267 research outputs found

    Ueber das Siliciumwasserstoffgas

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    Two-loop Correction to the Instanton Density for the Double Well Potential

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    Feynman diagrams in the instanton background are used for the calculation of the tunneling amplitude, up to the two-loops order. Some mistakes made in the previous works are corrected. The same method is applied to the next-order corrections to the ground state wave function

    Discovery of a Dust Sorting Process on Boulders Near the Reiner Gamma Swirl on the Moon

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    In a database of lunar fractured boulders (Rüsch & Bickel, 2023, https://doi.org/10.3847/psj/acd1ef), we found boulders with reflectance features dissimilar to previously known morphologies. We performed a photo-geologic investigation and determined that the features correspond to a dust mantling on top of boulders with a unique photometric behavior. We next performed a photometric model inversion on the dust mantling using Bayesian inference sampling. Modeling indicates that the dust photometric anomaly is most likely due to a reduced opposition effect, whereas the single scattering albedo is not significantly different from that of the nearby background regolith. This implies a different structure of the dust mantling relative to the normal regolith. We identified and discussed several potential processes to explain the development of such soil. None of these mechanisms can entirely explain the multitude of observational constraints unless evoking anomalous boulder properties. Further study of these boulders can shed light on the workings of a natural dust sorting process potentially involving dust dynamics, a magnetic field, and electrostatic dust transport. The presence of these boulders appears to be limited to the Reiner K crater near the Reiner Gamma magnetic and photometric anomaly. This close spatial relationship further highlights that poorly understood processes occur in this specific region of the Moon

    Ring-Moat Dome Structures (RMDSs) in the Lunar Maria:Statistical, Compositional, and Morphological Characterization and Assessment of Theories of Origin

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    Ring-moat dome structures (RMDSs) are positive morphologic features found clustered across many mare regions on the Moon, of which only a few isolated examples have been previously reported. Our continuing survey has expanded the known locations of the RMDSs from ~2,600 to over 8,000, indicating that RMDSs are more common geological features than previously thought. This work presents a detailed geomorphological analysis of 532 RMDSs identified in several mare basins. The combination of detailed elemental mapping, morphological and morphometric analyses, spatial distribution relationships with other geologic structures, and comparison with terrestrial analogs lead us to conclude that (1) RMDSs represent low circular mounds with diameters of a few hundred meters (average about 200 m) and a mean height of 3.5 m. The mounds are surrounded by moats ranging from tens to over 100 m in width and up to several meters in depth; (2) there is a wide variation of titanium abundances, although RMDSs are more commonly found in mare regions of moderate-to-high titanium content (>3 wt% TiO2); (3) RMDSs are found to occur on or around fractures, graben, and volcanic edifices (small shields and cones); (4) a spatial association between RMDSs and Irregular Mare Patches (see Braden et al., 2014, https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo2252) is observed, suggesting that both may form from related lava flows; (5) comparisons between RMDSs and lava inflationary structures on Earth support an inflation-related extrusive nature and a genetic relationship with host lava flow processes; and (6) RMDS embayment relationships with craters of different degradation ages superposed on the host mare, and regolith development models, produces conflicting age relationships and divide theories of RMDS origin into two categories, (1) synchronous with the emplacement and cooling of the host lava flows ~3–4 Ga and (2) emplaced substantially after the host mare lava unit, in the period ~0–3 Ga. We outline the evidence supporting this age conundrum and implications for the different theories of origin and describe future research avenues to help resolve these outstanding questions. ©2020. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Band structure and optical properties of germanium sheet polymers

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    The band structure of H-terminated Ge sheet polymers is calculated using density-functional theory in the local density approximation and compared to the optical properties of epitaxial polygermyne layers as determined from reflection, photoluminescence, and photoluminescence excitation measurements. A direct band gap of 1.7 eV is predicted and a near resonant excitation of the photoluminescence is observed experimentally close to this energy

    The Lunar Mare Ring-Moat Dome Structure (RMDS) Age Conundrum:Contemporaneous With Imbrian-Aged Host Lava Flows or Emplaced in the Copernican?

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    Ring-moat dome structures (RMDSs) are small circular mounds of diameter typically about 200 m and ∼3–4 m in height, surrounded by narrow, shallow moats. They occur in clusters, are widespread in ancient Imbrian-aged mare basalt host units and show mineralogies comparable to those of their host units. Based on these close associations and similarities, a model has been proposed for the formation of RMDS as the result of late-stage flow inflation, with second boiling releasing quantities of magmatic volatiles that migrate to the top of the flow as magmatic foams and extrude through cracks in the cooled upper part of the flow to produce the small RMDS domes and surrounding moats. In contrast to this model advocating a contemporaneous emplacement of RMDSs and their host lava flows, a range of observations suggests that the RMDS formed significantly after the emplacement and cooling of their host lava flows, perhaps as recently as in the Copernican Period (∼1.1 Ga to the present). These observations include: (a) stratigraphic embayment of domes into post-lava flow emplacement impact craters; (b) young crater degradation age estimates for the underlying embayed craters; (c) regolith development models that predict thicknesses in excess of the observed topography of domes and moats; (d) landform diffusional degradation models that predict very young ages for mounds and moats; (e) suggestions of fewer superposed craters on the mounds than on the adjacent host lava flows, and (f) observations of superposed craters that suggest that the mound substrate does not have the properties predicted by the magmatic foam model. Together, these observations are consistent with the RMDS formation occurring during the period after the extrusion and solidification of the host lava flows, up to and including the geologically recent Late Copernican, that is, the last few hundreds of millions of years of lunar history. We present and discuss each of these contradictory data and interpretations and summarize the requirements for magma ascent and eruption models that might account for young RMDS ages. We conclude with a discussion of the tests and future research and exploration that might help resolve the RMDS age and mode of emplacement conundrum

    Approaching Manual Intelligence

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    Designing nanomaterials with desired mechanical properties by constraining the evolution of their grain shapes

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    Grain shapes are acknowledged to impact nanomaterials' overall properties. Research works on this issue include grain-elongation and grain-strain measurements and their impacts on nanomaterials' mechanical properties. This paper proposes a stochastic model for grain strain undergoing severe plastic deformation. Most models deal with equivalent radii assuming that nanomaterials' grains are spherical. These models neglect true grain shapes. This paper also proposes a theoretical approach of extending existing models by considering grain shape distribution during stochastic design and modelling of nanomaterials' constituent structures and mechanical properties. This is achieved by introducing grain 'form'. Example 'forms' for 2-D and 3-D grains are proposed. From the definitions of form, strain and Hall-Petch-Relationship to Reversed-Hall-Petch-Relationship, data obtained for nanomaterials' grain size and conventional materials' properties are sufficient for analysis. Proposed extended models are solved simultaneously and tested with grain growth data. It is shown that the nature of form evolution depends on form choice and dimensional space. Long-run results reveal that grain boundary migration process causes grains to become spherical, grain rotation coalescence makes them deviate away from becoming spherical and they initially deviate away from becoming spherical before converging into spherical ones due to the TOTAL process. Percentage deviations from spherical grains depend on dimensional space and form: 0% minimum and 100% maximum deviations were observed. It is shown that the plots for grain shape functions lie above the spherical (control) value of 1 in 2-D grains for all considered grain growth mechanisms. Some plots lie above the spherical value, and others approach the spherical value before deviating below it when dealing with 3-D grains. The physical interpretations of these variations are explained from elementary principles about the different grain growth mechanisms. It is observed that materials whose grains deviate further away from the spherical ones have more enhanced properties, while materials with spherical grains have lesser properties. It is observed that there exist critical states beyond which Hall-Petch Relationship changes to Reversed Hall-Petch Relationship. It can be concluded that if grain shapes in nanomaterials are constrained in the way they evolve, then nanomaterials with desired properties can be designed