3,786 research outputs found

    Photoionization yield and absorption coeffi- cient of xenon in the region 860-1022 deg angstrom

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    Photoionization yield and absorption coefficient of xenon gas measured by photoelectric method

    Some Intensity Measurements in the Vacuum Ultraviolet

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    Intensity measurements in vacuum ultraviolet - photoelectric yields of untreated metals and semiconductors measured by calibrated thermocoupl

    Classical Cepheids, what else?

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    We present new and independent estimates of the distances to the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) using near-infrared (NIR) and optical--NIR period--Wesenheit (PW) relations. The slopes of the PW relations are, within the dispersion, linear over the entire period range and independent of metal content. The absolute zero points were fixed using Galactic Cepheids with distances based on the infrared surface-brightness method. The true distance modulus we found for the Large Magellanic Cloud---(mM)0=18.48±0.01±0.10(m-M)_0 = 18.48 \pm 0.01 \pm 0.10 mag---and the Small Magellanic Cloud---(mM)0=18.94±0.01±0.10(m-M)_0 = 18.94 \pm 0.01 \pm 0.10 mag---agree quite well with similar distance determinations based on robust distance indicators. We also briefly discuss the evolutionary and pulsation properties of MC Cepheids

    On the distance of the Magellanic Clouds using Cepheid NIR and optical-NIR Period Wesenheit Relations

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    We present the largest near-infrared (NIR) data sets, JHKsJHKs, ever collected for classical Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds (MCs). We selected fundamental (FU) and first overtone (FO) pulsators, and found 4150 (2571 FU, 1579 FO) Cepheids for Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) and 3042 (1840 FU, 1202 FO) for Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Current sample is 2--3 times larger than any sample used in previous investigations with NIR photometry. We also discuss optical VIVI photometry from OGLE-III. NIR and optical--NIR Period-Wesenheit (PW) relations are linear over the entire period range (0.0<logPFU1.650.0<\log P_{\rm FU} \le1.65 ) and their slopes are, within the intrinsic dispersions, common between the MCs. These are consistent with recent results from pulsation models and observations suggesting that the PW relations are minimally affected by the metal content. The new FU and FO PW relations were calibrated using a sample of Galactic Cepheids with distances based on trigonometric parallaxes and Cepheid pulsation models. By using FU Cepheids we found a true distance moduli of 18.45±0.02(random)±0.10(systematic)18.45\pm0.02{\rm(random)}\pm0.10{\rm(systematic)} mag (LMC) and 18.93±0.02(random)±0.10(systematic)18.93\pm0.02{\rm(random)}\pm0.10{\rm(systematic)} mag (SMC). These estimates are the weighted mean over ten PW relations and the systematic errors account for uncertainties in the zero-point and in the reddening law. We found similar distances using FO Cepheids (18.60±0.03(random)±0.10(systematic)18.60\pm0.03{\rm(random)}\pm0.10{\rm(systematic)} mag [LMC] and 19.12±0.03(random)±0.10(systematic)19.12\pm0.03{\rm(random)}\pm0.10{\rm(systematic)} mag [SMC]). These new MC distances lead to the relative distance, Δμ=0.48±0.03\Delta\mu=0.48\pm0.03 mag (FU, logP=1\log P=1) and Δμ=0.52±0.03\Delta\mu=0.52\pm0.03 mag (FO, logP=0.5\log P=0.5),which agrees quite well with previous estimates based on robust distance indicators.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Massive stellar systems: observational challenges and perspectives in the E-ELT era

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    We introduce the empirical framework concerning optical and near-infrared (NIR) photometry of crowded stellar fields. In particular, we address the impact that linear detectors and analytical PSF played in improving the accuracy and the precision of multi-band color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs). We focus our attention on recent findings based on deep NIR images collected with Adaptive Optics (AO) systems at the 8-10m class telescopes and discuss pros and cons of the different approaches. We also discuss the estimate of the absolute age of globular clusters using a well defined knee along the lower main sequence. We mention the role which the current AO-assisted instruments will have in addressing longstanding astrophysical problems of the Galactic center. Finally, we outline the role of first generation of E-ELT instruments upon photometry and spectroscopy of crowded stellar fields

    On the metallicity distribution of classical Cepheids in the Galactic inner disk

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    We present homogeneous and accurate iron abundances for almost four dozen (47) of Galactic Cepheids using high-spectral resolution (R\sim40,000) high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N \ge 100) optical spectra collected with UVES at VLT. A significant fraction of the sample (32) is located in the inner disk (RG lele 6.9 kpc) and for half of them we provide new iron abundances. Current findings indicate a steady increase in iron abundance when approaching the innermost regions of the thin disk. The metallicity is super-solar and ranges from 0.2 dex for RG \sim 6.5 kpc to 0.4 dex for RG \sim 5.5 kpc. Moreover, we do not find evidence of correlation between iron abundance and distance from the Galactic plane. We collected similar data available in the literature and ended up with a sample of 420 Cepheids. Current data suggest that the mean metallicity and the metallicity dispersion in the four quadrants of the Galactic disk attain similar values. The first-second quadrants show a more extended metal-poor tail, while the third-fourth quadrants show a more extended metal-rich tail, but the bulk of the sample is at solar iron abundance. Finally, we found a significant difference between the iron abundance of Cepheids located close to the edge of the inner disk ([Fe/H]\sim0.4) and young stars located either along the Galactic bar or in the nuclear bulge ([Fe/H]\sim0). Thus suggesting that the above regions have had different chemical enrichment histories. The same outcome applies to the metallicity gradient of the Galactic bulge, since mounting empirical evidence indicates that the mean metallicity increases when moving from the outer to the inner bulge regions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; Corrected typos, corrected Table

    Variable stars in Terzan 5: additional evidence of multi-age and multi-iron stellar populations

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    Terzan 5 is a complex stellar system in the Galactic bulge, harboring stellar populations with very different iron content ({\Delta}[Fe/H] ~1 dex) and with ages differing by several Gyrs. Here we present an investigation of its variable stars. We report on the discovery and characterization of three RR Lyrae stars. For these newly discovered RR Lyrae and for six Miras of known periods we provide radial velocity and chemical abundances from spectra acquired with X-SHOOTER at the VLT. We find that the three RR Lyrae and the three short period Miras (P<300 d) have radial velocity consistent with being Terzan 5 members. They have sub-solar iron abundances and enhanced [{\alpha}/Fe], well matching the age and abundance patterns of the 12 Gyr metal-poor stellar populations of Terzan 5. Only one, out of the three long period (P>300 d) Miras analyzed in this study, has a radial velocity consistent with being Terzan 5 member. Its super-solar iron abundance and solar-scaled [{\alpha}/Fe] nicely match the chemical properties of the metal rich stellar population of Terzan 5 and its derived mass nicely agrees with being several Gyrs younger than the short period Miras. This young variable is an additional proof of the surprising young sub-population discovered in Terzan 5.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, in press on the Ap

    Vascularization of the Selaginella rhizophore: anatomical fingerprints of polar auxin transport with implications for the deep fossil record

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138403/1/nph14478_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138403/2/nph14478-sup-0005-Legends.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138403/3/nph14478.pd

    The Distance to the Galactic Center Derived From Infrared Photometry of Bulge Red Clump Stars

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    On the basis of the near infrared observations of bulge red clump stars near the Galactic center, we have determined the galactocentric distance to be R_0 = 7.52 +- 0.10 (stat) +- 0.35 (sys) kpc. We observed the red clump stars at |l| < 1.0 deg and 0.7 deg < |b| < 1.0 deg with the IRSF 1.4 m telescope and the SIRIUS camera in the H and Ks bands. After extinction and population corrections, we obtained (m - M)_0 = 14.38 +- 0.03 (stat) +- 0.10 (sys). The statistical error is dominated by the uncertainty of the intrinsic local red clump stars' luminosity. The systematic error is estimated to be +- 0.10 including uncertainties in extinction and population correction, zero-point of photometry, and the fitting of the luminosity function of the red clump stars. Our result, R_0 = 7.52 kpc, is in excellent agreement with the distance determined geometrically with the star orbiting the massive black hole in the Galactic center. The recent result based on the spatial distribution of globular clusters is also consistent with our result. In addition, our study exhibits that the distance determination to the Galactic center with the red clump stars, even if the error of the population correction is taken into account, can achieve an uncertainty of about 5%, which is almost the same level as that in recent geometrical determinations.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Ap