27 research outputs found

    Renormalization of noncommutative phi 4-theory by multi-scale analysis

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    In this paper we give a much more efficient proof that the real Euclidean phi 4-model on the four-dimensional Moyal plane is renormalizable to all orders. We prove rigorous bounds on the propagator which complete the previous renormalization proof based on renormalization group equations for non-local matrix models. On the other hand, our bounds permit a powerful multi-scale analysis of the resulting ribbon graphs. Here, the dual graphs play a particular r\^ole because the angular momentum conservation is conveniently represented in the dual picture. Choosing a spanning tree in the dual graph according to the scale attribution, we prove that the summation over the loop angular momenta can be performed at no cost so that the power-counting is reduced to the balance of the number of propagators versus the number of completely inner vertices in subgraphs of the dual graph.Comment: 34 page

    Bipartite partial duals and circuits in medial graphs

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    It is well known that a plane graph is Eulerian if and only if its geometric dual is bipartite. We extend this result to partial duals of plane graphs. We then characterize all bipartite partial duals of a plane graph in terms of oriented circuits in its medial graph.Comment: v2: minor changes. To appear in Combinatoric

    Generalization of the Bollob\'as-Riordan polynomial for tensor graphs

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    Tensor models are used nowadays for implementing a fundamental theory of quantum gravity. We define here a polynomial T\mathcal T encoding the supplementary topological information. This polynomial is a natural generalization of the Bollob\'as-Riordan polynomial (used to characterize matrix graphs) and is different of the Gur\uau polynomial, (R. Gur\uau, "Topological Graph Polynomials in Colored Group Field Theory", Annales Henri Poincare {\bf 11}, 565-584 (2010)) defined for a particular class of tensor graphs, the colorable ones. The polynomial T\mathcal T is defined for both colorable and non-colorable graphs and it is proved to satisfy the contraction/deletion relation. A non-trivial example of a non-colorable graphs is analyzed.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figure

    On the Effective Action of Noncommutative Yang-Mills Theory

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    We compute here the Yang-Mills effective action on Moyal space by integrating over the scalar fields in a noncommutative scalar field theory with harmonic term, minimally coupled to an external gauge potential. We also explain the special regularisation scheme chosen here and give some links to the Schwinger parametric representation. Finally, we discuss the results obtained: a noncommutative possibly renormalisable Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. At the occasion of the "International Conference on Noncommutative Geometry and Physics", April 2007, Orsay (France). To appear in J. Phys. Conf. Se

    One-loop Beta Functions for the Orientable Non-commutative Gross-Neveu Model

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    We compute at the one-loop order the beta-functions for a renormalisable non-commutative analog of the Gross Neveu model defined on the Moyal plane. The calculation is performed within the so called x-space formalism. We find that this non-commutative field theory exhibits asymptotic freedom for any number of colors. The beta-function for the non-commutative counterpart of the Thirring model is found to be non vanishing.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Degenerate noncommutativity

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    We study a renormalizable four dimensional model with two deformed quantized space directions. A one-loop renormalization is performed explicitly. The Euclidean model is connected to the Minkowski version via an analytic continuation. At a special value of the parameters a nontrivial fixed point of the renormalization group occurs.Comment: 16 page

    Exorcizing the Landau Ghost in Non Commutative Quantum Field Theory

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    We show that the simplest non commutative renormalizable field theory, the Ď•4\phi^4 model on four dimensional Moyal space with harmonic potential is asymptotically safe to all orders in perturbation theor

    Overview of the parametric representation of renormalizable non-commutative field theory

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    We review here the parametric representation of Feynman amplitudes of renormalizable non-commutative quantum field models.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to be published in "Journal of Physics: Conference Series