4,764 research outputs found
The nature of the observed market structure and R&D competition in genomics research is used as the basis for a comparative analysis of research under a mixed oligopoly, pure oligopoly and monopoly when the timing of the innovation outcome is uncertain (as in an R&D race), the winner-take-all assumption is relaxed and the profits in later stages are a function of the R&D expenditures of prior stages. The sufficient conditions under which a mixed oligopoly performs more R&D than the pure oligopoly and monopoly markets are derived and are shown to be a function of a) that public firm's objective is strictly greater than in the winning state then in the losing state, b) profits for the winning and losing private firms in the private duopoly are equal, post innovation, and c) the objective function of the firms in the mixed duopoly are increasing in research faster than they are for firms in the other two cases. It is suggested that when these conditions are met, the public firm can play a role in increasing the level of research in genomics.Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,
Spillovers, Joint Ventures and Social Welfare in a Mixed Duopoly R&D Race
Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,
WTO’s Trade Liberalisation, Agricultural Growth, and Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan
Pakistan is an agrarian based developing country, and like many other developing countries, its agriculture sector is subjected to domestic forces of demand and supply and changes in prices at international level, as well. More specifically, in the late 1990s, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) emerged as one the major players affecting such market changes more vigorously at international arena. The WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture, which was established as a result of the 1986–94 Uraguay Round talks, requires, for both developed and developing countries, to initiate a process of reforms in their agrarian economies with the objective of establishing a fair and market oriented agricultural trading system through multilateral trade negotiations. This Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) specifically asks for major reductions in export subsidies, domestic support and import barriers on agricultural products to achieve this objective, the WTO’s Agreement of Agriculture [WTO (2001)] had set the following quantitative targets for cuts in each of the three specified area, namely import tariffs, domestic supports and export subsidies.
An Analysis of Major Determinants of Poverty in Agriculture Sector in Pakistan
Replaced with revised version of paper 05/21/08.Food Security and Poverty,
Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Terminal Kargo Bandara dengan Jaringan Probabilistik
Pengukuran kualitas pelayanan di bandara dapat memberikan banyak masukan penting bagi manajemen bandara terutama dalam menentukan strategi pengelolaan bandara yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan kausal faktor-faktor yang diasumsikan dapat mempengaruhi proses pelayanan di terminal kargo. Model hubungan kausal dibangun berdasarkan persepsi kepuasan pengguna jasa terhadap kinerja fasilitas, kinerja Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM), dan kinerja pelayanan di terminal kargo bandara. Pengembangan model hubungan kausal menggunakan metode jaringan probabilistik. Hasil analisis pada kasus terminal kargo Bandara Juanda - Surabaya menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kinerja fasilitas dan kinerja SDM dapat meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan di terminal kargo. Adapun faktor-faktor penting yang mempengaruhi peningkatan kinerja PELAYANAN adalah fasilitas penyimpanan barang, kelengkapan atau ketersediaan peralatan penanganan barang di apron, dan keterampilan kerja dan pengetahuan petugas terminal kargo.
[Quality Analysis of Cargo Terminal Services Using Probabilistic Networks] Service quality measurement at the airport can give a lot of essential input for the airport management, especially in determining the appropriate airport management strategy. This study aims to assess the causal relationship of several factors that are assumed may affect the service process at the cargo terminal. The causal relationship model is built on the perception of the service user satisfaction on the performance of the facilities, the performance of Human Resources (HR), and the performance of services at the airport cargo terminal. Thedevelopment of causal relationship model using probabilistic networks. The analysis results on the case of cargo terminal of Juanda Airport in Surabaya show that the performance improvement of facilities and HR can improve the performance of services in the cargo terminal. Furthermore, the important factors that affect the performance improvement of SERVICES arethe storage facilities, the availability of handling equipment in apron, and the skill and knowledge of the officer in the cargo terminal
Forehand stroke is a matter that feels difficult for student. Many students that unable to perform those movement wehther on game nor when asked by teacher to practice it. One o fthe learning model is learning modification by tonnis game. Tonnis game played with similar way to tennis and suitable to become basic game before play field tennis.
The aim of this reserarch was to detect : 1) the effect of field tennis learning modification by tonnis game to the forehand stroke learning result on student’s field tennis extracurricular participant of SMAN 3 Mojokerto. 2) The rate of tonnis modification to the forehand stroke learning result on student’s field tennis extracurricular participant of SMAN 3 Mojokerto.
The conclusion of research result are : 1) there is significant effect from field tennis learning modification by tonnis game to the forehand stroke learning result on student’s field tennis extracurricular participant of SMAN 3 Mojokerto. It proved based on t test result namely tcount score 8.995 > ttable 2.045. 2) Learning modification by tonnis game give improvement to the forehand stroke learning result on student’s field tennis extracurricular participant of SMAN 3 Mojokerto as big as 22.65%.
Keywords : modification, Tonnis learning result forehand, Field tennis
WTO’s Trade Liberalisation, Agricultural Growth, and Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan
Pakistan is an agrarian based developing country, and like
many other developing countries, its agriculture sector is subjected to
domestic forces of demand and supply and changes in prices at
international level, as well. More specifically, in the late 1990s, the
World Trade Organisation (WTO) emerged as one the major players
affecting such market changes more vigorously at international arena.
The WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture, which was established as a result of
the 1986-94 Uraguay Round talks, requires, for both developed and
developing countries, to initiate a process of reforms in their agrarian
economies with the objective of establishing a fair and market oriented
agricultural trading system through multilateral trade negotiations.
This Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) specifically asks for major
reductions in export subsidies, domestic support and import barriers on
agricultural products to achieve this objective, the WTO’s Agreement of
Agriculture [WTO (2001)] had set the following quantitative targets for
cuts in each of the three specified area, namely import tariffs,
domestic supports and export subsidies
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