23 research outputs found

    How branching can change the conductance of ballistic semiconductor devices

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    We demonstrate that branching of the electron flow in semiconductor nanostructures can strongly affect macroscopic transport quantities and can significantly change their dependence on external parameters compared to the ideal ballistic case even when the system size is much smaller than the mean free path. In a corner-shaped ballistic device based on a GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas we observe a splitting of the commensurability peaks in the magnetoresistance curve. We show that a model which includes a random disorder potential of the two-dimensional electron gas can account for the random splitting of the peaks that result from the collimation of the electron beam. The shape of the splitting depends on the particular realization of the disorder potential. At the same time magnetic focusing peaks are largely unaffected by the disorder potential.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Comparison of terahertz technologies for detection and identification of explosives

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    We present results on the comparison of different THz technologies for the detection and identification of a variety of explosives from our laboratory tests that were carried out in the framework of NATO SET-193 THz technology for stand-off detection of explosives: from laboratory spectroscopy to detection in the field under the same controlled conditions. Several laser-pumped pulsed broadband THz time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) systems as well as one electronic frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) device recorded THz spectra in transmission and/or reflection. © 2014 SPIE

    A fiber orientation-adapted integration scheme for computing the hyperelastic Tucker average for short fiber reinforced composites

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    In this article we introduce a fiber orientation-adapted integration scheme for Tucker’s orientation averaging procedure applied to non-linear material laws, based on angular central Gaussian fiber orientation distributions. This method is stable w.r.t. fiber orientations degenerating into planar states and enables the construction of orthotropic hyperelastic energies for truly orthotropic fiber orientation states. We establish a reference scenario for fitting the Tucker average of a transversely isotropic hyperelastic energy, corresponding to a uni-directional fiber orientation, to microstructural simulations, obtained by FFT-based computational homogenization of neo-Hookean constituents. We carefully discuss ideas for accelerating the identification process, leading to a tremendous speed-up compared to a naive approach. The resulting hyperelastic material map turns out to be surprisingly accurate, simple to integrate in commercial finite element codes and fast in its execution. We demonstrate the capabilities of the extracted model by a finite element analysis of a fiber reinforced chain link

    Computational homogenization of elasticity on a staggered grid

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    In this article, we propose to discretize the problem of linear elastic homogenization by finite differences on a staggered grid and introduce fast and robust solvers. Our method shares some properties with the FFT-based homogenization technique of Moulinec and Suquet, which has received widespread attention recently because of its robustness and computational speed. These similarities include the use of FFT and the resulting performing solvers. The staggered grid discretization, however, offers three crucial improvements. Firstly, solutions obtained by our method are completely devoid of the spurious oscillations characterizing solutions obtained by Moulinec-Suquet's discretization. Secondly, the iteration numbers of our solvers are bounded independently of the grid size and the contrast. In particular, our solvers converge for three-dimensional porous structures, which cannot be handled by Moulinec-Suquet's method. Thirdly, the finite difference discretization allows for algorithmic variants with lower memory consumption. More precisely, it is possible to reduce the memory consumption of the Moulinec-Suquet algorithms by 50%. We underline the effectiveness and the applicability of our methods by several numerical experiments of industrial scale

    Nonlinear composite voxels and FFT-based homogenization

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    The FFT-based homogenization method of Moulinec-Suquet [14] has reached a degree of sophistication and maturity, where it can be applied to microstructures of industrial size and realistic scope. However, for non-linear or load-path-dependent problems the method reaches its limits, in particular if variations of the geometry are considered or the determination of the full material law on the macro-scale is required. Time and memory considerations are primarily responsible for these limitations. This work focuses on the composite voxel technique, where sub-voxels are merged into bigger voxels to which an effective material law based on laminates is assigned. Due to the down-sampled grid, both the memory requirements and the computational effort are severely reduced, while retaining the original accuracy. We discuss the extensions of linear elastic ideas [6, 9] to incremental problems at small strains. In contrast to conventional model order reduction methods, our approach does neither rely upon a "offline phase" nor on preselected "modes". We demonstrate our ideas with several numerical experiments, comparing to full-resolution computations heavily relying upon our MPI-parallel implementation FeelMath [1]

    Comparison of high-speed terahertz optical sampling techniques at different wavelengths

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    We present a comparison of fast optical sampling in a THz time domain system using ASOPS and ECOPS and a conventional opto-mechanical TDS based system. The system is operated both with the fundamental (1560 nm) and the frequency doubled output of a fiber laser. LT-GaAs based photoconductive switches are applied as THz emitters and detectors

    Fiber orientation interpolation for the multiscale analysis of short fiber reinforced composite parts

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    For short fiber reinforced plastic parts the local fiber orientation has a strong influence on the mechanical properties. To enable multiscale computations using surrogate models we advocate a two-step identification strategy. Firstly, for a number of sample orientations an effective model is derived by numerical methods available in the literature. Secondly, to cover a general orientation state, these effective models are interpolated. In this article we develop a novel and effective strategy to carry out this interpolation. Firstly, taking into account symmetry arguments, we reduce the fiber orientation phase space to a triangle in R2. For an associated triangulation of this triangle we furnish each node with an surrogate model. Then, we use linear interpolation on the fiber orientation triangle to equip each fiber orientation state with an effective stress. The proposed approach is quite general, and works for any physically nonlinear constitutive law on the micro-scale, as long as surrogate models for single fiber orientation states can be extracted. To demonstrate the capabilities of our scheme we study the viscoelastic creep behavior of short glass fiber reinforced PA66, and use Schapery’s collocation method together with FFT-based computational homogenization to derive single orientation state effective models. We discuss the efficient implementation of our method, and present results of a component scale computation on a benchmark component by using ABAQUS ®