12 research outputs found

    Inactivation of TIF1γ Cooperates with KrasG12D to Induce Cystic Tumors of the Pancreas

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    Inactivation of the Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGFβ) tumor suppressor pathway contributes to the progression of Pancreatic Ductal AdenoCarcinoma (PDAC) since it is inactivated in virtually all cases of this malignancy. Genetic lesions inactivating this pathway contribute to pancreatic tumor progression in mouse models. Transcriptional Intermediary Factor 1 gamma (TIF1γ) has recently been proposed to be involved in TGFβ signaling, functioning as either a positive or negative regulator of the pathway. Here, we addressed the role of TIF1γ in pancreatic carcinogenesis. Using conditional Tif1γ knockout mice (Tif1γlox/lox), we selectively abrogated Tif1γ expression in the pancreas of Pdx1-Cre;Tif1γlox/lox mice. We also generated Pdx1-Cre;LSL-KrasG12D;Tif1γlox/lox mice to address the effect of Tif1γ loss-of-function in precancerous lesions induced by oncogenic KrasG12D. Finally, we analyzed TIF1γ expression in human pancreatic tumors. In our mouse model, we showed that Tif1γ was dispensable for normal pancreatic development but cooperated with Kras activation to induce pancreatic tumors reminiscent of human Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms (IPMNs). Interestingly, these cystic lesions resemble those observed in Pdx1-Cre;LSL-KrasG12D;Smad4lox/lox mice described by others. However, distinctive characteristics, such as the systematic presence of endocrine pseudo-islets within the papillary projections, suggest that SMAD4 and TIF1γ don't have strictly redundant functions. Finally, we report that TIF1γ expression is markedly down-regulated in human pancreatic tumors by quantitative RT–PCR and immunohistochemistry supporting the relevance of these findings to human malignancy. This study suggests that TIF1γ is critical for tumor suppression in the pancreas, brings new insight into the genetics of pancreatic cancer, and constitutes a promising model to decipher the respective roles of SMAD4 and TIF1γ in the multifaceted functions of TGFβ in carcinogenesis and development

    Hygric properties and adsorption characteristics of simple and dual coblayers of bio-sourced building materials

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    With the world's population increasing and energy demand on the rise, innovative materials are becoming one of the most important solutions for building designers. This paper focuses on the hygrometric properties of bio-sourced materials, specifically new cob mixes used for insulation and load-bearing wall elements, those materials consist of various mixes of French soils and fibers with different water contents. Experiments are conducted using the isothermal sorption and the one-sided moisture transmission tests in transient and steady states. The hygrometric properties of the homogeneous bio-sourced samples (a thermally insulating material, and a structurally mechanical material), and composite bio-sourced materials (both structural and insulating materials) were investigated. Five salt solutions were used to measure distribution of the relative humidity in each material. The moisture content and moisture transfer resistance of the insulating material is more important than the structural material. The composite material has the lowest moisture flux and the adsorption is influenced by the multilayers. Results show that as much as the material contains fibers, as much as its impermeability increases and its diffusivity decreases. Diminution of the bio-sourced material density increases its resistance to the moisture transfer. Using the Freundlich isotherm model, the volumetric water content, sorption capacity and water content were correlated for all the tested samples. The Moisture diffusivity for the studied bio-sourced materials drops strongly in the dry region where the relative humidity is lower than 30%. In the wet state, the moisture diffusivity decreases slightly

    Islet Cells Serve as Cells of Origin of Pancreatic Gastrin-Positive Endocrine Tumors

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    The cells of origin of pancreatic gastrinomas remain an enigma, since no gastrin-expressing cells are found in the normal adult pancreas. It was proposed that the cellular origin of pancreatic gastrinomas may come from either the pancreatic cells themselves or gastrin-expressing cells which have migrated from the duodenum. In the current study, we further characterized previously described transient pancreatic gastrin-expressing cells using cell lineage tracing in a pan-pancreatic progenitor and a pancreatic endocrine progenitor model. We provide evidence showing that pancreatic gastrin-expressing cells, found from embryonic day 12.5 until postnatal day 7, are derived from pancreatic Ptf1a(+) and neurogenin 3-expressing (Ngn3(+)) progenitors. Importantly, the majority of them coexpress glucagon, with 4% coexpressing insulin, indicating that they are a temporary subpopulation of both alpha and beta cells. Interestingly, Men1 disruption in both Ngn3 progenitors and beta and alpha cells resulted in the development of pancreatic gastrin-expressing tumors, suggesting that the latter developed from islet cells. Finally, we detected gastrin expression using three human cohorts with pancreatic endocrine tumors (pNETs) that have not been diagnosed as gastrinomas (in 9/34 pNETs from 6/14 patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, in 5/35 sporadic nonfunctioning pNETs, and in 2/20 sporadic insulinomas), consistent with observations made in mouse models. Our work provides insight into the histogenesis of pancreatic gastrin-expressing tumors

    Netrin-1 up-regulation in inflammatory bowel diseases is required for colorectal cancer progression

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    Chronic inflammation and cancer are intimately associated. This is particularly true for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, which show a major increased risk for colorectal cancer. While the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of IBD has recently improved, the mechanisms that link these chronic inflammatory states to colorectal cancer development are in large part unknown. One of these mechanisms is NF-κB pathway activation which in turn may contribute to tumor formation by providing anti-apoptotic survival signals to the epithelial cells. Based on the observation that netrin-1, the anti-apoptotic ligand for the dependence receptors DCC and UNC5H is up-regulated in colonic crypts in response to NF-κB, we show here that colorectal cancers from inflammatory bowel diseases patients have selected up-regulation of netrin-1. Moreover, we demonstrate that this inflammation-driven netrin-1 up-regulation is causal for colorectal cancer development as interference with netrin-1 autocrine loop in a mouse model for ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal cancer, while showing no effect on inflammation, inhibits colorectal cancer progression