691 research outputs found

    A minimum hypothesis explanation for an IMF with a lognormal body and power law tail

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    We present a minimum hypothesis model for an IMF that resembles a lognormal distribution at low masses but has a distinct power-law tail. Even if the central limit theorem ensures a lognormal distribution of condensation masses at birth, a power-law tail in the distribution arises due to accretion from the ambient cloud, coupled with a non-uniform (exponential) distribution of accretion times.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to appear in IMF@50, eds. E. Corbelli, F. Palla, and H. Zinnecker, Kluwer, Astrophysics and Space Science Librar

    Embedded Clusters and the IMF

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    Despite valiant efforts over nearly five decades, attempts to determine the IMF over a complete mass range for galactic field stars and in open clusters have proved difficult. Infrared imaging observations of extremely young embedded clusters coupled with Monte Carlo modeling of their luminosity functions are improving this situation and providing important new contributions to our fundamental knowledge of the IMF and its universality in both space and time.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures to appear in "The IMF@50", Kluwer Academic Press, eds. C. Corbelli, F. Palla, & Hans Zinnecke

    The Infrared Extinction Law at Extreme Depth in a Dark Cloud Core

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    We combined sensitive near-infrared data obtained with ground-based imagers on the ESO NTT and VLT telescopes with space mid-infrared data acquired with the IRAC imager on the Spitzer Space Telescope to calculate the extinction law A_\lambda/A_K as a function of \lambda between 1.25 and 7.76 micron to an unprecedented depth in Barnard 59, a star forming, dense core located in the Pipe Nebula. The ratios A_\lambda/A_K were calculated from the slopes of the distributions of sources in color-color diagrams \lambda-K vs. H-K. The distributions in the color-color diagrams are fit well with single slopes to extinction levels of A_K ~ 7 (A_V ~ 59 mag). Consequently, there appears to be no significant variation of the extinction law with depth through the B59 line of sight. However, when slopes are translated into the relative extinction coefficients A_\lambda/A_K, we find an extinction law which departs from the simple extrapolation of the near-infrared power law extinction curve, and agrees more closely with a dust extinction model for a cloud with a total to selective absorption R_V=5.5 and a grain size distribution favoring larger grains than those in the diffuse ISM. Thus, the difference we observe could be possibly due to the effect of grain growth in denser regions. Finally, the slopes in our diagrams are somewhat less steep than those from the study of Indebetouw et al. (2005) for clouds with lower column densities, and this indicates that the extinction law between 3 and 8 micron might vary slightly as a function of environment.Comment: 22 pages manuscript, 4 figures (2 multipart), 1 tabl

    The Nature of the Dense Core Population in the Pipe Nebula: Thermal Cores Under Pressure

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    In this paper we present the results of a systematic investigation of an entire population of starless dust cores within a single molecular cloud. Analysis of extinction data shows the cores to be dense objects characterized by a narrow range of density. Analysis of C18O and NH3 molecular-line observations reveals very narrow lines. The non-thermal velocity dispersions measured in both these tracers are found to be subsonic for the large majority of the cores and show no correlation with core mass (or size). Thermal pressure is thus the dominate source of internal gas pressure and support for most of the core population. The total internal gas pressures of the cores are found to be roughly independent of core mass over the entire range of the core mass function (CMF) indicating that the cores are in pressure equilibrium with an external source of pressure. This external pressure is most likely provided by the weight of the surrounding Pipe cloud within which the cores are embedded. Most of the cores appear to be pressure confined, gravitationally unbound entities whose nature, structure and future evolution are determined by only a few physical factors which include self-gravity, the fundamental processes of thermal physics and the simple requirement of pressure equilibrium with the surrounding environment. The observed core properties likely constitute the initial conditions for star formation in dense gas. The entire core population is found to be characterized by a single critical Bonnor-Ebert mass. This mass coincides with the characteristic mass of the Pipe CMF indicating that most cores formed in the cloud are near critical stability. This suggests that the mass function of cores (and the IMF) has its origin in the physical process of thermal fragmentation in a pressurized medium.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Objective User Engagement With Mental Health Apps: Systematic Search and Panel-Based Usage Analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding patterns of real-world usage of mental health apps is key to maximizing their potential to increase public self-management of care. Although developer-led studies have published results on the use of mental health apps in real-world settings, no study yet has systematically examined usage patterns of a large sample of mental health apps relying on independently collected data. OBJECTIVE: Our aim is to present real-world objective data on user engagement with popular mental health apps. METHODS: A systematic engine search was conducted using Google Play to identify Android apps with 10,000 installs or more targeting anxiety, depression, or emotional well-being. Coding of apps included primary incorporated techniques and mental health focus. Behavioral data on real-world usage were obtained from a panel that provides aggregated nonpersonal information on user engagement with mobile apps. RESULTS: In total, 93 apps met the inclusion criteria (installs: median 100,000, IQR 90,000). The median percentage of daily active users (open rate) was 4.0% (IQR 4.7%) with a difference between trackers (median 6.3%, IQR 10.2%) and peer-support apps (median 17.0%) versus breathing exercise apps (median 1.6%, IQR 1.6%; all z≄3.42, all P CONCLUSIONS: Although the number of app installs and daily active minutes of use may seem high, only a small portion of users actually used the apps for a long period of time. More studies using different datasets are needed to understand this phenomenon and the ways in which users self-manage their condition in real-world settings

    The Star Formation Region NGC 6530: distance, ages and Initial Mass Function

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    We present astrometry and BVIBVI photometry, down to V≃22V\simeq22, of the very young open cluster NGC6530, obtained from observations taken with the Wide Field Imager camera at the MPG/ESO 2.2 m Telescope. Both the VV vs. B−VB-V and the VV vs. V−IV-I color-magnitude diagrams (CMD) show the upper main sequence dominated by very bright cluster stars, while, due to the high obscuration of the giant molecular cloud surrounding the cluster, the blue envelopes of the diagrams at V≳14V\gtrsim 14 are limited to the main sequence stars at the distance of NGC6530. This particular structure of the NGC6530 CMD allows us to conclude that its distance is about d≃1250d \simeq 1250 pc, significantly lower than the previous determination of d=1800 pc. We have positionally matched our optical catalog with the list of X-ray sources found in a Chandra-ACIS observation, finding a total of 828 common stars, 90% of which are pre-main sequence stars in NGC6530. Using evolutionary tracks of Siess et al. (2000)}, mass and age values are inferred for these stars. The median age of the cluster is about 2.3 Myr; in the mass range (0.6--4.0)M⊙ M_\odot, the Initial Mass Function (IMF) shows a power law index x=1.22±0.17x=1.22\pm0.17, consistent with both the Salpeter index (1.35), and with the index derived for other young clusters ; towards smaller masses the IMF shows a peak and then it starts to decrease.Comment: 32 pages, 13 ps figures, in press in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Gravity on a parallelizable manifold. Exact solutions

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    The wave type field equation \square \vt^a=\la \vt^a, where \vt^a is a coframe field on a space-time, was recently proposed to describe the gravity field. This equation has a unique static, spherical-symmetric, asymptotically-flat solution, which leads to the viable Yilmaz-Rosen metric. We show that the wave type field equation is satisfied by the pseudo-conformal frame if the conformal factor is determined by a scalar 3D-harmonic function. This function can be related to the Newtonian potential of classical gravity. So we obtain a direct relation between the non-relativistic gravity and the relativistic model: every classical exact solution leads to a solution of the field equation. With this result we obtain a wide class of exact, static metrics. We show that the theory of Yilmaz relates to the pseudo-conformal sector of our construction. We derive also a unique cosmological (time dependent) solution of the described type.Comment: Latex, 17 page

    The nature of the dense core population in the pipe nebula: core and cloud kinematics from C18O observations

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    We present molecular-line observations of 94 dark cloud cores identified in the Pipe nebula through near-IR extinction mapping. Using the Arizona Radio Observatory 12m telescope, we obtained spectra of these cores in the J=1-0 transition of C18O. We use the measured core parameters, i.e., antenna temperature, linewidth, radial velocity, radius and mass, to explore the internal kinematics of these cores as well as their radial motions through the larger molecular cloud. We find that the vast majority of the dark extinction cores are true cloud cores rather than the superposition of unrelated filaments. While we identify no significant correlations between the core's internal gas motions and the cores' other physical parameters, we identify spatially correlated radial velocity variations that outline two main kinematic components of the cloud. The largest is a 15pc long filament that is surprisingly narrow both in spatial dimensions and in radial velocity. Beginning in the Stem of the Pipe, this filament displays uniformly small C18O linewidths (dv~0.4kms-1) as well as core to core motions only slightly in excess of the gas sound speed. The second component outlines what appears to be part of a large (2pc; 1000 solar mass) ring-like structure. Cores associated with this component display both larger linewidths and core to core motions than in the main cloud. The Pipe Molecular Ring may represent a primordial structure related to the formation of this cloud.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 14 pages, 11 figures. Complete table at end of documen

    A rotating molecular jet from a Perseus protostar

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    We present 12^{12}CO(2-1) line and 1.4 mm continuum archival observations, made with the Submillimeter Array, of the outflow HH 797 located in the IC 348 cluster in Perseus. The continuum emission is associated with a circumstellar disk surrounding the class 0 object IC 348-MMS/SMM2, a very young solar analog. The line emission, on the other hand, delineates a collimated outflow, and reveals velocity asymmetries about the flow axis over the entire length of the flow. The amplitude of velocity differences is of order 2 km s−1^{-1} over distances of about 1000 AU, and we interpret them as evidence for jet rotation --although we also discuss alternative possibilities. A comparison with theoretical models suggests that the magnetic field lines threading the protostellar jet might be anchored to the disk of a radius of about 20 AU.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
