaCDM model. While the unified viscous description for the dark sector does not lead to consistent results, the non-linear behaviour indeed improves the situation with respect to the standard cosmological model.Comment: Latex file, 7 pages, 6 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the XIIth International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology, June 28-July 5, 2015, PFUR, Moscow, Russi

    Aspects of the cosmological "coincidence problem"

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    The observational fact that the present values of the densities of dark energy and dark matter are of the same order of magnitude, ρde0/ρdm0∌O(1)\rho_{de0}/\rho_{dm0} \sim \mathcal{O}(1), seems to indicate that we are currently living in a very special period of the cosmic history. Within the standard model, a density ratio of the order of one just at the present epoch can be seen as coincidental since it requires very special initial conditions in the early Universe. The corresponding "why now" question constitutes the cosmological "coincidence problem". According to the standard model the equality ρde=ρdm\rho_{de} = \rho_{dm} took place "recently" at a redshift z≈0.55z \approx 0.55. The meaning of "recently" is, however, parameter dependent. In terms of the cosmic time the situation looks different. We discuss several aspects of the "coincidence problem", also in its relation to the cosmological constant problem, to issues of structure formation and to cosmic age considerations.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    A new beamline for laser spin-polarization at ISOLDE

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    A beamline dedicated to the production of laser-polarized radioactive beams has been constructed at ISOLDE, CERN. We present here different simulations leading to the design and construction of the setup, as well as technical details of the full setup and examples of the achieved polarizations for several radioisotopes. Beamline simulations show a good transmission through the entire line, in agreement with observations. Simulations of the induced nuclear spin-polarization as a function of atom-laser interaction length are presented for 26,28^{26,28}Na, [1] and for 35^{35}Ar, which is studied in this work. Adiabatic spin rotation of the spin-polarized ensemble of atoms, and how this influences the observed nuclear ensemble polarization, are also performed for the same nuclei. For 35^{35}Ar, we show that multiple-frequency pumping enhances the ensemble polarization by a factor 1.85, in agreement with predictions from a rate equations model. [1] J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys./174408400

    Paul trapping of radioactive 6He+ions and direct observation of their beta-decay

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    We demonstrate that abundant quantities of short-lived beta unstable ions can be trapped in a novel transparent Paul trap and that their decay products can directly be detected in coincidence. Low energy 6He+ (807 ms half-life) ions were extracted from the SPIRAL source at GANIL, then decelerated, cooled and bunched by means of the buffer gas cooling technique. More than 10^8 ions have been stored over a measuring period of six days and about 10^5 decay coincidences between the beta particles and the 6Li^{++} recoiling ions have been recorded. The technique can be extended to other short-lived species, opening new possibilities for trap assisted decay experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.Let
