45 research outputs found

    Opsporing Verzocht

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    Wekelijks kijkt meer dan een miljoen mensen naar Opsporing Verzocht op televisie. Hoewel dit programma al bijna dertig jaar bestaat, past het in een trend waarin de politie steeds vaker gebruik maakt van de media om de hulp van burgers in te roepen bij de opsporing van verdachten. We spreken hier van opsporingsberichtgeving: het tonen van beelden van verdachten of het verspreiden van andere informatie over delicten met als primair doel hulp te vragen aan het publiek bij het oplossen van deze zaken. Dat roept de vraag op hoe effectief opsporingsberichtgeving is. Die vraag is mede relevant omdat het verspreiden van informatie over verdachten mogelijk verstrekkende gevolgen voor hen kan hebben. Dit onderzoek beantwoordt de vraag naar de bijdrage van Opsporing Verzocht aan de oplossing van delicten. Deze vraagstelling wordt beantwoord middels een quasi-experimenteel onderzoek. De in Opsporing Verzocht uitgezonden zaken worden in de eerste plaats vergeleken met delicten waarvan geen opsporingsbericht in Opsporing Verzocht is getoond. In de tweede plaats meten we het effect van variatie in de kijkcijfers van Opsporing Verzocht. Hiervoor maken we gebruik van de variatie in kijkcijfers die wordt veroorzaakt door het gelijktijdig uitzenden van een voetbalwedstrijd uit de Champions League. Op basis van beide onderzoeksmethoden blijkt de bijdrage van Opsporing Verzocht aan het oplossen van delicten aanzienlijk te zijn

    Opsporing Verzocht

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    Opsporing Verzocht

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    Ensemble-based satellite-derived carbon dioxide and methane column-averaged dry-air mole fraction data sets (2003-2018) for carbon and climate applications

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    Satellite retrievals of column-averaged dry-air mole fractions of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and methane (CH₄), denoted XCO₂ and XCH₄, respectively, have been used in recent years to obtain information on natural and anthropogenic sources and sinks and for other applications such as comparisons with climate models. Here we present new data sets based on merging several individual satellite data products in order to generate consistent long-term climate data records (CDRs) of these two Essential Climate Variables (ECVs). These ECV CDRs, which cover the time period 2003–2018, have been generated using an ensemble of data products from the satellite sensors SCIAMACHY/ENVISAT and TANSO-FTS/GOSAT and (for XCO₂) for the first time also including data from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2) satellite. Two types of products have been generated: (i) Level 2 (L2) products generated with the latest version of the ensemble median algorithm (EMMA) and (ii) Level 3 (L3) products obtained by gridding the corresponding L2 EMMA products to obtain a monthly 5∘×5∘ data product in Obs4MIPs (Observations for Model Intercomparisons Project) format. The L2 products consist of daily NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) files, which contain in addition to the main parameters, i.e., XCO₂ or XCH₄, corresponding uncertainty estimates for random and potential systematic uncertainties and the averaging kernel for each single (quality-filtered) satellite observation. We describe the algorithms used to generate these data products and present quality assessment results based on comparisons with Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) ground-based retrievals. We found that the XCO₂ Level 2 data set at the TCCON validation sites can be characterized by the following figures of merit (the corresponding values for the Level 3 product are listed in brackets) – single-observation random error (1σ): 1.29 ppm (monthly: 1.18 ppm); global bias: 0.20 ppm (0.18 ppm); and spatiotemporal bias or relative accuracy (1σ): 0.66 ppm (0.70 ppm). The corresponding values for the XCH₄ products are single-observation random error (1σ): 17.4 ppb (monthly: 8.7 ppb); global bias: −2.0 ppb (−2.9 ppb); and spatiotemporal bias (1σ): 5.0 ppb (4.9 ppb). It has also been found that the data products exhibit very good long-term stability as no significant long-term bias trend has been identified. The new data sets have also been used to derive annual XCO₂ and XCH₄ growth rates, which are in reasonable to good agreement with growth rates from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) based on marine surface observations. The presented ECV data sets are available (from early 2020 onwards) via the Climate Data Store (CDS, https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/, last access: 10 January 2020) of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S, https://climate.copernicus.eu/, last access: 10 January 2020)

    The long-term effects of military conscription on educational attainment and wages

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    Abstract This study investigates the long-term effects of peace-time military conscription on educational attainment and earnings by exploiting a policy change that exempted a complete birth cohort from military service. We find that compulsory military service decreases the proportion of Dutch university graduates by 1.5 percentage points from a baseline of 12.3 per cent. In addition, being a conscript reduces the probability of obtaining a university degree by almost four percentage points. The effect of military service on earnings is also negative and long-lasting. Approximately 18 years after military service, we still find a negative effect of 3 to 4 per cent. The effect of conscription on educational attainment does not fully explain the wage reduction. Jel classification H56; J31; J24</jats:p

    CAAD Education under the Lens of Critical Communication Theories and Critical Pedagogy: Towards a Critical Computer Aided Architectural Design Education (CCAADE)

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    Understanding the dominant ethos of our age is imperative but not easy. However it is quite evident that new technologies have altered our times. Every discipline is now forced to be critical in developing new concepts according to the realities of our times. Implementing a critical worldview and consciousness is now more essential than ever. Latest changes in information technology are creating pressure on change both in societal and cultural terms. With its direct relation to these technologies, computer aided architectural design education, is obviously an outstanding / prominent case within contemporary debate. This paper aims to name some critical points related to computer aided architectural design education (CAADE) from the perspective of critical communication studies and critical education theories. It tries to relate these three areas, by introducing their common concepts to each other. In this way, it hopes to open a path for a language of critique. A critique that supports and promotes experimentation, negotiation, creativity, social consciousness and active participation in architectural education in general, and CAADE in specific. It suggests that CAADE might become critical and produce meta-discourses [1] in two ways. Firstly, by being critical about the context it exists in, that is to say, its relationships to the existing institutional and social structures and secondly by being critical about the content it handles, in other words by questioning its ideological dimensions. This study considers that analysing the role of CAADE in this scheme can provide architectural education with the opportunity to make healthy projections for the future