3,426 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this article is to through the analysis of the first law of thermodynamic for a combined cycle determines the ecological coefficient of the same. This system consists of two gas turbines, two heat recovery boilers and a steam turbine, having a total installed capacity of power generation of 500 MW. This plant will be installed in a small town located 180 km from SĂŁo Paulo. This place was chosen based on technical aspects by present proximity to the pipeline and transmission line, water availability and other favorable environmental aspects of the project. The natural gas that will serve as the plant's fuel will come from the Field of MexilhĂŁo, from the base of Caraguatatuba, and the water used for cooling will come from the ParaĂ­ba do Sul River

    Fragmentation of small carbon clusters, a review

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    An overview of the works devoted to fragmentation of small carbon clusters is given in a first part. Fragmentation of swift neutral and (multi) charged carbon clusters studied with the AGAT spectrometer is presented and discussed in a second part

    Short-Term Pain and Long-Term Gain: Using Phased-In Minimum Size Limits to Rebuild Stocks-the Pacific Bluefin Tuna Example

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    Like many stocks, the Pacific Bluefin Tuna Thunnus orientalis has been considerably depleted. High exploitation rates on very young fish have reduced the spawning stock biomass (SSB) to 2.6% of the unexploited level. We provide a framework for exploring potential benefits of minimum size regulations as a mechanism for rebuilding stocks, and we illustrate the approach using simulations patterned after Pacific Bluefin Tuna dynamics. We attempt to mitigate short-term losses in yield by considering a phased-in management strategy. With this approach, the minimum size limit (MSL) is gradually increased as biomass rebuilds, giving fishing communities time to adjust to new restrictions. We estimated short- and long-term effects of different MSLs on yield and biomass by using data from the 2016 assessment. A variety of scenarios was considered for growth compensation, discard mortality, and interest rates. The long-term value of the fishery was maximized by setting an MSL of 92 cm FL, which resulted in a 70% loss in yield during the first year (short-term pain). By implementing the MSL in two phases (64 cm FL in year 1; 92 cm FL in subsequent years), the long-term value of the fishery was maintained, and the short-term pain was reduced to a maximum 46% loss in yield during any 1 year. Under a three-phase implementation (55 cm FL in year 1; 77 cm FL in year 2; and 92 cm FL in subsequent years), the short-term pain was further reduced to a maximum loss of 30% during any 1 year. With no discard mortality, long-term yield increased by 165% and SSB increased 13-fold (to 33% of virgin SSB), regardless of the number of phases used. Long-term benefits were quickly diminished with increasing discard mortality. This simulation approach is widely applicable to cases where minimum size changes are contemplated; for Pacific Bluefin Tuna, our simulations demonstrate that size limits should be considered

    Limits on intrinsic magnetism in graphene

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    We have studied magnetization of graphene nanocrystals obtained by sonic exfoliation of graphite. No ferromagnetism is detected at any temperature down to 2 K. Neither do we find strong paramagnetism expected due to the massive amount of edge defects. Rather, graphene is strongly diamagnetic, similar to graphite. Our nanocrystals exhibit only a weak paramagnetic contribution noticeable below 50K. The measurements yield a single species of defects responsible for the paramagnetism, with approximately one magnetic moment per typical graphene crystallite.Comment: 2nd version, modified in response to comment

    Papular purpuric “gloves and socks” syndrome

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    Estimation of 3D electron density in the Ionosphere by using fusion of GPS satellite-receiver network measurements and IRI-Plas model

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    GPS systems can give a good approximation of the Slant Total Electron Content in a cylindrical path between the GPS satellite and the receiver. International Reference Ionosphere extended to Plasmasphere (IRI-Plas) model can also give an estimation of the vertical electron density profile in the ionosphere for any given location and time, in the altitude range from about 50 km to 20000 km. This information can be utilized to obtain total electron content between any given receiver and satellite locations based on the IRI-Plas model. This paper explains how the fusion of measurements obtained from a GPS satellite-receiver network can be utilized together with the IRI-Plas model in order to obtain a robust 3D electron density model of the ionosphere. © 2013 ISIF ( Intl Society of Information Fusi

    A possible case of spontaneous Loa loa encephalopathy associated with a glomerulopathy

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    It is well known that renal and neurological complications may occur after antifilarial treatment of patients infected with Loa loa. Conversely, spontaneous cases of visceral complications of loiasis have been rarely reported. A 31-year-old Congolese male patient who had not received any antifilarial drug developed oedema of the lower limbs, and then transient swellings of upper limbs. Two months after, he developed troubles of consciousness within several hours. At hospital, the patient was comatose with mild signs of localization. Laboratory tests and an abdominal echography revealed a chronic renal failure due to a glomerulopathy. Three weeks after admission, Loa microfilariae were found in the cerebrospinal fluid, and a calibrated blood smear revealed a Loa microfilaraemia of 74,200 microfilariae per ml. The level of consciousness of the patient improved spontaneously, without any specific treatment, but several days after becoming completely lucid, the patient died suddenly, from an undetermined cause. Unfortunately, no biopsy or autopsy could be performed. The role of Loa loa in the development of the renal and neurological troubles of this patient is questionable. But the fact that such troubles, which are known complications of Loa infection, were found concomitantly in a person harbouring a very high microfilarial load suggests that they might have been caused by the filarial parasite. In areas endemic for loiasis, examinations for a Loa infection should be systematically performed in patients presenting an encephalopathy or a glomerulopathy

    Performance of GPS slant total electron content and IRI-Plas-STEC for days with ionospheric disturbance

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    Total Electron Content (TEC) is an important observable parameter of the ionosphere which forms the main source of error for space based navigation and positioning systems. Since the deployment of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), cost-effective estimation of TEC between the earth based receiver and Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites became the major means of investigation of local and regional disturbance for earthquake precursor and augmentation system studies. International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) extended to plasmasphere (IRI-Plas) is the most developed ionospheric and plasmaspheric climatic model that provides hourly, monthly median of electron density distribution globally. Recently, IONOLAB group (www.ionolab.org) has presented a new online space weather service that can compute slant TEC (STEC) on a desired ray path for a given date and time using IRI-Plas model (IRI-Plas-STEC). In this study, the performance of the model based STEC is compared with GPS-STEC computed according to the estimation method developed by the IONOLAB group and includes the receiver bias as IONOLAB-BIAS (IONOLAB-STEC). Using Symmetric Kullback-Leibler Distance (SKLD), Cross Correlation (CC) coefficient and the metric norm (L2N) to compare IRI-Plas-STEC and IONOLAB-STEC for the month of October 2011 over the Turkish National Permanent GPS Network (TNPGN-Active), it has been observed that SKLD provides a good indicator of disturbance for both earthquakes and geomagnetic storms. © 2016 Institute of Seismology, China Earthquake Administration

    Reverse Engineering Gene Networks with ANN: Variability in Network Inference Algorithms

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    Motivation :Reconstructing the topology of a gene regulatory network is one of the key tasks in systems biology. Despite of the wide variety of proposed methods, very little work has been dedicated to the assessment of their stability properties. Here we present a methodical comparison of the performance of a novel method (RegnANN) for gene network inference based on multilayer perceptrons with three reference algorithms (ARACNE, CLR, KELLER), focussing our analysis on the prediction variability induced by both the network intrinsic structure and the available data. Results: The extensive evaluation on both synthetic data and a selection of gene modules of "Escherichia coli" indicates that all the algorithms suffer of instability and variability issues with regards to the reconstruction of the topology of the network. This instability makes objectively very hard the task of establishing which method performs best. Nevertheless, RegnANN shows MCC scores that compare very favorably with all the other inference methods tested. Availability: The software for the RegnANN inference algorithm is distributed under GPL3 and it is available at the corresponding author home page (http://mpba.fbk.eu/grimaldi/regnann-supmat
