261 research outputs found

    SUSY Ward identities for multi-gluon helicity amplitudes with massive quarks

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    We use supersymmetric Ward identities to relate multi-gluon helicity amplitudes involving a pair of massive quarks to amplitudes with massive scalars. This allows to use the recent results for scalar amplitudes with an arbitrary number of gluons obtained by on-shell recursion relations to obtain scattering amplitudes involving top quarks.Comment: 22 pages, references adde

    Fast Stochastic Cooling of Heavy Ions at the ESR Storage Ring

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    Since the completion of the installation of pick-up and kicker tanks in the ESR, stochastic cooling in all phase space dimensions has been demonstrated with rather short cooling times. New RF components were added. The system is now ready for experiments with secondary beams. The momentum sensitivity of the pick-up electrodes was measured. The ability of the Palmer cooling system to cool beams with a maximum momentum spread of ± 0.7 % was demonstrated. After injecting an uncooled primary argon beam from the SIS synchrotron, e-folding cooling times of 0.86 s in the longitudinal phase plane and 1.6 s in the horizontal plane were measured with 5×106 injected particles. These values are close to theoretical expectations. In a first experiment with uranium, the shortest cooling times have been below 0.5 s in both the longitudinal and vertical phase planes. The system cools the complete injected beam without beam loss. An experiment with beam accumulation following stochastic precooling was performed successfully. The resulting equilibrium phase space densities are high enough to be followed by fast electron cooling of the stack

    Stochastic Cooling at the ESR

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    Stochastic precooling at the ESR storage ring of GSI will be used mainly for experiments with stored radioactive fragment beams. They arrive from the fragment separator with momentum spreads and emittances for which electron cooling is too slow. The installation of components at the ESR is now complete and first commissioning experiments have been performed. Both longitudinal and transverse stochastic cooling have been demonstrated. The paper gives a short account of the system architecture, and of the response of quarter-wave plates and superelectrodes at intermediate energies. The preparation of fragment beams suitable for subsequent electron cooling is discussed for the case that a mixture of different ion species is present in the cooler ring. Results of commissioning and future prospects are presented

    A direct proof of the CSW rules

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    Using recursion methods similar to those of Britto, Cachazo, Feng and Witten (BCFW) a direct proof of the CSW rules for computing tree-level gluon amplitudes is given.Comment: 11 pages, uses axodraw.st

    Unitarity, BRST Symmetry and Ward Identities in Orbifold Gauge Theories

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    We discuss the use of BRST symmetry and the resulting Ward identities for orbifold gauge theories as consistency checks in an arbitrary number of dimensions. We verify that both the usual orbifold symmetry breaking and the recently proposed Higgsless symmetry breaking are consistent with the nilpotency of the BRST transformation. Imposing the Ward identities resulting from the BRST symmetry on the 4-point functions of theory, we obtain relations on the coupling constants that are shown to be equivalent to the conditions for tree level unitarity. We present the complete set of these sum rules also for inelastic scattering and discuss applications to 6-dimensional models and to incomplete matter multiplets on orbifold fixed points.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX (feynmf.sty, url.sty and thophys.sty included), v2:references added, v3:typos corrected, sec.3 revise

    Multigluon tree amplitudes with a pair of massive fermions

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    We consider the calculation of n-point multigluon tree amplitudes with a pair of massive fermions in QCD. We give the explicit transformation rules of this kind of massive fermion-pair amplitudes with respect to different reference momenta and check the correctness of them by SUSY Ward identities. Using these rules and onshell BCFW recursion relation, we calculate the analytic results of several n-point multigluon amplitudes.Comment: 15page

    Massive amplitudes on the Coulomb branch of N=4 SYM

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    We initiate a systematic study of amplitudes with massive external particles on the Coulomb-branch of N=4 super Yang Mills theory: 1) We propose that (multi-)soft-scalar limits of massless amplitudes at the origin of moduli space can be used to determine Coulomb-branch amplitudes to leading order in the mass. This is demonstrated in numerous examples. 2) We find compact explicit expressions for several towers of tree-level amplitudes, including scattering of two massive W-bosons with any number of positive helicity gluons, valid for all values of the mass. 3) We present the general structure of superamplitudes on the Coulomb branch. For example, the n-point "MHV-band" superamplitude is proportional to a Grassmann polynomial of mixed degree 4 to 12, which is uniquely determined by supersymmetry. We find explicit tree-level superamplitudes for this MHV band and for other simple sectors of the theory. 4) Dual conformal generators are constructed, and we explore the dual conformal properties of the simplest massive amplitudes. Our compact expressions for amplitudes and superamplitudes should be of both theoretical and phenomenological interest; in particular the tree-level results carry over to truncations of the theory with less supersymmetry.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur

    Inclusive top-pair production phenomenology with TOPIXS

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    We discuss various aspects of inclusive top-quark pair production based on TOPIXS, a new, flexible program that computes the production cross section at the Tevatron and LHC at next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy in soft and Coulomb resummation, including bound-state effects and the complete next-to-next-to-leading order result in the q-qbar channel, which has recently become available. We present the calculation of the top-pair cross section in pp collisions at 8 TeV centre-of-mass energy, as well as the cross sections for hypothetical heavy quarks in extensions of the standard model. The dependence on the parton distribution input is studied. Further we investigate the impact of LHC top cross section measurements at sqrt(s)=7 TeV on global fits of the gluon distribution using the NNPDF re-weighting method.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures; v2: corrected typos in Eqs. (2.8) and (6.2) and the text, added footnote on page 4, matches published versio

    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Sleep Quality, Stress Level and Health-Related Quality of Life-A Large Prospective Cohort Study on Adult Danes

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    The everyday lives of Danish inhabitants have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, e.g., by social distancing, which was employed by the government in March 2020 to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Moreover, the pandemic has entailed economic consequences for many people. This study aims to assess changes in physical and mental health-related quality of life (MCS, PCS), in stress levels, and quality of sleep during the COVID-19 pandemic and to identify factors that impact such changes, using a prospective national cohort study including 26,453 participants from the Danish Blood Donor Study who answered a health questionnaire before the pandemic and during the pandemic. Descriptive statistics, multivariable linear and multinomial logistic regression analyses were applied. A worsening of MCS and quality of sleep was found, and an overall decrease in stress levels was observed. PCS was decreased in men and slightly increased in women. The extent of health changes was mainly affected by changes in job situation, type of job, previous use of anti-depressive medication and the participants’ level of personal stamina. Thus, living under the unusual circumstances that persisted during the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the health of the general population. This may, in time, constitute a public health problem
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