91 research outputs found

    Resistance to the cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae) transferred from the wild grass Aegilops ventricosa to hexaploid wheat by a "stepping-stone" procedure

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    Transfer of resistance toHeterodera avenae, the cereal cyst nematode (CCN), by a stepping-stoneprocedure from the wild grassAegilops ventricosa to hexaploid wheat has been demonstrated. The number of nematodes per plant was lower, and reached a plateau much earlier, in the resistant introgression line H93-8 (1–2 nematodes per plant) than in the recipient H10-15 wheat (14–16 nematodes per plant). Necrosis (hypersensitive reaction) near the nematode, little cell fusion, and few, often degraded syncytia were observed in infested H93-8 roots, while abundant, well-formed syncytia were present in the susceptible H10-15 wheat. Line H93-8 was highly resistant to the two Spanish populations tested, as well as the four French races (Fr1-Fr4), and the British pathotype Hall, but was susceptible to the Swedish pathotypes HgI and HgIII. Resistance was inherited as though determined by a single quasi-dominant factor in the F2 generations resulting from crosses of H93-8 with H10-15 and with Loros, a resistant wheat carrying the geneCre1 (syn.Ccn1). The resistance gene in H93-8 (Cre2 orCcn2) is not allelic with respect to that in Loros. RFLPs and other markers, together with the cytogenetical evidence, indicate that theCre2 gene has been integrated into a wheat chromosome without affecting its meiotic pairing ability. Introduction ofCre2 by backcrossing into a commercial wheat backgroud increases grain yield when under challenge by the nematode and is not detrimental in the absence of infestation

    Eyespot resistance gene Pch-1 in H-93 wheat lines. Evidence of linkage to markers of chromosome group 7 and resolution from the endopeptídase locus Ep-Dlb

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    Gene Pch1, which confers resistance to eyespot disease (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides Fron), has been located on chromosome 7D in the H-93 wheat-Aegilops ventricosa transfer lines using isozyme markers and DNA probes corresponding to group 7 chromosomes. Previous experiments had failed to ascertain this location. The lack of segregation of the resistance trait in progeny from reciprocal crosses between lines H-93-70 and VPM1 indicates that their respective resistance factors are allelic. Line H-93-51 carries the endopeptidase allele Ep-D1b but is susceptible to eyespot, which indicates that resistance to eyespot is not a product of the Ep-D locus, as had been proposed in a previous hypohesi

    Inherited epidermolysis bullosa

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    Inherited epidermolysis bullosa (EB) encompasses a number of disorders characterized by recurrent blister formation as the result of structural fragility within the skin and selected other tissues. All types and subtypes of EB are rare; the overall incidence and prevalence of the disease within the United States is approximately 19 per one million live births and 8 per one million population, respectively. Clinical manifestations range widely, from localized blistering of the hands and feet to generalized blistering of the skin and oral cavity, and injury to many internal organs. Each EB subtype is known to arise from mutations within the genes encoding for several different proteins, each of which is intimately involved in the maintenance of keratinocyte structural stability or adhesion of the keratinocyte to the underlying dermis. EB is best diagnosed and subclassified by the collective findings obtained via detailed personal and family history, in concert with the results of immunofluorescence antigenic mapping, transmission electron microscopy, and in some cases, by DNA analysis. Optimal patient management requires a multidisciplinary approach, and revolves around the protection of susceptible tissues against trauma, use of sophisticated wound care dressings, aggressive nutritional support, and early medical or surgical interventions to correct whenever possible the extracutaneous complications. Prognosis varies considerably and is based on both EB subtype and the overall health of the patient

    Developing a framework for arts in health programs targeting individuals with chronic pain: a mixed-methods study of practitioners

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    Objectives: Chronic pain is a leading cause of morbidity and disability across the world. Cultural engagement may be a valuable tool in addressing the social disconnection that often accompanies chronic pain. This study sought to develop a framework for arts in health programs targeting individuals with chronic pain. Study design: Sequential explanatory mixed-methods study. Methods: Web-based, cross-sectional survey sent to arts and cultural professionals to assess their experience with arts in health programming. Semi-structured interviews conducted with a sample of survey respondents to explore their perspectives on targeted arts in health programming for individuals with chronic pain. Results: Between October 2019 and January 2020, 208 surveys were completed by arts and cultural professionals. One hundred and twenty (58%) of the respondents indicated that they currently run an arts in health or museums in health program. Among these 120 respondents, 52 (43%) targeted older adults, 50 (42%) targeted individuals with mental health concerns, and 18 (15%) targeted individuals living with pain. Improving well-being (101 [84%]) and reducing social isolation (90 [75%]) were the most common intended program outcomes, while improving pain was the least common outcome (26 [22%]). Fifteen survey respondents were interviewed. Interviewees identified four interdependent themes regarding best practices for arts in health programs pertaining to (1) program content and structure, (2) program facilitation, (3) partnerships, and (4) programs for individuals with chronic pain. Conclusions: The cultural sector can support chronic pain prevention and treatment efforts through the development of specialized programs. This study provides a framework for developing arts in health programs that support individuals living with chronic pain