243 research outputs found

    Beban Kerja, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, dan Keterlibatan Kerja Pengaruhnya terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Pln (Persero) Wilayah Suluttenggo Area Manado

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    Kesuksesan usaha dalam meningkatkan kualitas dan produktivitasnya melibatkan karyawan, karyawan menjadi penentu utama. Kinerja karyawan adalah kualitas dan kuantitas yang dicapai oleh seorang karyawan dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai dengan tanggung jawab yang diberikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah Beban Kerja, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, dan Keterlibatan Kerja berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. PLN (Persero) Suluttenggo Area Manado dengan sampel sebanyak 51 karyawan tetap, menggunakan metode probability sampling khususnya proportionate stratified random sampling. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian asosiatif dengan menggunakan analisis Regresi Berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan secara simultan Beban Kerja, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, dan Keterlibatan Kerja berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Lebih lanjut, Beban Kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, namun Organizational Citizenship Behavior dan Keterlibatan Kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Sebaiknya para karyawan PT. PLN (Persero) Suluttenggo Area Manado lebih efisien dalam menyelesaikan Beban Kerja yang diterima dengan lebih fokus pada manajemen waktu sehingga tugas pekerjaan mereka dapat terselesaikan sesuai dengan waktu yang ditetapkan. Para karyawan juga diharapkan mempertahankan bahkan meningkatkan Organizational Citizenship Behavior dan Keterlibatan Kerja yang tinggi agar tercipta kinerja para karyawan menjadi lebih baik. Kata kunci: beban kerja, organizational citizenship behavior, keterlibatan kerja, kinerja karyawa

    Spectral diffusion and 14N quadrupole splittings in absorption detected magnetic resonance hole burning spectra of photosynthetic reaction centers

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    Zero field absorption detected magnetic resonance hole burning measurements were performed on photosynthetic reaction centers of the bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 and Rhodopseudomonas viridis. Extrapolation to zero microwave power yielded pseudohomogeneous linewidths of 2.0 MHz for Rhodopseudomonas viridis, 1.0 and 0.9 MHz for the protonated forms of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 with and without monomer bacteriochlorophyll exchanged, and 0.25 MHz as an upper limit for fully deuterated reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26. The measured linewidths were interpreted as being due to unresolved hyperfine interaction between the nuclear spins and the triplet electron spin, the line shape being determined by spectral diffusion among the nuclei. The difference in linewidths between Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 and Rhodopseudomonas viridis is then explained by triplet delocalization on the special pair in the former, and localization on one dimer half on the latter. In the fully deuterated sample, four quadrupole satellites were observed in the hole spectra arising from the eight 14N nitrogens in the special pair. The quadrupole parameters seem to be very similar for all nitrogens and were determined to =1.25±0.1 MHz and =0.9±0.1 MHz. The Journal of Chemical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics

    How To Develop Innovation Capabilities On Creative Industry

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    The sustainable competitive advantage of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in creative industry could be demonstrated through the innovation capabilities. In knowledge management literature, knowledge sharing is the key effort to develop innovation capabilities. There are two contrasting theories of Knowledge sharing, Szulanski’s theory assumes a knowledge sharing process is 'sticky' and ambiguous, while Nelson considered knowledge sharing to be an automatic process in an organization. This study arguing, employee fit will make impact on trust is a relatively new idea to bridging the two contrasting theories. Through the study, it was assuming that in order to develop the innovation capabilities of SMEs in the creative industry, knowledge sharing is needed, where trust is a crucial factor in knowledge sharing literature. However, building trust is not a simple matter, it assumed that the employee fit (person job fit and person organization fit) can be useful to build trust in the organization. This research conducted on Bali Province, Special Region Yogyakarta and North Sulawesi Province to represent Indonesia creative industry. 100 data were collected and analyzed with PLS-SEM. The results of this study can be concluded that the SMEs in creative industry innovation capabilities directly influenced by employees fit. The employee fit also significant influenced on trust, and as expected trust strongly influenced knowledge sharing. Surprisingly, knowledge sharing did not influence on innovation capabilities as expected before. The possibility reason, that knowledge sharing dimensions could not make any significant effect due of the concept of innovation funnel and absorptive capacity, which explained that, the more knowledge could achieve, the less knowledge could absorb

    Magnon delocalization in ferromagnetic chains with long-range correlated disorder

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    We study one-magnon excitations in a random ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with long-range correlations in the coupling constant distribution. By employing an exact diagonalization procedure, we compute the localization length of all one-magnon states within the band of allowed energies EE. The random distribution of coupling constants was assumed to have a power spectrum decaying as S(k)1/kαS(k)\propto 1/k^{\alpha}. We found that for α<1\alpha < 1, one-magnon excitations remain exponentially localized with the localization length ξ\xi diverging as 1/E. For α=1\alpha = 1 a faster divergence of ξ\xi is obtained. For any α>1\alpha > 1, a phase of delocalized magnons emerges at the bottom of the band. We characterize the scaling behavior of the localization length on all regimes and relate it with the scaling properties of the long-range correlated exchange coupling distribution.Comment: 7 Pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Delocalization and spin-wave dynamics in ferromagnetic chains with long-range correlated random exchange

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    We study the one-dimensional quantum Heisenberg ferromagnet with exchange couplings exhibiting long-range correlated disorder with power spectrum proportional to 1/kα1/k^{\alpha}, where kk is the wave-vector of the modulations on the random coupling landscape. By using renormalization group, integration of the equations of motion and exact diagonalization, we compute the spin-wave localization length and the mean-square displacement of the wave-packet. We find that, associated with the emergence of extended spin-waves in the low-energy region for α>1\alpha > 1, the wave-packet mean-square displacement changes from a long-time super-diffusive behavior for α<1\alpha <1 to a long-time ballistic behavior for α>1\alpha > 1. At the vicinity of α=1\alpha =1, the mobility edge separating the extended and localized phases is shown to scale with the degree of correlation as Ec(α1)1/3E_c\propto (\alpha -1)^{1/3}.Comment: PRB to appea

    Retear of anterior cruciate ligament grafts in female basketball players: a case series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Incidence of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in young female basketball players is higher than that in male basketball players. Graft retears are more frequent with the increasing number of ACL reconstructions. The present study aimed to examine the incidence of retears in competitive female basketball players.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sixty-four female basketball players (aged 12 to 29 years) who underwent primary anatomic double-bundle ACL reconstruction using hamstring grafts participated in the study. We investigated incidence, mechanism, and patient characteristics of ACL graft retears. Mann-Whitney <it>U </it>test was used for statistical analysis, and the level of significance was determined at <it>P </it>< 0.05.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Six patients suffered from ACL graft retear (9.4%). Mean duration between primary ACL reconstruction and incidence of retears was 11.7 months. However, there were no other postoperative graft ruptures after 24 months. Primary injury and retear mechanisms varied by patient. At six months after the primary ACL reconstruction surgery, mean quadriceps and hamstring strengths were 81% and 87%, respectively, indicating favorable recovery of muscle strength. However, preoperative quadriceps and hamstring strength in the retear group were 65% and 71%, respectively. In particular, preoperative quadriceps strength in the retear group demonstrated a lower value than that in the uninjured group (<it>P </it>< 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We observed a high incidence of ACL graft retears in competitive female basketball players, as previously reported. Considering the timing of graft retear occurrences, an early return to playing basketball should be avoided following ACL reconstruction. Closer attention should be paid to player preoperative condition, as well as muscle strength and postoperative status.</p

    The Effect of Contrast Medium SonoVue® on the Electric Charge Density of Blood Cells

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    The effect of contrast medium SonoVue® on the electric charge density of blood cells (erythrocytes and thrombocytes) was measured using a microelectrophoretic method. We examined the effect of adsorbed H+ and OH− ions on the surface charge of erythrocytes or thrombocytes. Surface charge density values were determined from electrophoretic mobility measurements of blood cells performed at various pH levels. The interaction between solution ions and the erythrocyte’s or thrombocyte’s surface was described by a four-component equilibrium model. The agreement between the experimental and theoretical charge variation curves of the erythrocytes and thrombocytes was good at pH 2–9. The deviation observed at a higher pH may be caused by disregarding interactions between the functional groups of blood cells

    A review of data mining in knowledge management: applications/findings for transportation of small and medium enterprises

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    A core subfeld of knowledge management (KM) and data mining (DM) constitutes an integral part of the knowledge discovery in database process. With the explosion of information in the new digital age, research studies in the DM and KM continue to heighten up in the business organisations, especially so, for the small and medium enterprises (SMEs). DM is crucial in supporting the KM application as it processes the data to useful knowledge and KM role next, is to manage these knowledge assets within the organisation systematically. At the comprehensive appraisal of the large enterprise in the transportation sector and the SMEs across various industries—it was gathered that there is limited research case study conducted on the application of DM–KM on the transportation SMEs in specifc. From the extensive review of the case studies, it was uncovered that majority of the organisations are not leveraging on the use of tacit knowledge and that the SMEs are adopting a more traditional use of ICTs to its KM approach. In addition, despite DM–KM is being widely implemented—the case studies analysis reveals that there is a limitation in the presence of an integrated DM–KM assessment to evaluate the outcome of the DM–KM application. This paper concludes that there is a critical need for a novel DM–KM assessment plan template to evaluate and ensure that the knowledge created and implemented are usable and relevant, specifcally for the SMEs in the transportation sector. Therefore, this research paper aims to carry out an in-depth review of data mining in knowledge management for SMEs in the transportation industry

    Voiding urosonography with ultrasound contrast agents for the diagnosis of vesicoureteric reflux in children: I. Procedure

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    Voiding urosonography (VUS) encompasses examination of the urinary tract with intravesical administration of US contrast agent (UCA) for diagnosis of vesicoureteric reflux (VUR). The real breakthrough for US examination of VUR came with the availability of stabilized UCAs in the mid-1990s. This article presents a comprehensive review of various procedural aspects of VUS. Different US modalities are available for detecting the echogenic microbubbles: fundamental mode, colour Doppler US, harmonic imaging and dedicated contrast imaging with multiple display options. The reflux is graded (1 to 5) in a similar manner to the system used in voiding cystourethrography (VCUG). The most commonly used UCA for VUS, Levovist, is galactose-based and contains air-filled microbubbles. The recommended concentration is 300 mg/ml at a dose of 5–10%, or less than 5%, of the bladder filling volume when using fundamental or harmonic imaging modes, respectively. There are preliminary reports of VUS using a second-generation UCA, SonoVue. Here the UCA volume is less than 1% of the bladder filling volume. There is no specific contraindication to intravesical administration of UCA. The safety profile of intravesical Levovist is very high with no reports of side effects over a decade of use in VUS

    Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Lung Lamellar Bodies and Lysosome-Related Organelles

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    Pulmonary surfactant is a complex mixture of lipids and proteins that is essential for postnatal function. Surfactant is synthesized in alveolar type II cells and stored as multi-bilayer membranes in a specialized secretory lysosome-related organelle (LRO), known as the lamellar body (LB), prior to secretion into the alveolar airspaces. Few LB proteins have been identified and the mechanisms regulating formation and trafficking of this organelle are poorly understood. Lamellar bodies were isolated from rat lungs, separated into limiting membrane and core populations, fractionated by SDS-PAGE and proteins identified by nanoLC-tandem mass spectrometry. In total 562 proteins were identified, significantly extending a previous study that identified 44 proteins in rat lung LB. The lung LB proteome reflects the dynamic interaction of this organelle with the biosynthetic, secretory and endocytic pathways of the type II epithelial cell. Comparison with other LRO proteomes indicated that 60% of LB proteins were detected in one or more of 8 other proteomes, confirming classification of the LB as a LRO. Remarkably the LB shared 37.8% of its proteins with the melanosome but only 9.9% with lamellar bodies from the skin. Of the 229 proteins not detected in other LRO proteomes, a subset of 34 proteins was enriched in lung relative to other tissues. Proteins with lipid-related functions comprised a significant proportion of the LB unique subset, consistent with the major function of this organelle in the organization, storage and secretion of surfactant lipid. The lung LB proteome will facilitate identification of molecular pathways involved in LB biogenesis, surfactant homeostasis and disease pathogenesis