958 research outputs found

    Vasculitis after blood pressure monitoring

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    Introducción Descripción de aparición equimosis en un brazo asociado inicialmente a la toma de presión arterial, por Vasculitis Leucocitoclástica y propuesta de utilidades alternativas de la toma de presión arterial. Caso Clínico Varón de 80 años acude a urgencias con disnea, insuficiencia cardíaca, insuficiencia renal prediálisis con hiperpotasemia e inestabilidad hemodinámica. Durante su estancia desarrolló una lesión cutánea con aspecto de púrpura palpable, marcada desde el límite inferior del manguito de presión arterial hasta la zona distal de la mano y que no desaparecía a la vitropresión, y prurito. Durante su ingreso la lesión del brazo se extendió a todos los miembros, tanto superiores como inferiores El estudio de la lesión del brazo concluyó con diagnóstico de vasculitis Leucocitoclástica por la presencia de eosinófilos, lo que sugiere probable etiología medicamentosa a un antibiótico que llevaba tomando siete días antes de la entrada a urgencias. Discusión Se plantea la necesidad de monitorización seriada de la presión arterial, y la duración de dicha monitorización en pacientes inestables frente a los efectos secundarios de esta técnica. También el estudio de otras utilidades de la toma de presión arterial.Introduction Description of ecchymoses appearance in the arm, initially associated with measurement of blood pressure, but caused by leukocytoclastic vasculitis, and proposal for alternative utility of measuring blood pressure. Clinical Case 80-year-old male came to ER with dyspnea, heart failure, renal failure predialysis with hyperkalemia and hemodynamic instability. During his stay he developed a skin lesion that looks like palpable purpura, marked from the lower limit of the blood pressure cuff to the distal area of the hand that not disappeared with vitropression, and pruritus. During admission the arm injury was extended to all members, both upper and lower. The study of the arm injury concluded with diagnosis of leukocytoclastic vasculitis given the presence of eosinophils, that which suggested probable drug etiology to an antibiotic that had been taken since seven days prior to admission to ER. Discusions The need for serial monitoring of blood pressure, and the duration of such monitoring in unstable patients considering the side effects of those techniques was questioned. In addition, the study of other utilities of measuring blood pressure

    On the novel free porphyrins corallistin B, C, D, and E : isolation from the demosponge Corallistes sp. of the Coral Sea and reactivity of their nickel (2) complexes toward formylating reagents

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    Reported here are the novel free corallistin B, C, D, and E, isolated as methyl esters 2a, 3a, 4a, and 5a, respectively, from the sponge #Corallistes sp.(#Lithistida) collected at the basis of the South New Caledonian coral reef. A protocol is also established for formulation of their NiII complexes, which show a different reactivity pattern toward DMF/POCI3 from metal complexes of deuteroporphyrin IX (isolate as 6a) also present in the sponge, the new corallistins, which may be thought to derive from protoporphyrin via heme, account for an amazing 60% of the etOH extract from the sponge. (Résumé d'auteur

    La cuota de mercado como indicador de competitividad en los destinos turísticos: sentido y limitaciones

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    The market share is the most widely used indicator in the analysis of competitiveness in trade of goods and services. However, their use in tourism is subject to a widespread controversy, especially in those cases where goes together to the territorial analysis. This is because the goals of maximization of this variable by policy-makers, can lead to growth policies that jeopardize the economic and environmental sustainability of a resource-limited destinations. This paper discusses the use, validity and limitations of the market share as an indicator of competitiveness in tourism.La cuota de mercado es el indicador más difundido en el análisis de la competitividad empresarial para todo tipo de bienes y servicios. Sin embargo, su uso en turismo está sometido a una amplia controversia, especialmente cuando el objeto de estudio es la competitividad de los destinos turísticos. Ello es debido a que objetivos de maximización de esta variable en la planificación, pueden conllevar la implementación de políticas de crecimiento comprometedoras de la sostenibilidad económica y ambiental de los citados destinos. Teniendo en cuenta estas consideraciones, en el presente trabajo se discute el uso, validez y limitaciones de la cuota de mercado como indicador de la competitividad de los destinos turísticos

    Agelastatin A, a new skeleton cytotoxic alkaloid of the oroidin family : isolation from the Axinellid sponge Agelas dendromorpha of the Coral Sea

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    Agelastatin A, isolated from the axinellid sponge #Agelas dendromorpha$ of the Coral Sea, is a new skeleton alkaloid with, unusually for the oroidin family to which it belongs, marked cytototoxicity toward tumour cells in culture. (Résumé d'auteur

    Anatomic and computed tomographic atlas of the head of the newborn bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

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    The head of a newborn dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), that died shortly after birth was imaged using computed tomography (CT). Gross cross-sectional slices of the head were compared with the CT images to identify normal structures of the cranium, brain, and respiratory and digestive pathways. Labelled transverse CT images of the dolphin head are presented sequentially as a reference for normal anatomy

    Corallistin A, a second example of a free porphyrin from a living organism : isolation from the demosponge Corallistes sp. of the coral see and inhibition of abnormal cells

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    It is shown that the demosponge #Corallistes sp. (#Tetractinomorpha, #Lithistida, #Corallistidae) collected in the Coral Sea, contains corallistin A, the second example, of a free porphyrin from a living organism. The compound proved to be active against the Kb cell line. In contrast with the geoporphyrins which do not bear any O-atom corallistin A carries two carboxylic groups. (Résumé d'auteur

    Genetic analyses of celiac disease in a Spanish population confirm association with CELIAC3 but not with CELIAC4

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    [EN] Genetic predisposition to celiac disease (CD) is determined primarily by the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes (CELIAC1 region; 6p21), although many loci are involved in disease susceptibility. First, we have analysed a large series of CD patients from the Spanish Mediterranean region who had previously been characterised for the HLA complex. We have investigated how relevant regions contribute to CD susceptibility: CELIAC3 (CD28/CTLA4/ICOS region on 2q33) and CELIAC4 (19p13) as well as the tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and the linfotoxin loci by case-control and association analyses. We highlight the association with the +49*A allele of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 locus (P = 0.01), and the -308*A of TNF-alpha locus (P = 0.0008) in DQ2 individuals, although an independent role for TNF-alpha as risk factor has not been proven. Moreover, we do not confirm the association with the CELIAC4 region polymorphisms described in other populations.We are grateful for the kind collaboration of patients and families and Asociación de Celíacos de la Comunidad Valenciana (ACECOVA). This work was supported by the Fondo de Investigacio¿n Sanitaria (grant PI02573) and by the CSIC Intramural Frontiers Project (PROFICEL). ED holds a fellowship from the Fundacio¿n La Fe. English text revised by F. BarracloughCapilla, A.; Donat, E.; Planelles, D.; Espinós-Armero, CÁ.; Ribes-Koninckx, C.; Palau, F. (2007). Genetic analyses of celiac disease in a Spanish population confirm association with CELIAC3 but not with CELIAC4. Tissue Antigens. 70(4):324-329. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1399-0039.2007.00899.x32432970

    Determination of field capacity and yield mapping in olive harvesting using remote data acquisition

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    Sensors, communication systems and geo-reference units are required to achieve an optimized management of agricultural inputs with respect to the economic and environmental aspects of olive groves. In this study, three commercial olive harvesters were tracked in Spain and Chile using remote and autonomous equipment to determine their time efficiency and field capacity. An experimental methodology for analyzing the data to determine the field capacity and efficiency is proposed, which, along with a conventional methodology, was used to analyze the data to determine field capacity and efficiency. The results of both methodologies are compared to validate the suitability of the experimental methodology. Furthermore, a yield monitor was developed and evaluate using one of the tested olive harvesters. The results show that yield monitoring of olives is possible, but further research is needed to archieve a more reliable methodology