143 research outputs found

    Dosage De Quelques Composantes Biochimiques Des Feuilles De Lippia multiflora (Verbenacee) a Deux Stades De Developpement Et Qualite Des Infusions, En Fonction De La Dose D’uree

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    Les feuilles de Lippia multiflora (verbénacée) récoltées simultanément sur des plantes d’un mois et demi et des plantes d’un an, cultivées sur des parcelles ayant reçu différentes doses d’urée ont été analysées. Les résultats indiquent que les feuilles des jeunes plantes ont un taux d’humidité élevé que celles des plantes adultes, surtout quand elles sont séchées à l’ombre. Elles sont plus riches en protéines (12 - 13 % MS) et en sucres totaux (0,013 - 0,015 % MS) avec une infusion plus astringente, plus colorée et plus parfumée. Les feuilles des plantes adultes par contre sont riches en glucides (≈ 0,6 % MS), en cellulose (≈ 0,85 % MS), en cendre (12 - 15 % MS) avec un taux d’humidité assez bas. Leur infusion est moins astringente, claire et moins parfumée. L’analyse de ces résultats révèle que les feuilles prélevées au stade d’un mois et demi sont de meilleures qualités organoleptiques à cause de leur richesse en protéine, en sucre totaux et surtout l’astringence, l’amertume et le parfum de leur infusion qui sont des critères d’appréciation du thé. Cependant, ces dernières seront conservées moins longtemps du fait de leur taux d’humidité élevés favorable à la croissance microbienne. Par ailleurs, la dose d’urée n’a pas eu d’effet significatif sur la composition chimique des feuilles et des infusions.The leaves of Lippia multiflora (verbenaceae) harvested at the same time on plants of one and a half month and the plants of one year cultivated on plots having accepted different doses of urea were analyzed. The results show that the leaves of the young plants have a well brought up rate of humidity that those of the adults plants, especially when they are dried in shade. They are richer in proteins (12 - 13 %) and in complete sugars (0.013 - 0.015 %) with a more astringent, more coloured and more sweet- scented infusion. The leaves of the adults plants are on the contrary rich in carbohydrates (0.6 %), in cellulose (0.85 %) and ash (12 - 15 %) with a low rate of humidity. Their infusion is less astringent, clear and less sweet- scented. The analysis of these results reveals that leaves taken at the stage of one and a half month are better quality because of their wealth in protein, in total sugar and especially the astringency, bitterness and the perfume of their infusion which are criteria of evaluation of tea. However, these last will be less kept for a long time because of to their hight humidity favourable to microbic growth. Moreover, the dose of urea did not have significant effect on the chemical composition of leaves and infusion. Keywords: Lippia multiflora, leaves, brewing, biochemical components, ure

    Étude du rôle de l'interleukine-32 dans l'infection à VIH-1

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    Les progresseurs lents du VIH-1 sont de rares sujets asymptomatiques pendant plusieurs années sans thérapie antirétrovirale. Parmi ces sujets à progression lente vers le SIDA, il est possible qu’un sous-groupe perde le contrôle de leur infection après plusieurs années de contrôle. Notre laboratoire a analysé l’expression différentielle de différentes protéines et voies moléculaires associées à la perte de contrôle de l’infection: l’interleukine-32 (IL-32) est une cytokine pro-inflammatoire dont le niveau des isoformes alpha et delta a significativement diminué chez les progresseurs lents lors de la perte de contrôle. Par ailleurs, des études antérieures ont attribué, de façon intrigante, à l’IL-32 aussi bien des propriétés anti-VIH-1 que des propriétés immunosuppressives induisant un environnement propice à la réplication du VIH-1. Ce projet de maitrise s’est penché sur l’implication de l’IL-32 dans la progression de l’infection à VIH-1 avec un accent particulier sur les progresseurs lents. Nous avons principalement mesuré les niveaux d’IL-32 des sujets séropositifs comparativement aux sujets VIH négatif et estimé les fonctions de cette cytokine à travers des études longitudinales et de corrélation. Nous avons observé que l’IL-32 total demeure plus élevé chez les séropositifs comparativement aux sujets VIH négatif. Également, l’infection par le VIH-1 entraine une augmentation du niveau d’IL-32 total. De plus, après une année de thérapie antirétrovirale, les taux plasmatiques d’IL-32 total demeurent significativement plus élevés que ceux des sujets VIH négatif. Comme attendu, le taux d’IL-32 total augmente lors de la perte de contrôle de l’infection chez les progresseurs lents. Une forte concentration plasmatique d’IL-32 total coïncide avec: 1) une augmentation du taux plasmatique de sCD14 et de la cytokine pro-inflammatoire IL-6, 2) une baisse du compte cellulaire CD4 et une augmentation de la charge virale. Un taux plasmatique élevé de CCL5 pourrait prédire une faible concentration d’IL-32 total. L’isoforme alpha de l’IL-32 est plus élevée dans le plasma des sujets VIH négatif tandis que l’IL-32 gamma semble induire un environnement pro-inflammatoire et immunosuppressif. Il ressort à l’issue de ces observations que l’augmentation de l’IL-32 total est associée à la progression de l’infection à VIH-1 et pourrait constituer un biomarqueur permettant d’apprécier le pronostic de cette infection.HIV-1 slow progressors constitute a rare population of subjects who remain asymptomatic for many years without antiretroviral therapy. Among this population, some individuals will lose control of their infection after several years of immunological control. Our laboratory has analyzed the differential expression profile of various proteins and molecular pathways associated with the loss of control of HIV infection. The pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-32 alpha and delta isoforms significantly decreased in slow progressors as they were losing control of their infection. Furthermore, previous studies have attributed to IL-32 both antiviral property against HIV-1 and immunosuppressive properties that can induce an environment conducive to HIV-1 replication. This project addresses the role of IL-32 in HIV-1 disease progression with a particular emphasis on slow progressors. We compared the levels of IL-32 in HIV-1 positive versus HIV-1 negative subjects and evaluated the role of this cytokine using longitudinal studies. We observed that levels of IL-32 remains higher in HIV-positive compared to HIV-negative subjects. Also, HIV-1 infection leads to increased level of IL-32. In addition, after one year of antiretroviral therapy, IL-32 plasma levels remain significantly higher than those of HIV-negative subjects. As expected, the levels of IL-32 increased as slow progressors lost control of their infection. A high plasma concentration of IL-32 predicts: 1) an increase in plasma levels of sCD14 as well as pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6, 2) a decrease in CD4 cell count and an increase in viral load. High plasma CCL5 predicted a low concentration of IL-32. The alpha isoform of IL-32 is elevated in the plasma of HIV negative subjects while IL-32 gamma appears to induce a pro-inflammatory and immunosuppressive environment. We conclude that increased IL-32 levels are associated with progression of HIV-1 disease and could be used as a biomarker for assessing HIV-1 prognosis

    Antioxidant and anti-hyperglycaemic activity of Euphorbia hirta L. on Wistar rats

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the antioxidant capacity and anti-hyperglycemic activity of aqueous macerate extracts of Euphorbia hirta L., in the treatment of hypertension associated with diabetes. The research focused on the aqueous maceration of the aerial part or totum. The search and evaluation of the antioxidant activity was done according to the method of Blois based on the reduction of 2,2-diphenyl- - picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The search for antihyperglycaemic activity was performed on rats having received a glucose overdose. This activity was compared to those of glyburide and metformin. The totum showed a percentage inhibition of 63.66 ± 0.54% for 1 mg/mL of extract and an IC50 of 0.031 ± 0.001 μg/mL .A 200 mg/kg extract has shown a very good antihyperglycaemic activity; while on normal blood sugar, the activity was not important compared with glyburide and metformin. These results show the presence of antioxidant and normoglycaemic substances in aqueous macerated of Euphorbia hirta L.Keywords: Anti-hyperglycaemic, antioxidant, Euphorbia hirta, glyburide, metformi

    Etude des paramètres sériques biochimiques : le cas des lapins (Néozelandais – cunistar) de Côte d\'ivoire.

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    une insuffisance des bases données. Les valeurs obtenues sur l\'ensemble des sérums des animaux ont permis d\'observer les moyennes au niveau de la glycémie (0,79 ± 0,18 g/l) et des métabolites tels que, l\'urée (0,42 ± 0,10 g/l), la créatinine (6,88 ± 1,66 mg/l), l\'acide urique (5,42 3,75 mg/l), le cholestérol total (0,55 ± 0,13 mg/l), les triglycérides (2,18 ± 1,23 g/l), les protéines totales (26,00 ± 15,16 g/l), les bilirubines totales (7,25 ± 1,07 mg/l) et les bilirubines directes 1,58 ± 0,38 mg/l. Concernant les enzymes, les déterminations des valeurs ont été faites pour la transaminase alanine - aminotransférase (45,52 ± 20,54 UI/l), la transaminase aspartate - aminotransférase (21,24 ± 9,89 UI/l), les phosphatases alcalines (432,66 ± 207,8 UI/l), la ã Glutamyl transférase (24,24 ± 15,21 UI/l), les créatine phosphokinases (954 ± 343,4 UI/l), les lactates déshydrogénases (1135 ± 335,93 UI/l) et enfin les amylases (114,72 ± 27,99 UI/l). Par ailleurs, les moyennes des ions ont été déterminées pour le calcium (94 ± 4,43 mg/l), le magnésium (15,72 ± 2,49 mg/ l), le phosphore (26,70 ± 10,51 mg/l), le fer sérique (1,33 ± 0,74 mg/l), le sodium (141,89 ± 3,96 mg/l), le potassium (3,89 ± 0,38 mg/l) et enfin le chlore (100,85 ± 3,04 mg/l). En conclusion, les valeurs obtenues en zone tropicale nécessitent une évaluation avec un échantillonnage plus grand pour des comparaisons avec des données européennesStudy of biochemical serum constituents among rabbits (Néozélandais-cunistar) in Côte d\'Ivoire is carried out as a result insufficiency of available data. Values acquired from all animals serum allowed to look at glycemia (0.79 ± 0.18 g/l) and metabolites related averages such as, urea (0.42 ± 0.10 g/l), creatinine (6.88 ± 1.66 mg/l), uric acid (5.42 ± 3.75 mg/l), total cholesterol (0.55 ± 0.13 mg/l), triglycol (2.18 ± 1.23 g/l), total proteins (26.00 ± 15.16 g/l), total bilirubins (7.25 ± 1.07 mg/l) and bilirubins direct (1.58 ± 0.38 mg/l). Concerning enzymes, averages were worked out for alanine - aminotransferase (45.52 ± 20.54 UI/l), aspartate - aminotransferase (21.24 ± 9.89 UI/l), phosphatases alkaline (432.66 ± 207.8 UI/l), ã Glutamyl transférase (24.24 ± 15.21 UI/l), créatine kinase (954 ± 343.4 UI/l), lactate deshydrogenase (1135 ± 335.93 UI/l) and the amylases (114.72 ± 27.99 UI/l). Besides as to ions, the averages were determined for calcium (94 ± 4.43 mg/l), magnesium (15.72 ± 2.49 mg/l), phosphor (26.70 ± 10.51 mg/l), iron serum (1.33 ± 0.74 mg/l), sodium (141.89 ± 3.96 mg/l), potassium (3.89 ± 0.38 mg/l) and chlorine (100.85 ± 3.04 mg/l). In short, the values obtained in tropical area require assessment with a larger sampling for comparisons with European data. Keywords: paramètr.es sériques, Néozélandais -Cunistar, lapin./serum parameters, Néozélandais - Cunistar, rabbit.Sciences & Nature Vol. 4 (1) 2007: pp. 37-4

    Efficacy of mosquito nets treated with insecticide mixtures or mosaics against insecticide resistant Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Côte d'Ivoire

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    Only pyrethroid insecticides have so far been recommended for the treatment of mosquito nets for malaria control. Increasing resistance of malaria vectors to pyrethroids threatens to reduce the potency of this important method of vector control. Among the strategies proposed for resistance management is to use a pyrethroid and a non-pyrethroid insecticide in combination on the same mosquito net, either separately or as a mixture. Mixtures are particularly promising if there is potentiation between the two insecticides as this would make it possible to lower the dosage of each, as has been demonstrated under laboratory conditions for a mixture of bifenthrin (pyrethroid) and carbosulfan (carbamate). The effect of these types of treatment were compared in experimental huts on wild populations of Anopheles gambiae Giles and the nuisance mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus Say, both of which are multi-resistant. Four treatments were evaluated in experimental huts over six months: the recommended dosage of 50 mg m−2 bifenthrin, 300 mg m−2 carbosulfan, a mosaic of 300 mg m−2 carbosulfan on the ceiling and 50 mg m−2 bifenthrin on the sides, and a mixture of 6.25 mg m−2 carbosulfan and 25 mg m−2 bifenthrin. The mixture and mosaic treatments did not differ significantly in effectiveness from carbosulfan and bifenthrin alone against anophelines in terms of deterrency, induced exophily, blood feeding inhibition and overall mortality, but were more effective than in earlier tests with deltamethrin. These results are considered encouraging, as the combination of different classes of insecticides might be a potential tool for resistance management. The mixture might have an advantage in terms of lower cost and toxicit


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    SUMMARY In this study we present the analysis of the stock structure of Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) using the mitochondrial control region as genetic marker. We analyzed 276 individuals distributed in four locations int eh east and west Atlantic. Samples were from: Northeast Atlantic (AT-NE/BIL94B) (Canary Islands, Spain), from Southeast Atlantic (AT-SE/BIL97) (Côte d’Ivoire and Gabon) and Southwest Atlantic (AT-SW/BIL96). Four of individuals from Southwest Atlantic (AT-SW/BIL96) were genetically identified as Scomberomorus cavalla. The genetic comparison of the four locations failed to show genetic differences. This result suggests a single genetic pool of the Wahoo in the whole Atlantic. Based on these results, ICCAT should reconsider their management strategies for this species in the area studied. RÉSUMÉ Dans cette étude, nous présentons l’analyse de la structure du stock de thazard-bâtard (Acanthocybium solandri) en utilisant la région de contrôle de l’ADN mitochondrial comme marqueur génétique. Nous avons analysé 276 spécimens répartis dans quatre zones de l’Atlantique Est et Ouest. Les échantillons provenaient de : l’Atlantique Nord-Est (AT-NE/BIL94B) (îles Canaries, Espagne), l’Atlantique Sud-Est (AT-SE/BIL97) (Côte d’Ivoire et Gabon) et l’Atlantique Sud-Ouest (AT-SW/BIL96). Quatre spécimens provenant de l’Atlantique Sud-Ouest (AT-SW/BIL96) ont été génétiquement identifiés comme Scomberomorus cavalla. La comparaison génétique des quatre zones n’a pas révélé de différences génétiques. Ce résultat donne à penser à un patrimoine génétique du thazard-bâtard dans l’ensemble de l’Atlantique. En se fondant sur ces résultats, l’ICCAT devrait revoir ses stratégies de gestion pour cette espèce dans la zone à l’étude. RESUMEN En este estudio presentamos el análisis de la estructura del stock del peto (Acanthocybium solandri) utilizando la región de control mitocondrial como marcador genético. Hemos analizado 276 ejemplares distribuidos en cuatro localizaciones en el Atlántico este y oeste. Las muestras procedían de: Atlántico nororiental (AT-NE/BIL94B) (islas Canarias, España), del Atlántico suroriental (AT-SE/BIL97) (Côte d'Ivoire y Gabón) y del Atlántico sudoccidental (AT-SW/BIL96). Cuatro de los ejemplares del Atlántico sudoccidental (AT-SW/BIL96) fueron genéticamente identificados como Scomberomorus cavalla. La comparación genética de las cuatro localizaciones no mostraba diferencias genéticas. Este resultado sugiere un único acervo genético del peto en todo el Atlántico. Basándose en estos resultados, ICCAT debería reconsiderar la estrategia de ordenación para esta especie en la zona estudiada.Versión del edito

    Impact of insecticide-treated nets on wild pyrethroid resistant Anopheles epiroticus population from southern Vietnam tested in experimental huts

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this study, the efficacy of insecticide-treated nets was evaluated in terms of deterrence, blood-feeding inhibition, induced exophily and mortality on a wild resistant population of <it>Anopheles epiroticus </it>in southern Vietnam, in order to gain insight into the operational consequences of the insecticide resistance observed in this malaria vector in the Mekong delta.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>An experimental station, based on the model of West Africa and adapted to the behaviour of the target species, was built in southern Vietnam. The study design was adapted from the WHO phase 2 guidelines. The study arms included a conventionally treated polyester net (CTN) with deltamethrin washed just before exhaustion, the WHO recommended long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) PermaNet 2.0<sup>® </sup>unwashed and 20 times washed and PermaNet 3.0<sup>®</sup>, designed for the control of pyrethroid resistant vectors, unwashed and 20 times washed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The nets still provided personal protection against the resistant <it>An. epiroticus </it>population. The personal protection ranged from 67% for deltamethrin CTN to 85% for unwashed PermaNet 3.0. Insecticide resistance in the <it>An. epiroticus </it>mosquitoes did not seem to alter the deterrent effect of pyrethroids. A significant higher mortality was still observed among the treatment arms despite the fact that the <it>An. epiroticus </it>population is resistant against the tested insecticides.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study shows that CTN and LLINs still protect individuals against a pyrethroid resistant malaria vector from the Mekong region, where insecticide resistance is caused by a metabolic mechanism. In the light of a possible elimination of malaria from the Mekong region these insights in operational consequences of the insecticide resistance on control tools is of upmost importance.</p

    Polymorphism of the testis-specific serine/threonine kinase 2 gene and risk of asthenozoospermia in Côte d'Ivoire

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    Background: The testis-specific serine/threonine protein kinase (TSSK2) is an indispensable protein responsible for the mobility of spermatozoa expressed specifically in the germ cells during spermatogenesis and present in the mature spermatozoa. Its gene mutation could constitute a risk of infertility. The aim of this study is to investigate the polymorphism of this TSSK2 gene in men with asthenozoospermia.Methods: The ejaculates were obtained from patients attending the reproductive biology unit of Institut Pasteur of Côte d’Ivoire for their spermiological evaluations. The semen analyses are performed with the automatic sperm analyzer SQA-Vision. 30 sperms, including 20 asthenozoosperms and 10 normosperms, were selected from their spermiological results and the spermatozoa DNA was extracted by the phenol/chloroform method. Direct Sequencing of the spermatozoa DNA fragments was done using the Sanger method. The frequencies of mutation were analysis with the Fisher and Mann-Whitney tests.   Results: It was revealed 17 mutations in 22 ejaculates. The frequent mutations are c.839C>T (T280M), c.816G>C (L372L), c.1026G>A (R342R), c.785A>C (H262P) and c.80A>G (K27R) with respectively frequencies of 50.0%, 26.67%, 16.67%, 13.33% and 10.0%. The analysis of these mutations indicated a significant difference in the frequency of occurrence of mutations between normosperms and asthenozoosperms (p-value = 0.01).Conclusions: This study shows that mutations in the TSSK2 gene are more common in asthenozoosperm ejaculates than normosperm ejaculates. This fact suggests the probable association of mutations in the TSSK2 gene with asthenozoospermia

    Synergy between Repellents and Organophosphates on Bed Nets: Efficacy and Behavioural Response of Natural Free-Flying An. gambiae Mosquitoes

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    Background: Chemicals are used on bed nets in order to prevent infected bites and to kill aggressive malaria vectors. Because pyrethroid resistance has become widespread in the main malaria vectors, research for alternative active ingredients becomes urgent. Mixing a repellent and a non-pyrethroid insecticide seemed to be a promising tool as mixtures in the laboratory showed the same features as pyrethroids. Methodology/Principal Findings: We present here the results of two trials run against free-flying Anopheles gambiae populations comparing the effects of two insect repellents (either DEET or KBR 3023, also known as icaridin) and an organophosphate insecticide at low-doses (pirimiphos-methyl, PM) used alone and in combination on bed nets. We showed that mixtures of PM and the repellents induced higher exophily, blood feeding inhibition and mortality among wild susceptible and resistant malaria vectors than compounds used alone. Nevertheless the synergistic interactions are only involved in the high mortality induced by the two mixtures. Conclusion: These field trials argue in favour of the strategy of mixing repellent and organophosphate on bed nets to better control resistant malaria vectors
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