500 research outputs found

    Optimal Investment with Taxes: An Existence Result

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    We study the deterministic control problem of maximizing utility from consumption of an agent who seeks to optimally allocate his wealth between consumption and investment in a FInancial asset subject to taxes on benefits with first-in-first-out priority rule on sales. Short sales are prohibitted and consumption is restricted to be non-negative. Such a problem has been introduced in a previous paper by the same authors where the first order conditions have been derived. In this paper, we establish an existence result for this non-classical optimal control problem

    Current-Induced Spin Polarization in Gallium Nitride

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    Electrically generated spin polarization is probed directly in bulk GaN using Kerr rotation spectroscopy. A series of n-type GaN epilayers are grown in the wurtzite phase both by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) with a variety of doping densities chosen to broadly modulate the transverse spin lifetime, T2*. The spin polarization is characterized as a function of electrical excitation energy over a range of temperatures. Despite weak spin-orbit interactions in GaN, a current-induced spin polarization (CISP) is observed in the material at temperatures of up to 200 K.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    The Principles of Social Order. Selected Essays of Lon L. Fuller, edited With an introduction by Kenneth I. Winston

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    The electron spins of semiconductor defects can have complex interactions with their host, particularly in polar materials like SiC where electrical and mechanical variables are intertwined. By combining pulsed spin resonance with ab initio simulations, we show that spin-spin interactions in 4H-SiC neutral divacancies give rise to spin states with a strong Stark effect, sub-10(-6) strain sensitivity, and highly spin-dependent photoluminescence with intensity contrasts of 15%-36%. These results establish SiC color centers as compelling systems for sensing nanoscale electric and strain fields

    Polytype control of spin qubits in silicon carbide

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    Crystal defects can confine isolated electronic spins and are promising candidates for solid-state quantum information. Alongside research focusing on nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond, an alternative strategy seeks to identify new spin systems with an expanded set of technological capabilities, a materials driven approach that could ultimately lead to "designer" spins with tailored properties. Here, we show that the 4H, 6H and 3C polytypes of SiC all host coherent and optically addressable defect spin states, including spins in all three with room-temperature quantum coherence. The prevalence of this spin coherence shows that crystal polymorphism can be a degree of freedom for engineering spin qubits. Long spin coherence times allow us to use double electron-electron resonance to measure magnetic dipole interactions between spin ensembles in inequivalent lattice sites of the same crystal. Together with the distinct optical and spin transition energies of such inequivalent spins, these interactions provide a route to dipole-coupled networks of separately addressable spins.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, and supplementary information and figure

    Isolated spin qubits in SiC with a high-fidelity infrared spin-to-photon interface

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    The divacancies in SiC are a family of paramagnetic defects that show promise for quantum communication technologies due to their long-lived electron spin coherence and their optical addressability at near-telecom wavelengths. Nonetheless, a mechanism for high-fidelity spin-to-photon conversion, which is a crucial prerequisite for such technologies, has not yet been demonstrated. Here we demonstrate a high-fidelity spin-to-photon interface in isolated divacancies in epitaxial films of 3C-SiC and 4H-SiC. Our data show that divacancies in 4H-SiC have minimal undesirable spin-mixing, and that the optical linewidths in our current sample are already similar to those of recent remote entanglement demonstrations in other systems. Moreover, we find that 3C-SiC divacancies have millisecond Hahn-echo spin coherence time, which is among the longest measured in a naturally isotopic solid. The presence of defects with these properties in a commercial semiconductor that can be heteroepitaxially grown as a thin film on shows promise for future quantum networks based on SiC defects.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Ocean acidification bends the Mermaid’s Wineglass

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    Ocean acidification lowers the saturation state of calcium carbonate, decreasing net calcification and compromising the skeletons of organisms such as corals, molluscs and algae. These calcified structures can protect organisms from predation and improve access to light, nutrients and dispersive currents. While some species (such as urchins, corals and mussels) survive with decreased calcification, they can suffer from inferior mechanical performance. Here, we used cantilever beam theory to test the hypothesis that decreased calcification would impair the mechanical performance of the green alga Acetabularia acetabulum along a CO2 gradient created by volcanic seeps off Vulcano, Italy. Calcification and mechanical properties declined as calcium carbonate saturation fell; algae at 2283 matm CO2 were 32% less calcified, 40% less stiff and 40% droopier. Moreover, calcification was not a linear proxy for mechanical performance; stem stiffness decreased exponentially with reduced calcification. Although calcifying organisms can tolerate high CO2 conditions, even subtle changes in calcification can cause dramatic changes in skeletal performance, which may in turn affect key biotic and abiotic interactions

    Design Equation: A Novel Approach to Heteropolymer Design

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    A novel approach to heteropolymer design is proposed. It is based on the criterion by Kurosky and Deutsch, with which the probability of a target conformation in a conformation space is maximized at low but finite temperature. The key feature of the proposed approach is the use of soft spins (fuzzy monomers) that leads to a design equation, which is an analog of the Boltzmann machine learning equation in the design problem. We implement an algorithm based on the design equation for the generalized HP model on the 3x3x3 cubic lattice and check its performance.Comment: 7 pages, 3 tables, 1 figures, uses jpsj.sty, jpsjbs1.sty, epsf.sty, Submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Optical polarization of nuclear spins in silicon carbide

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    We demonstrate optically pumped dynamic nuclear polarization of 29-Si nuclear spins that are strongly coupled to paramagnetic color centers in 4H- and 6H-SiC. The 99 +/- 1% degree of polarization at room temperature corresponds to an effective nuclear temperature of 5 microKelvin. By combining ab initio theory with the experimental identification of the color centers' optically excited states, we quantitatively model how the polarization derives from hyperfine-mediated level anticrossings. These results lay a foundation for SiC-based quantum memories, nuclear gyroscopes, and hyperpolarized probes for magnetic resonance imaging.Comment: 21 pages including supplementary information; four figures in main text and one tabl

    development of adaptive immune effector therapies in solid tumors

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    Abstract State-of-the-art treatment strategies have drastically ameliorated the outcome of patients affected by cancer. However, resistant and recurrent solid tumors are generally nonresponsive to conventional therapies. A central factor in the sequence of events that lead to cancer is an alteration in antitumor immune surveillance, which results in failure to recognize and eliminate the transformed tumor cell. A greater understanding of the dysregulation and evasion of the immune system in the evolution and progression of cancer provides the basis for improved therapies. Targeted strategies, such as T-cell therapy, not only generally spare normal tissues, but also use alternative antineoplastic mechanisms that synergize with other therapeutics. Despite encouraging success in hematologic malignancies, adaptive cellular therapies for solid tumors face unique challenges because of the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment, and the hurdle of T-cell trafficking within scarcely accessible tumor sites. This review provides a brief overview of current cellular therapeutic strategies for solid tumors, research carried out to increase efficacy and safety, and results from ongoing clinical trials