2,724 research outputs found

    Ultrasonic Microdissection of Rat Cerebellum for Scanning Electron Microscopy

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    The cerebelli of rats were initially fixed with aldehydes (modified Karnovsky\u27s fixative; 503 mOsM/L) by cardiac perfusion. Blocks of tissue were razor-cut, usually longitudinal to folia, and immersed in the same fluid for 2-4 hours. Three separate methods of treatment followed: (1) immersion in 1% aqueous boric acid, or (2) in 2% phosphate buffered OsO4 followed by boric acid or (3) in an 8/2 mixture of boric acid and OsO4. After 18-48 hours immersion the blocks were dehydrated in ascending grades of acetone. They were then exposed to ultrasound in 100% acetone at frequencies of 80 kHz or 40 kHz for 10 to 20 minutes. Microdissection of cut surfaces (erosion) occurs after all three treatments. It is least extensive after boric acid, moderate after OsO4 and greatest after the combined mixture. All cerebellar cell types are recognizable as are numerous fibers according to morphology and position. Variable erosion accommodates analysis of different levels of neural organization. In general, structural situations not involving great depth of field are best revealed by H3BO3 or OsO4. Blood vascular relationships to other structures are best demonstrated in deeply eroded specimens

    Theoretical Studies of Accretion of Matter onto White Dwarfs and the Single Degenerate Scenario for Supernovae of Type Ia

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    We present a brief summary of the Single Degenerate Scenario for the progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae in which it is assumed that a low mass carbon-oxygen white dwarf is growing in mass as a result of accretion from a secondary star in a close binary system. Recent hydrodynamic simulations of accretion of solar material onto white dwarfs without mixing always produce a thermonuclear runaway and steady burning does not occur. For a broad range in WD mass (0.4 Solar masses to 1.35 Solar Masses), the maximum ejected material occurs for the 1.25 Solar Mass sequences and then decreases as the white dwarf mass decreases. Therefore, the white dwarfs are growing in mass as a consequence of the accretion of solar material and as long as there is no mixing of accreted material with core material. In contrast, a thermonuclear runaway in the accreted hydrogen-rich layers on the low luminosity WDs in close binary systems where mixing of core matter with accreted material has occurred is the outburst mechanism for Classical, Recurrent, and Symbiotic novae. The differences in characteristics of these systems is likely the WD mass and mass accretion rate. The high levels of enrichment of CN ejecta in elements ranging from carbon to sulfur confirm that there is dredge-up of matter from the core of the WD and enable them to contribute to the chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium. Therefore, studies of CNe can lead to an improved understanding of Galactic nucleosynthesis, some sources of pre-solar grains, and the Extragalactic distance scale. The characteristics of the outburst depend on the white dwarf mass, luminosity, mass accretion rate, and the chemical composition of both the accreting material and WD material. The properties of the outburst also depends on when, how, and if the accreted layers are mixed with the WD core and the mixing mechanism is still unknown.Comment: 25 Pages, Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India (BASI) in pres

    Hydrodynamic Studies of the Evolution of Recurrent, Symbiotic, and Dwarf Novae: The White Dwarf Components are Growing in Mass

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    Symbiotic binaries are systems containing white dwarfs (WDs) and red giants. Symbiotic novae are those systems in which thermonuclear eruptions occur on the WD components. These are to be distinguished from events driven by accretion disk instabilities analogous to dwarf novae eruptions in cataclysmic variable outbursts. Another class of symbiotic systems are those in which the WD is extremely luminous and it seems likely that quiescent nuclear burning is ongoing on the accreting WD. A fundamental question is the secular evolution of the WD. Do the repeated outbursts or quiescent burning in these accreting systems cause the WD to gain or lose mass? If it is gaining mass, can it eventually reach the Chandrasekhar Limit and become a supernova (a SN Ia if it can hide the hydrogen and helium in the system)? In order to better understand these systems, we have begun a new study of the evolution of Thermonuclear Runaways (TNRs) in the accreted envelopes of WDs using a variety of initial WD masses, luminosities and mass accretion rates. We use our 1-D hydro code, NOVA, which includes the new convective algorithm of Arnett, Meakin and Young, the Hix and Thielemann nuclear reaction solver, the Iliadis reaction rate library, the Timmes equation of state, and the OPAL opacities. We assume a solar composition (Lodders abundance distribution) and do not allow any mixing of accreted material with core material. This assumption strongly influences our results. We report here (1) that the WD grows in mass for all simulations so that canonical `steady burning' does not occur, and (2) that only a small fraction of the accreted matter is ejected in some (but not all) simulations. We also find that the accreting systems, before thermonuclear runaway, are too cool to be seen in X-ray searches for SN Ia progenitors

    3D simulations of a neon burning convective shell in a massive star

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/The treatment of convection remains a major weakness in the modelling of stellar evolution with one-dimensional (1D) codes. The ever-increasing computing power makes now possible to simulate in three-dimensional (3D) part of a star for a fraction of its life, allowing us to study the full complexity of convective zones with hydrodynamics codes. Here, we performed state-of-the-art hydrodynamics simulations of turbulence in a neon-burning convective zone, during the late stage of the life of a massive star. We produced a set of simulations varying the resolution of the computing domain (from 1283 to 10243 cells) and the efficiency of the nuclear reactions (by boosting the energy generation rate from nominal to a factor of 1000). We analysed our results by the mean of Fourier transform of the velocity field, and mean-field decomposition of the various transport equations. Our results are in line with previous studies, showing that the behaviour of the bulk of the convective zone is already well captured at a relatively low resolution (2563), while the details of the convective boundaries require higher resolutions. The different boosting factors used show how various quantities (velocity, buoyancy, abundances, and abundance variances) depend on the energy generation rate. We found that for low boosting factors, convective zones are well mixed, validating the approach usually used in 1D stellar evolution codes. However, when nuclear burning and turbulent transport occur on the same time-scale, a more sophisticated treatment would be needed. This is typically the case when shell mergers occur.Peer reviewe

    Shell mergers in the late stages of massive star evolution: new insight from 3D hydrodynamic simulations

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/One-dimensional (1D) stellar evolution models are widely used across various astrophysical fields, however they are still dominated by important uncertainties that deeply affect their predictive power. Among those, the merging of independent convective regions is a poorly understood phenomenon predicted by some 1D models but whose occurrence and impact in real stars remain very uncertain. Being an intrinsically multi-D phenomenon, it is challenging to predict the exact behaviour of shell mergers with 1D models. In this work, we conduct a detailed investigation of a multiple shell merging event in a 20 M☉ star using 3D hydrodynamic simulations. Making use of the active tracers for composition and the nuclear network included in the 3D model, we study the merging not only from a dynamical standpoint but also considering its nucleosynthesis and energy generation. Our simulations confirm the occurrence of the merging also in 3D, but reveal significant differences from the 1D case. Specifically, we identify entrainment and the erosion of stable regions as the main mechanisms that drive the merging, we predict much faster convective velocities compared to the mixing-length theory velocities, and observe multiple burning phases within the same merged shell, with important effects for the chemical composition of the star, which presents a strongly asymmetric (dipolar) distribution. We expect that these differences will have important effects on the final structure of massive stars and thus their final collapse dynamics and possible supernova explosion, subsequently affecting the resulting nucleosynthesis and remnant.Peer reviewe

    The effect of 12C + 12C rate uncertainties on the evolution and nucleosynthesis of massive stars

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    [Shortened] The 12C + 12C fusion reaction has been the subject of considerable experimental efforts to constrain uncertainties at temperatures relevant for stellar nucleosynthesis. In order to investigate the effect of an enhanced carbon burning rate on massive star structure and nucleosynthesis, new stellar evolution models and their yields are presented exploring the impact of three different 12C + 12C reaction rates. Non-rotating stellar models were generated using the Geneva Stellar Evolution Code and were later post-processed with the NuGrid Multi-zone Post-Processing Network tool. The enhanced rate causes core carbon burning to be ignited more promptly and at lower temperature. This reduces the neutrino losses, which increases the core carbon burning lifetime. An increased carbon burning rate also increases the upper initial mass limit for which a star exhibits a convective carbon core. Carbon shell burning is also affected, with fewer convective-shell episodes and convection zones that tend to be larger in mass. Consequently, the chance of an overlap between the ashes of carbon core burning and the following carbon shell convection zones is increased, which can cause a portion of the ashes of carbon core burning to be included in the carbon shell. Therefore, during the supernova explosion, the ejecta will be enriched by s-process nuclides synthesized from the carbon core s process. The yields were used to estimate the weak s-process component in order to compare with the solar system abundance distribution. The enhanced rate models were found to produce a significant proportion of Kr, Sr, Y, Zr, Mo, Ru, Pd and Cd in the weak component, which is primarily the signature of the carbon-core s process. Consequently, it is shown that the production of isotopes in the Kr-Sr region can be used to constrain the 12C + 12C rate using the current branching ratio for a- and p-exit channels.Comment: The paper contains 17 figures and 7 tables. Table 7 will be published in full online onl

    The First Events in Photosynthesis: Electronic Coupling and Energy Transfer Dynamics in the Photosynthetic Reaction Center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides

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    The rapid electronic state dynamics that occur prior to charge separation in the photosynthetic reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 are investigated by "two-color" wavelength-resolved pump-probe and anisotropy measurements. A narrow band (40 fs duration transform limited) pump pulse is used to selectively excite reaction center pigments: the accessory bacteriochlorophyll (B), the upper excitonic state of the special pair (P y+ ), or the lower excitonic state of the special pair (P y-). Population dynamics are then measured with a 12 fs duration probe pulse across the entire Q y absorption spectral region as a function of time, wavelength, and polarization. Excitation of either P y-or B results in the formation of a distinct optical band at 825 nm exhibiting polarization characteristics consistent with those expected for P y+ ; the band appears instantaneously upon excitation of P y-with a negative anisotropy and appears somewhat delayed after excitation of B. The dynamics observed following direct excitation of the P y+ absorption band, that is identified to occur at 825 nm, suggests that internal conversion between the excitonic states of P is rapid, occurring with a 65 fs time constant. Excitation of the accessory BChl (i.e., populating the excited state, B*) provides a detailed answer for the mechanism of energy transfer within the bacterial reaction center. The process proceeds via a twostep mechanism, flowing sequentially from B* to P y+ to P y-with time constants of 120 and 65 fs, respectively. These results follow from a kinetic model analysis of several pump-wavelength-dependent and polarizationdependent differential probe transmission transients that yield the first spectrum of P y+ at room temperature. The coherent excitonic dynamics of the special pair states, P y-and P y+ , are measured and analyzed for coupling strengths and time scales for electronic dephasing and population relaxation. These results, in conjunction with a range of the transient transmission spectra, suggest that the initially excited state of the zeroth order chromophores, i.e., B* and P y+ , is delocalized at the earliest times, consistent with a supermolecular picture of the reaction center

    Explosive Nucleosynthesis: What we learned and what we still do not understand

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    This review touches on historical aspects, going back to the early days of nuclear astrophysics, initiated by B2^2FH and Cameron, discusses (i) the required nuclear input from reaction rates and decay properties up to the nuclear equation of state, continues (ii) with the tools to perform nucleosynthesis calculations and (iii) early parametrized nucleosynthesis studies, before (iv) reliable stellar models became available for the late stages of stellar evolution. It passes then through (v) explosive environments from core-collapse supernovae to explosive events in binary systems (including type Ia supernovae and compact binary mergers), and finally (vi) discusses the role of all these nucleosynthesis production sites in the evolution of galaxies. The focus is put on the comparison of early ideas and present, very recent, understanding.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in Springer Proceedings in Physics (Proc. of Intl. Conf. "Nuclei in the Cosmos XV", LNGS Assergi, Italy, June 2018

    Turbulence and nuclear reactions in 3D hydrodynamics simulations of massive stars

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    Our knowledge of massive star evolution and nucleosynthesis is limited by uncertainties related to multi-dimensional processes taking place in stellar interiors. Recently, theoretical works have started to improve 1D stellar evolution codes through the implementation of results from 3D hydrodynamics models, which are used to study multi-D processes on a short time range (minutes or hours) and improve 1D prescriptions. In these proceedings, we present results coming from a new set of high-resolution hydrodynamics simulations of the neon-burning shell in a massive star, employing the PROMPI code. We focus in particular on the interplay between turbulence and nuclear reactions, discussing the impact that different boosting factors of the nuclear rates have on the results. This has important implications for supernova studies, nucleosynthesis, the physics of neutron stars and black holes.</jats:p

    Nucleosynthesis in multi-dimensional SNIa explosions

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    We present the results of nucleosynthesis calculations based on multidimensional (2D and 3D) hydrodynamical simulations of the thermonuclear burning phase in SNIa. The detailed nucleosynthetic yields of our explosion models are calculated by post-processing the ejecta, using passively advected tracer particles. The nuclear reaction network employed in computing the explosive nucleosynthesis contains 383 nuclear species. We analyzed two different choices of ignition conditions (centrally ignited, in which the spherical initial flame geometry is perturbated with toroidal rings, and bubbles, in which multi-point ignition conditions are simulated). We show that unburned C and O varies typically from ~40% to ~50% of the total ejected material.The main differences between all our models and standard 1D computations are, besides the higher mass fraction of unburned C and O, the C/O ratio (in our case is typically a factor of 2.5 higher than in 1D computations), and somewhat lower abundances of certain intermediate mass nuclei such as S, Cl, Ar, K, and Ca, and of 56Ni. Because explosive C and O burning may produce the iron-group elements and their isotopes in rather different proportions one can get different 56Ni-fractions (and thus supernova luminosities) without changing the kinetic energy of the explosion. Finally, we show that we need the high resolution multi-point ignition (bubbles) model to burn most of the material in the center (demonstrating that high resolution coupled with a large number of ignition spots is crucial to get rid of unburned material in a pure deflagration SNIa model).Comment: Accepted for A&A, 14 pages, 11 Figures, 2 Table