16 research outputs found

    Buchweizen: ein Futtermittel für Legehennen?

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    Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) has a high ecological value due to the long and intensive flowering as well as its favorable impact on soil fertility. In addition, as a typical catch crop, it provides the possibility of a second harvest on arable land in moderate European regions. However, in Europe demand for buckwheat kernels as food is low. Therefore, the question arises whether cultivation of this plant could be promoted by using it as animal feed. In the current experiment, the extent to which buckwheat is consumed by laying hens was tested in conjunction with potential effects on egg yield and quality. Three groups of laying hens (n=13 per group) were fed a layer diet containing either 40% wheat, 40% hulled buckwheat or 40% crude buckwheat. Feeds were offered ad libitum in form of groats. Feed intake was measured and eggs were sampled before and during the experiment. Feed intake was significantly increased with crude buckwheat, as also were egg weights. Egg number was not affected. The weight and stability of the eggshell were significantly higher with crude buckwheat. The color of the yolk was slightly altered with hulled buckwheat. The results demonstrate that buckwheat is an interesting option as an ecologically and economically valuable feed source for layers, which at least does not cause negative impacts on feed intake and egg yield, compared to wheat

    Biography of desmids.

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