1,028 research outputs found

    How access to public transit may have saved many Americans’ homes during the Great Recession

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    The Great Recession which followed the 2008 financial crash saw massive increases in the number of homes being foreclosed and trillions wiped from homeowners’ equity. But the impact of the recession was not uniform across the country in all places. In new research, Timothy F. Welch, Steven R. Gehrke and Steven Farber look at the effects of access to public transport on house prices during the Great Recession. They find that houses less than a mile from stations in Atlanta, Baltimore or Portland all kept their value to a greater degree than those located farther away from stations.They suggest that this may be down to lower transport-related costs, better local economic conditions and greater access to employment opportunities

    Lecture Versus Discussion in the Study of Sophomore Library Skills

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    An EPTAS for Scheduling on Unrelated Machines of Few Different Types

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    In the classical problem of scheduling on unrelated parallel machines, a set of jobs has to be assigned to a set of machines. The jobs have a processing time depending on the machine and the goal is to minimize the makespan, that is the maximum machine load. It is well known that this problem is NP-hard and does not allow polynomial time approximation algorithms with approximation guarantees smaller than 1.51.5 unless P==NP. We consider the case that there are only a constant number KK of machine types. Two machines have the same type if all jobs have the same processing time for them. This variant of the problem is strongly NP-hard already for K=1K=1. We present an efficient polynomial time approximation scheme (EPTAS) for the problem, that is, for any Δ>0\varepsilon > 0 an assignment with makespan of length at most (1+Δ)(1+\varepsilon) times the optimum can be found in polynomial time in the input length and the exponent is independent of 1/Δ1/\varepsilon. In particular we achieve a running time of 2O(Klog⁥(K)1Δlog⁥41Δ)+poly(∣I∣)2^{\mathcal{O}(K\log(K) \frac{1}{\varepsilon}\log^4 \frac{1}{\varepsilon})}+\mathrm{poly}(|I|), where ∣I∣|I| denotes the input length. Furthermore, we study three other problem variants and present an EPTAS for each of them: The Santa Claus problem, where the minimum machine load has to be maximized; the case of scheduling on unrelated parallel machines with a constant number of uniform types, where machines of the same type behave like uniformly related machines; and the multidimensional vector scheduling variant of the problem where both the dimension and the number of machine types are constant. For the Santa Claus problem we achieve the same running time. The results are achieved, using mixed integer linear programming and rounding techniques

    Dual Space of a Lattice as the Completion of a Pervin Space

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    16th International Conference, RAMiCS 2017, Lyon, France, May 15-18, 2017, ProceedingsInternational audienceThis survey paper presents well-known results from a new angle. A Pervin space is a set X equipped with a set of subsets,called the blocks of the Pervin space. Blocks are closed under finite intersections and finite unions and hence form a lattice of subsets of X. Pervin spaces are thus easier to define than topological spaces or (quasi)-uniform spaces. As a consequence, most of the standard topological notions, like convergence and cluster points, specialisation order, filtersand Cauchy filters, complete spaces and completion are much easier to define for Pervin spaces. In particular, the completion of a Pervin space turns out to be the dual space (in the sense of Stone) of the original lattice.We show that any lattice of subsets can be described by a set of inequations of the form u ≀ v, where u and v are elements of its dual space. Applications to formal languages and complexity classes are given.Cet article de synthĂšse prĂ©sente des rĂ©sultats bien connus sous un nouvel angle. Un espace de Pervin est unensemble X Ă©quipĂ© d'un ensemble de parties, appelĂ© les blocs de l'espace de Pervin. Les blocs sont fermĂ©s par intersection finie et union finie et forment ainsi un treillis de parties de X. Les espaces de Pervin sont doncplus faciles Ă  dĂ©finir que les espaces topologiques ou les espaces (quasi-)uniformes. Par consĂ©quent, la plupart des notions topologiques, comme la convergence et les points d'adhĂ©rence, l'ordre de spĂ©cialisation, les filtres de Cauchy, les espaces complets et la complĂ©tion sont beaucoup plus faciles Ă  dĂ©finir pour les espaces Pervin. En particulier, la complĂ©tion d'un espace Pervin s'avĂšre ĂȘtre l'espace dual (au sens de Stone) du treillis de dĂ©part.Nous montrons que tout treillis de parties peut ĂȘtre dĂ©crit par un ensemble d'inĂ©quations de la forme u ≀ v, oĂč u et v sont des Ă©lĂ©ments de son espace dual. On donne des applications aux langages formels et aux classes de complexitĂ©

    Efficient approximation of correlated sums on data streams

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    ERIGrid Holistic Test Description for Validating Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

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    Smart energy solutions aim to modify and optimise the operation of existing energy infrastructure. Such cyber-physical technology must be mature before deployment to the actual infrastructure, and competitive solutions will have to be compliant to standards still under development. Achieving this technology readiness and harmonisation requires reproducible experiments and appropriately realistic testing environments. Such testbeds for multi-domain cyber-physical experiments are complex in and of themselves. This work addresses a method for the scoping and design of experiments where both testbed and solution each require detailed expertise. This empirical work first revisited present test description approaches, developed a newdescription method for cyber-physical energy systems testing, and matured it by means of user involvement. The new Holistic Test Description (HTD) method facilitates the conception, deconstruction and reproduction of complex experimental designs in the domains of cyber-physical energy systems. This work develops the background and motivation, offers a guideline and examples to the proposed approach, and summarises experience from three years of its application.This work received funding in the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Program (H2020/2014–2020) under project “ERIGrid” (Grant Agreement No. 654113)

    Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived glial cells and neural progenitors display divergent responses to Zika and dengue infections

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    Maternal Zika virus (ZIKV) infection during pregnancy is recognized as the cause of an epidemic of microcephaly and other neurological anomalies in human fetuses. It remains unclear how ZIKV accesses the highly vulnerable population of neural progenitors of the fetal central nervous system (CNS), and which cell types of the CNS may be viral reservoirs. In contrast, the related dengue virus (DENV) does not elicit teratogenicity. To model viral interaction with cells of the fetal CNS in vitro, we investigated the tropism of ZIKV and DENV for different induced pluripotent stem cell-derived human cells, with a particular focus on microglia-like cells. We show that ZIKV infected isogenic neural progenitors, astrocytes, and microglia-like cells (pMGLs), but was only cytotoxic to neural progenitors. Infected glial cells propagated ZIKV and maintained ZIKV load over time, leading to viral spread to susceptible cells. DENV triggered stronger immune responses and could be cleared by neural and glial cells more efficiently. pMGLs, when cocultured with neural spheroids, invaded the tissue and, when infected with ZIKV, initiated neural infection. Since microglia derive from primitive macrophages originating in proximity to the maternal vasculature, they may act as a viral reservoir for ZIKV and establish infection of the fetal brain. Infection of immature neural stem cells by invading microglia may occur in the early stages of pregnancy, before angiogenesis in the brain rudiments. Our data are also consistent with ZIKV and DENV affecting the integrity of the blood–brain barrier, thus allowing infection of the brain later in life. Keywords: Zika; microglia; organoids; interferon; iPSNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant AI100190

    Finitely generated free Heyting algebras via Birkhoff duality and coalgebra

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    Algebras axiomatized entirely by rank 1 axioms are algebras for a functor and thus the free algebras can be obtained by a direct limit process. Dually, the final coalgebras can be obtained by an inverse limit process. In order to explore the limits of this method we look at Heyting algebras which have mixed rank 0-1 axiomatizations. We will see that Heyting algebras are special in that they are almost rank 1 axiomatized and can be handled by a slight variant of the rank 1 coalgebraic methods

    Increased plasma level of terminal complement complex in AMD patients: potential functional consequences for RPE cells

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    Purpose: Polymorphisms in complement genes are risk-associated for age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Functional analysis revealed a common deficiency to control the alternative complement pathway by risk-associated gene polymorphisms. Thus, we investigated the levels of terminal complement complex (TCC) in the plasma of wet AMD patients with defined genotypes and the impact of the complement activation of their plasma on second-messenger signaling, gene expression, and cytokine/chemokine secretion in retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells. Design: Collection of plasma from patients with wet AMD (n = 87: 62% female and 38% male; median age 77 years) and controls (n = 86: 39% female and 61% male; median age 58 years), grouped for risk factor smoking and genetic risk alleles CFH 402HH and ARMS2 rs3750846, determination of TCC levels in the plasma, in vitro analysis on RPE function during exposure to patients' or control plasma as a complement source. Methods: Genotyping, measurement of TCC concentrations, ARPE-19 cell culture, Ca2+ imaging, gene expression by qPCR, secretion by multiplex bead analysis of cell culture supernatants. Main outcome measures: TCC concentration in plasma, intracellular free Ca2+, relative mRNA levels, cytokine secretion. Results: TCC levels in the plasma of AMD patients were five times higher than in non-AMD controls but did not differ in plasma from carriers of the two risk alleles. Complement-evoked Ca2+ elevations in RPE cells differed between patients and controls with a significant correlation between TCC levels and peak amplitudes. Comparing the Ca2+ signals, only between the plasma of smokers and non-smokers, as well as heterozygous (CFH 402YH) and CFH 402HH patients, revealed differences in the late phase. Pre-stimulation with complement patients' plasma led to sensitization for complement reactions by RPE cells. Gene expression for surface molecules protective against TCC and pro-inflammatory cytokines increased after exposure to patients' plasma. Patients' plasma stimulated the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the RPE. Conclusion: TCC levels were higher in AMD patients but did not depend on genetic risk factors. The Ca2+ responses to patients' plasma as second-messenger represent a shift of RPE cells to a pro-inflammatory phenotype and protection against TCC. We conclude a substantial role of high TCC plasma levels in AMD pathology
