2,458 research outputs found

    Neural Network Local Navigation of Mobile Robots in a Moving Obstacles Environment

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    IF AC Intelligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications, Budapest, Hungary, 1994This paper presents a local navigation method based on generalized predictive control. A modified cost function to avoid moving and static obstacles is presented. An Extended Kaiman Filter is proposed to predict the motions of the obstacles. A Neural Network implementation of this method is analysed. Simulation results are shown.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TAP93-0408Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TAP93-058

    Analysis of the Concept of cтрах and fear and Associated Actions in Russian and their Translation into Spanish

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    In this article, we are going to carry out a parallel analysis of the concepts страх // fear in Russian and miedo // fear in Spanish with a view to addressing two issues: 1) the translation of the noun страх into Spanish, and 2) the translation of actions associated with this noun. In order to address the first issue, we studied two translations into Spanish of the work Белая Гвардия // La Guardia blanca // The White Guard by Bulgakov: that of Pablo Díaz Mora and that of José Laín Entralgo. The analysis which was carried out allowed us to structure the parameters that must be considered when translating the noun страх and to understand the strategies followed by the previously mentioned translators when translating this concept. In order to analyse the second issue, we researched the actions associated with the presence of the noun страх in Russian and their translations into Spanish, making use of the national corpus of the Russian language (RUSSCORPORA). In this study, we show how the noun страх can appear in statements in which it performs the function of a direct object (преодолеть страх) and of a subject (страх мучил меня) as well as in structures of the type страх Vf + prep. (oт, из, с, в) + страх (дрожать от страха). This study allowed us to confirm to what extent the actions associated with the presence of страх can find equivalents in Spanish, and what the most suitable strategies and techniques are there for their translation into Spanish


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    Las teorías de la visión del mundo han tenido su desarrollo fundamentalmente en la "Teoría de la relatividad lingüística" de Sapir y Worf. Según esta teoría una lengua proporciona a sus hablantes una forma específica de ver el mundo. A grandes rasgos podemos afirmar que el ruso y el español, tipológicamente, se proyectan en direcciones diferentes; en ruso dominan las categorías de espacio y objeto y en español las de tiempo y suceso. La elección de Dostoevskij para analizar problemas de traducción no es casual: el motivo de ello es que ciertas palabras y giros, que resultan habituales en ruso, adquieren en las obras de Dostoevskij una dimensión especial. En el presente artículo se hace un análisis de la partícula как бЫ en la obra "Los hermanos Karamázov" de Dostoevskij para posteriormente abordar los problemas que plantea su traducción al castellano.This article is based on the theory of Sapir and Whorf known as "Sapir-Whorf LinguisticRelativity Hypothesis". This theory argues that every language gives the its speakers a peculiar kind of world view. lt could be said that Russian and Spanish work, typologically, in different directions; in Russian the most important typological categories are space and object and in Spanish time and success. We chose Dostoevsky amongother writers because of his specific style of writing. Words and expressions, that are common in Russian, acquire in the books of Dostoevsky a particular sense. In this article we analyse the particle как бЫ in the play "Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoevsky and the problems of translation of this particle into Spanish


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    Las teorías de la visión del mundo han tenido su desarrollo fundamentalmente en la "Teoría de la relatividad lingüística" de Sapir y Worf. Según esta teoría una lengua proporciona a sus hablantes una forma específica de ver el mundo. A grandes rasgos podemos afirmar que el ruso y el español, tipológicamente, se proyectan en direcciones diferentes; en ruso dominan las categorías de espacio y objeto y en español las de tiempo y suceso. La elección de Dostoevskij para analizar problemas de traducción no es casual: el motivo de ello es que ciertas palabras y giros, que resultan habituales en ruso, adquieren en las obras de Dostoevskij una dimensión especial. En el presente artículo se hace un análisis de la partícula как бЫ en la obra "Los hermanos Karamázov" de Dostoevskij para posteriormente abordar los problemas que plantea su traducción al castellano.This article is based on the theory of Sapir and Whorf known as "Sapir-Whorf LinguisticRelativity Hypothesis". This theory argues that every language gives the its speakers a peculiar kind of world view. lt could be said that Russian and Spanish work, typologically, in different directions; in Russian the most important typological categories are space and object and in Spanish time and success. We chose Dostoevsky amongother writers because of his specific style of writing. Words and expressions, that are common in Russian, acquire in the books of Dostoevsky a particular sense. In this article we analyse the particle как бЫ in the play "Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoevsky and the problems of translation of this particle into Spanish

    Градуирование и количественная оценка в русской глагольной системе

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    El verbo ruso y su complicada derivación es una de las cuestiones que implican una mayor complejidad desde el punto de vista del análisis lingü.stico. Son muchos los autores que han estudiado la relación verbo-prefijo y los significados a añadir por estos últimos en función de la semántica de la forma verbal. Como es sabido, la pertenencia de una determinada forma verbal a uno u otro modo de acción verbal es una de las circunstancias que determinantes a la hora de defi  nir el signifi  cado a añadir por un determinado prefijo. El presente artículo supone un análisis del eje de la valoración cuantitativa y su proyección dentro del sistema verbal ruso. En el mismo se hace un análisis del mencionado eje y sus conceptos clave, y cómo quedan expresados por las distintas formas verbales con prefijo en ruso

    Agronomic Evaluation of Twenty Ecotypes of \u3cem\u3eLeucaena\u3c/em\u3e spp. for Acid Soil Conditions in México

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    Leucaena leucocephala Lam. (de Witt) has been shown to be a good forage producer and to posses good persistence under grazing conditions in México tolerating well the management of local cattlemen (Quero et al., 2004). The Leucaena genus is native to Central America and Mexico (Hughes, 1998), but L. leucocephala is a low producer under acid soil conditions. The natural diversity is a good source of resistance to acid soil conditions resistance and to other adverse factors. Several Leucaena accessions were evaluated for production under acid soil conditions in tropical Mexico

    Gold(I) complexes bearing alkylated 1, 3, 5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane ligands as thermoresponsive anticancer agents in human colon cells

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    Overheating can affect solubility or lipophilicity, among other properties, of some an-ticancer drugs. These temperature-dependent changes can improve efficiency and selectivity of the drugs, since they may affect their bioavailability, diffusion through cell membrane or activity. One recent approach to create thermosensitive molecules is the incorporation of fluorine atoms in the chemical structure, since fluor can tune some chemical properties such as binding affinity. Herein we report the anticancer effect of gold derivatives with phosphanes derived from 1, 3, 5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA) with long hydrocarbon chains and the homologous fluorinated chains. Besides, we analysed the influence of temperature in the cytotoxic effect. The studied gold(I) complexes with phosphanes derived from PTA showed antiproliferative effect on human colon carcinoma cells (Caco-2/TC7 cell line), probably by inhibiting cellular TrxR causing a dysfunction in the intracellular redox state. In addition, the cell cycle was altered by the activation of p53, and the complexes produce apoptosis through mitochondrial depolarization and the consequent activation of caspase-3. Furthermore, the results suggest that this cytotoxic effect is enhanced by hyperthermia and the presence of polyfluorinated chains. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    The development of social preferences

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordThis paper examines how social preferences develop with age. This is done using a range of mini-dictator games from which we classify 665 subjects into a variety of behavioural types. We expand on previous developmental studies of pro-sociality and parochialism by analysing individuals aged 9–67, and by employing a cross country study where participants from Spain interact with participants from different ethnic groups (Arab, East Asian, Black and White) belonging to different countries (Morocco, China, Senegal and Spain). We identify a ‘U-shaped’ relationship between age and egalitarianism that had previously gone unnoticed, and appeared linear. An inverse “U-shaped” relationship is found to be true for altruism. A gender differential is found to emerge in teenage years, with females becoming less altruistic but more egalitarian than males. In contrast to the majority of previous economic studies of the development of social preferences, we report evidence of increased altruism, and decreased egalitarianism and spite expressed towards black individuals from Senegal

    Strategies of RussianSpanish translation of gastronomy-related cultural referents in M. Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita

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    In this paper we will study the gastronomy-related cultural referents from "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov and offer up proposals for their translation into Spanish. The hypothesis we start out from is that, in most cases, gastronomy-related cultural referents should be domesticated, while a detailed analysis of the parameters related to their usage provides translators with all the necessary resources to understand the author’s intention, enabling them to create a translation that mirrors this intentio