4,708 research outputs found

    Trench width dependant deeply etched surface-defined InP gratings for low-cost high speed DFB/DBR

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    In this paper we are reporting a fabrication process for multi-section telecom lasers based on surface defined lateral gratings, which is compatible with low-cost high-throughput nano-imprint lithography. A new grating definition process is developed, which allow a better control of the cross section geometry to obtain higher coupling strength

    Hybrid Quantum Dot-2D Electron Gas Devices for Coherent Optoelectronics

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    We present an inverted GaAs 2D electron gas with self-assembled InAs quantum dots in close proximity, with the goal of combining quantum transport with quantum optics experiments. We have grown and characterized several wafers -- using transport, AFM and optics -- finding narrow-linewidth optical dots and high-mobility, single subband 2D gases. Despite being buried 500 nm below the surface, the dots are clearly visible on AFM scans, allowing precise localization and paving the way towards a hybrid quantum system integrating optical dots with surface gate-defined nanostructures in the 2D gas.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (color

    Self-Similarity of Friction Laws

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    The change of the friction law from a mesoscopic level to a macroscopic level is studied in the spring-block models introduced by Burridge-Knopoff. We find that the Coulomb law is always scale invariant. Other proposed scaling laws are only invariant under certain conditions.}Comment: Plain TEX. Figures not include

    Rotation and activity of pre-main-sequence stars

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    We present a study of rotation (vsini) and chromospheric activity (Halpha EW) based on an extensive set of high-resolution optical spectra obtained with MIKE on the 6.5m Magellan Clay telescope. Our targets are 74 F-M dwarfs in the young stellar associations Eta Cha, TW Hydrae, Beta Pic, and Tuc-Hor, spanning ages from 6 to 30 Myr. While the Halpha EW for most F and G stars are consistent with pure photospheric absorption, most K and M stars show chromospheric emission. By comparing Halpha EW in our sample to results in the literature, we see a clear evolutionary sequence: Chromospheric activity declines steadily from the T Tauri phase to the main sequence. Using activity as an age indicator, we find a plausible age range for the Tuc-Hor association of 10-40 Myr. Between 5 and 30 Myr, we do not see evidence for rotational braking in the total sample, thus angular momentum is conserved, in contrast to younger stars. This difference indicates a change in the rotational regulation at 5-10 Myr, possibly because disk braking cannot operate longer than typical disk lifetimes, allowing the objects to spin up. The rotation-activity relation is flat in our sample; in contrast to main-sequence stars, there is no linear correlation for slow rotators. We argue that this is because young stars generate their magnetic fields in a fundamentally different way from main-sequence stars, and not just the result of a saturated solar-type dynamo. By comparing our rotational velocities with published rotation periods for a subset of stars, we determine ages of 13 (7-20) Myr and 9 (7-17} Myr for the Eta Cha and TWA associations, respectively, consistent with previous estimates. Thus we conclude that stellar radii from evolutionary models by Baraffe et al. (1998) are in agreement with the observed radii within +-15%. (abridged)Comment: 40 pages, 8 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Evolution of brown dwarf disks: A Spitzer survey in Upper Scorpius

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    We have carried out a Spitzer survey for brown dwarf (BD) disks in the ~5 Myr old Upper Scorpius (UpSco) star forming region, using IRS spectroscopy from 8 to 12\mu m and MIPS photometry at 24\mu m. Our sample consists of 35 confirmed very low mass members of UpSco. Thirteen objects in this sample show clear excess flux at 24\mu m, explained by dust emission from a circum-sub-stellar disk. Objects without excess emission either have no disks at all or disks with inner opacity holes of at least ~5 AU radii. Our disk frequency of 37\pm 9% is higher than what has been derived previously for K0-M5 stars in the same region (on a 1.8 sigma confidence level), suggesting a mass-dependent disk lifetime in UpSco. The clear distinction between objects with and without disks as well as the lack of transition objects shows that disk dissipation inside 5 AU occurs rapidly, probably on timescales of <~10^5 years. For the objects with disks, most SEDs are uniformly flat with flux levels of a few mJy, well modeled as emission from dusty disks affected by dust settling to the midplane, which also provides indirect evidence for grain growth. The silicate feature around 10\mu m is either absent or weak in our SEDs, arguing for a lack of hot, small dust grains. Compared with younger objects in Taurus, BD disks in UpSco show less flaring. Taken together, these results clearly demonstrate that we see disks in an advanced evolutionary state: Dust settling and grain growth are ubiquituous in circum-sub-stellar disks at ages of 5 Myr, arguing for planet forming processes in BD disks. For almost all our targets, results from high-resolution spectroscopy and high-spatial resolution imaging have been published before, thus providing a large sample of BDs for which information about disks, accretion, and binarity is available. (abridged)Comment: 39 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Mutations of the ret protooncogene in German multiple endocrine neoplasia families: Relation between genotype and phenotype.

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    It has been suggested that not only the position but also the nature of the mutations of the ret protooncogene strongly correlate with the clinical manifestation of the multiple endocrine neoplasm type 2 (MEN 2) syndrome. In particular, individuals with a Cys634-Arg substitution should have a greater risk of developing parathyroid disease. We, therefore, analyzed 94 unrelated families from Germany with inherited medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) for mutation of the ret protooncogene. In all but 1 of 59 families with MEN 2A, germline mutations in the extracellular domain of the ret protein were found. Some 81% of the MEN 2A mutations affected codon 634. Phenotype-genotype correlations suggested that the prevalence of pheochromocytoma and hyperparathyroidism is significantly higher in families with codon 634 mutations, but there was no correlation with the nature of the mutation. In all but 1 of 27 familial MTC (FMTC) families, mutations were detected in 1 of 4 cysteines in the extracellular domain of the ret protooncogene. Half of the FMTC mutations affected codon 634. Mutations outside of codon 634 occurred more often in FMTC families than in MEN 2A families. In all but 1 of 8 MEN 2B patients, de novo mutations in codon 918 were found. These data confirm the preferential localization of MEN 2-associated mutations and the correlation between disease phenotype and the position of the ret mutation, but there was no correlation between the occurrence of hyperparathyroidism or pheochromocytoma and the nature of the mutation

    Modelling radiation-induced cell cycle delays

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    Ionizing radiation is known to delay the cell cycle progression. In particular after particle exposure significant delays have been observed and it has been shown that the extent of delay affects the expression of damage such as chromosome aberrations. Thus, to predict how cells respond to ionizing radiation and to derive reliable estimates of radiation risks, information about radiation-induced cell cycle perturbations is required. In the present study we describe and apply a method for retrieval of information about the time-course of all cell cycle phases from experimental data on the mitotic index only. We study the progression of mammalian cells through the cell cycle after exposure. The analysis reveals a prolonged block of damaged cells in the G2 phase. Furthermore, by performing an error analysis on simulated data valuable information for the design of experimental studies has been obtained. The analysis showed that the number of cells analyzed in an experimental sample should be at least 100 to obtain a relative error less than 20%.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Radiation and Environmental Biophysic

    Measurement of the 187Re({\alpha},n)190Ir reaction cross section at sub-Coulomb energies using the Cologne Clover Counting Setup

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    Uncertainties in adopted models of particle+nucleus optical-model potentials directly influence the accuracy in the theoretical predictions of reaction rates as they are needed for reaction-network calculations in, for instance, {\gamma}-process nucleosynthesis. The improvement of the {\alpha}+nucleus optical-model potential is hampered by the lack of experimental data at astrophysically relevant energies especially for heavier nuclei. Measuring the Re187({\alpha},n)Ir190 reaction cross section at sub-Coulomb energies extends the scarce experimental data available in this mass region and helps understanding the energy dependence of the imaginary part of the {\alpha}+nucleus optical-model potential at low energies. Applying the activation method, after the irradiation of natural rhenium targets with {\alpha}-particle energies of 12.4 to 14.1 MeV, the reaction yield and thus the reaction cross section were determined via {\gamma}-ray spectroscopy by using the Cologne Clover Counting Setup and the method of {\gamma}{\gamma} coincidences. Cross-section values at five energies close to the astrophysically relevant energy region were measured. Statistical model calculations revealed discrepancies between the experimental values and predictions based on widely used {\alpha}+nucleus optical-model potentials. However, an excellent reproduction of the measured cross-section values could be achieved from calculations based on the so-called Sauerwein-Rauscher {\alpha}+nucleus optical-model potential. The results obtained indicate that the energy dependence of the imaginary part of the {\alpha}+nucleus optical-model potential can be described by an exponential decrease. Successful reproductions of measured cross sections at low energies for {\alpha}-induced reactions in the mass range 141{\leq}A{\leq}187 confirm the global character of the Sauerwein-Rauscher potential

    An unusual very low-mass high-amplitude pre-main sequence periodic variable

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    We have investigated the nature of the variability of CHS7797, an unusual periodic variable in the Orion Nebula Cluster. An extensive I-band photometric data set of CHS7797 was compiled between 2004-2010 using various telescopes. Further optical data have been collected in R and z' bands. In addition, simultaneous observations of the ONC region including CHS7797 were performed in the I, J, Ks and IRAC [3.6] and [4.5] bands over a time interval of about 40d. CHS7797 shows an unusual large-amplitude variation of about 1.7 mag in the R, I, and z' bands with a period 17.786. The amplitude of the brightness modulation decreases only slightly at longer wavelengths. The star is faint during 2/3 of the period and the shape of the phased light-curves for seven different observing seasons shows minor changes and small-amplitude variations. Interestingly, there are no significant colour-flux correlations for wavelengths smaller than 2microns, while the object becomes redder when fainter at longer wavelengths. CHS7797 has a spectral type of M6 and an estimated mass between 0.04-0.1Msun. The analysis of the data suggests that the periodic variability of CHS7797 is most probably caused by an orbital motion. Variability as a result of rotational brightness modulation by spots is excluded by the lack of any color-brightness correlation in the optical. The latter indicates that CHS7797 is most probably occulted by circumstellar matter in which grains have grown from typical 0.1 microns to 1-2 micron sizes. We discuss two possible scenarios in which CHS7797 is periodically eclipsed by structures in a disc, namely that CHS7797 is a single object with a circumstellar disc, or that CHS7797 is a binary system, similar to KH15D, in which an inclined circumbinary disc is responsible of the variability. Possible reasons for the typical 0.3mag variations in I-band at a given phase are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication A&

    Towards a modeling of the time dependence of contact area between solid bodies

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    I present a simple model of the time dependence of the contact area between solid bodies, assuming either a totally uncorrelated surface topography, or a self affine surface roughness. The existence of relaxation effects (that I incorporate using a recently proposed model) produces the time increase of the contact area A(t)A(t) towards an asymptotic value that can be much smaller than the nominal contact area. For an uncorrelated surface topography, the time evolution of A(t)A(t) is numerically found to be well fitted by expressions of the form [A(∞)−A(t)]∌(t+t0)−qA(\infty)-A(t)]\sim (t+t_0)^{-q}, where the exponent qq depends on the normal load FNF_N as q∌FNÎČq\sim F_N^{\beta}, with ÎČ\beta close to 0.5. In particular, when the contact area is much lower than the nominal area I obtain A(t)/A(0)∌1+Cln⁥(t/t0+1)A(t)/A(0) \sim 1+C\ln(t/t_0+1), i.e., a logarithmic time increase of the contact area, in accordance with experimental observations. The logarithmic increase for low loads is also obtained analytically in this case. For the more realistic case of self affine surfaces, the results are qualitatively similar.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure
