782 research outputs found

    Pemahaman Pengusaha Dalam Penerapan CSR Oleh PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa, Tbk. Di Citeureup Bogor

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    CSR adalah tanggung jawab sosial Perusahaan dimana melalui kegiatan ini, Perusahaan berusaha membinainteraksi dengan lingkungan untuk menciptakan saling pengertian dan saling memiliki. Salah satunya PT.Indocement Tunggal Prakasa, Tbk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui latarbelakang PT. IndocementTunggal Prakasa, Tbk. melakukan pendekatan etis melalui reklamasi budidaya tanaman jarak (EnergyCrops) pada lahan bekas galian tambang, mengetahui pemaknaan pengusaha terhadap penerapan CSR olehPT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa, Tbk di Citeureup Bogor. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalahkualitatif, dengan paradigma konstruktivisme, dan jenis studi adalah Studi Kasus. Subjek Penelitian adalahpimpinan departmen CSR dan PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakasa, Tbk. di Palimanan Cirebon dan di CiteureupBogor yang dipilih secara purposive. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasilangsung, serta analisis dokumen. Program-program yang dilaksanakan dalam upaya pengembangan EnergiCrops adalah melakukan revitalisasi dan reklamasi pada lahan marginal dan lahan bekas penambangandengan tanaman Jarak Pagar, Kemiri Sunan, Nyamplung, King Grass, Sorgum, yang dapat diolah menjadibiofluel dan berbagai tanaman “keras” seperti pohon Jati, pohon Jinjing yang dapat mengembalikan haratanah (menyuburkan). Upaya lain adalah melakukan berbagai inovasi agar dapat memaksimalkan penggunaanenergi alternatif terutama sebagai pengganti batubara. Biofluel yang ramah lingkungan akan dapat mengurangiberbagai dampak buruk akibat operasional Perusahaan pertambangan seperti berkurangnya polusi, emisidan dampak lainya. Dengan program ini diharapakan masyarakat dapat teredukasi utntuk ikut memeliharalingkungan berkelanjutan

    The Strengthening Relationship between ENSO and Northeast Monsoon Rainfall over Sri Lanka and Southern India

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    Recently, it was reported that the relationship of the Indian southwest monsoon rainfall with El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has weakened since around 1980. Here, it is reported that in contrast, the relationship between ENSO and the northeast monsoon (NEM) in south peninsular India and Sri Lanka from October to December has not weakened. The mean circulation associated with ENSO over this region during October to December does not show the weakening evident in the summer and indeed is modestly intensified so as to augment convection. The intensification of the ENSO–NEM rainfall relationship is modest and within the historical record but stands in contrast to the weakening relationship in summer. The intensification of the circulation is consistent with the warming of surface temperatures over the tropical Indian Ocean in recent decades. There is modestly intensified convection over the Indian Ocean, strengthening of the circulation associated with ENSO (Walker circulation), and enhanced rainfall during El Niño episodes in a manner consistent with an augmented ENSO–NEM relationship

    Static spherically symmetric wormholes in generalized f(R, ϕ) gravity

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    In this paper, we examine static spherically symmetric wormhole solutions in generalized f(R,ϕ) gravity. To do this, we consider three different kinds of fluids: anisotropic, barotropic and isotropic. We explore different f(R,ϕ) models and inspect the energy conditions for all of those three fluids. It is found that under some models in this theory, it is possible to obtain wormhole solutions without requiring exotic matter. The discussion about the conditions where the standard energy conditions (WEC and NEC) are valid for the fluids is discussed in details. From our results and for our cases, we conclude that for anisotropic and isotropic fluids, realistic wormhole geometries satisfying the energy conditions can be constructed

    Thermodynamics in f(R,RαβRαβ,ϕ) theory of gravity

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    First and second laws of black hole thermodynamics are examined at the apparent horizon of FRW spacetime in f(R,RαβRαβ,ϕ) gravity, where R, RαβRαβ and ϕ are the Ricci invariant, Ricci tensor and the scalar field respectively. In this modified theory, Friedmann equations are formulated for any spatial curvature. These equations can be presented into the form of first law of thermodynamics for ThdSˆh+ThdiSˆh+WdV=dE, where diSˆh is an extra entropy term because of the non-equilibrium presentation of the equations and ThdSˆh+WdV=dE for the equilibrium presentation. The generalized second law of thermodynamics (GSLT) is expressed in an inclusive form where these results can be represented in GR, f(R) and f(R,ϕ) gravities. Finally to check the validity of GSLT, we take some particular models and produce constraints of the parameters


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    This work focused on installation and testing of a hydro power turbine to generate 5 kW of energy for domestic applications.  Water flows into the penstock  from the dam at a height of 6m; the pipe diameter was reduced to   with a reducer socket. Water pressure decreases as it flows through the elbow joint. But such decrease or loss is recovered by a reduction of the pipe diameter to 80 mm and the pipe is long enough, (length = 2000mm) for the water to be fully developed before it enters the turbine at optimum speed. As the water flows through the runner of the turbine, its pressure reduces. The reduction imparts reaction on the runner and power is transferred to the turbine shaft. To prevent back flow or sucking back of water pressure into the turbine, a draft tube and a non-return valve are incorporated into the outlet of the turbine. The turbine shaft speed recorded with the aid of a tachometer is 298.33rpm and the dynamic pressure recorded at the turbine inlet, with the aid of a water pressure gauge is 170 kN/m2. This gave an output power of 4.98 kW  at a design flow rate of 0.106 m3/s. The installation and testing of Francis turbine, pipe network and fittings were successfully carried out. It is obvious from the test results that the output power can power the street lights along Imo-street in the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.     &nbsp

    Validation of fibre stress utilization model for modified ring spun yarns

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    To model the fibre stress utilization in modified ring spun yarns, we developed an analytical formula from the experimental data. The development of empirical formulae is carried out by using two different techniques, i.e., Cubic Spline and Artificial Neural Network methods. The experimental data of stress-strain curves of fibre and yarn has a large variation. To cope this variability, we used the smoothing spline technique to find the best-fit curve with respect to a reasonable smoothness. The best nonlinear smooth fitting can be used to extrapolate the experimental data beyond the breaking point. The modified ring spun yarns (compact, SIRO and SIRO-compact) with 20/1, 30/1 and 40/1 English count, produced from viscose staple fibre, were used to predict fibre stress utilization up to the yarn break by extrapolating the mean stress-strain curves of fibre and yarn by using the artificial neural network. Moreover, a new distribution function of fibre distribution in yarn has been proposed and successfully implemented for the prediction of fibre stress utilization in yarn. The new formulation helps to compute the fibre stress utilization in the yarn analytically. The validation of the proposed methodology is presented by comparing the numerical results with the experimental data. The predicted fibre stress utilization was in good agreement with the experimental fibre stress utilization for all types of modified ring spun yarns. It has been observed that SIRO-compact yarn exhibits improved fibre stress utilization as compared to SIRO and compact yarns. Moreover, the new distribution functions Gamma and Gaussian distribution were introduced in parallel with the Dirac delta function. In previous similar studies on ring, rotor and air-jet spun yarns, the proposed model can only predict the fibre stress utilization before the breakage point whereas the modified model, in this study, can predict the fibre stress utilization up to the breaking point

    Message Platform Atribut Siger Lampung Di Dalam Kebhinekaan Multikultur

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    Penelitian ini fokus pada pengelolaan keberagaman dan kebinekaan di tengah masyarakat Lampung yang multikultur. Aspek yang dikaji yakni pesan komunikasi dan negosiasi nilai keragaman untuk mencapai kebbinekaan yang terdapat pada makna Siger. Menggunakan studi kasus dengan paradigma konstruktivis, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa bentuk Siger sebagai lambang kebesaran gelar yang dimiliki masyarakat adat Saibatin Lampung. Siger dengan 7 lekukan menggambarkan tentang posisi, perang dan tanggung jawab setiap gelar atau Juluk Adok. Lekukan pertama berukuran paling tinggi, artinya posisi paling depan menggambarkan posisi gelar tertinggi. Lekukan berikutnya dengan ukuran semakin pendek artinya posisi gelar yang berada di bawah posisi gelar sebelumnya dan seterusnya. Adat Saibatin mempunyai 7 gelar dengan pembagian dua wilayah Ke-Bandandakhan dan Ke-Sebatinan. Ke-Bandakhan terdiri dari gelar Sultan, Pangikhan, Dalom/Batin, Khaja, Khadin, Minak dan Kimas. Ke-Sebatinan meliputi gelar Dalom/Batin, Khaja, Khadin, Minak, Kimas, Mas, dan Layang. Message Platform yang ada pada atribut siger menonjolkan tentang identitas budaya yang menghasilkan integrasi budaya melalui pernikahan antar suku yang harus dikelola oleh setiap penerima gelar. Tanggung jawab untuk mengelola keberagaman adat istiadat di tengah kebinekaan masyarakat multikultur. Reputasi bahwa masyarakat Lampung ramah dan terbuka menjadi salah satu faktor perekat keberagaman menjadi kebinekaan