1,204 research outputs found

    Religion in Weston\u27s The Japanese Alps

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    英国人牧師ワルター・ウェストン(Reverend Walter Weston 1861-1940)は英国聖公会・教会伝道協会派遣の宣教師として1888~1895年をはじめとして、全部で14年間ほど日本に滞在した。現在、ウェストンはその伝道活動より登山活動の為に知られている。信州の山々がとても中欧のアルプス山脈に似ているとウェストンが覚えたため、彼は「日本アルプス」という名をつけ、そのために今までも上高地では彼の碑石が見えるのである。1896年にはウェストンはMountaineering and Exploration in the Japanese Alps(『日本アルプスの登山と探検』岩波文庫)という書を著した。その中に4年の夏の登山体験が記されている。この本は様々な意味でかなり面白い旅行記だと思うが、私にとって特に興味深いことは、ウェストンの山に対する宗教的な思想や感覚である。日本語を流暢に話せ、日本の宗教に興味を持ったウェストンは、日本の山岳信仰をどのように理解したか、かれの山の観方、及びかれのキリスト教への信仰はどれほどその山岳信仰に影響されたか、という追及をする

    Studio delle potenzialità delle piattaforme UAV nel campo del rilievo dei Beni Culturali

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    L'uso di piattaforme aeree senza pilota a bordo (UAV) sta diventando sempre più frequente nel campo del rilievo fotogrammetrico soprattutto grazie ai numerosi vantaggi che tali sistemi presentano rispetto alle classiche riprese di fotogrammetria aerea. Il lavoro condotto descrive i primi risultati ottenuti utilizzando sistemi UAV per il rilievo di Beni Culturali. Lo studio è stato svolto acquisendo alcuni dataset relativi a siti archeologici; tali dataset presentano caratteristiche differenti in relazione ai velivoli utilizzati, alle caratteristiche dei voli ed all’estensione delle aree rilevate. Il lavoro ha permesso di eseguite delle prime valutazioni sulla precisione metrica degli orientamenti e sul livello di dettaglio ottenuto dai modelli 3D e dalle ortofoto

    Unusual recurrence of trigeminal neuralgia after microvascular decompression by muscle interposal

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    Background: Patients with trigeminal neuralgia (TN) and persistent or recurrent facial pain after microvascular decompression (MVD) typically undergo less invasive procedures in the hope of providing pain relief. However, re-operation should be considered in selected patients. Case Report: A 48-year-old woman presented with recurrent trigeminal neuralgia (TN) 3 years following microvascular decompression (MVD). The patient underwent brain magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), which did not reveal neurovascular compression; therefore surgical re-exploration was carried out. During the operation, the fifth cranial nerve was seen without impingement from any blood vessels; however, a very firm tissue was observed and identified as the muscle fragment from the previous MVD procedure. The fifth cranial nerve was carefully separated from the muscle. Thereafter, the right SCA was dissected out from the muscle and suspended by a periosteum tape sutured to the nearby dura. Conclusions: Our findings, along with similar cases reported in the literature, support the development of new inert materials and alternative surgical strategies that can limit TN recurrence

    Does Ménière's Disease in the Elderly Present Some Peculiar Features?

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    Object. Aim of our study was to establish some peculiar features of Ménière's Disease (MD) in a group of elderly MD patients, in which the first vertigo spell happened when over 65 years old. Material and Methods. We analyzed a group of 73 younger than 65-years-old and a group of 30 elderly MD patients. All patients underwent a neurotological evaluation, an anamnestic evaluation including a lifetime history of migraine, and blood withdrawal for autoantibody screening. Results. Some differences were found between elderly and younger MD patients. Elderly MD patients presented a higher prevalence of Tumarkin attacks and a lower prevalence of lifetime history of migraine; moreover, they presented a faster develop of hearing loss and vertigo spells than a subgroup of 32 younger patients matched for the duration of illness. Conclusions. Some clinical features of MD in elderly have been pointed out. Particularly, the lower rate of migrainous history and positivity for autoantibodies often associated with MD, in our opinion, support the hypothesis of a vascular disorder acting as a predisposing factor for MD in elderly

    A landscape approach in the isotopic modeling of natural precipitations: two cases in Mediterranean mountain areas

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    The present paper proposes a method to simplify the very complex isotopic fractionation processes occurring during the water cycle. The method is constrained by a relatively small number of variables, with the precision needed in hydrological applications. After a theoretical introduction on the adopted interpolation criteria, two cases in the Mediterranean are presented. In both cases the evaluation of the “geometric complexity” of the systems appears to be the best tool to produce reliable isotopic models. If the complexity is low, it is apparently easier to fit different models; on the contrary the higher the complexity is, more difficult it is to find a reliable model but, at the same time, more difficult it is to find effective alternative models

    A General Framework for Designing 3D Impellers Using Topology Optimization and Additive Manufacturing

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    Neuroprotection by erythropoietin administration after experimental traumatic brain injury.

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    A large body of evidence indicates that the hormone erythropoietin (EPO) exerts beneficial effects in the central nervous system (CNS). To date, EPO's effect has been assessed in several experimental models of brain and spinal cord injury. This study was conducted to validate whether treatment with recombinant human EPO (rHuEPO) would limit the extent of injury following experimental TBI. Experimental TBI was induced in rats by a cryogenic injury model. rHuEPO or placebo was injected intraperitoneally immediately after the injury and then every 8 h until 2 or 14 days. Forty-eight hours after injury brain water content, an indicator of brain edema, was measured with the wet-dry method and blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown was evaluated by assay of Evans blue extravasation. Furthermore, extent of cerebral damage was assessed. Administration of rHuEPO markedly improved recovery from motor dysfunction compared with placebo group (P < 0.05). Brain edema was significantly reduced in the cortex of the EPO-treated group relative to that in the placebo-treated group (80.6 \ub1 0.3% versus 91.8% \ub1 0.8% respectively, P < 0.05). BBB breakdown was significantly lower in EPO-treated group than in the placebo-treated group (66.2 \ub1 18.7 \u3bcg/g versus 181.3 \ub1 21 \u3bcg/g, respectively, P < 0.05). EPO treatment reduced injury volume significantly compared with placebo group (17.4 \ub1 5.4 mm3 versus 37.1 \ub1 5.3 mm3, P < 0.05). EPO, administered in its recombinant form, affords significant neuroprotection in experimental TBI model and may hold promise for future clinical applications. \ua9 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Fluorescein for resection of high-grade gliomas: A safety study control in a single center and review of the literature

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    Background: The importance of a complete resection of high-grade gliomas (HGGs) has been highlighted in scientific literature, in order to limit tumor recurrence and above all to improve disease-free survival rates. Several fluorescent biomarkers have been tested to improve intraoperative identification of residual tumor; 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) and fluorescein sodium (FS) are now starting to play a central role in glioma surgery. We performed a retrospective analysis on 47 patients operated for HGGs. Here we report our preliminary data. Methods: Data of 47 consecutive patients with HGG have been collected in our study (25 males, 22 females; mean age: 60.3 years, range: 27-86 years). Fluorescein (5 mg/kg of body weight) was injected intravenously right after the induction of general anesthesia. A YELLOW 560 filter was used on an OPMI Pentero 900 microscope (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Oberkochen, Germany) to complete a microsurgical tumor removal. Glioma resection and quality of life were evaluated preoperative and postoperatively. Results: Gross total resection (GTR) was achieved in 53.2% (n = 25) of patients. A subtotal resection (STR) (>95%) was achieved in 29.8% (n = 14), while a partial resection (PR) (<95%) was obtained in 17% (n = 8) of patients. Overall, in 83% (n = 39) of patients who underwent fluorescence-guided surgery the resection rate achieved was >95%. No adverse effects correlated to fluorescein have been recorded. Conclusion: Fluorescein seems to be safe and effective in the resection of HGGs, allowing a high rate of gross total removal of contrast enhanced areas

    Value of epidermal growth factor receptor status compared with growth fraction and other factors for prognosis in early breast cancer.

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    The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a transmembrane glycoprotein whose expression is important in the regulation of breast cancer cell growth. The relationship between EGFR status (determined by an immunocytochemical assay) and various prognostic factors was investigated in 164 primary breast cancers. Overall 56% of tumours were EGFR-positive and the expression of EGFR was unrelated to axillary node status, tumour size and histological grade; and it was poorly associated with the tumour proliferative activity measured by Ki-67 immuno-cytochemistry. The relapse-free survival (RFS) probability at 3-years was significantly worse for patients with EGFR positive tumours (P = 0.003) and for those whose Ki-67 score was > 7.5% (P = 0.0027), as well as in patients with axillary node involvement (P = 0.01) and with poorly differentiated tumours (P = 0.04). Immunocytochemical determination of EGFR and cell kinetics gave superimposable prognostic information for predicting RFS with odds ratios of 3.51, when evaluated singly. In our series of patients EGFR, Ki-67 and node status retain their prognostic value concerning RFS in multivariate analysis. The 3-year probability of overall survival (OS) was significantly better in node-negative patients (P = 0.04) and was similar in EGFR-positive and negative patients. In conclusion, EGFR status appears to be a significant and independent indicator of recurrence in human breast cancer and the concomitant measurement of the tumour proliferative activity seems to improve the selection of patients with different risks of recurrence

    The Role of Nutrition in Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Damage in Childhood Cancer Survivors

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    Innovative therapeutic strategies in childhood cancer led to a significant reduction in cancer-related mortality. Cancer survivors are a growing fragile population, at risk of long-term side effects of cancer treatments, thus requiring customized clinical attention. Antineoplastic drugs have a wide toxicity profile that can limit their clinical usage and spoil patients' life, even years after the end of treatment. The cardiovascular system is a well-known target of antineoplastic treatments, including anthracyclines, chest radiotherapy and new molecules, such as tyrosine kinase inhibitors. We investigated nutritional changes in children with cancer from the diagnosis to the end of treatment and dietary habits in cancer survivors. At diagnosis, children with cancer may present variable degrees of malnutrition, potentially affecting drug tolerability and prognosis. During cancer treatment, the usage of corticosteroids can lead to rapid weight gain, exposing children to overweight and obesity. Moreover, dietary habits and lifestyle often dramatically change in cancer survivors, who acquire sedentary behavior and weak adherence to dietary guidelines. Furthermore, we speculated on the role of nutrition in the primary prevention of cardiac damage, investigating the potential cardioprotective role of diet-derived compounds with antioxidative properties. Finally, we summarized practical advice to improve the dietary habits of cancer survivors and their families