244 research outputs found

    Defect assessment procedures for high temperature applications. Final report TW5-TTMS-005, D5

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    The objective of this task is to develop the high temperature part of a design code for fusion reactor components build from EUROFER. This development includes fracture mechanical rules for the assessment of detected defects under creep and creep&ndash;fatigue conditions. The assessment procedures R5, R6, JNC, A16, Partial Safety Factors were investigated and tested. As the most suitable procedure is chosen R5 and it is further verified by comparison with finite element simulations using the EUROFER material data. These simulations consist of evaluation of C(t) parameter for several geometries (CT specimen,cylinder with fully circumferential crack subjected to the internal pressure, cylinder with semi&ndash;elliptical circumferential crack subjected to the internal pressure and Mock-Up test blanket module (TBM) geometry). The R5 procedure provides very good accordance with FE simulations and it is suitable for lifetime assessment. Therefore the guide for R5 application is implemented in the report.<br /


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    This bureaucratic reform was also carried out in Musi Rawas Regency. BKPSDM which has the main task of carrying out the affairs of the Regional Government in the formulation and implementation of regional policies in the field of Civil Service and has a function in connection with regional staffing affairs is the spearhead in the bureaucracy reform that was nationally proclaimed. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods.Data collection techniques in this study were interviews, In accordance with the research method, the data analysis technique used in this study uses qualitative techniques. From the main elements of the organization namely Men, Money and Material all three are important elements, but what are the human factors that will provide energy for other elements (Money and Meterial), Human Empowerment in an organization is very vital, SWOT analysis produces strengths and opportunities in human empowerment by maximizing supervision by utilizing budget availability

    Penambatan Molekular Senyawa Tangeretin dan Kampferol pada Protein Antiapoptosis Bcl-xL: Studi In Silico

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    Tanaman yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai agen kemoprevensi kanker yaitu kulit jeruk (Citrus reticulata) dan daun teh (Camellia sinensis). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi senyawa tangeretin dan kaempferol yang terdapat dalam masing-masing kulit jeruk daun teh sebagai agen kemoprevensi kanker secara in silico. Uji in silico menggunakan perangkat lunak Autodock Vina dengan menambatkan senyawa tangeretin dan kaempferol terhadap protein target Bcl-xL. Pada penambatan molekuler, senyawa tangeretin mempunyai afinitas -5,8 kkal/mol, sedangkan senyawa kaempferol mempunyai afinitas -6,4 kkal/mol. Tangeretin memiliki potensi yang kuat dalam aktivitas penghambatan terhadap protein Bcl-xL dan senyawa kaempferol kurang poten dalam inhibisi protein Bcl-xL.&nbsp

    Therapeutic Storytelling untuk Menurunkan Stres pada Anak Penderita Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

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    Proses pengobatan melalui kemoterapi pada anak dengan Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan merupakan proses yang menyakitkan. Hal ini menyebabkan munculnya stres pada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan intervensi therapeutic storytelling untuk menurunkan tingkat stres anak. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 2 anak ALL berusia 10-12 tahun yang menjalani kemoterapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen semu dengan desain penelitian subjek tunggal (small-n). Intervensi diberikan melalui proses mendongeng dengan buku cerita yang disusun oleh peneliti. Ceritanya melibatkan elemen positif (Cope, Hope, Inner Strengths, Love, dan Dream) yang membantu anak untuk mengidentifikasi elemen positif yang mereka miliki yang dapat mereka gunakan untuk melakukan tinjauan terhadap situasi yang dihadapi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terapi storytelling dapat menurunkan tingkat stres pada anak ALL

    The Influence of Work Shifts and Work Stress on Employee Performance at the Alfamart Kotabumi Branch, North Lampung

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    The results of the interview above show that the work shift factor gets the highest position, which is as many as 13 answers. Then, the second position is work stress as many as 8 answers and it is concluded that the factors that have a major influence on employee performance are work shifts and work stress. To strengthen indications of declining employee performance, the authors conducted interviews with 15 employees. These interviews were conducted with employees and the results could be more objective. Interviews were conducted to determine the factors that influence the decline in employee performance. Of the 15 employees, each answered 2 answers regarding the factors that decreased employee performance

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Aqidah Akhlak Terhadap Perilaku Siswa Di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Kampar Timur

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    This study consisted of two variables, namely learning morals aqidah (variable X) on behavior (ethics, manners and morals) students (variable Y). This study aims to determine the effect on behavior of learning aqidah morals (ethics, manners and morals) students in Madrasah Aliyah East Kampar. While the problem is there any influence aqidah learning morals on behavior (ethics, manners and morals) students in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri East Kampar. This research subject and object is XII class is learning aqidah morals. The population is all students of class XII, because its population is less than 100 then the sample is all population of 75 people. Data collection methods that I use is observation, questionnaires and dokumantasion, to analyze the data, the author uses descriptive quantitative presented in tabular form and then described in detail later in the analysis with a simple linear regression, based on the results and analysis of data. The existence of significant influence between learning aqidah character of the behavior student in Madrasah Aliyah Kampar country east

    Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pemesanan Layanan Berbasis Web dan SMS Gateway di Petshop "PetZone"

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    Dewasa ini teknologi informasi sangat membantu dalam dunia bisnis. Kemudahan yang ditawarkan akan menjaring lebih banyak konsumen. Namun, Perusahan tingkat menengah seperti PetZone saat ini masih jarang yang menawarkan kemudahan berbelanja atau pemesanan layanan secara online. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sebuah sistem berbasis web di Perusahaan PetZone yang dapat memudahkan pemilik dan karyawan dalam apenjualan, pelayanan, dan pemasaran, serta memudahkan pelanggan dalam jual-beli barang dan jasa. Atas dasar masalah tersebut dibangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pemesanan Layanan Berbasis Web dan SMS Gateway untuk menunjang proses bisnis yang ada.Sistem informasi dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP framework Codeigniter, javascript untuk tampilan yang dinamis, dan database MySQL. Proses pembuatan dan pengembangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan ini menggunakan metode air terjun. Metode air terjun meliputi kebutuhan pengguna, analisis, rancangan, implementasi dan pengujian. Pemodelan Sistem Informasi yang dibangun menggunakan metode berorientasi objek UML (Unified Modeling Language) yang terdiri dari Use case diagram, Class diagram dan Sequence diagram.Hasil pengujian Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pemesanan Layanan Berbasis Web dan SMS Gateway menunjukkan bahwa semua fitur yang terdapat baik dalam sistem informasi maupun SMS gateway dapat bekerja dengan baikdengan ratusan sample data, dan server SMS gateway dapat memproses lebih dari satu SMS secara bersamaan. Dalam perkembangan ke depannya nanti, Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pemesanan Layanan Berbasis Web dan SMS Gateway masih dapat dikembangkan lagi dengan menambah fitur-fitur pada SMS gateway sehingga lebih memudahkan konsumen

    Litter Decomposition Rate of Avicennia Marina and Rhizophora Apiculata in Pulau Dua Nature Reserve, Banten

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    Litter decomposition rate is useful method to determine forest fertility level. The aims of this study were to measure decomposition rate, and analyze the nutrient content released organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphor from Avicennia marina and Rhizophora apiculata litters during the decomposition process. The research was conducted in the Pulau Dua Nature Reserve, Serang-Banten on A. marina and R. apiculata forest communities. Litter decomposition rate measurements performed in the field. Litter that has been obtained with the trap system is inserted into litter bag and than tied to the roots or trees to avoid drifting sea water. Litter decomposition rate was measured every 15 days and is accompanied by analysis of the content of organic C , total N and P. Our research results showed decomposition rate of A. marina (k= 0.83) was higher than that of R. apiculata (k= 0.41). Differences of leaf anatomical structure and sea water salinity influenced to the rate of litter decomposition. Organic C released was declined with longer of litter decomposition, on the contrary of releasing N and P nutrients

    Pengaruh Media Kultur Yang Berbeda Terhadap Laju Pertumbuhan Dan Biomassa Spirulina SP.

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the different manures as culture media on the growth and biomass Spirulina sp. This research was conducted from March to May 2016. This research used the one factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) as method with four treatments and five replications which is A = 100 g/l of chicken manure, B = 100 g/l of bird manure, C = 100 g/l of buffalo manure and D = 100 g/l of cow manure. The result of Analysis of Varians (ANOVA) showed that the different manures as culture media gave the effect (P<0,05) on the growth and biomass of Spirulina sp. The best treatment was obtained at treatment B (chicken manure) with the average of population density was 7,47 x 106 ind/ml and the average of biomass weight was 0,0506
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