585 research outputs found

    Universal scaling behavior of the single electron box in the strong tunneling limit

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    We perform a numerical analysis of recently proposed scaling functions for the single electron box. Specifically, we study the ``magnetic'' susceptibility as a function of tunneling conductance and gate charge, and the effective charging energy at zero gate charge as a function of tunneling conductance in the strong tunneling limit. Our Monte Carlo results confirm the accuracy of the theoretical predictions.Comment: Published versio

    Asymptotic tunneling conductance in Luttinger liquids

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    Conductance through weak constrictions in Luttinger liquids is shown to vanish with frequency ω\omega as c1ω2+c2ω2/g2c_1 \omega^2 + c_2 \omega^{2/g - 2}, where gg is a dimensionless parameter characterizing the Luttinger liquid phase, and c1c_1 and c2c_2 are nonuniversal constants. The first term arises from the ^^ Coulomb blockade' effect and dominates for g<1/2g < 1/2, whereas the second results from eliminating high-energy modes and dominates for g>1/2g > 1/2.Comment: Latex file + one appended postcript figur

    Brzozowski Algorithm Is Generically Super-Polynomial Deterministic Automata

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    International audienceWe study the number of states of the minimal automaton of the mirror of a rational language recognized by a random deterministic automaton with n states. We prove that, for any d > 0, the probability that this number of states is greater than nd tends to 1 as n tends to infinity. As a consequence, the generic and average complexities of Brzozowski minimization algorithm are super-polynomial for the uniform distribution on deterministic automata

    J1J2J_1-J_2 quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice: a group symmetry analysis of order by disorder

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    On the triangular lattice, for J2/J1J_2/J_1 between 1/81/8 and 11, the classical Heisenberg model with first and second neighbor interactions presents four-sublattice ordered ground-states. Spin-wave calculations of Chubukov and Jolicoeur\cite{cj92} and Korshunov\cite{k93} suggest that quantum fluctuations select amongst these states a colinear two-sublattice order. From theoretical requirements, we develop the full symmetry analysis of the low lying levels of the spin-1/2 Hamiltonian in the hypotheses of either a four or a two-sublattice order. We show on the exact spectra of periodic samples (N=12,16N=12,16 and 2828) how quantum fluctuations select the colinear order from the four-sublattice order.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures (available upon request), Revte

    Anisotropic quasiparticle lifetimes in Fe-based superconductors

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    We study the dynamical quasiparticle scattering by spin and charge fluctuations in Fe-based pnictides within a five-orbital model with on-site interactions. The leading contribution to the scattering rate is calculated from the second-order diagrams with the polarization operator calculated in the random-phase approximation. We find one-particle scattering rates which are highly anisotropic on each Fermi surface sheet due to the momentum dependence of the spin susceptibility and the multi-orbital composition of each Fermi pocket. This fact, combined with the anisotropy of the effective mass, produces disparity between electrons and holes in conductivity, the Hall coefficient, and the Raman initial slope, in qualitative agreement with experimental data.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Boson pairing and unusual criticality in a generalized XY model

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    We discuss the unusual critical behavior of a generalized XY model containing both 2\pi-periodic and \pi-periodic couplings between sites. The presence of vortices and half-vortices allows for single-particle condensate and pair-condensate phases. Using a field theoretic formulation and worm algorithm Monte Carlo simulations, we show that in two dimensions it is possible for the system to pass directly from the disordered (high temperature) phase to the single particle (quasi)-condensate via an Ising transition, a situation reminiscent of the `deconfined criticality' scenario.Comment: Published versio

    Fluctuation induced vortex pattern and its disordering in the fully frustrated XY model on a dice lattice

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    A highly degenerate family of states [proposed in PRB 63, 134503 (2001)] is proven to really minimize the Hamiltonian of the fully frustrated XY model on a dice lattice. The harmonic fluctuations are shown to be no consequence for the removal of the accidental degeneracy of these states, so a particular vortex pattern can be stabilized only by the anharmonic fluctuations. The structure of this pattern is found and the temperature of its disordering due to the proliferation of domain walls is estimated. The extreme smallness of the fluctuations induced free energy of domain walls leads to the anomalous prominence of the finite-size effects, which prevent the observation of vortex-pattern ordering in numerical simulations. In such a situation the loss of phase coherence may be related to the dissociation of fractional vortices with topological charges 1/8. In a physical situation the magnetic interaction of currents in a Josephson junction array will be a more important source for the stabilization of a particular vortex pattern than the anharmonic fluctuations.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Electron-phonon interaction in the lamellar cobaltate Nax_xCoO2_2

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    We study theoretically and experimentally the dependence of the electron-phonon interaction in Nax_xCoO2_2 on the sodium concentration xx. For the two oxygen phonon modes found in Raman experiments, A1gA_{1g} and E1gE_{1g}, we calculate the matrix elements of the electron-phonon interaction. Analyzing the feedback effect of the conduction electrons on the phonon frequency we compare the calculated and experimentally observed doping dependence of the A1gA_{1g} mode. Furthermore, due to the momentum dependence of the electron-phonon coupling for the E1gE_{1g} symmetry we find no renormalization of the corresponding phonon frequency which agrees with experiment. Our results shed light on the possible importance of the electron-phonon interaction in this system.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures (submitted to PRB

    Phase transitions in the antiferromagnetic XY model with a kagome lattice

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    The ground state of the antiferromagnetic XY model with a kagome lattice is characterized by a well developed accidental degeneracy. As a consequence the phase transition in this system consists in unbinding of pairs of fractional vortices. Addition of the next-to-nearest neighbors (NNN) interaction leads to stabilization of the long-range order in chirality (staggered chirality). We show that the phase transition, related with destruction of this long-range order, can happen as a separate phase transition below the temperature of the fractional vortex pairs unbinding only if the NNN coupling is extremely weak, and find how the temperature of this transition depends on coupling constants. We also demonstarte that the antiferromagnetic ordering of chiralities and, accordingly, the presence of the second phase transition are induced by the free energy of spin wave fluctuations even in absence of the NNN coupling.Comment: 10 pages (Revtex) + 8 figures (in 2 postscript files


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    The software to simulate radiation resistance of MOSFET transistors, the basic elements of CMOS integrated circuits, is presented. The software performs visualization and analysis of volt-ampere characteristics of p - and n -channel transistors, extraction of «radiation sensitive» SPICE parameters and modeling of their variations with an ionizing radiation. The degradation of MOSFET transistors of the 1554LN1 microcircuit is investigated for gamma Co60 irradiation.Приведено описание программного комплекса для моделирования радиационной стойкости n - и p -канальных металл-окисел-полупроводник (МОП) транзисторов - элементов комплементарных МОП интегральных микросхем. Программное обеспечение предназначено для визуализации и анализа результатов измерений вольтамперных характеристик транзисторов, экстракции SPICE-параметров и последующего моделирования их эволюции в зависимости от дозы ионизирующего излучения. Исследовано радиационное поведение МОП транзисторов - элементов микросхем 1554ЛН1 - в поле ионизирующего излучения Со60