150 research outputs found

    Transdiagnostic treatment of co-occurrence of anxiety and depressive disorders based on repetitive negative thinking: A case series

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    Objective: The transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral treatments for treating the coexistence of anxiety and mood disorders received useful empirical supports in the recent years. However, these treatments still have moderate efficacy. Following the improvements and developments in transdiagnostic protocols and considering the importance of repetitive negative thinking as a core transdiagnostic factor in emotional disorders, this study examined a new form of transdiagnostic treatment based on Repetitive Negative Thinking (TTRNT) of co-occurrence of anxiety and depressive disorders. Methods: Treatment efficacy was assessed using single case series with multiple baselines. Three patients meeting the criteria for co-occurrence of anxiety and depressive disorders were selected using the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV. The patients were treated individually for 12 weekly sessions. Participants completed the standardized outcome measures during the baseline, treatment and one-month follow-up. Results: At post-treatment, all participants showed significant clinical changes on a range of standardized outcome measures, and these gains were largely maintained through the one-month follow-up both in the principle and co-principal diagnosis. Conclusions: Although the results of this preliminary investigation indicated that TTRNT could be a time effective and efficient treatment for individuals with co-occurrence of anxiety and depressive disorders, further controlled clinical trials are necessary to examine this new treatment approach

    The study of reproductive behavior and growth of Caspian Sea Amphipod: (Pontogammarus maeoticus)

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    Amphipods collected from the southern coasts of Caspian Sea (Jefrood beach) were transferred to laboratory along with sediment from the same area. Samples were maintained in controlled laboratory condition at temperature of 2510oC, salinity of 9± 0.5 ppt and a 12 hrs. light - dark regime. The average period spent in precopula stage was about 2.6±0.91 days and embryonic development took about 8.5 ±1.05 days. The fecundity was estimated as the number of fertilized eggs existing in brood pouch of each female (14.125). First precopula was observed after about 40 days of birth. To study the effect of feed composition on growth, Gammarus of similar size were fed by composite food of (fish-potato), (fish-bread) , (fish-leaf), (leaf-potato), (leaf-bread) and (breadpotato). At the end of 6th week the head of all specimens were measured. The result of statistical analysis showed significant difference between the treatments (p0.05). The combination of potato-bread was found to be the most suitable food for Gammarus

    Half brain irradiation in a murine model of breast cancer brain metastasis: Magnetic resonance imaging and histological assessments of dose-response

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    Background: Brain metastasis is becoming increasingly prevalent in breast cancer due to improved extra-cranial disease control. With emerging availability of modern image-guided radiation platforms, mouse models of brain metastases and small animal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we examined brain metastases\u27 responses from radiotherapy in the pre-clinical setting. In this study, we employed half brain irradiation to reduce inter-subject variability in metastases dose-response evaluations. Methods: Half brain irradiation was performed on a micro-CT/RT system in a human breast cancer (MDA-MB-231-BR) brain metastasis mouse model. Radiation induced DNA double stranded breaks in tumors and normal mouse brain tissue were quantified using γ-H2AX immunohistochemistry at 30 min (acute) and 11 days (longitudinal) after half-brain treatment for doses of 8, 16 and 24 Gy. In addition, tumor responses were assessed volumetrically with in-vivo longitudinal MRI and histologically for tumor cell density and nuclear size. Results: In the acute setting, γ-H2AX staining in tumors saturated at higher doses while normal mouse brain tissue continued to increase linearly in the phosphorylation of H2AX. While γ-H2AX fluorescence intensities returned to the background level in the brain 11 days after treatment, the residual γ-H2AX phosphorylation in the radiated tumors remained elevated compared to un-irradiated contralateral tumors. With radiation, MRI-derived relative tumor growth was significantly reduced compared to the un-irradiated side. While there was no difference in MRI tumor volume growth between 16 and 24 Gy, there was a significant reduction in tumor cell density from histology with increasing dose. In the longitudinal study, nuclear size in the residual tumor cells increased significantly as the radiation dose was increased. Conclusions: Radiation damages to the DNAs in the normal brain parenchyma are resolved over time, but remain unrepaired in the treated tumors. Furthermore, there is a radiation dose response in nuclear size of surviving tumor cells. Increase in nuclear size together with unrepaired DNA damage indicated that the surviving tumor cells post radiation had continued to progress in the cell cycle with DNA replication, but failed cytokinesis. Half brain irradiation provides efficient evaluation of dose-response for cancer cell lines, a pre-requisite to perform experiments to understand radio-resistance in brain metastases

    In Vivo PET Detection of Lung Micrometastasis in Mice by Targeting Endothelial VCAM-1 Using a Dual-Contrast PET/MRI Probe

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    Current clinical diagnostic imaging methods for lung metastases are sensitive only to large tumours (1–2 mm cross-sectional diameter), and early detection can dramatically improve treatment. We have previously demonstrated that an antibody-targeted MRI contrast agent based on microparticles of iron oxide (MPIO; 1 μm diameter) enables the imaging of endothelial vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). Using a mouse model of lung metastasis, upregulation of endothelial VCAM-1 expression was demonstrated in micrometastasis-associated vessels but not in normal lung tissue, and binding of VCAM-MPIO to these vessels was evident histologically. Owing to the lack of proton MRI signals in the lungs, we modified the VCAM-MPIO to include zirconium-89 (89Zr, t1/2 = 78.4 h) in order to allow the in vivo detection of lung metastases by positron emission tomography (PET). Using this new agent (89Zr-DFO-VCAM-MPIO), it was possible to detect the presence of micrometastases within the lung in vivo from ca. 140 μm in diameter. Histological analysis combined with autoradiography confirmed the specific binding of the agent to the VCAM-1 expressing vasculature at the sites of pulmonary micrometastases. By retaining the original VCAM-MPIO as the basis for this new molecular contrast agent, we have created a dual-modality (PET/MRI) agent for the concurrent detection of lung and brain micrometastases

    Meiofauna and macrofauna community structure in relation with environmental factors at South of Caspian Sea

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    Biodiversity and distribution of benthic Meiobenthos in the sediments of the Southern Caspian Sea) Mazandaran) was studied in order to introduce and determine their relationship with the environmental factors. From 12 stations (ranging in depths 5, 10, 20 and 50 meters), sediment samples were gathered in four seasons (2012). Environmental factors of water near the bottom including temperature, salinity, dissolved Oxygen and pH were measured during sampling with CTD instrument(conductivity, temperature and Depth)    and the grain size and total organic matter percentage and calcium carbonate were measured in the laboratory. From the 4 group animals (Foraminfera, Crustacea, Worms and Mollusca), 40 species were identified belonging to 29 genera of 25 families belonging to meiofauna and 15 species belonging to 15 genera of 13 belonging to macrofauna. Among seven parameters evaluated, Pearson correlation showed that there is a negative correlation between density of meiobenthos, TOM and depth and there is not a correlation between macrofauna and environmental factors. However, according to the results of One Way ANOVA, the density of  meiofauna was significantly different from station, season and depth,  and macrofaunain was also significantly different from station and season (P<0.05). Maximum Shannon–Wiener index was observed in winter

    Measurement of serum total and free prostate-specific antigen in women with colorectal carcinoma

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    We investigated the diagnostic value and the relationship with clinicopathological features of total and free prostate-specific antigen by measuring the concentrations of these markers in the sera of 75 women with colorectal carcinoma and in 30 healthy women. Measurements were performed by immunoradiometric assay which utilizes monoclonal and polyclonal anti-prostate-specific antigen antibodies; the lowest detection level for both markers was 0.01 ng ml−1. Free prostate-specific antigen levels were significantly higher in women with colorectal carcinoma than healthy women (P=0.006). The percentage of free prostate-specific antigen predominant (free prostate-specific antigen/total prostate-specific antigen >50%) subjects was 20% in colorectal carcinoma patients and 3.3% in healthy women (P=0.035). Cut-off values were 0.34 ng ml−1 for total prostate-specific antigen and 0.01 ng ml−1 for free prostate-specific antigen. In women with colorectal carcinoma, total prostate-specific antigen positivity was 20% and free prostate-specific antigen positivity was 34.6%. When compared to negatives, total prostate-specific antigen positive patients had a lower percentage of well-differentiated (P=0.056) and early stage (stages I and II) tumours (P=0.070). However, patients with predominant free prostate-specific antigen, had a higher percentage of well-differentiated (P=0.014) and early stage tumours (P=0.090) than patients with predominant bound prostate-specific antigen. In conclusion, although the sensitivity of free prostate-specific antigen predominancy is low (20%), in distinguishing women with colorectal carcinoma than healthy women, its specificity is high (96.7%). Free prostate-specific antigen predominancy tends to be present in less aggressive tumours. These findings may indicate clinical significance of preoperative measurement of serum total and free prostate-specific antigen in women with colorectal carcinoma

    Enhanced prediction of breast cancer prognosis by evaluating expression of p53 and prostate-specific antigen in combination

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    p53 gene mutation is the most common genetic alteration in neoplastic diseases, including breast cancer, for which p53 alteration may indicate poor prognosis. Recent clinical evidence suggests that prostate-specific antigen (PSA) expression may identify breast cancer patients with favourable outcome. Assessment of p53 and PSA in combination, potentially offering improved prediction, has not yet been performed. Extracts from 952 primary breast carcinomas were assayed for PSA and p53 by quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) developed by the authors. Concentrations of each marker were classified as negative or positive on the basis of median and 30th percentile cut-off points for p53 and PSA respectively. Patients followed for a median of 6 years having different combinations of negative or positive status for PSA and p53 were compared with respect to the relative risks (RRs) for relapse and death by Cox proportional hazards regression analysis, in which an interaction term was also evaluated, and with respect to disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) probabilities by Kaplan–Meier plots and log-rank tests. Multivariate models were adjusted for oestrogen and progesterone receptor status, nodal status, patient age, tumour size, DNA ploidy, S phase fraction and receipt of chemotherapy. Interactions were not found between the status of PSA and p53 in the Cox models, in which PSA-negativity (RR = 1.47, P = 0.020 for DFS, and RR = 1.49, P = 0.023 for OS) and p53-positivity (RR = 1.46, P = 0.017 for DFS, and RR = 1.41, P = 0.033 for OS) were individually associated with prognosis. Evaluation of a combined three-level variable revealed that PSA(–)/p53(+) patients had significantly higher risks for relapse (RR = 2.13, P < 0.001) and death (RR = 2.08, P = 0.001) than PSA(+)/p53(–) patients, and that patients positive or negative for both markers had intermediate risks for the outcome events in the same multivariate analysis (RR = 1.45 for both DFS and OS). The results of our study demonstrate that the assessment of combined PSA and p53 expression status by ELISAs, easily applicable to breast tumour extracts prepared for steroid hormone receptor analyses, may stratify breast cancer patients into groups differing by relapse and death risks of greater magnitude than offered by the assessment of either p53 or PSA alone. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Expression of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) correlates with poor response to tamoxifen therapy in recurrent breast cancer

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    Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a serine protease which may play a role in a variety of cancer types, including breast cancer. In the present study, we evaluated whether the level of PSA in breast tumour cytosol could be associated with prognosis in primary breast cancer, or with response to tamoxifen therapy in recurrent disease. PSA levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in breast tumour cytosols, and were correlated with prognosis in 1516 patients with primary breast cancer and with response to first-line tamoxifen therapy in 434 patients with recurrent disease. Relating the levels of PSA with classical prognostic factors, low levels were more often found in larger tumours, tumours of older and post-menopausal patients, and in steroid hormone receptor-negative tumours. There was no significant association between the levels of PSA with grade of differentiation or the number of involved lymph nodes. In patients with primary breast cancer, PSA was not significantly related to the rate of relapse, and a positive association of PSA with an improved survival could be attributed to its relationship to age. In patients with recurrent breast cancer, a high level of PSA was significantly related to a poor response to tamoxifen therapy, and a short progression-free and overall survival after start of treatment for recurrent disease. In Cox multivariate analyses for response to therapy and for (progression-free) survival, corrected for age/menopausal status, disease-free interval, site of relapse and steroid hormone receptor status, PSA was an independent variable of poor prognosis. It is concluded that the level of PSA in cytosols of primary breast tumours might be a marker to select breast cancer patients who may benefit from systemic tamoxifen therapy. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig