54 research outputs found

    Simulation of granular jet: Is granular flow really a "perfect fluid?"

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    We perform three-dimensional simulations of a granular jet impact for both frictional and frictionless grains. Small shear stress observed in the experiment[X. Cheng et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 188001 (2007) ] is reproduced through our simulation. However, the fluid state after the impact is far from a perfect fluid, and thus, similarity between granular jets and quark gluon plasma is superficial, because the observed viscosity is finite and its value is consistent with the prediction of the kinetic theory.Comment: 8 pages 11 figures(9 figures: text, 2 figures: supplementary material) 2 tables. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Theory of Drop Formation

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    We consider the motion of an axisymmetric column of Navier-Stokes fluid with a free surface. Due to surface tension, the thickness of the fluid neck goes to zero in finite time. After the singularity, the fluid consists of two halves, which constitute a unique continuation of the Navier-Stokes equation through the singular point. We calculate the asymptotic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation, both before and after the singularity. The solutions have scaling form, characterized by universal exponents as well as universal scaling functions, which we compute without adjustable parameters

    Stability of viscous long liquid filaments

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    We study the collapse of an axisymmetric liquid filament both analytically and by means of a numerical model. The liquid filament, also known as ligament, may either collapse stably into a single droplet or break up into multiple droplets. The dynamics of the filament are governed by the viscosity and the aspect ratio, and the initial perturbations of its surface. We find that the instability of long viscous filaments can be completely explained by the Rayleigh-Plateau instability, whereas a low viscous filament can also break up due to end pinching. We analytically derive the transition between stable collapse and breakup in the Ohnesorge number versus aspect ratio phase space. Our result is confirmed by numerical simulations based on the slender jet approximation and explains recent experimental findings by Castrejon-Pita et al., PRL 108, 074506 (2012).Comment: 7 page

    Capillary instability in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Capillary instability and the resulting dynamics in an immiscible two-component Bose-Einstein condensate are investigated using the mean-field and Bogoliubov analyses. A long, cylindrical condensate surrounded by the other component is dynamically unstable against breakup into droplets due to the interfacial tension arising from the quantum pressure and interactions. A heteronuclear system confined in a cigar-shaped trap is proposed for realizing this phenomenon experimentally.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Bubbling in a co-flow at high Reynolds numbers

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    The physical mechanisms underlying bubble formation from a needle in a co-flowing liquid environment at high Reynolds numbers are studied in detail with the aid of experiments and boundary-integral numerical simulations. To determine the effect of gas inertia the experiments were carried out with air and helium. The influence of the injection system is elucidated by performing experiments using two different facilities, one where the constancy of the gas flow-rate entering the bubble is ensured, and another one where the gas is injected through a needle directly connected to a pressurized chamber. In the case of constant flow-rate injection conditions, the bubbling frequency has been shown to hardly depend on the gas density, with a bubble size given by db / ro  ? 6U? K * U + k2 /? U- 1? 1/3 for U? 2, where U is the gas-to-liquid ratio of the mean velocities, ro is the radius of the gas injection needle, and k * = 5,84 and k2 = 4,29, whit db / ro3,3U1 / 3 for U1.. Nevertheless, in this case the effect of gas density is relevant to describe the final instants of bubble breakup, which take place at a time scale much smaller than the bubbling time, tb. This effect is evidenced by the liquid jets penetrating the gas bubbles upon their pinch-off. Our measurements indicate that the velocity of the penetrating jets is considerably larger in air bubbles than in helium bubbles due to the distinct gas inertia of both situations. However, in the case of constant pressure supply conditions, the bubble size strongly depends on the density of the gas through the pressure loss along the gas injection needle. Furthermore, under the operating conditions reported here, the equivalent diameters of the bubbles are between 10% and 20% larger than their constant flow-rate counterparts. In addition, the experiments and the numerical results show that, under constant pressure supply, helium bubbles are approximately 10% larger than air bubbles due to the gas density effect on the bubbling process

    Scaling Behaviour and Complexity of the Portevin-Le Chatelier Effect

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    The plastic deformation of dilute alloys is often accompanied by plastic instabilities due to dynamic strain aging and dislocation interaction. The repeated breakaway of dislocations from and their recapture by solute atoms leads to stress serrations and localized strain in the strain controlled tensile tests, known as the Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect. In this present work, we analyse the stress time series data of the observed PLC effect in the constant strain rate tensile tests on Al-2.5%Mg alloy for a wide range of strain rates at room temperature. The scaling behaviour of the PLC effect was studied using two complementary scaling analysis methods: the finite variance scaling method and the diffusion entropy analysis. From these analyses we could establish that in the entire span of strain rates, PLC effect showed Levy walk property. Moreover, the multiscale entropy analysis is carried out on the stress time series data observed during the PLC effect to quantify the complexity of the distinct spatiotemporal dynamical regimes. It is shown that for the static type C band, the entropy is very low for all the scales compared to the hopping type B and the propagating type A bands. The results are interpreted considering the time and length scales relevant to the effect.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figure

    A dynamical approach to the spatiotemporal aspects of the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect: Chaos,turbulence and band propagation

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    Experimental time series obtained from single and poly-crystals subjected to a constant strain rate tests report an intriguing dynamical crossover from a low dimensional chaotic state at medium strain rates to an infinite dimensional power law state of stress drops at high strain rates. We present results of an extensive study of all aspects of the PLC effect within the context a model that reproduces this crossover. A study of the distribution of the Lyapunov exponents as a function of strain rate shows that it changes from a small set of positive exponents in the chaotic regime to a dense set of null exponents in the scaling regime. As the latter feature is similar to the GOY shell model for turbulence, we compare our results with the GOY model. Interestingly, the null exponents in our model themselves obey a power law. The configuration of dislocations is visualized through the slow manifold analysis. This shows that while a large proportion of dislocations are in the pinned state in the chaotic regime, most of them are at the threshold of unpinning in the scaling regime. The model qualitatively reproduces the different types of deformation bands seen in experiments. At high strain rates where propagating bands are seen, the model equations are reduced to the Fisher-Kolmogorov equation for propagative fronts. This shows that the velocity of the bands varies linearly with the strain rate and inversely with the dislocation density, consistent with the known experimental results. Thus, this simple dynamical model captures the complex spatio-temporal features of the PLC effect.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figure

    Dynamics of Cryogenic Jets: Non-Rayleigh Breakup and Onset of Nonaxisymmetric Motions

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    We report development of generators for periodic, satellite-free fluxes of mono-disperse drops with diameters down to 10 mikrometers from cryogenic liquids like H_2, N_2, Ar and Xe (and, as reference fluid, water). While the breakup of water jets can well be described by Rayleigh's linear theory, we find jet regimes for H_2 and N_2 which reveal deviations from this behavior. Thus, Rayleigh's theory is inappropriate for thin jets that exchange energy and/or mass with the surrounding medium. Moreover, at high evaporation rates, axial symmetry of the dynamics is lost. When the drops pass into vacuum, frozen pellets form due to surface evaporation. The narrow width of the pellet flux paves the way towards various industrial and scientific applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; final version to appear in Phys.Rev.Lett (minor changes with respect to v1

    Evolution of Gaussian wave packets in capillary jets

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    A temporal analysis of the evolution of Gaussian wave packets in cylindrical capillary jets is presented through both a linear two-mode formulation and a one-dimensional nonlinear numerical scheme. These analyses are normally applicable to arbitrary initial conditions but our study focuses on pure-impulsive ones. Linear and nonlinear findings give consistent results in the stages for which the linear theory is valid. The inverse Fourier transforms representing the formal linear solution for the jet shape is both numerically evaluated and approximated by closed formulas. After a transient, these formulas predict an almost Gaussian-shape deformation with (i) a progressive drift of the carrier wave number to that given by the maximum of the Rayleigh dispersion relation, (ii) a progressive increase of its bell width, and (iii) a quasi-exponential growth of its amplitude. These parameters agree with those extracted from the fittings of Gaussian wave packets to the numerical simulations. Experimental results are also reported on near-Gaussian pulses perturbing the exit velocity of a 2 mm diameter water jet. The possibility of controlling the breakup location along the jet and other features, such as pinch-off simultaneity, are demonstrated