366 research outputs found

    Variation of the speed of light with temperature of the expanding universe

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    From an extended relativistic dynamics for a particle moving in a cosmic background field with temperature T, we aim to obtain the speed of light with an explicit dependence on the background temperature of the universe. Although finding the speed of light in the early universe much larger than its current value, our approach does not violate the postulate of special relativity. Moreover, it is shown that the high value of the speed of light in the early universe was drastically decreased before the beginning of the inflationary period. So we are led to conclude that the theory of varying speed of light should be questioned as a possible solution of the horizon problem.Comment: 3 pages and 1 figure; Phys. Rev. D86, 027703 (2012

    The Adventures of the Rocketeer: Accelerated Motion Under the Influence of Expanding Space

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    It is well known that interstellar travel is bounded by the finite speed of light, but on very large scales any rocketeer would also need to consider the influence of cosmological expansion on their journey. This paper examines accelerated journeys within the framework of Friedmann- Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker universes, illustrating how the duration of a fixed acceleration sharply divides exploration over interstellar and intergalactic distances. Furthermore, we show how the universal expansion increases the difficulty of intergalactic navigation, with small uncertainties in cosmological parameters resulting in significantly large deviations. This paper also shows that, contrary to simplistic ideas, the motion of any rocketeer is indistinguishable from Newtonian gravity if the acceleration is kept small.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Dark Energy and the mass of galaxy clusters

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    Up to now, Dark Energy evidences are based on the dynamics of the universe on very large scales, above 1 Gpc. Assuming it continues to behave like a cosmological constant Λ\Lambda on much smaller scales, I discuss its effects on the motion of non-relativistic test-particles in a weak gravitational field and I propose a way to detect evidences of Λ≠0\Lambda \neq 0 at the scale of about 1 Mpc: the main ingredient is the measurement of galaxy cluster masses.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, references adde

    Observer with a constant proper acceleration

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    Relying on the equivalence principle, a first approach of the general theory of relativity is presented using the spacetime metric of an observer with a constant proper acceleration. Within this non inertial frame, the equation of motion of a freely moving object is studied and the equation of motion of a second accelerated observer with the same proper acceleration is examined. A comparison of the metric of the accelerated observer with the metric due to a gravitational field is also performed.Comment: 5 figure

    Lower semicontinuity and relaxation of linear-growth integral functionals under PDE constraints

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    We show general lower semicontinuity and relaxation theorems for linear-growth integral functionals defined on vector measures that satisfy linear PDE side constraints (of arbitrary order). These results generalize several known lower semicontinuity and relaxation theorems for BV, BD, and for more general first-order linear PDE side constrains. Our proofs are based on recent progress in the understanding of singularities of measure solutions to linear PDEs and of the generalized convexity notions corresponding to these PDE constraints

    No Way Back: Maximizing survival time below the Schwarzschild event horizon

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    It has long been known that once you cross the event horizon of a black hole, your destiny lies at the central singularity, irrespective of what you do. Furthermore, your demise will occur in a finite amount of proper time. In this paper, the use of rockets in extending the amount of time before the collision with the central singularity is examined. In general, the use of such rockets can increase your remaining time, but only up to a maximum value; this is at odds with the ``more you struggle, the less time you have'' statement that is sometimes discussed in relation to black holes. The derived equations are simple to solve numerically and the framework can be employed as a teaching tool for general relativity.Comment: 7-pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (Journal name corrected.

    Multiple Photonic Shells Around a Line Singularity

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    Line singularities including cosmic strings may be screened by photonic shells until they appear as a planar wall.Comment: 6 page

    Importance of an Astrophysical Perspective for Textbook Relativity

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    The importance of a teaching a clear definition of the ``observer'' in special relativity is highlighted using a simple astrophysical example from the exciting current research area of ``Gamma-Ray Burst'' astrophysics. The example shows that a source moving relativistically toward a single observer at rest exhibits a time ``contraction'' rather than a ``dilation'' because the light travel time between the source and observer decreases with time. Astrophysical applications of special relativity complement idealized examples with real applications and very effectively exemplify the role of a finite light travel time.Comment: 5 pages TeX, European Journal of Physics, in pres

    Chaotic Accretion in a Non-Stationary Electromagnetic Field of a Slowly Rotating Compact Star

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    We investigate charge accretion in vicinity of a slowly rotating compact star with a non-stationary electromagnetic field. Exact solutions to the general relativistic Maxwell equations are obtained for a star formed of a highly degenerate plasma with a gravitational field given by the linearized Kerr metric. These solutions are used to formulate and then to study numerically the equations of motion for a charged particle in star's vicinity using the gravitoelectromagnetic force law. The analysis shows that close to the star charge accretion does not always remain ordered. It is found that the magnetic field plays the dominant role in the onset of chaos near the star's surface.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Dimensional estimates and rectifiability for measures satisfying linear PDE constraints

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    We establish the rectifiability of measures satisfying a linear PDE constraint. The obtained rectifiability dimensions are optimal for many usual PDE operators, including all first-order systems and all second-order scalar operators. In particular, our general theorem provides a new proof of the rectifiability results for functions of bounded variations (BV) and functions of bounded deformation (BD). For divergence-free tensors we obtain refinements and new proofs of several known results on the rectifiability of varifolds and defect measures
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